It's a boy!! And another boy!!

Everything else, including the kitchen sink.

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Post by Wulfson »

Oh come on, that's all we get to know? You would so be kicked off my wife's message boards.

I can see they're "breastfed only" from the pictures, so that's a good start... How many weeks along was the mother when she delivered?
Did the delivery go well? Was it natural or c-section? How long was the labor? Did you have a birth plan? Did you follow it? Did you use Lamaze? Bradley method? Epidural? Pitocin? Is the mother recovering okay? Did you threaten to hunt the nursing staff down if they removed the babies from the room? Have you gotten more than 2 hours of sleep in a single stretch? How long do you plan to breast feed? Do you co-sleep? Are you tired of people asking you questions?

Anyway, Congrats! We'll talk to you in a few months once you start coming out of your sleep deprivation state for brief periods. My sister just found out she's pregnant with twins, so if you come up with any helpful twin handling ideas, pass them along.
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