Pathfinder Challenge

The happenings and goings-on out back in the home of the Duel of Fists.

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Layne Jenkins
Junior Adventurer
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Location: Rhydin Forest

Pathfinder Challenge

Post by Layne Jenkins »

Everyone, especially a person who spent more than fifteen minutes around him, knew that Layne abhorred just about everything associated with Rhydin. One of his favorite haunts, the Wild Jasmine, had turned to shambles since Braxxx's unwilling departure, and had made no improvements since his recent return. The cutting, chopping, and toppling of trees could only go so far to curb one's aggression and, after year of repetition, no matter how lush the forest, he needed something more. The Outback, when he could bring himself to stomach the trip into town, provided at least something different and while maybe not quite as enthralling as a good old-fashioned bar brawl, he could still enjoy himself upon occasion. As long as nobody talked to much, anyhow.

Why he felt the need to challenge the woman (who used a hologram to fight, no less? Things got more and more pathetic around the place all the time, it seemed to him), he couldn't say. Maybe he was more bored than he thought, or maybe he just wanted something to spice up the weekend. Whatever the reason, he'd sent in his notice. He was quite anxious to see the response.

The notice he sent read as follows:


It has come to my attention through the rumors that leak out of your God forsaken town like a shattered sieve that you managed to win yourself an Opal. It's about time one of those things found its way into the hands of someone who, shall we say, can put it to some good use rather than let it rot in the unstable diseased hands of those who choose to live where you do.

I’m coming for your prize, woman. Where and when are entirely up to you.

Layne Jenkins
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