I seen a thing on Mythbusters the other day...dealing with that very issue.
They got a pig stomach and stapled it to a dummy and filled it full of pop rocks and "pop", "cola", "coke"...whatever.
It never exploded.
They also did a bit on "Coke" (the actual product) and it did buff the rust off of a bumper using Coke and Tin Foil.. I don't know if it ate through the T-bone or the penny.. didn't get to see the end of that one.
It's 'coke' and I like Dr. Pepper.
My "Coke" is Coke, Sprite, DP.. Crown and Coke, Vodka and Sprite, Crown and DP..
My Kool-aid is Vodka and whatever flavor of the night is for Kool-aid..
... and no.. I am not an alcholoic.. they go to meetings.. I have yet to go to one!