Anne Ellis Xile

Transplanted Rigelian and her adventures in the Nexus world of RhyDin and

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Phone Call

Post by Anne »

The water tickled her toes, but Anne's thoughts were far away. She had taken to wandering lately; eating and sleeping had no affect on her. A child she had once helped build a raft pointed at her, and asked his mom if Anne was a ghost. Puzzled and unsure the ghost proceeded to the arena. Immediately she was called over by Azjah. After being introduced to Raevyx Anne left to wander about the rings. Both Vincent and Artemus were in a duel, so she entertained herself by watching.

Seeing Vincent brought up a flood of thoughts and emotions. He had saved her, but he was different. Was he a friend or was he just toying with her? Anne wanted to hug him and run away from him at the same time. After his duel he came up to her and, with a forced smile, Anne congratulated him on his win.

“I've heard about your problems.” His voice held concern but Anne could only nod slightly. She had to swallow back the impulse to run and cry. “Would you like me to take care of them for you?”

Regaining her composure Anne shook her head negatively. “I've…” another deep breath and she continued, “I've got to stop running away. It's time I paid up.”

Vincent looked puzzled as he tried to figure out what she meant by pay up. “You'd have to have done something wrong first, and we both know that while you're not squeaky clean, you're clean enough.”

Anne looked around warily a moment for a way to escape or hide. However, she had to face him, so with a lung full of support she talked in a quiet run on sentence. “I've done enough Vincent...I can't take this anymore. I can't take the looks I've been getting; I can't take the guilt, and even if I was clean… I'm not ready to raise two kids all by myself,” her voice went quiet, and fear became tangible for her. “I'm scared.” Anne wasn’t sure why she was scared, but she knew what she was scared of. She was scared of Black, Nadine, raising two kids, the trial, death, life, change…she was just unsure of everything.

When Vincent gave her a gentle hug it was all she could do to keep calm. This was the first time she’d been this physically close to someone since being... well Anne was ready to bolt. “I can help raise them if you'd like, even just watch them so you could sleep an hour or two. God knows I can do two things at once. As for the trial, if you don't want me to kill them all, I can at least testify in your defense.” It was as if he had read her mind. Trembling she ventured to rest her head on his shoulder and mutter a thank you in his ear. “My pleasure. You are my friend after all.”

Was he her friend? She didn’t have any choice but to believe him, and for her part, she would be honest. "I doubted that at first, you've changed a lot. I'm sorry...after this is all over can you take me to Algol Siento one last time? I want to get away from RhyDin."If he was upset about losing her trust originally, he didn’t show it. In fact, he smiled and said he was more then happy to take her there. It was a different idea from the original one of leaving RhyDin by ship, but at Algol Siento, only Vincent could reach her. If all else failed, it was a big safe haven; she could explore that different world and leave the past behind her.

After they parted Anne returned to her cottage at the Palazzo. Lying in her bed she looked up at the bare roof. This whole perverse trial was like the storm at Tierra del Fuego. She was unsteady and about to be thrown overboard, into a watery grave. Anne had once heard that if you wrote your thoughts down on paper, it would be easier to make sense of them. So she did.

Trauma can be dealt with in many ways. You can run from it, you can face it head on; you can blame yourself and let your anger out at others. You can hold it in or confide in someone. Sometimes, a person will just end it all. Suicide. My trauma isn’t unique…or perhaps it is. I guess everyone’s experience varies. Nevertheless, I have no reason to complain. Those I know…have been through worse. Being…

Anne hesitated, but after closing her eyes and clearing her mind began again.

Being violated…raped, has had consequences that I don’t know how to deal with. How is that someone who has been raped so violently so much can survive without a pregnancy? Yet I have given birth, to not one child, but two because of one man. One mans’ revenge. I’m not sure I know what to do, there are people who say they are my friends. Yet they’ve changed to the point where I’m not sure of who they are anymore. This trial is a pressing matter as well. I’m going to be on the stand reliving an event I’ve pushed far back into my mind. The day that Rochelle died, because of me. Did I murder her? That’s up to the court to decided. I won’t speak of that night until I have to.

Anne closed her eyes and held back tears. It had been one awful, calm night. She couldn’t stop now; it was time to finish her writing.

I believe, I know, what I have to do. If I am found guilty I will accept it, a re-trial is out of the question. I will die at sea. If I am acquitted, found innocent, I will wait for Rhaine to help the children. After tha…

The phone was ringing. Anne put down her pen and walked over to it. Hesitantly she picked it up.


“Hello Anne.”
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Unwanted Fears

Post by Anne »

Keep moving, keep moving, and keep moving. Change directions. Hide. Run. Walk calmly. She had to throw him off. Keep moving, keep moving. Anne would NOT let him touch her.

Ever since the phone call she hadn't set foot near the Palazzo. Either he would find her or wreck calm havoc trying to uncover her. So she left, she went to the Death Mage first. No, he'd suspect her to go on a boat. Then she went to the RDI, but she was commonly seen around there and the DoS arena. The Isle? Yes, the Isle. She looked in but only stayed a moment. She had to keep moving!

Did she fear death? No. She feared him, and what he had done last time. The Outback? Yes, the Outback was good. Blend. Mold into society. She found that hard to do when you're on trial. Anne told herself not to panic. Panic would only satisfy him. Upon entering the Outback she looked over her shoulder at the door again. A habit she was becoming very fond of. The crowd was a blur to her; she was on the watch for one face and one face only.

Turning she stood facing the door for what seemed an eternity. Keep moving out or stay for a moment. Disappear in the Outback. Would it work? Anne wasn't sure, but she was scared. Clammy hands sweat streaming down her face, her eyes drenched with fear. She would willingly be hanged just to get away from him. One of Azjah’s guards Gabriel moved in front of the door. She barely noticed her thoughts solely on Black.


