Rhy'Din Map Project

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Rhy'Din Map Project

Post by Jake »

A few months ago, the subject came up on the msg boards about Rhy'Din, and what places might be part of Rhy'Din from different people's perspective.

As a result of that discussion, a team was assembled at the suggestion of some of the RoH staff. The team assembled included: Amaltea, G'nort, Rory, Deluthan, and myself. The team was kept small for this preliminary phase, with no plan to intentionally leave anyone out.

What we've begun to discuss is actually creating a map of Rhy'Din to supplement our play setting.

It is true there are other maps already created of Rhy'Din. In fact, there are several maps of Rhy'Din that have been created over time for different play groups, and they tend to bear very little similarity to each other. None of these maps specifically addresses the sort of Rhy'Din that would be supportive to our community's RP. So, we're looking at creating a Rhy'Din specifically for our use. A Rhy'Din for use by the dueling roleplayers.

Will this project invalidate any other version of Rhy'Din? No. If you do not think this project will address your needs, feel free to ignore it. No one is forcing anyone to play, but we ARE inviting you to share in this project and help to create a shared setting that all of us can use.

The project has been broken into two major parts. The first part is the city of Rhy'Din. The second part of the project will be the lands surrounding the city we call Rhy'Din. At this point, we have done some preliminary work putting together ideas for the city. We have not yet addressed the lands surrounding the city, except in very general terms.

Within the next few days, we hope to post a map (currently being put together by Amaltea) for everyone to see and offer feedback on.

Please keep in mind that we're doing everything we can to be flexible, but when it comes right down to it, there are so many interpretations of Rhy'Din at this point, that it will be impossible to reconcile everyone's version. This means that people will need to be willing to compromise. For example, it may be that what people thought was in the western part of the city, will need to be in the southern part of the city. We hope people will view the map project with an open mind, and work with us to make the project a success by compromising to put together a shared setting that we can all use to enhance our roleplay and storytelling.

If you have any questions, please feel free and encouraged to bring them up. We do not view this as a project of a select few, but rather a project intended to provide all of us with something to share in.

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on behalf of the Rhy'Din Mapping Project Team
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Post by Jake »

While attempting to visualize what our city of Rhy'Din might look like, a very, very crude made was done (by me) as a starting point to help progress our discussion.

On this map, we've included as many of the sites as we could remember that might be a part of the city. You may see what this first draft map looked like at http://duelingzone.com/map/index.cfm?map=6. You may see a larger version of the same map at http://duelingzone.com/map/index.cfm?map=8. Please keep in mind that this map was just intended as a starting point as we began to discuss the possible layout of the city. We have every intention of developing a more attractive and professional map to replace the crude one. Amaltea, who I am sure many of you know has great talents in the artistic areas, is currently working on the more refined map. You may see her current progress at http://duelingzone.com/map/index.cfm?map=9.

We'd like to include as many sites as possible on the map. If you do not see your particular site on the map, it's only because we either didn't know about it, or didn't remember it. Please feel free to let us know about your specific site, and work with us to place it properly on the map.

If you have any questions about why the map is laid out the way it is, please feel welcome and encouraged to leave a note here.

We look forward to your input.

Last edited by Jake on Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jake »

One of the things you might immediately note about our map that may be different from some of the other available maps of Rhy'Din city, is that the city is bordered on the left by water.

In many of the comments we've seen about Rhy'Din city over time we've noted that people envision there being docks, a wharf, etc. that enables sea-bound travel. Many of the maps that exist of Rhy'Din city presently do not actually border on a sea, and could therefore not support a deep water harbor/sea-faring vessels.

That was one of the first things we incorporated into our map. The area to the west of Rhy'Din will be a sea/ocean to support the many SLs which have already taken place involving sea-going vessels harboring in Rhy'Din.
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Post by Spiffy McBang »

Woohoo, the library!

One thing I noticed that surprised me is that you drew the map, Jake, but I don't see Badside anywhere.
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Post by Jake »

Spiffy McBang wrote:Woohoo, the library!

One thing I noticed that surprised me is that you drew the map, Jake, but I don't see Badside anywhere.
If you look at the description of the Docks, you will actually see mention of Badside.

To be honest, the conception of Badside has changed somewhat since my initial descriptions of it.

In my mind, Badside was not a specific place. Badside was something that moved around, like a mobile black market, and was generally in places like subterranean caverns and tunnels vice being in a specific quadrant of the city.

