As Luck Would Have It

A place for the stories that take place within Rhy'Din
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Lucky Lindy
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Re: As Luck Would Have It

Post by Lucky Lindy »

Warren, Emily, Will, and Lindy Van der Lindt were dead. Officially. Detective Lightfoot began handing out their new lives. Social security numbers, birth certificates, passports. Lindy refused to even look at the large manila envelope as her hand absently traced the dark bruise on her chest where Detective Lightfoot himself shot her with a modified blank two days prior.

“Lindy, sweetheart, won’t you at least consider-”

“No, Mom, I won’t. I can’t. You know I can’t.” Lindy finally brought her gaze to meet Emily’s, a deeply pained expression etched in her features.

“At least take it with you, just in case you change your mi-”

“No!” Lindy’s suddenly stern interjection echoed in the slightly shabby but clean hotel room. Before she could explain, or apologize, or do much of anything else, her bottom lip began to tremble and turned away to hide the tears that welled up in her eyes. Will placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, half expecting her to bat it away. Instead, she turned and sagged against him, wracked with guilt and muffled sobs. All he could do was try to comfort her and wish it was just a skinned knee.

He understood perfectly why she refused to hold on to any ties to their parents. Or him. If she had the ability to come back and seek them all out, she would. Plain and simple. The temptation was too great. Finally, after a long moment, he spoke softly.

“Look, it’s not going to be forever, okay? Just until it’s safe for us all to be together again. And as soon as it is, we can go to this… Rhy’Din and find you and bring you back home. Right?” He spoke comfort as much for her sake as his parents’ and his own.

Her heart shattering into a million pieces, Emily could only look at her children and weep. She saw only the two cherubic inseparable little figures she had sworn her very life to protect. Warren put a strong supportive arm around her shoulders, his own face streaked with tears, as he tried to speak, his voice husky and strained.

“Alright, you two. One more Van der Lindt family hug before you go.” He guided his wife toward their children and one at a time, starting with Emily, wrapped their arms around their embracing children. Warren stretched his arms out around his family and held them for dear life as multiple arms reached out and pulled him in tighter.
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Lucky Lindy
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Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:08 pm
Location: Rhy'Din

Re: As Luck Would Have It

Post by Lucky Lindy »

Lindy could swear she still smelled like bleach and hair dye even though she had acquired her new look a week before. Gone were her chocolate truffle tresses, now replaced with an electric blue bob. ‘Might as well hide in plain sight’ she told her mother when she questioned her bold choice. Having refused to learn her family’s locations, new identities, or even their new appearances, she boarded the odd transportive structure that would carry her across the nexus and into Rhy’Din alone.

After securing her travel bag, she plopped softly into her seat and stared out the small round window. She hardly noticed when someone sat beside her until she heard a far too cheery voice.

“Hello, there! Heading to Rhy’Din? First time? The nexus isn’t so bad once you get used to it, but the first time can be a little disorienting. Hi, I’m Abigail Thomas. Abbie.” She held her hand out to Lindy, her smile growing wider. “Nice to meet you…”

Lindy slowly turned to look at the attractive blond woman smiling at her. For a long time, she simply stared, her face unreadable. Finally, after what seemed like several minutes, she finally took the offered hand and shook halfheartedly.


“Lindy… got a last name?” Abbie chuckled a bit as she gave her hand a squeeze. Lindy shook her head.

“Just Lindy.” She said softly, as she released her hand and slowly turned back toward the window.
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