Armsgiving 2024

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The Lame Smith
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Armsgiving 2024

Post by The Lame Smith »

Armsgiving 2024

Join us at the Red Dragon Inn this Saturday, 23 November, to partake in Armsgiving and celebrate the (ideally peaceful) exchange of arms! Whether you're an aspiring duelist looking for just the right weapon or nystical talisman, or a hunter in the wild places in need of a new best-crushing flail, or you just appreciate the lines and heft of a well-crafted blade... no matter the reason, if you're looking for a new weapon, the Red Dragon Inn will be the place to go this Saturday!

The crew from Lemnos will be there all afternoon, bringing with them a selection of arms to suit most any fighting style. re4ady to exchange for those you no longer need, so that they might serve new wielders in good stead. All others who have a surplus of weaponry or enchanted items of note are welcome to contribute to the evening's selection! If you're looking for something crafted by the master, feat not! I shall be on hand in the evening with a few special item. Should you not find anything to your liking, I will gladly accept commissions for a donation to the Armsgiving collection.

Tenball, that most marvelous of beholders, will be slinging drinks for us all evening! Some come on over and see what you might find!

Heph, Master Smith
Lemnos Craftworks

((Many thanks to Karma and Ettyn for organizing Armsgiving in years past! Though the live event starts at 8 ET, the in-character action takes place all afternoon, so feel free to post your characters' donated or found items in the thread below!))
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The Lame Smith
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Re: Armsgiving 2024

Post by The Lame Smith »

In addition to the more mundanee--if still well-crafted and of fine quality--weapons forged by the apprentice and journeyman smiths of Lemnos, there will be a half-dozen weapons crafted by the master smith, Hephaestus, himself.


When wielded, this axe a shimmering aurora through the very air in its wake. A solid blow can dazzle the one struck, and the axe bearer can also command their weapon to create a field of light around them, reminiscent of the fabled Aurora Borealis itself.



According to Heph, the inspiration for this hammer came from the tale of Sleeping Beauty and the thorn wall surrounding the castle in that story. Aside from being a rather efficient warhammer, it can also generate a wall of thorns around the wielder when struck hard against the ground.



In darkness, this dagger's blade of obsidian seems to hold uncounted stars within it. It was made as a weapon against magic-wielders, and the one who bears it can, three times daily, use its power to drain magic from anyone struck by it.



Shadowcutter is a dark and willful weapon, with a long handle meant to be wielded with two hands and a wickedly-curved blade. It is, in many ways, the Axe of the Aurora's opposite, for unlike that weapon Shadowcutter's blade trails wisps of smoky shadowstuff in its wake, allowing its wierlder to cast forth a cone of shadow that brings the chill of death to those it envelops.



Crafted from meteorite ore--the eponymous "starmetal"--that was provided to Heph by the huntress Ettyn in payment for a commission, the head of this spear can leave shards of the starmetal embedded within the body of the one struck. These shards burn like the heat of a falling star until summoned back to the spear by the wielder.



The blade of this sword is split along most of its length from tip to hilt, and electricity crackles between the two halves. The wielder can use it to fsummon a bolw of lightning like those of Zeus himself, a reminder that while his father wielded them, it was Heph who forged those bolts.

((The artwork, names, and general concepts for the weapons above come from The Griffon's Saddlebag on Reddit, and all credit for them belongs with that creator.))
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