"YAIKES!" She jumped a foot of the ground and turned around ready to slap whoever was behind her. Anne's breathing was heavy and erratic as she took in the sight of Azjah. Shaking from head to toe she muttered softly. "Oh.... it’s.... it’s"

Azjah jumped along with her, shocked at Anne's sudden outburst. “Anne, it's just us.”

Us? Anne didn’t have to wait long to find out who "us" was. She almost jumped again hearing Klinton. “We're sorry.... we didn't mean to scare you.”

“Please, come sit with us” Azjah's voice was soft and coaxing. After checking behind her at the door Anne nodded to Azjah slightly. Stuttering a soft okay Anne walked to the table arm in arm with Azjah. Anne tried to keep her trembling to the minimum, after looking at Klinton she mumbled to Azjah her apologize for interrupting. “You're not interrupting. How are you holding up?”

“F...fine.” She sat down on one side of Azjah while Klinton sat on the other. Anne couldn’t keep from glancing at the door.

“Is there anything we can do? It's a lame question, but if you need anything.”

Anne looked around jerkily wringing her hands. It was very hard to look out for Black and pay attention to Azjah. “Huh? What?''s fine...he won'” Anne stopped herself from spilling the beans. “Trial continues tomorrow.”

Anne pulled back her stringy hair and put it in a ponytail, she was spring loaded right now, ready to leap at the mere whisper of his name. Someone entered the outback and Anne jumped hearing the door open and close. “Anne, why are you so nervous? Are you expecting someone?”

Azjah had caught on quickly, but Anne didn’t want to tell her the truth just yet. The result was some incoherent mumbling. “he called....back....have...leave...i'll...” after taking a deep breath to calm herself Anne forced a smile. “I'm's...yeah, the trial of course.”

Azjah’s frown told her that the disguise wasn’t working. “Anne, who called?”

Anne nearly expected Black to enter when she mentioned his name. Avoiding the thought she answered in a stuttering fashion. “ h...he did. the...the twins father.”

“He knows where you are? Who is he Anne? Can we protect you from him? Come to the Palazzo, let's talk.”

Anne denied going to the Palazzo, despite their best efforts Anne was not going to put them in danger. Klinton and Azjah kept talking about sticking together, overcoming their fears using each other as an aid. She wasn’t about to put them in his path just to keep safe. That would be selfish. The two of them left, as did Anne shortly after.

She didn't go to the Palazzo, but the Hotel Ritz instead. Vincent had assured her a free room there, whenever she needed it. Once Anne got there she told the hostess not let anyone near her room, no matter what. Using pillows and blankets Anne made it look like someone was sleeping in the bed. She crawled underneath a nearby desk where both the door and window were visible. All night Anne sat underneath the wooded table, a broken bathroom rod in her hand. Unlike during the day Anne wasn’t trembling, she was calm, and waiting. She was prepared.
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Post by Gabriel »

The woman called Anne was a nervous wreck. She reeked of fear, and decay, as though she were but the walking dead. It was something he would need to investigate. She had not been thus before her disappearance, and he hated massive unexplained changes.

But, when the Marchioness and Mr. Caer had sought to prevent her escape, it was my job to see to it she did not bolt out the door. In her state, she might have tried it.

She did not.
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

The trial would resume in the morning.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Skyler's Testimony - Part 1

Post by Skyler »

“The prosecution calls ‘Skyler Jackson Chamberland’ to the stand.”

The skinny teenage boy, who was dressed quite professionally for his court appearance, stood up from his seat in the audience and strode toward the witness stand. He wore a white-collared dress shirt, a plain black tie and black slacks. The dress shoes he wore were polished to a shine. His long black hair was tied back into a fountain-style ponytail. Those in the room who knew him might have wondered why he took so much care in his appearance today. Those same people would realize, eventually, that an important tactic in effective acting is dressing the part. If he had appeared dressed like a slob, the jury might be less inclined to take his testimony seriously.

His demeanor was confident, yet weary, as though he had a job to complete that was unpleasant, however necessary. On his way past Anne, Skyler gave her expressionless face a contemptuous smile, all of his intentions evident in that one nasty glance. He also made sure to leer at Azjah, hoping to bait her into losing control of her anger.

Skyler took the witness stand, sighing heavily for effect. The bailiff came over with a copy of the Bible. “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

Without missing a beat, he put his hand on the holy book and swore the oath, his eyes locked on Anne as the words issued from his mouth. “I do.”
His face held a regretful expression, though inside he was enjoying himself quite a bit. One amazing thing about the lad was that he only put his heart and soul and his best efforts into tasks which had the potential to portray himself as an even greater scumbag than folks already perceived.

Jonathan Sandler, the prosecutor, addressed him sternly. “What is your name, for the record?”

“Skyler Jackson Chamberland.”

“How long have you known Anne Ellis Xile?” Sandler paced back and forth between the witness stand and the jury booth with a practiced, professional disposition.

“A few months.”

“How did you meet Miss Xile?” probed the prosecutor.

“I met her in the Arena one evening, a public forum for competitive sword fighting.” Skyler’s tone was flat thus far, reporting these facts with little emotion.

“Very well, Mr. Chamberland, tell us the events that transpired the night you claimed Miss Xile robbed you.”

Skyler took a deep breath. He put on a somber expression and looked at the jury with remorse. If the boy had wanted to pursue a career as a thespian, he could have succeeded swimmingly. “It all happened on the third night of June. I was leaving the Arena and heading home for the night, along the dark, empty street. I heard footsteps approaching rapidly behind me. When I turned around I saw Anne, running at me. I thought she was going to jump into my arms and give me a hug, like she usually does, but instead she kicked me in the head and shoved me to the ground.” He paused melodramatically, taking deep, steadying breaths, as if the story was too painful to retell.

