Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

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Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Coming soon to Twilight Isle:
the Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament!

Duel of Magic welcomes spellcasters of all abilities to come to the Isle and take part! The tournament will take place on Sunday, December 15th at 8:00 PM EST.

Every spellcaster taking part in the tournament will fight at Wizard ranking. As has been the case with other, recent tournaments, the activity requirement has been waived.

All entrants who register before 9:00 PM on Friday the 13th — and show up by 7:55 PM on the night of the tournament — will receive one (1) win automatically.

Check out our Prize Pool and sign up below!


First Place
You get first pick from our prize pool (listed below), plus five (5) wins (or the number of wins you acquired during the tournament, whichever is greater) added to your record.

Second – Sixth Places
Your choice of one item from the prize pool, plus however many wins you acquired during the tournament added to your record.

All Other Participants
All of the wins you acquired during the tournament added to your record.


Winter’s Fury

This orb of hardened aether has been enchanted with all the magic and fury of the Winter season. When utilizing it, a spellcaster may invoke spells such as Deep Freeze, Aurora Beam, and Snowblind. Use of the orb chills the air within a small radius, causing visible breath and frost patterns to appear, and frost trails behind the user’s footsteps.

(( This item allows its holder to utilize Elemental Fury (EF) in regulation duels until the next All Ranks Tournament. It cannot be used in challenges. ))

Comfort & Joy

This pair of icy daggers was forged by a legendary faery smith, who has chosen to remain nameless. When used together, the daggers can summon healing light or a swirling vortex of snow to disorient foes. Used separately, each dagger has power pertinent to its name, utilizing protective and celebratory magics.

These daggers always know each other’s location with ten square miles and will gently pull toward each other like compass needles. If separated, they work to reunite. They are strongest when used during the winter season.

Globe of Sanctuary

An enchanted snow globe that showcases a very cozy scene of a snow-covered cabin in the woods. When the trigger phrase is uttered, the wielder is transported into this scene. Inside, it is always the holiday season, and there are self-replenishing rations and firewood. A person or creature can survive for up to a fortnight before the globe must be allowed to rest and recharge.

The trigger phrase is unique to whomever holds the globe.

Frost Phoenix Egg

A rare, magical egg that looks to be made of crystal and features hoarfrost and feather patterns on it. When it hatches, it produces a loyal companion bird that appears to be made of living ice and blue flame. As a youngling, this bird will be able to create small ice crystals, snow flurries, and other minor magical feats. Its power is sure to grow as it ages.

Frost phoenixes are said to only hatch during the winter season. They apparently love holiday sweets and hot cocoa.

Bell of Levitation

This golden bell is etched with winter runes and the likeness of reindeer. When rung, it allows its user to float and glide through the air for up to 10 minutes at a time, leaving a trail of sparkles and snowflakes in the air behind them. Its use has a side effect of turning the wielder’s nose a glowing shade of red, but this effect only seems to last for an hour or so.

Pocket Revelers

A band of tiny, animated Nutcracker soldiers that march around playing festive music. Once they have learned to trust their wielder, they can be used as little helpers to organize or count small objects, spy on friends and foes, and much more.


Twin Wins Scroll

This scroll functions as a special pass to be used at the end of a regulation night of duels. Every Duel of Magic duel that its holder fought throughout the night will be doubled! The choice to utilize this scroll does not need to be made ahead of the evening, but it can instead be used after any single evening the holder wishes.

The Twin Wins Scroll may be used during the cycle it is gained or during the following cycle. Choose your night wisely, for it can only be used once and a duelist can only hold one scroll at a time

(( To utilize this scroll, duel as normal and when you have a particularly winning night, contact Gatito (Partly Cloudy) or Dris (BardGallant) to let them know which night you wish to double. ))

(( There is no activity requirement for this tournament.
(( The format will be double-elimination for fewer than 10 people, moving to single-elimination for more than 10 people.
(( The seeding will be based first on the RoK Rankings, followed by the order of sign-ups and walk-ins.
(( Please note: there is no penalty for signing up and being unable to show up the night of the tournament, so please sign up today! ))

(( Edited at 10:01 pm ET, 12/15/24, to add a 7th prize, so everyone comes away with something. ‘Tis the season of giving! ))
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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Catering for the evening is provided by the Twilight Isle Tinsel Tavern. In addition to the items below, individuals may also order from the regular menu.



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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Gillette Brooke »

Im in!
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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Faeryl Tsarran »

Hm..this could be fun. Count me in.
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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Jakobi Velenti »

I'll throw down, that way the audience has someone to cheer for.
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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Eregor »

I'll jump into this again, sure!

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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Lost Valkyrie »

I would like to participate!

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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by BardGallant »

I'll be fashionably late for signing up, sure! ;)

- Dris
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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Mairead Harker »

Count me in!
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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Dominique Draegon »

I've got a point to prove, so I'm in.
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Re: Winter 2024 All Ranks Tournament

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Tonight, we celebrated the impending arrival of Winter with spectacular spellcasting and lots of festive food and drink! We had seven (7) participants and a double-elimination tournament!

Here’s how the evening shook out:

Our Participants (by Seeding)
1. Gillette (+1 win)
2. Jake (+1 win)
3. Faeryl (+1 win)
4. Eregor
5. Dris
6. Maggie
7. Dominique

Round 1
Ring Medusa: Eregor vs Dris - Eregor advances.
Ring Mystical: Jake vs Dominique - Dominique advances.
Ring Mythical: Faeryl vs Maggie - Maggie advances.

Byes: Gillette.

Round 2
Stellar Bracket
Ring Roses: Gillette vs Eregor - Eregor advances.
Ring Anarchy: Dominique vs Maggie - Dominique advances.

Constellation Bracket
Ring Roses II: Jake vs Faeryl - Jake advances.

Byes: Dris.

Round 3
Stellar Bracket
Ring Rock: Eregor vs Dominique - Eregor advances.

Constellation Bracket
Ring Money: Maggie vs Dris - Dris advances.
Ring Anarchy: Gillette vs Jake - Jake advances.

Round 4
Ring Monk: Dris vs Jake - Dris advances.

Byes: Eregor and Dominique.

Ring Anarchy: Dominique vs Dris - Dris advances.

Byes: Eregor.

Ring Foxglove: Eregor vs Dris - Dris wins.
Ring Claymore: Eregor vs Dris - Eregor wins.

Prize Selections
1. Eregor - Frost Phoenix Egg (+ 5 wins and all the marbles)
2. Dris - Pocket Revelers (+ 4 wins)
3. Dominique - Winter’s Fury (+ 2 wins)
4. Jake - Orb of Sanctuary (+ 3 wins)
5. Maggie - Bell of Levitation (+ 1 win)
6. Gillette - Comfort & Joy (+1 win)
7. Faeryl - Twin Wins Scroll (+1 win)

In the case of ties, placement was determined by point differential (PDPB).
Added wins reflect both early registration and fought wins.

For a look at the brackets and scores, please check out the tournament Challonge.

Congratulations to Eregor, our winner of tonight’s All Ranks Tournament and all the marbles! And congratulations to all of the night’s winners!

(( A 7th prize, the Twin Wins Scroll, was added at the last minute this evening to ensure that no one left empty-handed. A notation about this change has been added to the master post.
(( Thank you to everyone who participated tonight! I hope you all had fun and will enjoy your prizes! ))
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