Tournament of Challengers OOC stuff

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Post by Jake »

Since it's a tourney, you could give the Glass-ranks the benefit of 2 mods, just so they could get in on the Slugfest fun.
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Post by Bane »

Jake wrote:Since it's a tourney, you could give the Glass-ranks the benefit of 2 mods, just so they could get in on the Slugfest fun.
While that is a good idea, how will the jade duelers react? I mean, I haven't looked at the standings to check everyone's ranks, but that seems unfair to people who have worked up to jade.
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Post by Goldglo »

My opinion: Give everyone "X" mods (2, 3, 4, whatever). Then it's even across the board.

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Post by Bane »

Goldglo wrote:My opinion: Give everyone "X" mods (2, 3, 4, whatever). Then it's even across the board.

I've thought that over again. What about this? ..In the first round, everyone has 2 mods. Second round add one, so they have 3. Third round they have 4, etc.
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Post by Jake »

Bane wrote:
Jake wrote:Since it's a tourney, you could give the Glass-ranks the benefit of 2 mods, just so they could get in on the Slugfest fun.
While that is a good idea, how will the jade duelers react? I mean, I haven't looked at the standings to check everyone's ranks, but that seems unfair to people who have worked up to jade.'s a non-official tourney. You're entitled to make any rules you like.

Like Rats get extra mods. Especially PiRates.
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Post by Jake »

Bane wrote:
Goldglo wrote:My opinion: Give everyone "X" mods (2, 3, 4, whatever). Then it's even across the board.

I've thought that over again. What about this? ..In the first round, everyone has 2 mods. Second round add one, so they have 3. Third round they have 4, etc.
That's an interesting idea.
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Bane wrote:In the first round, everyone has 2 mods. Second round add one, so they have 3. Third round they have 4, etc.
I like this idea. It's like rewarding those who are still in with rank increases.

Another idea, assuming a non-emerald wins this tourney, and then further is able to win the opal, maybe have the wins in this tourney count in the standings to help them in their quest to get up to the 15 WoL required to hold the Opal without penalties. I realize this requires approval from the Coordinators.
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Post by Bane »

Napoleon Bonarat wrote:Another idea, maybe have the wins in this tourney count in the standings to help them in their quest to get up to the 15 WoL required to hold the Opal without penalties.
That's a pretty cool idea, but I wouldn't expect it to happen. I will allow someone with authority to speak on that matter.

Quick question. Is there a problem with me using my DUEL name to call duels for this, since it would make it easier? I could mark them as Not for Standings.
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

I think single-elimination makes sense now that you're up to 16 people.

I also think that the preset number of mods for each round of the tournament is a good idea. Whether or not that numbers ascends as the tournament goes on is really just style, but equalizing mods lets everyone enjoy the same experience here.

The extra WoL seems like a lot of gift, to me. It's totally within the winner of the tournament's power to earn themselves some mods before challenging to even the odds.
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Post by Harris »

Napoleon Bonarat wrote:Another idea, assuming a non-emerald wins this tourney, and then further is able to win the opal, maybe have the wins in this tourney count in the standings to help them in their quest to get up to the 15 WoL required to hold the Opal without penalties. I realize this requires approval from the Coordinators.
Generally a cycle's worth of leeway is given to a non-Emerald that wins an Opal. Considering they have the full benefit of 6 mods to work with during that timespan, along with the new no negative WoL rule, it seems like overkill to take their wins from the tournament and add them to their regular record.

Also, I think the concept of increasing mods each round of the tournament is a pretty solid way to work it and an interesting tweak.
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Vanion Shadowcast wrote:The extra WoL seems like a lot of gift, to me. It's totally within the winner of the tournament's power to earn themselves some mods before challenging to even the odds.
To reiterate, I only propose adding the wins to the WoL IF the challenger actually won the Opal. They still have to challenge the Opal as their current rank just as the recipient of the OL grant has to.

Harris makes a good point that the Opal with less than 15 has a cycle to rectify that, and has 6 mods to help them along the way. I hadn't thought along those lines, so appreciate him pointing it out!
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Post by Kalamere »

You could just have all contestants fight at 1 rank higher than what they appear on the standings as, except for Emeralds (and, really, there's no reason for an Emerald to enter this except for the couple currently ineligible to challenge).
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Post by Jake »

Kalamere wrote:...and, really, there's no reason for an Emerald to enter this...
Except that it's Slugfest!
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Post by King »

Since there's only a few glasses, it might not be a problem to leave it as is. There's time, before the tournament ( on the 19th ) to gain rank from glass to jade. If a player wants the grant and wants to put effort into getting it, the opportunity to gain one or two ranks for fancies is there. If the tournament was much more sooner it might be beneficial to allow glass-mods, but there's more than enough time to gain even 2 WoLs. I can see Bane's side to this now after thinking it over. It's an Opal Grant - there should be some difficulty.
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Where does one find the rules to slugfest rules?
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