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Alex Gallows
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Post by Alex Gallows »

The Boy Baron & the Vanquishing of the Huntsman

Thursday, March 21st, 2024 -- Dunmovin

Are you afraid?

Avy's voice tickled at the edge of my consciousness. Though we had stopped sharing rooms two years prior, there was only a wall between us now, making our beds closer than they were when we slept in the same room when we were younger. She asked the same question anytime she was frightened, when she wanted a way out of what frightened her, as if holding my hand would rid me of my own fear. That wasn't how it worked for me, but in that moment, hearing her call for me, what did it really matter?

No, not really. It's just a swords tournament. Why would I be afraid?

There was a brief pause where I knew that my sister was listening and processing my question, still in my head, but not actively interjecting her own words.

Everyone there is a lot bigger. What if they hurt you?

Our mother had asked a similar question when I first asked if I could start dueling. So I gave Averia the same response.

Then I learn a valuable lesson on how to be better or faster.


I may not have been able to see her face but I could feel her exasperation.

To fight is to experience things that are hard, Averia. Wouldn't you rather grow?

My sister was silent and unmoving in the room over, separate from mine, but it seemed as though she was right there with me. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that my sense of her seemed nearer to my heart.

I suppose so. Mom'll be mad if you get hurt.

Not mad at me though, which is all that matters.

She giggled, soft as it was, I could just barely make it out on the other side of the wall.

Will you be there to cheer me on? I asked her through the connection she had established in my mind.

Of course I will. Where else would I be?

She loved me more than I deserved.
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Averia Gallows
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Re: Twinspell

Post by Averia Gallows »

My Brother The Baron

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 -- The Arena

"C'mon, c'mon..." My mother's grip tightened on the railing of the skybox overlooking the Arena below, where my brother was locked in a tight match to determine who would go on to the finals of the swords tournament he had entered on a whim. I glanced up at her, only briefly, drinking in the tension in the line of her jaw and down her neck, the pert twist of her mouth as she watched his every move with hawk-sharp focus. Looking back, I watched my brother dip and spin around a much, much larger figure that reminded me quite a bit of the Headless Horseman in the story of Sleepy Hollow.

Alexander, who had always preferred the name Alex, was tall for his age and his lean muscles coiled taut beneath porcelain skin like fine steel concealed in silk. He had the grace and litheness of a gazelle. At least for the most part. He was still learning how to move with a blade in his hand and our mother had insisted he use a wooden sword until he had mastered the art of moving without cutting himself, much to his protestations.

"There you go, baby." Mother pumped her first as Alex scored another point, edging him closer to victory. She wasn't being as loud as normal, not wanting to draw Alex's focus away from his task at hand.

My focus didn't have to stay on Alex though and instead it drifted over the other faces there. Some familiar, some not, I skimmed each one and lingered more on certain ones than others.

Nikolai Allen, my brother's friend and a boy I had crushed on since first seeing him. He watched the match despite having one of his own to attend to soon.

Ugh, so cute.


I went back to watching Alexander while listening to our mother's quiet commentary about the match. One of the greats of her time, whether she wanted to admit it or not, she predicted each movement and motion with ease until at last...

"Alex Gallows receives the Barony of Old Temple, and Herne the Huntsman receives the Barony of Dockside."

My brother the Baron had vanquished the scary huntsman once more, becoming baron of the very district our mother had held when we were born. I could just tell how proud she was. Her stony expression morphed into a broad grin and a slow clap that must have echoed the thoughts and feelings of everyone in the room and two more as her soft voice that had gotten louder and louder called to him and she stepped close to the railing to clap harder and be as near as she could.

"That's my boy." She said, pride welling over.

I escaped the skybox soon after, arriving on the Arena floor below to go meet my twin as he left the ring.

Proud of you, Xandy.

I actually did it, I can't believe it.

I can. Now we can get ice cream too.

Alex laughed quietly and nodded before answering aloud, "I think ice cream should be tomorrow though."

I softly snickered and looped my arm with his so we as a mismatched pair could head for the skybox stairs to meet our mother.

My brother, the Baron of Old Temple.

Okay, okay, you're gonna give me an ego, Veri.
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Alex Gallows
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Re: Twinspell

Post by Alex Gallows »

My Sister The Keeper

Sunday, November 17th, 2024 - The Tower of Fire

"This was the first tower I ever challenged for," Our mom told my sister and I as they stood in the entryway of the newly acquired Tower of Fire. Averia fidgeted with the brass and fire opal key hanging from a titanium chain around her neck.

