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Busy Kid

Post by Mystic »

I've had so much fun! Xenograg said that he talked to Uncle, and that Uncle misses me but I can't go home yet. I don't know why, I hope there isn't another plague. Uncle told me about it and that's what killed my father and my brother died from a hear disease caused by it. Hopefully I can see Uncle soon though. I don't know why he didn't come and visit me. Xenograg say's he's been very busy. Uncle is always busy! But he always had time for me!

Oh well. I entered this contest, where lots of people fight and you get a prize if you win! I won! I was so surprised! I got this dagger; it was really pretty but really sharp so I gave it to Xenograg. He's helped me so much, if my father was still alive I hope he would be like Xeno.

I'm getting quite bored with RhyDin though. Especially because I can only go out with an escort. I know it's a safety issue, but the guards (they're all women) are really cautious. Worry worts.
~Mystic Suleir~
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Post by Xenograg »

Although Xenograg has not given Mystic any dueling training, he mounts the Talon of Redwin in the center of the dojo trophy wall. Mystic's face is one huge smile.
"The stupidest creative act is still a creative act, and that the real gap isn't between the mediocre and great work. The real gap is between getting started and doing nothing. If you've created something, even if it's stupid, you've put yourself in a position to do more." - Clay Shirky
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Post by Rhaine »

A black kitten ran through the shadow, sensing the smell he learned at the Arena. His golden eyes flared any time he caught a glimpse of this scent.
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Post by Quaide »

The council asked Quaide to hand over Mystic. Something he would never dream of doing. He was then threatened to be killed, or even worse, exiled. Darsia told them that he had been searching for her. That was enough to make them suspicious. Using spells that should not have been touched they traced her. They would travel to RhyDin as soon as they could. He had to return to the arenas and find Xenograg.

After briefly speaking to the one called Dimitri via telepathy Quaide sat down with the elf to discuss Mystic. He had informed Dimitri of the urgency to find Xenograg. However, it was necessary for Quaide to cut of the telepathic conversation. The council would find him, and Mystic, easily by tracing his communications. After informing Dimitri of this he continued discussing Mystic. She was to be watched, and the message delivered to no one but Xenograg himself. He wasn’t sure what else he could do. Dimitri didn’t now where she was staying and he wasn’t about to publicize his presence on RhyDin to everyone. It had been a long few days. Escaping the council, getting to RhyDin secretly. And yet, the most difficult task lay before him. Sidetracking the council, without appearing to do so.

Yet everything was made much simpler when the General arrived. Quaide had forgotten that Xenograg officiated the duels from time to time. Standing in respect he requested a word from the man. Surprise was evident, and it should be. He wasn’t supposed to come back to RhyDin for a much longer time. The first thing on his mind was the location of Mystic.

“In the City. Is there a problem?"

“Indeed there is. How...protected is she?”

“She sleeps in a magically-warded building. With another, stronger location available at need."
“I would prefer it if she be moved to the stronger location for the time being.” The General was prompt and rose to do so immediately. Before he left, Quaide thought it best to inform the General of the council’s plans. “The council is coming here within a days time.”


“I do not know. I was not privy to that information. All I know is that they will search for her, and some will look like ordinary people. They have also hired men who are of …” he pondered “questionable status.” The General nodded and informed Quaide that she would be protected. Standing Quaide felt the council’s magic. They would come soon. “I fear I have been here too long, they all ready suspect I am helping her.”

“Thank you for the warning, Quaide. We shall be ready.”

Fading into the shadows, Quaide prepared himself for the eminent interrogation.
~Second Chief Arcane of the High Alta Order~
~Quaide Erud~
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A Search

Post by Quaide »

Shortly after Quaide leaves a man and a woman enter the arena. The man whispered to the woman who headed back out. He, however, proceeded down the stairs, brilliant red robes flying behind him. Ayolin listened keenly to the conversations around him. He knew that cousin Quaide had come here. What he needed was proof.

“What we need is intelligence. All we have is Quaide's word and minimal description.”

After hearing this little excerpt from a man nearby, Ayolin turned towards the speaker. He had to refrain from a double take. The man looked exactly like Quaide. Except his eyes. His eyes were brown, and he didn’t have the magical traces that Quaide had. “Has Quaide been here recently?” As he spoke a black kitten ran towards him and started to examine his robes.

