Stoke the Dueling Fire ( Mini-Tournament )

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Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

I will enter this tournament.

--Rachael Blackthorne
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Post by Rena A Cronin »

I'll do my best to duel when I can.
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

Haven't seen Kheldar so busy in a long time. I'll be sure to bake him a cake after all the calling he did tonight.

-- 6 Duels --
( 6+ Duels / 30k Prize & Celestial Forged Fire Weapon for #1 at the end of the tournament )


-- 3 Duels --
( 3-5 Duels / 10k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: JC - 3-1-0 (75%)
2: Jewell 2-1-0 (66.7%)
3: Ammy - 1-4-0 (20%)

-- 1 Duel --
( 1-2 Duels / 5k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Aric - 2-0-0 (100%)
2: Kruger 1-0-0 (100%)
3: Rachael - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8 / PA: 7]
4: Eden - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 9 / PA: 9]
4: Sabine - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8 / PA: 8]
5: Mister Collins - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8 / PA: 9]
6: Peaches - 0-1-0 (0%) [PF: 4 / PA: 5]
7: Rinn (#1Son) - 0-1-0 (0%) [PF: 2 / PA: 5]
8: Salvador - 0-2-0 (0%)

Total Duel Count of the Night: 15

Good show everyone. See you in the Annex on Friday.

Registration is still open for anyone wanting to try their hand. Feel free to reply to the thread if you're interested.
(( See this post for full details. ))
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Post by Andu Kirost »

Count me in, and I'll give it my best shot.

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Post by Goldglo »

All right.

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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

(( Icon Update

Participate in the Tournament (Fight at least one duel while signed up)
Extracted Flame of FireStar
Flame of the Red Opal in enchanted case. Warning: Keep sealed at all times.
[Reminder: This will be an RDI Icon.]

The winners Icon will be created once a weapon type is chosen. ))
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Post by Noah Bird »

i am
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Post by Hope »

Sign me up
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

Fridays results added. Hope's now in the lead for the first bracket, Aric's sitting first on a nice 3-0 in the second, and Jin's alone in the 30k bracket at 5-1.

-- 6 Duels --
( 6+ Duels / 30k Prize & Celestial Forged Fire Weapon for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: JC - 5-1-0 (83.3%) [PF: 28 / PA: 14]

-- 3 Duels --
( 3-5 Duels / 10k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Aric - 3-0-0 (100%)
2: Jewell 2-1-0 (66.7%) [PF: 14 / PA: 9]
3: Eden - 2-1-0 (66.7%) [PF: 14 / PA: 11]
4: Rachael - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 12 / PA: 12]
5: Andu - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 11 / PA: 14 ]
6: Ammy - 1-4-0 (20%)

-- 1 Duel --
( 1-2 Duels / 5k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Hope - 1-0-0 (100%)
2: Sabine - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8 / PA: 8]
2: Kruger 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8/ PA: 8]
3: Mister Collins - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8 / PA: 9]
4: Rinn (#1Son) - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 7 / PA: 9]
5: Peaches - 0-1-0 (0%) [PF: 4 / PA: 5]
6: Salvador - 0-2-0 (0%)

Total Duel Count: 22
Total Duel Count for Friday [DoF]: 7
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

Saturday results added. Jin's still in the lead in the final tier, Aric's holding his undefeated spot in the middle, while Hope and Noah are neck to neck for the 5k prize in the beginning tier.

-- 6 Duels --
( 6+ Duels / 30k Prize & Celestial Forged Fire Weapon for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: JC - 5-1-0 (83.3%) [PF: 28 / PA: 14]

-- 3 Duels --
( 3-5 Duels / 10k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Aric - 3-0-0 (100%)
2: Jewell 3-1-0 (75%)
3: Mister Collins - 2-2-0 (50%) [PF: 17 / PA: 15]
4: Eden - 2-2-0 (50%) [PF: 15 / PA: 16]
5: Rachael - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 12 / PA: 12]
6: Sabine - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 11 / PA: 13]
7: Andu - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 11 / PA: 14 ]
8: Ammy - 1-4-0 (20%)

-- 1 Duel --
( 1-2 Duels / 5k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Hope - 1-0-0 (100%) [PF: 5 / PA: 3]
1: Noah - 1-0-0 (100%) [PF: 5 / PA: 3]
2: Kruger 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8/ PA: 8]
3: Rinn (#1Son) - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 7 / PA: 9]
4: Peaches - 0-1-0 (0%) [PF: 4 / PA: 5]
5: Matt - 0-1-0 (0%) [PF: 3 / PA: 5]
6: Salvador - 0-2-0 (0%)

Total Duel Count: 26
Total Duel Count for Saturday: 4

Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday until the queue closes are left. Still enough time for any newcomers to pop into the tournament.
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

Sunday results.