“It’s all right, Mr. Chamberland,” Sandler consoled. “Take your time.”
The bailiff came over and supplied the trembling boy with a glass of water, patting him on the back.

Skyler gave him a grateful smile and continued shakily. “Then she . . . reached into my pant pocket and pulled out the small amount of money I had saved in there. I know it was only four bucks, but that was my lunch money for the next day.” Skyler dropped his head and wiped his eyes, as if telling the story was as bad a reliving it. When he looked up he focused immediately on Anne, his eyes and cheeks gleaming with tears. While the tears were meant to garner sympathy from the jury, the boy had also produced them to impress Anne. He wanted her to be absolutely shocked at his ability to manufacture believable lies.

“And what happened then,” prompted Sandler, studying the witness closely.

“Then . . . then . . .” Skyler paused, shaking his head. “I really shouldn’t go on. It’s – it’s horrible!”

“Mr. Chamberland,” Sandler replied, sympathetically, but firmly, “this is a court of law. The jury must know all the facts, however grizzly. Please continue.”

Skyler took a long drink of his water, trying his best to look frail and scared, haunted by the memory he was about to submit. “Then she pulled me to my feet and hustled me into a nearby alleyway,” he continued, quieter now. “She said she was going to have her way with me, and I was going to sit there and take it.”

“When she said, ‘have her way with you,’ what do you think she meant?” Sandler asked, darkly, glancing to make sure the jury was paying close attention. They were. The jury was hanging on Skyler’s every quivering word.

“It was obvious what she meant,” the boy hissed, traces of anger emerging in his tone. “Because, as she said it, she kept me pinned to the wall with one hand, while her other hand went to my belt and unbuckled it. She meant to rape me! Anne said that she had recently been raped, and now she was gonna rape me, because it would make her feel better!”

The jury gasped. Some of them shot disgusted glances over at Anne and her friends. The audience began to murmur. While Anne remained void of emotion and expression, her friends were giving Skyler hateful, murderous looks. Azjah in particular was projecting certain death at him through her gaze.

“She got my pants down to my knees and tore my shirt before I broke free,” resumed Skyler, stonily. “I tried to run, but with my pants around my knees I couldn’t make long enough strides, so she caught up to me and knocked me down again. She started to drag me back into the darkness of the alley, but I kicked her in the chest and knocked her back. I tried to run again, but with my pants around my ankles now I couldn’t. So I hopped. I hopped several times, away from Anne and the alley, pulling up my pants with each bounce. She came after me again, but not before I got my pants up. Then I simply outran her.” He slumped back into his chair, sighing mightily, misty-eyed.

“Well then,” concluded Sandler, in a satisfied tone. “Just a few more questions: What do you know of Anne’s past? Who has she worked for?”

“All I know is that she’s a pirate.” Skyler was wise enough not to add any opinions at this point, such as that Anne was a scoundrel who robbed innocent people like him all the time. The jury wouldn’t be interested in opinions, he knew.

“Do you know anything about Anne’s friends? Are they like her? Do they participate in the same misdeeds?”

“I know that one of her friends is a vampire,” supplied Skyler, “the vicious, bloodsucking creature Rhaine. She bit me on the neck once. I think her friend Vincent might be, too. And that guy Klinton I believe accompanies Anne on her pirating expeditions. They’re all criminals. And that one —” Skyler paused for effect and pointed a slender finger directly at the homicidal looking Azjah “—is the ring leader!”

“I see,” said Sandler. “Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Chamberland. The prosecution rests, your honor.”
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Post by Vinny »

Prosecutor Sandler tapped his fingers as he thought for a moment as to whether or not to call this next particular witness to the stand. His testimony would be powerful, and his credibility was, while at times suspect, would generally be hard to discredit. At the very least, his reputation was top notch, and so long as he phrased his questions carefully, could provide the nail in Ms. Xile's coffin. "The prosecution calls Mr. Vincent Smith to the stand."

Vincent, one of them anyways, was seated in the back, trying to look as inconspicuous as his temple robes would allow. He slowly stood up and made his way to the stand, not looking at the crowd until he placed his hand on the bible and swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Prosecutor Sandler paused a moment. "Mr. Smith, could we first have your complete name, just for the record?"

Vincent paused a moment as well. To the best of his knowledge, he had never let anyone in Rhydin know his full name. "Vincent Valentine Michael Smith."

"Mr. Smith, how long have you known the defendant?"

Vincent's response was calm and cool, and both his voice and demeanor looked like he had ice flowing through his veins. "I've known of the defendant for approximately two years, and have been a close aquaintance for approximately one of those years."

Sandler smiled slightly as he presented his next question. "Is it true that you had considered Ms. Xile a suspect in the vandalization of the hospice which belongs to temple that you are a member of? In fact, was she not the primary suspect? We have reports of several people claiming that you specifically mentioned her while canvassing the area."

Calm, aloof, Vincent looked Sandler square in the eye. "Yes, she was my prime suspect."

Sandler's smile grew larger. Mr. Smith was turning out to be the perfect witness. Straight to the point, answers that were not clouded by emotional outbursts. Just cold, hard, damning facts. "Would you say that Ms. Xile would be capable of acts worse than petty vandalism, say...rape or murder?"

This led to Anne's attorney, one Adam Lawson, to stand up. "Objection your honor!"

The judge nodded. "Objection sustained. Mr. Sandler, keep your questions away from trying to lead the witness into mere speculation."

Sandler stopped. He'd accomplished what he wanted to. Paint Ms. Xile into a criminal. In addition to any past misdeeds she may have done, she was also the prime suspect in an investigation against one of Rhydin's charitable organizations. While he wasn't able to get the Archmage to come right out and say that he thought she was capable of such a thing, it at least planted another seed into the jury's mind. "No further questions your honor."

Now Mr. Lawson stepped forth. "Mr. Smith, concerning your investigation into the hospice's vandalization, what were your findings?"

