Letting the Fairy Dust Fall

Tales from the Atreblan Valley

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Letting the Fairy Dust Fall

Post by Devra »

His blue eyes shimmered and his mind raced faster with many thoughts as he moved in closer toward the perimeters of the land. He may even be able to call it his home and it should have been. The map indicated that his traveling partner and he were close but he wanted more than just a drawing.

He wanted a good feeling. At the moment, though filled with anticipating excitement, speckles of doubt rained in.

"She won't know me and never shall my heart find peace, " the young man said.

"Hush. You know nothing. A mother always knows her child," admonished his female companion of many years.

"And that is just it. I am not a child anymore. She will not know me I tell you."

"Keep talking like that and she'll think you are an imposter."

A small tilt of his head came equipped with a coy smile. Again his eyes shimmered but in a different way. They conveyed the love he had for Teyressa. "I thought you said a mother always knows her child?"

"You are not a child though says you, " she playfully countered.

"Exactly and I fear to think what she will think of me if she does believe its me. I have no fighting skills like I was beginning to gain when I was a child and she is a woman possessing the greatest of those skills. She will not believe it is I. Furthermore,..."

"No...Torma..." Tey interjected not being able to finish pronouncing the handsome fairy's name, for the rustle of leaves sounded off loud and an eery feeling came along with it. The couple came to still quietness quickly because they both felt it. They slid quickly to a nearby tree and disappeared; nothing showing evidence that they were present except for a few sparkles of fairy dust which fell to the ground.

"Its safe. Nothing but a familiar," he said with a whispered tone a few moments later. "Probably better we do nay talk until we know more about these surroundings."

"But you are home!"

"Shhhhh..." he said. "We do not know that I can call this home. I might remind you too that we are near but not there."

Even when his expression was serious the play of twinkle in his eyes always shone more but she knew when what truth he shed.

"But, I will not have you talking down on yourself. I know you better than you know yourself. You have more magic and fighting skills in you than you care to SEE or acknowledge."

"Let us quiet for now."

His right wing twitched and fairy dust glittered down from it. She loved watching him. She was in love with him but she was a wise maiden. She wasn't the same race as he. Although, he had told her many times over that it didn't matter she could only think that someday he may realize it does matter.

She was the only woman who seemed to not be affected by his magical beauty and charm. But oh how she was.

(hope you don't mind me posting this story here...there is a reason for it but I'll leave that for responses to be done in story fashion.)
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