The official who had spoken of Quaide responded oddly. “Who?”

“A man who looks similar to you, except for his eyes. You used the name Quaide did you not?” The kitten began to annoy Ayolin and so he pushed it away rudely.

“You must have misheard me speak when you were listening in on a private conversation, sir.” The man frowned. Of course, he would not understand the severity of the mission Ayolin had.

“I heard a familiar name, I missed the rest of the conversation. Perhaps I was mistaken.” He wasn’t convinced but continued around the room. Quaide had been here. It was obvious. Traces both weeks old and only moments old. His relative was getting sloppy. After searching a bit Ayolin paused where he sensed Quaide had been. The traces were hard to find at first. His cousin was hiding something, of that he was sure. Muttering briefly he disappeared leaving a red glow behind him.
~Second Chief Arcane of the High Alta Order~
~Quaide Erud~
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Post by Rhaine »

She watched the stranger with spectral patterns so similar to those of Quaide, and showed no emotion. So, this being has come for Mystic... but he was a living being, and a being with a soul. Good magical resistance... she frowned.
This may become difficult... but challenge was something she loved. Especially after her brief trip to another realm...

The stranger did not pay attention to a vampire looking at him. He seemed to be only interested in tracking Quaide. He was annoyed by Lyrt's curiosity, but probably didn't notice how his scent was picked and memorized. Rhaine smiled to herself when he left. She gained more than enough information. Now it was time to do some accurate planning work.

One thought made her shudder.... but she chased it away.
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Post by Xenograg »

Xenograg strides from the Arena after receiving Quaide's warning. Not bothering with his horse, Xenograg summons the wind and flies to Dojo Darelir. Thankfully, he finds Mystic there. Xenograg truthfully tells her about her uncle's warning. Mystic's emotions seem to be divided between sadness at leaving the City and curiousity about Queen Teleperien's home.

Xenograg leads Mystic through the secret door and down into his sanctum. He shows her the magic mirror and how to use it to travel between the Dojo and Sawrey Castle. He lets her open the portal the final time as proof she can. They then step through into the rooms set aside for Amaltea and Xenograg by Teleperien.

Xenograg requests and is escorted into the Queen's presence. She is briefed and arrangements for Mystic's extended stay are begun. Xenograg must get back to the Arena for his calling shift, now. He kisses Mystic's forehead and rushes back to his rooms and the mirror. Another flight over Rhydin City returns him to the Arena after less than a half hour.

Quaide had departed in the meantime, but the problem had only just arrived....
"The stupidest creative act is still a creative act, and that the real gap isn't between the mediocre and great work. The real gap is between getting started and doing nothing. If you've created something, even if it's stupid, you've put yourself in a position to do more." - Clay Shirky
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Post by Mystic »

I am scared, upset, yet happy and yet not. To tell the truth, I am confuzzled! It's a word I've made up in my silence. Confused and puzzled at the same time. My Uncle had returned but only to warn Xenograg about the council. It's very weird, isn't the council supposed to be made up of wise and ever gracious leaders? Originally that's what Uncle told me. I also don't want to leave, I mean, I can always get back but it's not like I'm going to risk a meeting with Daigotsu. Or the council. Or Vanion.

Eldicor is a really nice place, I like it a lot. The Queen visits me occasionally and so does Xenograg. He's beginning to look very tired though. I hope everything is okay. I don't want to worry him but I'm getting bored to pieces.

Some times though, I don't think you could find more starch in a Zaarian Laundromat. These elves can be so strict! Especially when they are teaching. I love learning, but they do occasionally make things dull. I've made up my mind. Tonight I'm going back to the Dojo. For the first time since I've been moved to this new place. Perhaps I can find Rhaine and she can take me to the arenas!
~Mystic Suleir~
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Post by Mystic »

Rhaine took me to the arenas, and after making sure it was safe we seated ourselves. I got to eat cookies with milk and I had fun dueling with this Baroness called Topaz. She was really tough to beat. After my duel the Queen Teleperien arrived. I hadn’t exactly told her or anyone else I was leaving, I didn’t know I had to. I was worried that she would get made at me. Rhaine came over to me quickly and smiled saying that lady Topaz is very hard to score against. She greeted the Queen and asked if she was surprised to see me here. Wanting to make things better, I skip-hopped over to the Queen and offered my most elegant curtsy. The queen said hello to me then replied to Rhaine. While they spoke I shifted uneasily, thinking that Teleperien still wasn’t too please with me. So I retrieved a cookie and offered it to the Queen.