-- 6 Duels --
( 6+ Duels / 30k Prize & Celestial Forged Fire Weapon for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: JC - 5-1-0 (83.3%) [PF: 28 / PA: 14]
2: Andu - 2-5-0 (28.6%) [PF: 26 / PA: 31]
3: Ammy - 2-5-0 (28.6%) [PF: 20 / PA: 32]

-- 3 Duels --
( 3-5 Duels / 10k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Aric - 3-0-0 (100%)
2: Jewell 4-1-0 (80%)
3: Mister Collins - 2-2-0 (50%) [PF: 17 / PA: 15]
4: Eden - 2-2-0 (50%) [PF: 15 / PA: 16]
5: Rachael - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 12 / PA: 12]
6: Sabine - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 11 / PA: 13]
6: Matt - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 11 / PA: 13]
7: Kruger 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 10 / PA: 13]
8: Salvador - 0-3-0 (0%)

-- 1 Duel --
( 1-2 Duels / 5k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Hope - 2-0-0 (100%)
2: Noah - 1-0-0 (100%)
3: Rinn (#1Son) - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 7 / PA: 9]
4: Rena 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 6 / PA: 8]
5: Peaches - 0-1-0 (0%)

Total Duel Count: 34
Total Duel Count for Sunday: 8

Countdown to Wednesday continues on.
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Trip Wire
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Post by Trip Wire »

- Trip Wire
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

Monday update.

-- 6 Duels --
( 6+ Duels / 30k Prize & Celestial Forged Fire Weapon for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: JC - 6-1-0 (85.7%)
2: Jewell 5-1-0 (83.3%)
3: Andu - 3-5-0 (37.5%)
4: Ammy - 2-6-0 (25%)

-- 3 Duels --
( 3-5 Duels / 10k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Aric - 3-0-0 (100%)
2: Hope - 2-1-0 (66.7%)
3: Mister Collins - 3-2-0 (60%)
4: Matt - 2-2-0 (50%)
5: Eden - 2-3-0 (40%)
6: Rachael - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 12 / PA: 12]
7: Sabine - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 11 / PA: 13]
8: Kruger 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 10 / PA: 13]
9: Salvador - 0-3-0 (0%)

-- 1 Duel --
( 1-2 Duels / 5k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Trip - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 9 / PA: 8]
2: Noah - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8 / PA: 8]
3: Rinn (#1Son) - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 7 / PA: 9]
4: Rena 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 6 / PA: 8]
5: Peaches - 0-1-0 (0%)

Total Duel Count: 41
Total Duel Count for Monday: 7

All that's left is Wednesday. Good luck!
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

After 7 days and 43 well fought duels, we have our winners.

The first tier winner is Trip.
The second tier winner is the undefeated Aric
The third and final tier was a close one, but Jin Chae edges it out with a four point difference after all the math was said and done.

It was such a close race that I believe Jewell deserves twenty-thousand silver nobles for her effort.

Come by Twilight Isle and claim your cash prizes. If you're against coming to the Isle, leave me a note in the Outback and I'll send the money over there. Jin, I'm going to need you to contact me about what kind of weapon you'd like forged.

The hidden prize winner of most duels fought is Andu, who fought TEN duels this past week in Fists. Expect the prize to be something fiery.

A big thank you to everyone who participated and to the callers for taking the time to officiate over the matches.

