Goodbye to Summer Magic Bash! ( Tournament )

Events and announcements from the enchanted isle of the Duel of Magic.

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DUEL Lacey
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Post by DUEL Lacey »

Lesinda takes the Water and Earth gems along with 3k Silver Nobles!

Misery ( Flowing Tears ) is awarded the Fire gem and 1k silver nobles!
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Post by DUEL Lem »

((This post serves to announce that Hope/Queen may use the Spirit Staff starting this Friday, the 15th until the end end of the cycle on 08/30. The standings will be updated this Sunday the 17th to reflect use of EF in any regular duel. To utilize the EF before the standings are updated, the wielder must RP use of the staff in the duel and must inform their opponent and caller that they have the Spirit Staff prior to the duel starting. Once the standings are updated on the 17th, the wielder is not required to inform caller or opponent that they have the Spirit Staff since the EF will be listed on the standings.))
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