Wolfmania Full Story

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Takai Masamune
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Wolfmania Full Story

Post by Takai Masamune »

(The Story is a little all over in the beginning because of so many participants but levels out around the middle of the story. If you only care for the fights, look for ~ Team Takai ~ and ~ Team Del ~.)

Gilly sat quietly at the bar as Jake arrived. A friendly smile shot the man’s way, “Do you want something to eat?” Almost before she finished her hand was wagging in the air at the approaching Trinity, still a ways off.

That offer isn't passed up, the pirate turning to get the attention of one of the creatures working the bar. Jake a few muttered words later and he's leaning sideways against the countertop, working his jaw side to side as he eyes the portal to the Isle.
Lost Valkyrie Trinity comes out from the Gloaming District into the dueling area, doing some arm stretches as she goes. She appears to be holding onto a puzzle book of some kind, and a pencil. She was working on a crossword up in her apartment, but some newfangled terms were kind of ticking her off. Maybe she's going to ask for help with some of them.

Trinity smiles and waves to everyone present. "Ooh! Gillette. I bet you can help me." She makes her way over to her and points at the puzzle book. "This clue says: the expanded form of 'rizz'. What the hell is rizz?"
Gilly’s head tilted in confusion as she spoke, “What do you need help with, hun?”

"I don't know what 'rizz' is. Do you know?" Trinity said as she pointed at the page.

A mumble left Jake’s mouth before he plugged it with a recently arrived wrap to the bar counter, “Oh, we know you don’t...”

The fox girl shrugged in confusion, “I know it’s a slang term…” Maybe she wasn’t the best person to ask… Her attention was already far off into the distance, waving to a far off Coleen who walked along the shore line of the Isles lost in her own thoughts. Gilly froze as she realized the woman couldn’t see her but quickly sent her attention to Marcy as she approached.
The shorter young woman with the raven hair trots onto the Isle, dressed in her typical outfit- a black oversized sweater and a red pleated skirt. The knee-high shiny leather boots she wore, were a tell that she had her skimpy fighting gear on just beneath. Marcy waves to Gilly and Trinity as she approaches.
Delaney stepped through the portal and onto the Isle. There wasn't much of a bounce in her step tonight, but there did seem to be a lot of energy behind the pointed steps that carried her towards the bar. She glanced left and right to those gathered, offering a quick up nod and a forced smile. Her hand was too busy to wave, currently rubbing her knuckles against her ear with a note of irritation.
Trinity makes an annoyed pout at Jake, and then looks to Gillette. "I kind of figured that but I don't know what it actually means."

Hearing Trinity, Coleen looked over. "How many letters 'as the clue got?" Coleen had suddenly come to, breaking from her thoughts. She had made her way closer to the group.
From the depths of the Twilight Isle came a raw rumble... and moments later sand began to dance as a black, stone doorway with green metal accents rose up about fourty feet in the air. It was imposing... and ominous. The doors looked too big for mortal hands to move without mechanical assistance, but after another moment or two had gone the doors burst open with a hideous groan, revealing Mira Burke - leg up in the air having apparently kicked it wide. She already had two cigarettes burning away between her lips and was wearing a punk outfit complete with her beloved battle jacket.

She meant business.

A hand came out of her jacket's pocket and SLAMMED the door shut, causing the whole monolith to splatter back into the beach and sea in a spray of tar and oil and muck. The parts that hit the water were already creating a rainbow-hued slick on the surface, fish coming up dead in it's wake. What hit the sand sizzled and burned until it formed black, rock-like bits.

Stomp! Stomp... stomp...!

To the bar she went, sitting down, shoulders hunched forward. She knew what she was there for and the 'tender didn't have it.

"Whatever you want to serve..." She hissed. "... Something people aren't buying. All I'm interested in is trash tonight." Mira seethed.
Jules appeared on the Isle, her messenger bag slung across her body, and a paper shopping bag at her side. Muttered curses escaped her lips as she’d managed the wrong portal and ended up on the Isle when she hadn’t intended to at all.