"Thank you Mystic." She paused while accepting the cookie. "Mystic.. Stay close to either Rhaine or myself. Please."

I knew that I had done something wrong, I hadn’t told anyone where I was going. Rhaine chimed in “Those who have come for you, may arrive, Mystic, and I would not wish them to get you.” Nodding obediently to both Rhaine and the Queen I hoped they knew I was sorry.

"I would agree, that would make Xenograg very unhappy."

I certainly didn’t want to make him upset! I’m beginning to get the feeling I’m a burden to him. I really should find a different way to satisfy my curiosity. While Rhaine continued to talk to the Queen I retrieved the cookie plate and brought it over carefully with my glass of milk. I sat between them at the table and sort of listened to them for a while, entertaining myself by watching Dimitri duel. I felt somewhat left out, especially after Rhaine said, “Though one of them would be insanely curious to see Mystic... and I wouldn't advise her to show this curiosity.” She smiled at me and explained. “One of those against whom I warned you, is very curious about magic users.” Now Rhaine has warned me about a lot of people. But after careful consideration I created a orange-purple flame image of Daigotsu. I was only half right. “No, she is his follower.”

Dimitri's duel ended and after a brief glance to the two ladies I hopped of my chair and skipped over to Dimitri. He said hello to me and I offered him my cutest curtsy. I gave him a tight hug around his waist to show how glad I was he was happy and safe. I heard a noise behind me and jumped slightly fearing the Oni. Turning I saw it was just one of Dimitri’s golem. I played with the golem for a while, dancing and smiling. Dimitri’s golems were so much fun.


My fun ended quickly when a black haired woman in a crimson kimono walked down the stairs. I vaguely remember the Queen beckoning me. Rhaine appeared behind me and I jumped fearing the worst. The woman in the kimono took a while to gaze over the room. I felt Rhaine’s magic wrap around me in a force field of some sort but that wasn’t going to stop the woman from looking at me. Those hard black eyes will forever haunt my dreams. “I have mentioned her.” Rhaine spoke quietly, and I fought to keep control of myself. I was scared.

The queen joined us quickly, staff in hand. I felt added protection from someone else but remained in still. Hearing familiar footfalls I looked up. I couldn’t have been happier to see Xenograg! Running over past Shahai I stood behind him. He was surprised to see me. I felt Shahai’s eyes follow me, and Rhaine and the Queen came to the General as well. Those eyes. I can never forget those eyes. It’s all a jumble, but I knew I was trembling. The woman’s heavily accented speech struck a horrid fear into my heart.

"Your child?" She was talking to Xenograg. He tried to calm me by placing a hand on my head.

“My ward.”

"Beautiful." The way she said the word, like she was purring. I continued to tremble as I looked into those hard black eyes.

“She is.” Rhaine was there. Her voice was cold and dry. She placed a hand on my shoulder, which made me jump. I smiled at her shakily when she told me to calm down.

"You have interesting associations." The woman was still there.

People that cared surrounded me. But I knew that Shahai would still get me. Somehow I would not be safe. “Tele, I think you should take Mystic back to the Dojo.” The Dojo, yes, Xenograg was right, I had to leave. “I will stay and talk with Shahai for awhile.” No! He would get hurt if he stayed! I knew he would. Slowly things became dull, unclear. I barely registered Rhaine offering to help, or the Queens summons. Soon, my whole world was just the hard eyes of Shahai. She was reaching to me. Somehow I became hers. Everything was black but her. Her motion for me to step forward became my only command. I took that step. She was my world.