"I have yet to find the person or people responsible for the act."

"So you're still looking?"


"Have you already questioned Ms. Xile about this event?"


Lawson frowned. Getting an elaborate answer out of this guy was like pulling teeth. Everything had to be direct. At least the line of questioning was going in the right direction. "Is Ms. Xile still the prime suspect in your investigation?"


"Is she a suspect at all?"


A mild gasp arose from some of the onlookers. Vincent had almost effectively cleared Anne of the crime by saying that she had gone from prime suspect to not a suspect at all. Sandler snapped a pencil, watching as his witness was possibly ruining his case due to some skillful cross examination. At least he hadn't outright said that she hadn't attempted the rape of Skyler.

Lawson continued. "Mr. Smith, for what reason did you drop Ms. Xile off your list of suspects?"

"I found evidence that she was not the responsible party."

"And this evidence would be...?"

"During my questioning of Ms. Xile, I read her mind and found nothing in her memories that showed that she was the culprit."

Now it was Sandler's turn to stand up, voicing his objection. "Your honor, there is no proof that the witness can read minds."

The judge grumbled a moment before looking at Mr. Smith and Mr. Lawson. "The prosecutor has a valid point. Mr. Smith will need to prove that he can indeed read minds before his last statement will be allowed into the record."

Vinced looked Sandler and the judge in the eyes, taking a moment to find something that was obscure enough that would prove that he could read minds. "Your honor, this morning you had for breakfast two pieces of toast, buttered, along with a bowl of cereal and three glasses of orange juice. The last cup of juice was combined with a laxative that makes you, as you put it yourself, 'cleans me out the way my wife cleans the bathroom.'"

The judge blushed, that particular comment being known only to his wife and himself. Vincent then turned to Sandler. "As for you, you have an assortment of women's undergarments hidden under a panel in your bedroom. After dark, you occasionally take them out, put them on, and dance around your living room while singing showtunes."

The crowd started laughing as Sandler turned deepest crimson at the embarrassment. Even the judge let out a small chuckle before banging his gavel, bringing the court back to order. "The witnesses testimony will be allowed to stand."

Lawson smiled broadly. He'd managed to turn the tables on Sandler. While it wasn't anything like having Mr. Smith say that he was witness to the whole attempted rape and could say how it went, he at least discredited Sandler's earlier line of questioning. After all, who was going to argue with the archmage? "No further questions."
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Skyler's Testimony - Part 2

Post by Skyler »

The audience had begun to mutter, but the judge cracked his mallet and called for order. “Does the defense wish to cross-examine?”

The defense attorney, Adam Lawson, stood up and approached Skyler, appraising him skeptically. “Mr. Chamberland, did you or did you not ever consider Miss Xile a friend?”

Skyler hesitated briefly, caught off guard by the question.

“Objection, your honor!” Sandler piped up. “Irrelevant!”

“Denied,” the judge replied, flatly. “The witness will respond.”

Sandler shook his head and sat back down. The boy on the witness stand shrugged. “Of course I did. Every time she saw me, she couldn’t keep her hands off me. She was always touching and groping me, whispering in my ear and such.” He stole another glance at Anne, wondering when his lies would finally coax her out of her detached demeanor.

“I see,” Lawson said, rolling his eyes. “Did you, or did you not ever make advances toward Miss Xile?”

“I did not,” answered Skyler. “She made advances toward me – unwanted advances. I explained that I just wanted to be friends, but she insisted that she was madly attracted to me and wanted more. But don’t hold that against her.” He paused and looked over at the jury. “Most women feel that way about me.” This was spoken matter-of-factly, with no hint of jest.

“I’m sure they do.” Lawson frowned at him in disbelief. “Mr. Chamberland, I’m told that it was, in fact, you who harassed Anne. Is this true?”

“Not true.” Skyler waved the question off with a limp flap of his hand. “Her and her friends harassed me. Hell, Azjah still harasses me every time she sees me. You see, they like to pick on weaker people. And since I’m young and vulnerable and innocent, they single out me.”

“Mr. Chamberland,” Lawson stepped close to the witness stand and looked Skyler in the eyes. “Are you lying about any of this? Let me remind you that perjury is a serious offense.”

Skyler’s gaze broke from Lawson’s and went to Anne, as a confident statement issued from his lips. He addressed the defense attorney while looking at the pirate. “I’m not lying about any of this, sir.”

The lawyer snorted and walked away from the boy. “The defense rests, your honor.”
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Stubborn Match

Post by Anne »

((This happened the night before Skyler and Vincent’s testimony, I was a little late on posting))

Anne walked into the arena to the sounds of an argument. Azjah was yelling at Skyler, but he disappeared through the back door before Anne could know what it was about. She sighed fearing his testimony the next day. “Well, can't wait to see what he say's on the stand.” Anne and Azjah discussed Skyler further for a while, what would happen at the trial, what sort of a scumbag he was. Trying to break away from the horrid topic Anne waved briefly to Artemus. They hadn’t seen each other since she left, and she was curious to know whom the woman beside him was. There were quick introductions; the woman's name was Shandren. After accepting this offer to sit down they proceeded to some brief small talk.

Unfortunately Artemus brought up the subject Anne least wanted to visit. “I umm...heard about what happened....” his voice was somber, like Anne had died. “If I find the man that did to you what he did....I promise you....I'm gonna kill him....”

Her eyes were as cold as the dead. “Oh, yeah, well, he's sort of … found me, again.” She finished lamely.

“I became the Keeper of Earth on the Twilight Isle while you were away. The only people who can enter the Tower are those with my permission or myself...if you need a place to hide and rest for a few days...”

Anne immediately shook her head. “You once told me that running wasn't a smart thing to do. I'm not going to run away from him.” Anne proceeded to wipe her sweaty hands off on her jeans.