(( Prize money has been sent out. The icons are on their way soon! ))

-- 6 Duels --
( 6+ Duels / 30k Prize & Celestial Forged Fire Weapon for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: JC - 6-1-0 (85.7%) [PF: 33 / PA: 17] [PF/PA Difference: 33 - 17 = 16] [PDPB: 2.29]
2: Jewell 6-1-0 (85.7%) [PF: 34/ PA: 22] [PF/PA Difference: 34 - 22 = 12] [PDPB: 1.71]
3: Mister Collins - 3-3-0 (50%) [PF: 22 / PA: 19] [PDPB: 0.50]
4: Andu - 3-7-0 (30%) [PF: 38 / PA: 41] [PDPB: -0.30]
5: Ammy - 2-6-0 (25%) [PF: 20 / PA: 37] [PDPB: -2.13]

-- 3 Duels --
( 3-5 Duels / 10k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Aric - 3-0-0 (100%) [PF: 15 / PA: 10] [PDPB: 1.67]
2: Hope - 2-1-0 (66.7%) [PF: 14 / PA: 9] [PDPB: 1.67]
3: Matt - 2-2-0 (50%) [PF: 16 / PA: 17] [PF/PA Difference: 16 - 17 = -1] [PDPB: -0.25]
3: Kruger 2-2-0 (50%) [PF: 15 / PA: 16] [PF/PA Difference: 15 - 16 = -1] [PDPB: -0.25]
4: Eden - 2-3-0 (40%) [PF: 19 / PA: 21] [PDPB: -0.40]
5: Rachael - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 12 / PA: 12] [PDPB: 0]
6: Sabine - 1-2-0 (33.3%) [PF: 11 / PA: 13] [PDPB: 0.67]
7: Salvador - 0-3-0 (0%) [PF: 9 / PA: 15] [PDPB: -2.00]

-- 1 Duel --
( 1-2 Duels / 5k Prize for #1 at the end of the tournament )

1: Trip - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 9 / PA: 8] [PDPB: 0.50]
2: Noah - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 8 / PA: 8] [PDPB: 0]
3: Rinn (#1Son) - 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 7 / PA: 9] [PF/PA Difference: 7 - 9 = -2] [PDPB: -1.00]
3: Rena 1-1-0 (50%) [PF: 6 / PA: 8] [PF/PA Difference: 6 - 8 = -2] [PDPB: -1.00]
4: Peaches - 0-1-0 (0%) [PF: 4 / PA: 5] [PDPB: -1.00]

((*Added the PDPB, or Point Differential Per Bout, if anyone wanted to see it from that POV.))


((For anyone wanting to see the duel log. 43 total duels held from last Wednesday to this Wednesday were fought in this tournament.

Mister Collins

3-2-0 [PF: 22 / PA: 19]

Mister Collins .def. Ammy Spiritor, 5-4 in 7 DoF
Mister Collins .def. Eden Parker, 5-1 in 6 DoF
Mister Collins .def. Trip Wire, 5-4 in 7 DoF
Aric Delevingne .def. Mister Collins, 5-3 in 11 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Mister Collins, 5-4 in 10 DoF


2-6-0 [PF: 20 / PA: 37]

Mister Collins .def. Ammy Spiritor, 5-4 in 7 DoF
JC .def. Ammy Spiritor, 5-1 in 10 DoF
Rachael Douglas .def. Ammy Spiritor, 5-2 in 10 DoF
Goldglo .def. Ammy spiritor, 5-1 in 6 DoF
The Grey Market .def. Ammy Spiritor, 5-2 in 10 rounds DoF
Andu Kirost .def. Ammy Spiritor 5-0, in 8 DoF
Ammy Spiritor .def. Andu Kirost, 5-3 in 7 rounds DoF
Ammy Spiritor .def. JewellRavenlock, 5-4 in 8 DoF


6-1-0 [PF: 33 / PA: 17]

JC .def. #1Son, 5-2 in 8 DoF
JC .def. Eden Parker, 5-4 in 8 DoF
JC .def. Ammy Spiritor, 5-1 in 10 DoF
JC .def. Vinny, 5 - 1 in 6 DoF
JC .def. Pixy, 5 - 1 in 8 DoF.
JC .def. Noah Bird, 5-3 in 12 DoF
Noah Bird .def. JC, 5-3 in 10 DoF


1-1-0 [PF: 7 / PA: 9]

JC .def. #1Son, 5-2 in 8 DoF
#1Son .def. Andu Kirost, 5 - 4 in 8 DoF


1-2-0 [PF: 11 / PA: 13]

Sabine .def. Delahada, 5-3 in 9 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Sabine, 5-3 in 8 DoF
Noah Bird .def. Sabine, 5-3 in 10 rounds DoF


0-3-0 [PF: 9 / PA: 15]

Sabine .def. Delahada, 5-3 in 9 DoF
Kruger .def. Delahada, 5-3 in 7 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Delahada, 5-3 in 8 rounds DoF


3-0-0 [PF: 15 / PA: 10]