"But not the first one you won," Avy said softly. We were both used to her quiet voice and didn't miss what she said.

"Right, that was the Tower of Water down in the lagoon." Mom smiled softly at my older sister. Avy and I had been born while Mom was the Keeper of Earth, so it came as no surprise that at least one of us would have an interest in the magic duels and their titles. She just hadn't expected it to be so soon that she would see not one but two of her children with dueling titles. "Do you wanna go explore?"

Avy and I were keen to do just that, and took off up the stairs to the higher levels of the tower.

Hey Avy, I found some weird stuff in here. I gave my twin a gentle nudge as we both stood in one of the upper rooms, looking over the dusty furniture and the dim white marble floors. Avy took up a place at my side and looked around, a small sigh escaping her lips as she did. Her slight smile spoke of her happiness, but her voice came a little stronger to convey a hint of surprise.

Like what?

Weird furniture, some paintings... think any of it is magic?

Who knows, Alex... Mom might, but.

Mom probably saw more weird magic stuff in her life than we both have put together.

We hummed in agreement and moved further into the room, with both of us being about as excited to dig through the various knick-knacks as any kids really ought to be. We couldn't figure out anything that was magical at first, however.

Until we got to the book.

It wasn't leatherbound and it didn't look particularly old. It didn't have gold on it or anything like that. In fact, other than the strange symbols all along the spine and on the front, there was absolutely nothing that seemed worth noting. In unison, my sister and I both moved towards the desk we had found the book in, climbing in the chairs in front of it, which both luckily and coincidentally fit our height.

What is this? Avy seemed curious and a little unnerved by the odd book, as though, somehow, they were something she needed to fear.

Well there's only one way to find out. I reached for it and took a short breath to steel myself for whatever could come. Prying the book open carefully and setting it gently to the left, I tilted the cover up and brought the first page into focus.

Before my eyes, the world went black.

Before we lost all vision, Avy's shrill shriek accompanied the sensation of her grabbing my arm in an effort to reassure herself. I placed my right hand atop hers and let out the breath I had been holding in a short and quick exhale, steadying myself the best I could. That was, until we came to, on a cold marble floor a few minutes later.

"Avy? Alex?" I heard my mother's voice, though it sounded as though she were standing right next to us. I felt a stab of pain through my bond with my sister as I sat up, blinking blearily around and looking for Averia.

Veri, what the hell? I nudged her through our mindlink and called her by the private nickname I had for her; Lulu, short for Luna, her middle name. Lulu, where are you?

What happened, Alex? I don't remember...

Sitting up the rest of the way, I stumbled my way back to my feet and rubbed my eyes roughly with the back of my right hand to clear them. To my surprise, it worked, leaving me with a pleasant feeling that something good had happened. Once I was able to blink, I frowned. My mother, concerned to the nines, stood in the doorway to the room we were in. But where was Averia?

Lu, where are you? I asked, trying to feel for her in the tower.

Up. The only word I got in response from Avy had me squeezing past Mom to run up the spiraling staircase. There, she laid, motionless, in the center of the room, with her eyes closed. Her dark hair had moved all the way into view and pooled against her cheek and made her look so pretty.

"Averia!" I shouted, dropping to my knees beside her and rolling her onto her back. Grabbing her shoulders with both hands, I shook her for several long seconds. "Lulu!"

It took only a moment or two more of my desperate yells before she returned. Avy's silver eyes cracked open slightly and a little mew of pain escaped her, until Mom crossed the floor in a hurry to wrap both of her children in a hug. "Avy?"

"Sorry, Mom," she said so softly that her usually quiet voice was barely audible. "Alex and I found something...a book..."

"What book?" She prodded the two of us to get to our feet and get moving back towards the door.

"It looked like any old book, a boring black one with weird symbols all along the front and the spine."

She could very clearly feel my frustration and took the reins. After a few seconds of Averia describing the book in detail, I came forward and finished for her.

"We thought it was interesting and just wanted to see if it was magical. It turned out it was, and we blacked out. When we woke up I was sitting on the floor and Avy was gone. I found her up here." I tried to explain without leaving anything out.

Mom froze, like she was contemplating everything the two of us had said. Mom's powers, the things she could do, hadn't been told to us very extensively, but it seemed to be safe to say she knew a lot more about magic than we did. That must have had something to do with how the two of us both ended up within close proximity of each other when whatever spell it was had taken us.

