Coming soon to Twilight Isle:
the Spring 2025 All Ranks Tournament!
Duel of Magic welcomes spellcasters of all levels and affinities to come to Twilight Isle on Saturday, March 22nd at 8:00 PM EST and join in the fun of the All Ranks Tournament!
Every spellcaster taking part in this tournament will fight at Wizard ranking. That means three Foci,
but no Mage Spells or Furies.
In keeping with other recent tournaments, there is no activity requirement for entry.
All entrants who register before 9:00 PM on Thursday the 20th — and show up by 7:55 PM on the night of the tournament — will receive one (1) win automatically.
Check out our Prize Pool and sign up below!
First Place
You get first pick from our prize pool (listed below), plus five (5) wins (or the number of wins you acquired during the tournament, whichever is greater) added to your record, and all the marbles!
Second – Sixth Places
Your choice of one item from the prize pool, plus however many wins you acquired during the tournament added to your record.
All Other Participants
All of the wins you acquired during the tournament added to your record.

Stormbringer’s Bracers
(EF Prize)
Polished bracers made from a lightweight fae-and-shifter safe alloy, adorned with hammered runework and bits of thunderstone. Wearing these bracers allows the user to channel the energy of spring storms into concussive blasts and other, more complicated spellwork. The bracers’ power grows greater with approaching
rainfall and thunderstorms.
(( This item allows its user to utilize Elemental Fury (EF) in regulation duels until the next All Ranks Tournament. It cannot be used in challenges. ))

Springtide Familiar Egg
A shimmering egg that pulses gently with its own inner light. It will hatch within ninety (90) days, producing a companion creature who will bond with their new master and help augment their master’s perception and spellwork. The creature inside could be a miniature cloud serpent, a mistfox kit, or a bumblebark golem.
(( The creature inside will be decided via a 1d3 roll at the time of awarding. ))

Windwhisper Charm
This small, crystal pendant is shaped like a feather. Wearing it allows the user to hear distant conversations carried on the wind, pitch and project their voice with help from the wind, and even produce a burst of air to
knock back attackers.

Everflowing Canteen
A humble canteen that produces a self-replenishing supply of fresh, clean water with restorative properties. Its waters can be used to purge minor toxins, gently accelerate healing, and nourish plant life. When it’s used to water a seed, the plant’s growth is accelerated tenfold (10x).

Cloudlight Bottle
A handblown glass bottle containing swirling, shimmering cloudstuff. When released, material inside the bottle can create fluffy cloud seats, miniature rainstorms, a swarm of playful lightning bugs, and more. The cloudstuff can hold spellwork for up to twenty (20) minutes, and then it can be recalled to the bottle to be used another day.

Trickster’s Pocketwatch
This brass pocket watch is covered with markings and numbers that appear to make no sense at first glance. It allows its user to rewind time by six (6) seconds once per day. That’s just enough time to dodge a blow, undo a mistake, or set a prank into motion. It may also help augment time-based spellwork, but has not been sufficiently tested to say for sure.

Twin Wins Scroll
This scroll functions as a special pass to be used at the end of a regulation night of duels. Every Duel of Magic duel that its holder fought throughout the night will be doubled! The choice to utilize this scroll does not need to be made ahead of the evening, but it can instead be used after any single evening the holder wishes.
The Twin Wins Scroll may be used during the cycle it is gained or during the following cycle. Choose your night wisely, for it can only be used once and a duelist can only hold one scroll at a time
(( To utilize this scroll, duel as normal and when you have a particularly winning night, contact Gatito (Partly Cloudy) or Dris (BardGallant) to let them know which night you wish to double. ))

(( There is no activity requirement for this tournament.
(( The format will be double-elimination for fewer than 10 people, moving to single-elimination for more than 10 people.
(( The seeding will be based first on the RoK Rankings, followed by the order of sign-ups and walk-ins.
(( Please note: there is no penalty for signing up and being unable to show up the night of the tournament, so please sign up today! ))
(( Edited at 9:18 pm ET, 03/22/25, to add a 7th prize, so everyone comes away with something. Happy Spring, everyone! ))