But she was flying solo for a bit, and the thought of heading to New Haven without a bite of dinner and a spiked Kruger Slush didn’t seem very appealing. So instead, she’d make her way bar-ward, with an up of her head and grin for those she knew.
Gilly returned her attention to Trinity, “I think it means something like romantic appeal or charm?”

"Oh, hi Colleen! Seven letters." She points at where it goes on the crossword puzzle. "Third letter is A." The entrance of Mira had stolen her attention. Trinity blinks with a bit of stupefaction at Mira. "Mira, did something happen?"

"M... ", Coleen considered Gillette's words then Trinity's. "Charisma doesn't fit seven, but it could fit the meanin'."
Marcella's nose wrinkles. Her attention immediately turns to the one who'd just stomped in.
Tyladi whistled as he made his way out of the portal, hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans as he looked around. One hand freed to offer a wave to those gathered on the Isle tonight as he headed bar-wards. "Evening everyone!"
"Wait." Trinity squints and counts the boxes again. "Nope, it's eight. That fits!" She grabs her pencil and scribbles "charisma" into the boxes. "Hmm..." She waves to Marcella and Tyladi as well.

"Evenin'!" Coleen spoke.
It appeared like everyone was moving to the bar at once. Jules managed to find some wooden real estate between Delaney and Jakobi.
"Yeah. Something happened." Mira nodded, breathing out a plume of smoke that seemed like more than what could be humanly possible.
Jake’s eyes moved over the other people entering, a faint smirk tugging as he hears the answer get delivered to Trinity. Mira's entrance especially got a raised brow, before his gaze bounces off her and onto Colleen, pinballing away towards Ty, Marcella, Juliane, and finally Delaney.
Marcy waves at Trinity pensively. Anyone who's ever introduced two adult tomcats to one another might recognize the look on Marcy's face.
"Mira, take a drink. Yer actin' like a long tailed cat tryin' ta stalk prey in a room o' fast movini' rockin' chairs." Coleen jested.

"Sounds like you need to work out some aggression." Ty spoke as he moved to come to a stop by Mira.

Trinity gets the profound sense that she shouldn't ask Mira for any expanding information. Alright, what were the other clues she was struggling with? "Um... okay, what about this one? What the hell is a gyatt? This word is just four letters. Ends with a T."

Slinging off her bag, Juliane dropped it to the floor beside her shopping bag and hopped up onto a barstool, a long leg hooked on the rung. “A Kruger Slush with some Jack and extra cherries. ‘M still trying ta settle on my order.” This to the goblin tender, who nodded and set to work on making her bevvy.
Along the pathway that led to the Gloaming District's Canopy neighborhood, Gatito appeared, strolling alongside an enormous tiger that appeared to the made of spirit and starlight. Given the way he was using his hands, he appeared to be deep in discussion with the beast.
Mira pointed to the glass of unknown liquid that was placed in front of her as she glanced down to Colleen. Then to Tyladi as she picked it up and gulped at it. "... Yeah."
Gilly cocked her head to the side looking at the papers held by Trinity, “What in the heck are you doing? What are these weird words?”

"It's a crossword. Have you done a crossword before, Gilly? They're really neat, but some of them have too much slang sometimes, so it's really tough for me." Trinity responded.

With a blank stare Gilly shook her head. “Nope.”

A shake of her head to Trinity, Colleen spoke, "Not off the top o' m'head." She waved to Jake. "Evenin'. Kiss blown to Gatito.
Jules and Jake both got a nod that extended down the line to all the other familiar faces. She finally dragged her hand away from her ear and offered a wave to the crowd, since it was a lot easier then repeatedly bobbing her head. "Evening."
Faeryl had absolutely no intentions of showing up tonight, a little busy nursing battle wounds that she refused to let anyone fully heal. Whatever might have killed her taken care of, even if she wasn't happy about it. Bruises and cuts were left to mar dark grey flash, little reminders and motivation, all hidden beneath her fitted leather jacket for the time being. The aches were deep, the anger was deeper… seething and gnawing at what little self-control she had.