"Okay. Just... make sure that you two are careful. Books... magic books at least, can be dangerous." My mother gave us a very serious look. She knelt down in front of both of us and ruffled our hair. "Very, very dangerous."

I nodded while my sister made an affirmative noise.

With that, my mother took both of our hands and began to lead us down the stairs. "How about we go downstairs and have something to eat? Are you two hungry?"

There wasn't any way to respond except nodding and that was exactly what both Avy and I did. Of course, food was exactly what we needed to stop the lightheaded, nearly nauseous feeling that had threatened to overcome us after getting up. Thankfully, it didn't last very long, as Mom led us to the tower's kitchen, a big, grandiose space with a huge dining room table and black glossy appliances. There was plenty of food stocked in the giant fridge and cold storage, enough that she felt comfortable asking both Avy and I the fateful question, "So, what do you two wanna eat?"

Both Avy and I looked at each other and smiled mischievously, tugging each other towards the pantry. We both knew what was in there; among the essentials, a lot of junk food. Mom barely resisted a chuckle and shook her head lightly. "Of course you do. Dinner is in about an hour and a half though, so you can't just have cake, chips and ice cream."

As she chided us, my sister and I pouted, but rifled through the pantry carefully, examining the shelves. Yes, there was a ton of junk food, but so much more as well. We settled on chips and cookies, and Mom insisted on pulling out some juice and bananas too. We all made ourselves comfortable at the table and ate in silence rather than relaying more of whatever had happened with the black book in the dusty room upstairs.

A few times, I probed mentally to see if Avy had any thoughts on the matter, but she too was surprisingly silent mentally.

The small amount of food at least served to placate my own hunger, and Averia's too, and a lot of the fatigue brought by the journey past our breaking points. Whatever had happened, it couldn't take away everything.

Something lingered in the corner of my mind, however.

Avy... you're okay, right?


She would never let me worry, even at our worst.

Okay. Love you, Lu. Remember that.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a sort of hug and kissed the side of her head. I won't forget. Love you too.

I would have worried, and probably freaked out some, over what had happened that day, but with how calm my mother and sister were about it, I tried to mimic their demeanor. It could've been a big deal but I hoped I was taking the proper approach. For the moment, the biggest thing that struck me was a note of strange, brief regret. Had we gotten more answers from the book, maybe it wouldn't be so scary.

I made a note to ask Avy about it later and hoped that she wouldn't immediately shoot the idea down.

"Let's close things up and go home for dinner... we can always come back later this week to look at things a bit more... and more carefully too." Mom said and for once, we both agreed.
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Averia Gallows
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Re: Twinspell

Post by Averia Gallows »

My Friend, Ennderrharr the Emperor

Thursday March 13th, 2025 - The Tower of Fire

Ennderrharr, are you awake?

I called out through the aether of the volcanic tower in search of the friend I had made shortly after taking possession of the tower a few months prior. He wasn't a bound elemental from the tower, but rather a elemental brass dragon that had taken to sleeping in the thermal caverns deep below the tower. I had woken him by accident once and we had slowly built a burgeoning friendship, mostly on days that I had taken to wandering the tunnels while I read. He was also definitely going through his rebellious adolescence. Though he tried to mask his response as such, as soon as Ennderrharr spoke up I could hear the small edge of grogginess that characterized sleep, which meant I had certainly woken him.

Yes, little Keeper, and since you don't usually waketh me this early, this better be good.

Oh hush, be mad at the sun, not me. What did you even do today?

I... had a most glorious nap. What did you do?

Well, I settled the details for my upcoming challenge.

What art thou challenging for?

Nothing... rather I'm hopefully defending. This place, that is. I was challenged by Salvador Delahada.

To what end?

To make it his title, I suppose? And perhaps to demonstrate my strength.

I could feel the great wyrm rumble in my head, contemplative as he processed the information I had given him. He could obviously smell my discomfort at being challenged, even if it wasn't by any means anything more than the normal kind of duels conducted across Rhydin's sports.

Would you like me to eat him? I will, you need only ask.

I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Ennderrharr attempting to eat someone like Sal.

No, you might get a tummy ache. He's tougher than he looks.

Then how shall thy perform against this challenger?

I shrugged even though I knew he couldn't see me.

I guess I'll just figure it out... I've been studying new constructs and summons. I think it'll be exciting.

Have you considereth summoning a wyrm such as I?

Would you like me to?

It would be my honor to face this opponent alongside thee.

We would need to practice fighting. Have you ever dueled before?

Nae, but how hard can it be?

How hard indeed.
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