“If you need help with the twins, you can ask me any time. I'm kinda expectin’ one of my own.” Shan chimed in about how they needed the practice. It didn’t exactly give Anne comfort. She proceeded to talk about how she couldn’t give Black any satisfaction. How she didn’t want to deal with the trial and being tormented…it took her a moment to realize what Artemus had just said. Quickly the pirate congratulated them, feeling embarrassed by her rambling.

“Alright Anne. You leave the *&$%#@& to me, you just concentrate on clearing your name.” He proceeded to fish into his robes and pull out a green jewel on a guilded chain. “Here, take this.”

“Artemus...I can't ask you to go after him, he's…not when you have a baby on the way.”

Shandren just smirked. “he’s nuh the one carryin’ the child... I would’na even dream of stoppin’ him.”

In response to Anne’s questioning look about the jewel, Artemus explained it would summon him with a shout of his name. He snapped his fingers for emphasis on the time it would take. She eyed the stone then came to a quick conclusion and pushed it away. “I don't care what your abilities are, I didn't let you come with me when I went into this mess I'm not letting you help me out.”

“You wouldn't let me help you, and look what's happened now. You've got a pair of kids to rear, a trial in progress, and the man who raped you is chasing you across the city.”

“No, I won't risk it. What if I get into trouble with him while you're with your wife and she's having the children? It's not right.”

It was a stubborn match that proceeded far longer then Anne preferred. However, Artemus made a comment that caught her off guard. “Anne...remember when you I said...I'd be watching? I kept my word, and that prison had a lot of cockroaches, and remember the cheetah in the desert?”

The pirate groaned thinking about that prison, about everything been known to someone other then herself. “You saw everything?”

“Yes. That is why I have more reason to help you than any other. I know exactly what happened to you, what the witch did to you.” She felt his hands rest on her trembling form. “My word to you, kept me from going after you.”

“My word to you has kept me alive. I would've given up if I hadn't promised you to come back alive. I'm ready to give up except for that promise. I…fine…fine…” she was on the verge of tears. “I'll take your stone, but that doesn't mean I'll use it.”

“I'm not going to let you give up Anne, and you came back alive, you have kept your word.” He held out the necklace again. “Use it Anne. It just might be the thing to save your life.”

Very quietly she spoke while taking the stone. “What...what if I don't want my life saved?”

“You'd let your children grow up without a mother? Let them be raised by strangers?”

“I'm not ready to be a mom. I never had a mother, how can I be something that I've never seen or had...or known? They'd be better off without me.”

Shan let out a low growl. “That isna true, even a poorly prepared mother be better than no mother.”

“Because you never had know how they will feel. How many nights did you cry yourself to sleep...wishing you had someone there to hold you through the night? Just because you think you'll be no good does not mean you'll be a terrible mother... Often those that think they will not make a good mother turn out to be the best... I'm not sure what more I can tell you, Anne. I'm your friend…but you won't accept my help…nor my advice. A friend would take the help that is offered.”

Anne felt the unexpected rage come out, and stood up with a fury “Easy for you to say, you're not the one this situation. Your wife has someone to support her, I don't. You're my friend, but I won't let you put yourself in danger because of me!”

“Because you are my friend...I will put myself in danger time and again to help you. I can do no less, you helped me when I was at my bleakest…I can do no less for you...”

“I'm a bloody criminal Artemus!”

“You think that makes a difference to me? I look at a person character before I look at their past.”

“My character is just as horrible.”

“No it isn't.”

After Artemus left Anne found herself feeling worse then she had before. Shandren talked to her, helping her realize that Artemus would be there no matter what. She also made Anne promise to try and live through this. Talking proceeded to that of ships, smuggling certain goods and sister. Skyler appeared later that night, obviously trying to hide from Anne. She gave him what she believed to be a thorough warning. However, the trial would prove just how well it worked.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Klinton's Testimony

Post by Klinton Caer »

"Mr. Caer, follow me please."
I glanced around the holding room where I was waiting to take the stand. The man who called my name lead me into the courtroom. As the doors opened I glanced around. I saw Anne immediately, she jumped slightly as the doors opened. As I walked down the aisle, Anne continued glancing about the room...fidgeting. I continued looking around, a gave a nod to Azjah as I walked past, and the bailiff directed me to the stand. I turned to face the crowd, drawing in a deep breath.
"Sir, please state your name for the court."
I spoke calmly, eyeing the room with my left eye. "My name is Klinton Caer."
The bailiff spoke again. "Please raise your right hand." My arm went up. "Place your left on the bible." I did so. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" I met his gaze and nodded. "I swear."
The bailif told me to be seated. I sat, took another breath, and rested my hands in my lap. I took a slow look aorund the room. After a few brief moments, one of Anne's attorney's rose, walking to the middle of the room.
"Mr. Caer, you understand you are here for the trial of Anne Ellis?" I nodded. "I do."
"Please tell the court how you met the defendant."
"I met her through her employer, Azjah von Drachen Walde."
"And how long have you known her?"
I shrugged slightly, "A few months I believe. Maybe 5 or 6."
"Around the time she was hired by Azjah von Drachen Walde?"
"Yes. It was around that time. It may have been within a few days."
"What were the circumstances of that meeting?"
I thought for a moment. "We were in one of the arena's. Azjah and Anne were talking, and Azjah invited me over. We just made small talk. Not much was discussed." The attorney paced a bit, nodding as I spoke.
"Did you talk at all about her employment with Azjah von Drachen Walde?"
I shook my head. "Not much. I think Azjah said she had just hired her, but there wasn't anything more than that."
"After that initial meeting, did you ever discuss Anne's employment with Azjah?"
Again, I shook my head. "No. Azjah and I were just getting to know each other. We did not discuss business prospects much at all."
The attorney continued nodding.
"Did you ever discuss the details of Anne's past carreers?"
"No, it never really came up. Anne and I never talked about it...and Azjah and I deliberately left business out of our relationship."
"And what came of your relationship with Anne after that initial meeting?"
I shrugged. "We were acquaintances. Polite, friendly. Azjah would occasionally mention how well she did her job."
"Would you say that she gained your trust?"
"Absolutely she gained my trust. Azjah's opinion means alot to me, and a friend of hers is a friend of mine. Anne did nothing to discount that, and so as we got to know each other better, I definitely trusted her."
"Trusted her enough to employ her?"
I shook my head. "No, I don't really have a need for hirin...." I stopped mid sentence. "I take that back. I did hire her once."
"What were the details of the employment?"
"I wanted a diamond." I swallowed hard, glancing at Azjah. I didn't know if she even knew about that. I continued. "I didn't have a ship, and didn't want to travel, so I had hired to go and get it for me."
"Was the employment legitiment? Was there anything illegal?"
I shook my head. "No, simple purchase and delivery. She did the job perfectly."
"Would you employ the defendant for another job?"
I nodded. "Absolutely. If I ever have a job up her ally."
"Thankyou Mr. Caer." The attorney turned toward the judge. "No further questions."
The judge spoke. "Would the prosecution like to cross examine?"
The prosecutor rose, "No your honor, the prosecution has no questions."
The judge dismissed me, and I stepped from the courtroom.
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