Why was I doing this? Isn’t she going to hurt me? I hesitated on the next step. She would kill me, surely. Or something worse. Yet her soft beckons were…persuading. I hesitated again, fighting to stop, but at the same time wishing to obey. I was within the woman’s grasp now. Shahai. That was her name. I felt like was being picked up and then my world became clear. I was in Teleperien's arms, shaking I could barely make out other figures. The compulsion to follow Shahai was still there. Teleperien commanded me to look at her. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. Then I felt it briefly, a negation of all magic. My world faded.
~Mystic Suleir~
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Post by Mystic »

With a sudden jolt I awoke. I didn’t know how much time had passed. Trembling everything came back to me. SHAHAI! My eyes opened wide. Where was she? Was she going to take me again! No, don’t let her do that. The panic within me was immeasurable. XENOGRAG! Was he all right? Dimitri? What about Rhaine?

“Calm down, lass... Shahai is not here, and will not be.” Rhaine was here, holding me. I buried my face in her shirt, shaking violently. Rhaine set me down; I didn’t want to be set down.

Slowly she began to replenish my energy, stabilize me. The Queen was there, warming me, sending a calm wave. I breathed shakily but began to calm down. I was in front of the Dojo. But what of the others? They were probably dead, or worse. What had Shahai done? No. What had I done? Why? Why did I have to go off and cause such problems? Why did I have to leave the safety provided for me?

These questions and more flooded through me and I couldn’t help but cry. It was all my fault, and Shahai would be after me again. I knew it. “It's gone, Mystic. And may anything help her if she returns.” Rhaine was right, I would be protected.

The Queen commanded me to look at her, and so I did. She smiled and spoke softly wiping my tears. I collapsed on the ground crying freely. "You were very brave." Rhaine picked me up and hugged me, I held on tightly still crying. Oh I hope everyone is all right. I will never forgive myself for such stupidity. "Come" The Queen lead us within and Rhaine set me down on one of the benches.

“I think that someone should learn to resist their orders...” she was talking about me. “Sit down, Mystic, and look.” The tears had slowed somewhat, so I looked up sadly. “We're out of that madness, and if anything depends on me...” she hugged me. I was going to be safe.

"Rhaine, we must take her to my realm."

“Certainly that is a good idea.”

I didn’t register much as they carried me to the portal to Eldicor. When we got there I heard the Queen reassure me. "No one can find you.. Promise me you will not leave Eldicor without permission again."

“Don't make it look like a cage, Your Majesty.”

I nodded to the Queen, ready to cry again though. I had been so foolish! "I know Rhaine, I shudder to think what would happen if she was caught unawares." Teleperien sighed. "I have no desire to cage her."

Rhaine gave me a small device, like a box of matches. “Here, Mystic. I will always know if you need help if this is with you. And you can always call me to walk you to Arena.” That wouldn’t be necessary, I thought. I was tired, and barely felt the Queen take me through the portal. She took me to my room and I lay on the bed. Teleperien held me as I cried again keeping me close. After my tears were spent I took the potion she gave me. Falling into a peaceful sleep I silently vowed never to leave Eldicor without Xenograg himself.
~Mystic Suleir~
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A Gilded Cage

Post by QueenTeleperien »

“Lady! You have found her!” Were the welcoming words to Teleperien as she stepped into Eldicor.

“Aye, but the child has gone through trials even I would find difficult.” Tele says. “Quickly, please make up the room that was Erwyn’s old nursery and get the potion for sweet sleep and carry it to the nursery.”

Mystic seemed very unaware of her surroundings. Tele set her staff down on the bed and carried the young girl to the nursery. It was a room just for children. Colorful walls, toys that sparkled, talked, spun and floated were in Mystic’s reach. The bed is enchanted to keep dark dreams away as well as warm.

Candles are lit and Tele helps Mystic take the potion and sits with her until sleep takes her fully. “I am sorry I must cage you.” Tele says quietly as she brushes the blonde locks from the sleeping child’s face. She looks at the nurse. “Do not leave her alone. If you must leave, have someone take your place. She is frightened beyond words.

“Yes Lady.”

With that Tele leaves the room and heads back to the room with the mirror. She gives orders that the room must be locked and guarded after she goes through the mirror. Picking up her staff she goes through the dojo and back to the arena to see if Shahai has caused much damage.
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Post by Mystic »

My first night in Eldicor after meeting Shahai would be the last peaceful one. The following day’s I stayed in my room, playing with the cards Uncle had bought for me. Unable to stay awake for more then two hours at a time I slept often. I would always awaken with the predominant image of a pair of eyes. Hard, cold, eyes. It is a good thing I cannot scream.

