Rhy'Din Map Project

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Tasslehofl Momus
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

Just cause Amal told me too..

I'd like to see two buildings in the old South side.. somewhere in the old downtown part...

For those that remember it, CoV should have some kind of place.. even if it is a bit run down.. There's still me and KF that are around from the CoV days..

And somewhere near there, I'd like to have the Momus Athenaeum (another word for library).

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Post by Jake »

For those interested...

Amal is making progress on the spiffier version of the map. You can see the progress at http://duelingzone.com/map/index.cfm?map=9. I've added in the sites that belong to the two districts of Rhy'Din that Amal has filled in so far. For reference, you may also see http://duelingzone.com/map/index.cfm?map=6 which shows all the sites we currently know about/have placed on the city map.
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Post by Jake »

Tasslehofl Momus wrote:Just cause Amal told me too..

I'd like to see two buildings in the old South side.. somewhere in the old downtown part...

For those that remember it, CoV should have some kind of place.. even if it is a bit run down.. There's still me and KF that are around from the CoV days..

And somewhere near there, I'd like to have the Momus Athenaeum (another word for library).

You'll have to refresh me on what CoV stands for.
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

Jake wrote: You'll have to refresh me on what CoV stands for.
Crusaders of Valor.. back in Leto's day
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Post by G »

For amusements sake: Why would anyone have commissioned a memorial to Shakira?::chuckles::For all intents, wasn't she mostly disliked? I could envision a lot of vandalism going on there for sure! Both positive and negative. ;D
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Post by Shakira »

Because it's right next to the orphanage she help built and all those poor lost, homeless children are so forever grateful. And she wasn't disliked! She was a highly respected citizen who was always doing good things for the citizens of this great town of RhyDin. Ask the Mayor.

::checks the polls to see if her points went up::
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Post by G »

Shakira wrote:Because it's right next to the orphanage she help built and all those poor lost, homeless children are so forever grateful. And she wasn't disliked! She was a highly respected citizen who was always doing good things for the citizens of this great town of RhyDin. Ask the Mayor.

::checks the polls to see if her points went up::
Hollon.. lemme get my boots. :P :;snicker::
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Post by Elijah »

A note regarding places of the past...

Most of the realms that were apart of the old RhyDin map no longer really exist, and the players who ran those realms are not really around anymore either, and if some of those players are around they are not running those stoyrlines anymore. So I personally do not see any reason why places like Questrion, New Mountainside, Westridge, Dracoern Highlands, etc should even be on the map anymore.

Also, buildings dedicated to old organizations that don't really exist anymore also I see as pointless to add. At one point, with the House Lathadoscia stuff I probably had three storyline folders referencing about a dozen different buildings in the cuty of RhyDin alone. Leto's player is long gone, and CoV is basically long gone.

The main point about not putting places of the past no longer being used on the map is to help reduce the clutter on the map and leave open more spaces for current active players still involved in this forum. When I first came to AOL I paid $2.95 an hour to be online and the role-players then were more "vested" in what was going on then all the fools who came with unlimited time for a flat rate plan.

Now with the dueling community away from AOL, and being run by the players via the web, we are back to being "vested" more than before. The players who are here are here because they really want to be apart of this community and not because it was some convient forum on AOL to waste time on. Leave the places open for people are "vested" again. No offense to Leto's player or Valmion's player, but where are they now? Why should their stuff take up space that someone who is here now wants to use? Think of all the Graziano players who came after those maps mostly came to be, what if those players have a multiude to characters they want represented on the map? Should they get pushed out to the edges where there is room left, or shoved in some vacant corner cause all the prime estate is taken by has beens now long gone?

In short, let go of the past and get creative and build something new. The thing I like about doing this map now in the present, its a good way to truely make a Dueler's version of the RhyDin geography.
Last edited by Elijah on Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Elijah »

By the way, if me of all people, is saying let the past be the past and leave it there, then that is saying something. God knows how much I've tried to hold on to the old times or try to bring back my concept of the old times much in my time here. I am by no means saying we shouldn't remember the past, or not have tributes to the history of the duels on the map, I am just saying places like realms and buildings should be left open to be occupied by current active residents.