I had been sitting in the court room for days now, but it felt like years. The prosecution was doing their very best to make Anne look like some kind of monster who was not only capable, but very willing to commit every crime known to man.

Skyler's lies had been difficult to sit through, but my team of investigators was already working on his testimony and lies, so that when it was over, he would be charged with several counts of perjury.

Today Klinton was summoned to the witness stand. He entered the room, but paused to nod to me as he walked carefully to the bailiff to swear in. He seated himself, focusing on the interrogation. He told the court that I'd hired Anne right about the time he had begun seeing me. It felt like ages ago. At that time, he never did want to know about the business. He never pried into my accounts and activities. It was one of the things I adored about him. It was my business, and it didn't need 'a man' to run it.

I came back to the present as he told the prosecution, "We were acquaintances. Polite, friendly. Azjah would occasionally mention how well she did her job."

As they asked him about hiring Anne, I was stunned when he said he had...."I take that back. I did hire her once. I wanted a diamond, I didn't have a ship, and didn't want to travel, so I had hired Anne to go and get it for me.".

If we had not been in the courtroom, I am not sure what I would have said. I was shocked. Speechless.

Klinton was released from the witness stand, but he left the courtroom and we had no opportunity to discuss this new revelation.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Post by Gabriel »

Standing in the courtroom of human making, I wonder why they make use of such an archaic system of justice.

The first man questioned was a liar. He stank of lies and twisted thoughts. He was worse than a leech on civilization. He was a parriah!

The woman on trial is someone I respect. I've seen her in the dueling areas, and she is a woman of skill, and passion. She has been seriously wronged in this system, by whom I have yet to learn, but I will not allow her to be wronged in front of me again.
Gabriel Datrazanov
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Post by Anne »

After hearing Skyler’s testimony Anne headed straight for a gym. Not even bothering to put on boxing gloves she began hammering. Snap kick, jab, sweep, jab, hook, and uppercut. She couldn’t release all her fury due to getting kicked out of the gym. They needed more sturdy bags in her opinion. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Anne remembered that Artemus had offered her a place to stay. Perhaps he had a punching bag in there. At any rate she was headed for the Isle.

Shandren and Anne quickly become immersed in conversation. Anne was still fuming but Shandren was very patient. She kept Anne humored and brought her temper down. In fact, Shandren showed her the wedding present for Artemus. It was a masculine ring of white gold inset with obsidian tiger stripes. Anne told her that Artemus would accept a box of dung if it came from Shan. However, everything about patience went out the window as soon as Skyler came in. He was fishing on the beach but Anne was ready to take that pole and shove it up his. Her voice was filled with menace, however soft, when she greeted him. He squawked, spun around, and his eyes widened. In fear or terror, Anne didn’t know. “You! Why aren't you...behind bars?”

“I'm on bail...and you're one lucky…” she was going to start cursing but that wouldn’t help.“You’re lucky I'm on trial right now. Or I'd commit the crimes you accused me of.”

He uneasily reached for a fishing pole and tried to change the subject. “Hey, want some fish for dinner?”

Anne clenched and unclenched her fists trying to keep herself calm. Kneeling down beside him she spoke with loathing hatred. Her voice was soft and deceptive. “I'll make your life miserable. Death is too good for scum like you.” She then spat on his face and stood up tense as a wire.

“Oh yeah? How you gonna do that? You're not gonna hurt someone you love so much.” Skyler furthered Anne’s disgust by licking her saliva off his cheek. “So you like making out at a distance now?”

“I've got one question for you. How ... and why, did you lie like that? What did I ever do to deserve that?”

“I didn't lie. You stole my money, tried to molest me, just like you spit in my face just now, and you KNOW it.” He then picked up the fish he caught and tossed it at her. “Have some fish, you filthy pirate.”

She caught the catfish and threw it aside. “There's no jury here Skyler, no tricks. I'm not going to blackmail you with a tape of some confession. It's just you and me. If you have the audacity to lie to a court of law...I want to know why.”

“Okay, I'll tell you why.” He lowered his voice to a secretive whisper. “Azjah made me do it. She's conspiring against you, using me as a pawn."

Anne couldn’t stop herself from slapping him across the face. “THE TRUTH! Azjah is a friend! Which is more then I can say for you!” Ironically enough Azjah entered just as she was saying this, but Anne was concentrating on Skyler and didn’t notice. “I want the truth Skyler, and I'm not leaving till I get it. Nor are you!” He adjusted his straw hat then asked her to stop hitting, explaining he just wanted some quiet fishing. “Quiet fishing? Quiet fishing! The only thing you want Skyler is a good time, and perhaps to accuse respectable people like Azjah.”