Other images haunted my dreams. Xenograg dying, Dimitri twisting in pain from that Shahai woman, my Uncle being chased by the council. I couldn't sleep yet I couldn't remain awake. Often I fell into a lull of unconsciousness, trying to fight both dreaming and waking up. The nurse was always there, comforting me. Helping me, and keeping me entertained while I was awake.


Screaming silently I bolted up looking around frantically. I vaguely registered the nurse sleeping in a chair beside my bed. I had seen it. Rhaine had joined Daigotsu. Those cold, hard eyes of Shahai bore into me, searching me out, commanding me to obey. Death was all around me. Shahai, she was here, in my room. I could feel it. Shaking, screaming inside, I knew she was going to come out of the darkness and take me.

Leaping off my bed I crashed to the floor. I felt blood dripping from my lip but didn't care. Sprinting down the halls I ran towards the Queens office. I slipped down the stairs, somersaulted and crashed into a table. A vase fell on my head and broke. Standing up I ran. Shahai was after me; I could feel those penetrating eyes.

Fumbling with the door handle I finally opened the study. Stumbling in I ran towards the Queen, clutching onto her for dear life. My face, bloodied lip and all buried in the silky cloth. Somewhere deep within I knew it was all a dream, all part of a recurring nightmare.
~Mystic Suleir~
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Is anything easy?

Post by QueenTeleperien »

Erwyn was still gone. She and Chrissy had gone to Navarra when Rhiannon was married and stayed for a holiday. She was expected back any day. This would be good for Mystic, the poor child needed some one to play with. Teleperien had spent a good deal of the day close by her. Inspite of her many magical talents, the child is incredibly delicate and vulnerable.

She put Mystic to bed as the sun went down. Poor child is exhausted. Tele could tell it stems from the previous evenings horrors. She would take many days to heal from that. When she was safely asleep Tele went to the dueling arena to see if Xenograg was about. To her great disappointment he was not. Sylus was there however and he talked to her about a dream he had.

“I saw the face of a cat demoness and heard these words:

~An evil seeks rebirth....~

Whispers in the shadows...

~The twice tainted will seek the light....~

Whispers in the void...

~The Annaran will vanish....~”

A cold chill crawled down Teleperien’s spine. The only cat demoness she knew was Shakira. A name she refused to speak out loud as if speaking it would conjure her from thin air. Shakira

“Elbereth.. protect us.” She muttered, her eyes closed. She opens her eyes and looks at Sylus. If this is true, it explains much; the appearance of the bloodspeakers, Legendazona, Tass’s mysterious illness as well as Alais’s disappearance. The welt from the previous evening had of course healed itself as soon as she returned to Eldicor. But the memory still lingered.

For a long while they discussed this and he asked her to assist him. She longed to. She felt first she needed to care for Mystic. To leave her now would be unkind. In fact it was time to return and check on the child. She promised Sylus she would think on the matter and send a missive with her answer.

Once back in Eldicor Tele peeped in the nursery and with relief saw Mystic sound asleep, the nurse next to her dozing as well. She went to her study and lit a candle. It must have been an hour.. maybe two when she heard the breaking of pottery and the opening of her study door. Mystic ran straight to her, nose bleeding, her face a mask of terror. Tears running down her face. Tele gathered her in her arms and sat rocking her back and forth.

“Shhhh.. it’s a dream.” She murmurs into Mystic’s hair. Touching her she saw the night terror. The bloodspeaker is somehow making her way into Mystic’s dreams.
“Varna, hinaya-lio úmëa olore” Tele speaks in a soft voice, hand on Mystic’s head. A light from her hand moves around Mystic it is slowly absorbed into her small body, a barrier for the evening at least. Tomorrow Tele would look at a way of finding a way to protect her from this evil for a long period.

Tele carefully wipes the blood from Mystic’s face with a lavender scented damp cloth and carries her back to her room. The nurse is frantic.