As a compromise however, perhaps some geographical/topographical things could be named referencing the past. Something like the Covington penisula..or the Lathadoscia Mountains...or the Sea of Questrion, etc.
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Post by Elijah »

I also must make apologies to the other two sports, DoF and DoM and their history and culture for not seeming to include them in my posts. I am assuming the Magic towers will be placed out in the realms somewhere? Like the Tower of Fire being near a volcano, or the Tower of Water being on an island in the bay, etc?

What about the opals and the baronies? Has there been any thoughts on how that might be included or incorporated into the maps? I personally always thought of the city of RhyDin like an ancient city-state, a big city with surrounding countryside under their control. Kind of a Rhode Island sized realm. I know the ideas have been bandied about parcels of land associated with titles perhaps it should be discussed again.

the point is, since this is a "Dueler's version" of RhyDin, then we should do everything to represent all of the duel sports we can on it, as well as the current active duelers.
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Post by Jake »

Elijah wrote:I also must make apologies to the other two sports, DoF and DoM and their history and culture for not seeming to include them in my posts. I am assuming the Magic towers will be placed out in the realms somewhere? Like the Tower of Fire being near a volcano, or the Tower of Water being on an island in the bay, etc?
Unless the DoM folks elect to change the way things currently are, Twilight Island actually exists in its own pocket dimension.
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Post by Jake »

Elijah wrote:What about the opals ...
No one on the DoF side has indicated a need/desire (yet) to allocate space for anything for DoF other than the Outback.

When putting together the city map we did try to keep in mind the park where DoF took place for a while when the Outback was burned down. That's the only other place I know of presently that directly ties to DoF.
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Post by Jake »

Elijah wrote:... and the baronies? Has there been any thoughts on how that might be included or incorporated into the maps? I personally always thought of the city of RhyDin like an ancient city-state, a big city with surrounding countryside under their control. Kind of a Rhode Island sized realm. I know the ideas have been bandied about parcels of land associated with titles perhaps it should be discussed again.
There are ideas in discussion about the Baronies, which will likely be addressed in a separate thread at some point in the near future.
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Post by Jake »

Elijah wrote:A note regarding places of the past...

Most of the realms that were apart of the old RhyDin map no longer really exist, and the players who ran those realms are not really around anymore either, and if some of those players are around they are not running those stoyrlines anymore. So I personally do not see any reason why places like Questrion, New Mountainside, Westridge, Dracoern Highlands, etc should even be on the map anymore.

Also, buildings dedicated to old organizations that don't really exist anymore also I see as pointless to add. At one point, with the House Lathadoscia stuff I probably had three storyline folders referencing about a dozen different buildings in the cuty of RhyDin alone. Leto's player is long gone, and CoV is basically long gone.

Addressing this from a slightly different perspective...

With regard to sites that we can clearly identify as having belonged to a specific player/owner, before we add them to the map, we'll want their player's permission/approval.

For example, let's use the Dead Nicholas. Many of us remember the Dead Nicholas. However, the player that created the Dead Nicholas (BRK) is no longer around. That being the case, we won't add the Dead Nicholas unless we get some kind of concurrence from the player that it's ok.

We have nothing against adding older sites to the map. As long as we have room, the more the merrier and the richer our map becomes. However, we won't add sites that could be considered the intellectual creation of a specific person without that person (or group of persons) assent.

So, that said, please keep the suggestions for addition coming. We do want everyone to feel they can add to the map. Both new sites, and older sites (for which we can ensure approval) are welcome.
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Post by Elijah »

That definitely makes sense to wait till someone who wants it, who is recognized as the main creator/maintainer of that storyline place, requests it to be put in on the map. That solves the issue of activity pretty much right there.

I want to make it absolutely clear right now, that all of the former locations associated with House Lathadoscia, both in the city of RhyDin and out in the realms of RhyDin do not have my approval to be put on any new maps by anyone. The only thing even remotely associated with my former characters that will be on the current map is the "Lair of the WarDrac" location that is Baphelocutis's new home on RhyDin. Other than the lair, I definitely do not give my permission to anyone to use names Lathadoscia or Dracoern or any variations for locations to be represented on the map.
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