That's difficult for people to conceptualize. Some of the people that have made use of Badside have presumed that it IS a quadrant of the city someplace. Most seem to have pictured it near the docks. So...it's entirely possible that before this is all done that maybe Badside will be one of those formalized sections of the map. We'll see. Since it's a shared setting, while my views may have created it (Badside), it's going to change as other people add their bits and pieces to the collective tapestry.

As we all (hopefully) contribute to the map, we're going to find that some compromises and tweaks occur as we reconcile our "world views" to fit. That's the cooperative part of this project.
Last edited by Jake on Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shakira »

I like that Badside is "elusive" and hard to find. But shouldn't Badside Brewery should have a building? PJ will be out of a job if they don't. ::ducks::

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Post by Jake »

PJ isn't the spokemodel for Badside Brewery. She's the spokesmodel for Red Orc Brewery (which makes Badsider Brew). And the Red Orc Brewery IS on the map. ;)
Last edited by Jake on Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Karen Wilder »

Just some things based on what I've written and visualized...

Somewhere on the edge of "The Old Temple District" is the Chapterhouse of the Knights Templar. On your map, I would see it being in the southwest corner of the box containing the "SouthGate (Old Temple)" marker.

I had also imagined that there might be a number of very old temples, shrines, statues, etc. in various stages of neglect and disrepair... some of which would be considered cursed, haunted or protected by the forgotten gods that were once worshipped there.

Somewhere on the shoreline, perhaps near the mouth of the river, lies "The Crooked Hook". A shabby dive, but perhaps one of the safest places along the waterfront... thanks to Maetel living there, and a few of her friends checking in from time to time.

Now for something of less "fantasy" orientation...

Is there any thoughts toward including a "Tech Sector"? Or perhaps such an area would be situated a bit north of the city, keeping the Spaceport, Stars End Bar, Kitsune Stadium and other such structures "separate" from the city, yet still "in the area"... so to speak.
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Post by Jake »

Karen Wilder wrote:Is there any thoughts toward including a "Tech Sector"? Or perhaps such an area would be situated a bit north of the city, keeping the Spaceport, Stars End Bar, Kitsune Stadium and other such structures "separate" from the city, yet still "in the area"... so to speak.
Anything outside of the city proper is/will be part of the second phase of our project.

Yes, the spaceport/SEB is still in our thoughts. So, after we've gained consensus on the city, we'll begin populating the areas that surround the city. Or at least that's the plan.
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Post by Elijah »

When the first RhyDin maps were being developed a decade ago, it also helped to develop the Inner Realms of RhyDin interwoven storylines. Quite a few characters were sovereigns of their own domains of course, and since these characters interacted, a sense of geography began to develop. Sometimes it worked well, sometimes it didn't as far as some cooperation in "realms" interacting with each other, but at the least it provided a consistent set of points of reference to write about in their stories. So whether you read the Dracoern, or Westridge, or Questrion, or any of the other "realm" message folders and players mentioned common places in their posts, it helped readers not be confused or say one person's interpertation is better than anothers, because it was the same. I don't know why we have to call it RhyDin, but I can see why people do, and as long as other players in and out of this community explain it as the"Dueler's RhyDin" version, than I guess it is not too bad. I am glad this project is being done and anything I can add in terms of experience in GPS coding, or other cartographer experience, let me know. I been into it for a couple decades now.
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Post by Jake »

Thanks Elijah. We appreciate your support.

Hopefully we can do just that...provide some common reference points that everyone will be able to make use of in their storytelling and RP.
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Old players

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I for one am thrilled to see this new map. Amaltea is doing fabulous work to put it into something tangible.

I agree that the old "realms" should play some role in the creation of the "outside" the city sections, as an old player, I would very much appreciate that "continuity", and would like to ask that I' Taurn, the 24th Overlord's house be added to the city residences somewhere on the North side of the city of Rhy'Din.

Just my 2 cents worth.
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Post by Rakeesh »

I'd love to request the addition of the Adventurer's Guild to the Map. I believe that the Guild is best suited near a grouping of trees that would still be easily accessable by foot. I'd greatly appreciate it! Great job on the map so far :)
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Post by Jake »

Well...a "group of trees" could be just about anywhere.

Can you pick an area of the map you'd like to see the guildhouse in? e.g. the northeast part near the lake...or the northwest part by the sea...or near the southern wall of the city?

Or...catch Amal or I online and we can work with you interactively to place it on the map.

Alais, same for you, catch one of us online, and we can help place it on the map.

And thanks for your interest and support!
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I' Taurn House and trees

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I spoke with Amaltea today, a tree line boulevard, near the sea would be great. But, I'm pretty flexible about that, put it in a place not overly crowded already. North, North east, North west, no big deal.

It really looks good and I can't wait to see the outcome.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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