“Lady! She was gone when I awoke!” She is obviously afraid. Tele made a gesture to be quiet and lays Mystic in her bed..

“Fûme varne” She enchants a dreamless sleep.. Mystic is asleep in seconds.

Tele gestures for the nurse to join her in the hall. The nurse stands there wringing her hands as Tele closes the door.

“She will sleep tonight. If you must, get another to help sit watch. This child is not to be left alone, do not sleep. Erwyn will be home soon, I will see if she can help keep the Mystic occupied.

“Yes Lady.”

“I am leaving in search of Xenograg, he needs to know of this.”

“Yes Lady.”

She leaves her staff, she will only be gone a short while. The door to the passage into the dojo is opened for her and she steps through. And of course Xenograg is not there. This does not surprise her. The servants are apologetic and say they will “inform the general when he arrives.”

Tele thanks them and uses the portal to go to the arena. This will prove to be a mistake.
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The Princess Returns

Post by Erwyn »

“The princess has arrived!” Came the call from the battlements. It’s mid morning and the small riding party is approaching the gates. Gwindor, Erwyn, and Chrissy are glad to be home. It was hard crossing Eldicor for they were forced to go around the mountains inhabited by the dwarves. They were not willing to allow passage without a stiff fee even if the daughter of the queen rode with them.

This will be reported to the queen.

Erwyn looks around as she dismounts. At once she notices the grave faces of the guards. She asks one in a low voice.

“What has happened?”

“Your mother, the queen.. she is missing.”

Erwyn pauses with alarm growing in her heart. Chrissy and Gwindor heard this and the three of them exchanged glances.

“Are you certain she did not stay in the dojo with Xenograg?” Erwyn asks.

“Aye, Borin went to the dojo this morn when she did not appear for the morning’s work. They told him she used the dojo to go to the arena, yet she did not return. This is not expected for she is caring for a child and she did not wish to leave her alone.”

“A child?”

“Go speak with Borin and the hobbit. They will tell you what you the events that have taken place.”

With that Erwyn enters the castle with Gwindor and Chrissy close behind. A maid follows as she strips her cloak and riding gloves taking them from her. She finds the dwarf and hobbit in Tele’s study. Both look alarmed and upset.

“Borin.. Thomas.. what…” Erwyn begins.

“Read this..” Borin replies handing her the daily journal her mother kept. Her firm yet feminine script was dated the night before.

“Dark news has surrounded much of what I know. Alais is missing, a dark dream haunts Sylus. Is the demoness indeed looking for a way for rebirth? He begs me to help yet I doubt I have what is needed to find her. Rhaine is much better suited for this. They are deeply linked in mind and soul. I admit my lack of ability freely.

Secondly I have Mystic in my charge and I do not wish to abandon her. I can protect her here. Therefore I have decided not to accompany Sylus, but remain ready to….”

The writing stops. Erwyn looks at Borin.

“Do you know what happened afterward?”

“I asked the nurse, she saw your mother with the child Mystic and she had decided to find Xenograg. She left through the mirror and has not been seen since.” Borin replies.

Erwyn nods. She is uneasy and unsure of what to do. She leaves the study and goes to her apartments. She stops at her old nursery and watches the young girl within. She is a pretty child. Blonde hair.. small and delicate. At once Erwyn understands her mother’s desire to protect Mystic. Mystic looks up and sees Erwyn and looks a little frightened.

Erwyn smiles. “I’m Erwyn. They say your name is Mystic. I am glad you’re here. We will have fun together.”
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Post by Mystic »

Erwyn is a wonderful lady. She plays with me and keeps me company but I know something is wrong. Everyone is upset and I've heard people speaking of the Queen. Teleperien is missing. I really hope that it isn't my fault...

Shahai still haunts my dreams but I'm often given this special potion. Usually it prevents me from having any dreams at all. I haven't seen Xenograg lately either, I'm getting really worried.

One night I woke up shaking. Those eyes will never remove themselves from my memory. Erwyn was there in my room and she came over to sit with me. Hugging me tightly I knew I had to fix this. I had to make sure everyone was all right, and I had to get rid of those eyes.

I wish Uncle were here.
~Mystic Suleir~
Ward of Xenograg

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