Saila was a little fuzzy on the details -- she'd been at the fight, sure, but whatever particulars she'd learned about
Keepers and
Towers and such had gone straight out of her head when she was viciously assaulted by that freakin'
goose thing.
What she
did remember, though, was the important bits: her pretty circus pal Morgan had done something awesome, and there was going to be a party. Following the rules to the letter, she showed up in an oversized black t-shirt that probably didn't actually belong to her, and ...not a whole lot else, honestly.
Fizzy like a little kid on too many pixie sticks, the purple haired mercurial muse spent most of the night bouncing on the toes of black boots that laced all the way to the thigh with silky purple satin ribbons as she socialized, chatted with friends and strangers alike, and of course, scouted every accessible inch of that tower to see what she could see. An excessively social butterfly on this particular evening, she was never found in any one place for too terribly long, and she was absolutely down for any late night acrobatic shenanigans.
At some point in the evening, she would be sure to take a moment to hug Morgan in earnest (so what if she had to stoop a little?) and pass over to him the present she'd made for him: A vividly lifelike drawing of Morgan in his crown of haloing lights, just as he'd been on the night of the challenge.