Double Challange Results

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DUEL Kheldar
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Double Challange Results

Post by DUEL Kheldar »

Well we had two Opal challenges outstanding going into this week, and this week we had two outstanding challenges take place. First off early Tuesday evening was Dizzy’s first attempted defense against hard luck challenger Xerzes. Xerzes’ streak of unsuccessful challenges is fairly well known, having gone at least 0-8 going into this match. Dizzy however, had never successfully defended a title. One of the two streaks were going to come to an end. The first match started out in the challengers favor, and though the Opal tied it up on several occasions, including at 4 all, Xerzes earned the first win despite the advantage of the ring going to Dizzy (she chose the Rink). The second match went much the same, Xerzes starting out early, Diz evening things up at 2, and then with two clean points and a trade he won the right to hold IceDancer, his first ever DoF title. Congratulations to him.

But that was not the end of our Opal fun this week. Wednesday as the last shift of the night began, Chris showed up and wanted to fight his challenge verses the boss, Matt for the right to hold ShadoWeaver. For those who don’t know, Matt at one point held ShadoWeaver for over 6 consecutive cycles. He gets to keep this one at least another month as he takes Chris down in a close 2-0 win where both matches went to sudden death. The combatants fought locked into the pit, an advantage to the defender one would think, but the closing of the top of the pit was Chris’ request. Well won Matt, well tried Chris and Diz.

In short
Xerzes defeats Dizzy two matches to nil by the scores of 5-4 and 5-3
Matt defeats Chris two matches to nil by the scores of 5-4 and 5-4

As witnessed by Kheldar Drasinia
Standings Keeper and Caller of the Duel of Fists
(I'm sorry it's not very readable, I couldn't figure out how to change the font so things lined up correctly. If anyone wants the full logs just let me know. Yes I actually thought to log 'em for once. ;) )

(Diz Xerzes Score
Sweep Snap 0-1
Chop Jab 1-2
FAB Snap 2-2
FLeap. Jab 2-3
Ft LB Sweep 2-3
Spin Fdodge 3-3
Jump Jab 3-4
Sweep Chop 4-4
Ft LB Fduck 4+-4
Ft Ab Jab 4-4
Fleap Fleap 4+-4+
Chop Fjump 4-5

Sweep Jab 0-1
Fduck Fdodge +-1+
AB LB 0-1
Snap Snap 1-2
Fdodge Chop 2-2
FAB Fduck 2+-2+
Sweep LB 2-3
Jab Jab 3-4
Ft LB Fjump 3+-4
Jump Flip 3-5

Matt Chris
Flip Jab 1-0
Jump Fleap 1-1
Snap Jab 1-2
Sweep Sweep 2-3
Spin Spin 3-4
Fdodge Fdodge 3+-4+
FAB AB 4-4
Fdodge Fleap 4+-4+
FAB Jab 5-4

Fdodge Flip 1-0
Chop Fduck 2-0
Jab FAB 2-1
JK Sweep 2-1
Fdodge Fdodge 2+-1+
Jab Ft LB 3-1
FAB Sweep 3-2
Fdodge Jab 4-2
Jab Flip 4-3
Ft LB Fleap 4+-3
Dodge Sweep 4-4
FAB Snap 5-4 ))
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Post by Xerzes »

To be entirely specific, it was my tenth challenge, which placed me at 0-9 going into the challenge. One challenge for shadoWeaver, two for MoonBeryl, two previous challenges for IceDancer, and four for PathFinder.

Xerzes Maureen
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Post by Harris »

Xerzes still sucks.
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Post by Lisana »

Congradulations to both of the winners. Nice to see some challenges happening at last. Well fought all of you.

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