2025 End of Winter Cycle All Ranks Tournament!
All Ranks, title holders included, are eligible to join!
The All Ranks Tournament will take place on Friday, March 21st at 8:35 PM (EST). We ask all participants to arrive before 8:30 so that they can be counted as present and prepared. There are no activity requirements to join the tournament.
Sign up before 8 PM (EST) on Wednesday, March 19th for early seeding access.
Tournament Prizes
“The Talon of Redwin is awarded to the highest placed tournament duelist with the rank of Grand Master or below after calculating wins gained throughout the night. The Talon or Redwin is named in honor of one of the Arena's most illustrious and well known duelers, Siera Redwin, past Overlord and Baron of the rings.”
The winner of the Talon will also be rewarded with a Barony Challenge Grant, which can be used anytime beginning with the next cycle until the cycle’s end. This Grant cannot be gifted, and follows all terms of the Universal Rules of Challenge.
The Talon of Redwin may also select a prize from the prize pool.
Only a duelist ranked Warlord/Baron can choose the test-free Overlord Challenge Grant prize. The winner of this grant will have 14 days beginning the day after the tournament (Saturday, March 22nd (6ET)) to challenge the Overlord. Normal challenge guidelines must be followed. No special grant holders may intercede during these challenges, nor can the Overlord initiate a Test of Worthiness.
1. Arena Prize
Banshee's Wail

This shillelagh appears to be a simple wooden club, but the one who wields it will find it a potent weapon. The bearer is resistant to cold, and when it strikes, the blow sends a chill through the one struck. Legend has it that the weapon was enchanted by a banshee and will wail as one when death is near. But whose death?
The cold touch of death holds no horrors for me.
2. Special Prize
Custom Commussion from Lemnos Craftworks
Master Smith Heph of Lemnos Craftworks has donated the prize of a commission for a custom item of the prize winner's choice. The item can be of any type, from a weapon tailored for the wielder to intricate clockwork automatons, from the finest armor to beautiful works of art. Please note that the time needed for completion depends on the nature of the commission and the availability of necessary materials.
3. Grace Breaker Challenge Grant
This Baronial Challenge Grant can be used as a normal challenge grant, or to challenge a Loyal Baron who is in their grace period following a successful defense. This grant cannot be gifted and can be used anytime beginning with the next cycle until the cycle's end.
Sign up below!
1. Rose
2. Gillette
3. Maggie
4. Rachael
5. Takai
6. Myth
7. Trinity
8. Troy
(( OOC: Early Seeding will be based on the Cycle Rankings found on the Duel of Swords Standings page, followed by sign up or walk in time for those that don't pre-register. As this is an All Ranks Tournament, all participating duelists will be fighting at the Warlord Rank: this means participants are granted four (4) fancies during their matches. This tournament will be Double Elimination.
As previously noted, if we receive 16 or more early sign-ups, we will be exploring alternatives to the format. If we have less than 16 advanced sign-ups as of 8 PM (EST) on Wednesday, March 19th, walk-ons (anyone signing up thereafter) will be welcome on a first-come-first-served basis, capped at 16. NEW: If we have five or fewer participants as of 8:30 PM (EST) the format will be Round Robin.
Any early sign-ups who arrive after 8:30 EST the night of the tournament will lose their place and be considered a walk-on subject to the first-come-first-served cap.
With the announcement of the All Ranks Tournament, the Overlord Grace Period —wherein no challenges can be made except by the winner of Overlord Challenge Grant (Test Free) prize or a Banished Loyal Baron— begins March 7th 6 EST and extends until April 5th 6 EST. ))