Tonight, it’s not the young man who goes by
gatito who slips away from Matadero, but
Jareth the Goblin King, replete with a tiny Firey replica.
Walking the shadows, he heads over to New Haven, and from there, he takes the foot trail to Battlefield Park. Lovely though they are, the little black wisps of flame lighting the way are suspicious and remind him of a life he’d rather forget, and he gives them a wide berth where he can. The howling of wolves—and men—makes him shiver.
When he runs into the beautiful woman along the way, he agrees to follow her back to the Vistani camp to share in their hospitality—even though he knows accepting drink or food from unknown beings is a dangerous proposition. After sharing drink and telling a story by the fire, he steps into the Raven Lady’s tent. The reading she does for him leaves him unsettled, his stomach cramping with nerves.
The rest of the way to the armory, he eyes the night warily. The color change in the wisps is a little mesmerizing, but not enough to distract him from taking care as he enters the armory. Salvador has told him this place is rumored to be haunted; the man had tried to win it, after all. So
Jareth watches the shadows for the shapes of specters.
When he comes to the crossroads in the hallway, he chooses to go right. He’s surprised to find that this path spits him back outside. He wants to refuse the treat the druids offer him, but they speak to him as if they know him—not personally, but as a child of Seline. And the little cake smells irresistible, besides. He takes the first bites while stepping deeper into the woods to join the druids for the run.
He takes the final bite as he reaches the clearing housing the Druid King’s camp. There, it doesn’t take the men and women of the King’s party long to pull him into the dance and other festivities. With the revelatory treat warming his blood, he’s pliant and sweet, open to almost every suggestion. Somewhere along the way, he loses his wig to the bonfire, and as warm hands pull at the ruffles lying pale against his chest, he sees the first figure amid the trees.
Ghostly hands, a ghostly face. Eyes that burn like the wisps that had led him to Battlefield Park.
He knows this face. Not intimately, and not with a name attached, but he knows their kind. He knows their home. He knows whom they serve.
He pulls away from the druids, who continue reaching, wanting to draw him back into the celebration. Apologetic smiles go far, but there’s no mistaking the revelers’ disappointment for anything else.
At the edge of the clearing, he is again caught out by the sight of a specter in the darkness. Another familiar face—and now, they’re riding the wind. He can smell them, the acrid tang of the one memory he
can’t forget.
He doesn’t wait to see a third materialize, but turns and flees into the darkness at the opposite end of the clearing. As he dodges between tree trunks and clears risen roots, he can feel the tremor in the earth beneath the tree.
He can feel it when it breaks and heaves forth a pair of silent, otherworldly guardians come to escort him back home.
And riding upon his shoulder:
((OOC Note: gatito’s costume is inspired by the lovely work found at Marvelous Labs. And his little friend, Firey, can be found in the shop of Wonderland24.))