Aric Delevingne .def. Mister Collins, 5-3 in 11 DoF
Aric Delevingne .def. Rachael Douglas, 5-3 in 9 DoF
Aric Delevingne .def. Pixy, 5 - 4 in 8 DoF - Hydra


6-1-0 [PF: 34/ PA: 22]

Ammy Spiritor .def. JewellRavenlock, 5-4 in 8 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Sabine, 5-3 in 8 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Noah Bird, 5-1 in 5 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Mister Collins, 5-4 in 10 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Delahada, 5-3 in 8 rounds DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. PeepNCreep, 5-3 in 8 DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Andu Kirost, 5-3 in 7 Do


2-3-0 [PF: 19 / PA: 21]

Eden Parker .def. Peaches, 5-4 in 12 DoF
Eden Parker .def. Andu Kirost, 5 - 2 in 8 DoF
JC .def. Eden Parker, 5-4 in 8 DoF
Mister Collins .def. Eden Parker, 5-1 in 6 DoF
Goldglo .def. Eden Parker, 5-4 in 9 DoF


2-2-0 [ PF: 15 / PA: 16]

Kruger .def. Delahada, 5-3 in 7 DoF
Kruger .def. Mister Collins, 5-3 in 6 DoF
Queen .def. Kruger, 5 - 3 in 9 DoF - Hydra.
Andu Kirost .def. Kruger, 5-2 in 7 rounds of DoF


1-2-0 [PF: 12 / PA: 12]

Aric Delevingne .def. Rachael Douglas, 5-3 in 9 DoF
Rachael Douglas .def. Ammy Spiritor, 5-2 in 10 DoF
Andu Kirost .def. Rachael Douglas, 5 - 4 in 9 DoF


0-1-0 [PF: 4 / PA: 5]

Eden Parker .def. Peaches, 5-4 in 12 DoF

Hope (Queen)

2-1-0 [PF: 14 / PA: 9]

Queen .def. Kruger, 5 - 3 in 9 DoF - Hydra.
Queen .def. Rena A Cronin, 5-1 in 5 rounds of DoF
Izumi Takamine .def. The Queen, 5-4 in 10 DoF


3-7-0 [PF: 38 / PA: 41]

#1Son .def. Andu Kirost, 5 - 4 in 8 DoF
Eden Parker .def. Andu Kirost, 5 - 2 in 8 DoF
Claire Farron .def. Andu Kirost, 5-4 in 7 rounds of DoF
Ammy Spiritor .def. Andu Kirost, 5-3 in 7 rounds DoF
Goldglo .def. Andu Kirost, 5-3 in 7 rounds DoF
JewellRavenlock .def. Andu Kirost, 5-3 in 7 DoF
Apple .def. Andu Kirost, 5-4 in 7 DoF
Andu Kirost .def. Kruger, 5-2 in 7 rounds of DoF
Andu Kirost .def. Rachael Douglas, 5 - 4 in 9 DoF
Andu Kirost .def. Ammy Spiritor 5-0, in 8 DoF


1-1-0 [PF: 8 / PA: 8]

Noah Bird .def. Sabine, 5-3 in 10 rounds DoF
JC .def. Noah Bird, 5-3 in 12 DoF


2-2-0 [PF: 16 / PA: 17]

Bat Outta Hell .def. Goldglo, 5-3 in 13 DoF
Rena A Cronin .def. Goldglo, 5-3 in 10 rounds of DoF
Goldglo .def. Andu Kirost, 5-3 in 7 rounds DoF
Goldglo .def. Eden Parker, 5-4 in 9 DoF


1-1-0 [PF: 6 / PA: 8]

Queen .def. Rena A Cronin, 5-1 in 5 rounds of DoF
Rena A Cronin .def. Goldglo, 5-3 in 10 rounds of DoF

Trip Wire

1-1-0 [PF: 9 / PA: 8]

Mister Collins .def. Trip Wire, 5-4 in 7 DoF
Trip Wire .def. Kheldar 5-3 in 10 DoF ))
Last edited by Andrea Anderson on Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

Quick note for everyone taking home a cased flame of FireStar. If you start hearing whispers, then I suggest putting the item in a well lit corner and leaving it alone. And, for your protection, and most likely the protection of your house and the other places around you, don't open the case. I'm not responsible for any damages that may occur if someone ignores these warnings.

(( Icons have all been sent out! ))
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