“I told you the truth.” He then pointed at Azjah. “She made me do it. Said she'd sic that dude on me if I didn't!” To clarify he then pointed to Gabriel, Azjah’s guard.

“What did I allegedly say to you Skyler, since we have not spoken since the night you dumped your wine all over me?”

Anne just brought her voice down to a threatening whisper. “I couldn't care less what you said about me, but lying about Azjah is out of the question. I came for the truth. I want it.”

“You know you did all those things to me. I understand you don't want to admit it, with your friends being here and all. But it's okay, Anne. It's normal for women to have such feelings for me, and act on them.” He then had the nerve to pat Anne on her should consolingly. “It's okay, babe.”

Feeling rage and panic at the same time Anne slapped his hand away without mercy. “I've admitted a lot of things to my friends. Sadly enough I used to think you were one of them. Obviously I didn't look deep enough.”

“Skyler, you are the one with delusions, and the one who is always trying to paw anything even remotely female.” Azjah’s support was a pillar for Anne and fueled her fire.

“The truth Skyler, first you're saying that I did it, then that Azjah blackmailed you into saying it, and now that I did it again. If you're going to lie, at least stick to your story.”

“But I don’t' think you deserve to hang for it. I mean, come on, I got away relatively unscathed.” He paused a moment then gave a smug smile. “She did blackmail me into saying it...otherwise I wouldn't have testified. I was going to let it slide.”

“Your charge was the least of those pressed against me. I doubt they'll even hold up.” She slapped him again, though her anger was starting to ebb.

“I'm going to enjoy having you charged with perjury when this is all said and done.”

Skyler left quickly claiming he wanted peace. Anne calmed down and spoke with an eerie detachment after all that anger. “All right Skyler. Good Bye.”

The rest of the night was calm compared to that though Anne was considerably shaken. She talked slightly with Azjah before leaving for a moment. A breath of fresh, untainted by Skyler air, was in order.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Rhaine »

The ageing was to be stopped. Rhaine looked at two children she was to aid, and her eyes were cold and attentive. Scanning them, she noted what she could do to make aging at least linear, not exponential...

Slowly and accurately she weaved the spell, slowing down and stabilizing the process.

"By Midnight, how I HATE dealing with kids... Especially having to be extra-careful"
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Post by Anne »

Anne came back onto the Isle quickly; she didn’t like the laugh that had happened not so far away. Shandren asked how she was, Anne only muttered about it being safer on the Isle. The Arch Mage soon appeared, but she just looked at him blankly not moving an inch. He talked to Azjah about the trial, and Skyler. Anne grumbled to herself about winning the trial. Vincent winked at her, reassuring she’d be all right. “It'll finish up and win or lose, you get a vacation.”

Anne just looked at him a moment, all expression gone, her voice, however, was even. “Thanks for helping me out, your testimony was quite beneficial.” She paused looking slightly uneasy. “You have a moment?”

He nodded, but Anne hesitated before walking up to meet him. Her voice was soft but serious. “Why did you read my mind?”

His answer was simple, calm, and direct. “I wanted to know the truth.”

“And you couldn't ask me...for permission? I mean...I realize my body is no longer sacred or private or my own thoughts? My feelings?” She was clearly disturbed.

“If it's any consolation. I didn't dig around in there. I just got my answer and got out.”

“Okay.” She looked him in the eye searching for any hints. “I just wanted to be sure of how much you knew.”

“I wouldn't dig through everything. I'm not that thoughtless.”

Anne forced a small smile. “It did help with the trial, so I can't be mad.”

“You're right. It did help in the trial.”

“I swear I'll never question you again.”

He sat down and looked at her. “Good. Nice to see you're finally learning that.”

Anne sat down beside him going red. “I'm sorry. I'm taking a lot of this out on my friends, on people I trusted. I'm becoming something I used to loathe in other people. It's not fair to you, or to anyone else.”

“It'll all be over soon.”

Vincent and Anne ended up having a quick duel that ended sooner then expected. Despite Anne feeling worried about his reaction, he took her away that night. She spent the evening with him and was returned to the Hotel Ritz to sleep in.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Anne »

Anne had awoken the day after the tournament to a very different surrounding. She was sure that her last resting place had been a couch by the arenas. However, she was in the Tower of Earth. It took all her self-control to keep from screaming and running at the same time, soon she remember Artemus would have brought her here. She wandered around a bit till the trial, after which she went to the outback. Azjah and Klinton were there, and it ended up being an awkward night. Klinton proposed but Azjah wasn’t ready. After comforting her as much as possible Anne went to the Palazzo. Azjah was going for a ride so Anne returned to the Tower of Earth with Shandren.

There was a break in the trial again and it would resume in full force two days later. Anne took the opportunity to treat herself to a decent meal, a nap, and a swim. All the while she was wary of Black, he was still out there. She headed into the arena that evening to find Azjah and Klinton once again in deep discussion. Anne could guess what it was about. The moment Max approached Azjah she knew he was going to be a pain in the rear. Anne marched straight over to him, picked him up by the scruff of his neck, pulled him to the bar and gave him a piece of her mind. Two slaps and a lecture to be exact.

While sitting at a table Anne noticed the swinging kitchen door, and saw the most disgusting filth in the realm. Skyler. He was groping and molesting a serving girl who seemed to be enjoying it. Trembling with rage Anne approached the two, grabbed Skyler and threw him on the ground and glared at the serving girl. “Go.” The girl scrambled away in a hurry, throwing Anne nasty looks.

“What the?” Skyler looked up at Anne glaring. “Hey, looking to repeat your performance from a few weeks ago? There's plenty of witnesses now.”

She crouched down to peer at Skyler and began interrogating him. “If that girl was to be sent to jail right now, would lie about her too? Why do you do this? Hurt people, take advantage of them.”

“Hey, -she- wanted me.” His smile was arrogant as he attempted to stand back up. “Couldn't you tell? Huh. huh. huh.”

“Shut up Skyler. I don't want your crap.” Pushing him back down Anne continued lecturing. “You're a manipulative, disgusting, and impudent little teenage boy.”

“Why, you.... you’re just jealous that women crave me. And I don't return your ...affections.”

“Jealous?” Her laugh was disbelieving. “I don't want your affections Skyler. But I still want to know why.”

Skyler stayed well clear of her as he moved into the arena from the kitchen. “Why? Well, let's see. You tried to rape me because I'm handsome, charming, and irresistible. That pretty much sums it up. Now keep your paws off my godly physique.”

Glaring she slapped him across the face. “I've had enough of your lies!” Her voice grew soft as he continued to make his poor defense. “Once day Skyler, one day…” The moment Anne turned around to request a duel Skyler gave her a loud crack on the behind and ran away laughing gleefully. Horror and shock was spelt all over her face as she spluttered trying to contain her rage. “I can't believe it, the obnoxious little brute.”

Neo tried to reassure her but Anne just stood there trying to figure out what to do next. Go after him or stay? He was lucky she had a duel, or she’d go right after him. The trial didn’t matter anymore. As the duel began Anne continued to mutter in rage. The moment Anne mentioned about going after him Tommy joined in.

“Just like you went after him that other night and tried to rape him?” His grin was cruel. “I read his post on the board.”

“I didn't rape that that...that....” she shook in fury “thing!” Anne was about ready to cry as she pulled out her rubber foam stick. The duel began feebly; she finally let it all out. “I’m the one that was friggen raped!” The duel was her channel; she was using her fury to power it. It was hard to concentrate with everything that was going on. She grumbled to herself the anger over taking her.

"Anne, calm down..." However pitiful the attempt Anne was glad Neo tried to help her out.

“Calm...Calm down? How can I calm down! That idiot is making me look like a freaking fool!”

"That idiot will get his. You don't have to take anything he says, because you know better. And I'm pretty sure many others know better too."

Anne realized Neo was right, and took deep breaths closing her eyes. She tried to lighten the mood thinking about what her Sergeant, Jonathan Stephan, would say. Talking to herself in a low mumble she imitated his voice and lecture. Caleb passed by her ring and made a flippant comment. “He'd probably say you look good mad.”

Merely agreeing Anne wasn’t sure what he meant. Did he mean she looked attractive or was he just stating the obvious? No matter, Anne followed him carefully with narrowed eyes before returning the duel.

“Y'know, this is the first time I've dueled since being banned from weapons. It sucks.” Her anger was well under control now.

"Banned from weapons?"

“I'm on trial for murder, you think they're going to let me go on bail and allow me to carry a whip, sword, gun or any other sort of lethal object?” Continuing she said how annoying it was being without her whip. “Confiscated my best nine tails and everything.”

Her anger began to well up again but with little struggle she kept it down. The duel ended in a tie, which was just as well. “Thanks, I needed some way to vent.” She slipped out of the ring and headed to the bar. All her fuel was gone, and now she was just tired.

A hand reached out and caught a hold of Anne. “Ellis...”

Stopping in her tracks Anne closed her eyes; she was in no mood for his games. And the contact was unwanted; it brought back too many memories. “Mr. Feren.” Klinton stood up to announce that he and Azjah were engaged, about time Anne thought. Though her focus was one Caleb. “If you would please release my arm.”

His smile was coy, toying, though his eyes were still hidden behind the Oakley's. Caleb was enjoying this. “You seem to have.. lost something...”

“I have?”

The man then released her arm and reached up then, pulling the shades down enough to look at her with the hard black eyes. “The foam doesn't suit you.”

“No. It doesn't.”

It was a simple gesture, one that was easily passed off as nothing more than a simple bump. He passed her as he returned to the bar, leaving upon her person something hidden and of value to her. His voice was soft as he slid past. “I'd try not and lose it again.”

Anne felt the contents of the package, a whip, a gun, and a knife. Each, she was sure, belonged to her. “Thank you.” She hid it carefully and followed him to the bar. Sitting down in front of him speaking quietly. “One question, how'd you know?”

Caleb lifted a brow and he peered at her over the rim, then, he lowered it, permitting once to answer straight forward. “I've been watching.”

“Why? What interest am I to you?” Caleb was not going to give her anymore straight answers it seemed. Anne scowled feeling her frustration return. “If you've been watching you'll know how unnerving this is.”

His voice was cool and collective. “For one in a profession such as yours.. I would think that it would be expected some times...” Then Caleb reached up and pulled a second and a third rocks glass from the overhang.

Anne raised her eyebrows her voice aloof. “Expected? Oh, I'm fully aware of it. Doesn't keep me from wondering each person’s particular intentions. Most of the people who inspect or watch me don't give me aid like you did.” The pirate paused and simply stated that she was stressed, as if that explained everything.

Caleb filled both of the glasses, as well as his own again, then slid one to Ellis then the other to the seat next to him. He knew Lucelei would be coming down in a moment. “Then drink up, Ellis.”

She looked at it longingly. “I would, but I have to remain alert.” Standing up she big him good night.

His smirk spoke volumes. “Alert...”

“Yes, you're not the only one watching me.”

“Oh.. I know” His chuckle was dry. Caleb knew a lot about Anne, more then he let on and more then she suspected.

Anne closed her eyes and pursed her lips. “Then get rid of him.” As she left Artemus mentioned something about the Isle. All she could manage was ‘another time’. Her destination that night was the Death Mage. That night she slept out on the water away from any body else. It was going to be a long week.
Anne Ellis Feren

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