Careful steps brought her through the portal, half tempted to turn around and walk right back out. She probably shouldn't have been here. Apparently she was supposed to be resting. Screw that. With a deep breath she trotted her way the rest of the way towards the bar, hands stuffed into her pockets.

Ty placed a light pat to Mira's shoulder. "Cut loose tonight." Gaze then shifted towards Fae and motioned her over to where Mira and he was at.

Mira looked over to Fae and nodded to the seat next to her. A firm look at the bartender had him scrambling to fetch her a glass of bloodwine.

Crimson gaze was quick to pick Mira out of the crowd, and then Ty right beside her and Fae quickly closed the gap between herself and them. A light smile touched at her lips as she slid up to the bar and climbed onto one of the empty stools. "Hey.."

"Evening. Double Trouble." Ty said as he looked between Mira and Fae.
Oh! Delaney's here too. Trinity waves to her with a smile. Actually, a whole lot of people showing up she hasn't seen in a bit, like the Gatito. Faeryl is here again too, and... she doesn't look too good. She glances over to Mira again, wondering if that has anything to do with why she's angry.
“Heyas, Del… how’s it going tonight?” Jule’s drink was served! She reached for it with both hands and took a sip from the twisty straw, attention still focused on Delaney’s answer.
Did everyone else know what was in the room? How powerful she was? Marcy couldn't accurately gauge it, but it was more than she truly wished to contend with. Marcy’s eyes focused on Mira.
Oh, Salvador is here too Trinity thought! A wave to him as well. And-- uh... uh oh.

~Event Start~

Takai had been yearning for a release, the kind only a true test of strength could provide. The battle between Faeryl and himself had brought no such relief this time. In the aftermath of his battle with the elf, what he had hoped would be a satisfying challenge turned into a haunting reminder of the war raging constantly inside of him. The elf's relentless assault not only scarred his body but also chipped away at his fragile control, leaving him teetering on the edge of a feral transformation.

During the day he kept to the shadows, trying to force himself to behave, trying to suppress the beast. Even with his iron will; that rage simmered and bloating his soul as he swallowed it down. An unfortunate man who crossed Takai's path had made a fatal error. Mistaking Takai's pain for weakness, the man sought to exploit him, only to meet a brutal end. Now, the remnants of his body painted the alley walls, a stark reminder of what happens when Takai's fragile control slips. The predator, however much he tried to hide, was always there. Lurking. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

By the time Takai’s body could feel the lunar rays kiss his skin, he already knew he had lost the war. Never in his life had he had such struggle suppressing his wolf. Perhaps it was the kingdom’s double moons that drove his animalistic shifts. His mind raced to escape the city. It would be impossible for him to head to the peaceful glade in the woods. There was too much city to cover, too many accidents waiting to happen. He could only lash out so much before the people of the city turned on him. The Twilight Isles. Images flashed, less than thought now.

The full blue moon hung in the sky like a celestial orb of mesmerizing beauty, casting its ethereal glow over the landscape. Its surface was a deep, vibrant azure, seemingly imbued with a tranquil and otherworldly light. The moon's light spread softly across the horizon, turning the night into a surreal and almost dreamlike panorama. Its edges were sharply defined, yet there was a soft, diffuse halo around it, giving it an aura of divine mystery.

A monstrous scream erupted from the depths of the creature's throat, a sound that seemed to tear through the very fabric of reality. It was an ear-splitting, primal wail that combined the guttural growls of a beast with the high-pitched, anguished cries of the damned. It was as if the scream carried with it the weight of unearthly pain and raw, feral rage, making the hairs on the back of a neck stand on end. The pain had overtaken him.

Takai’s body crashed through a familiar portal, a saving grace. Finally. He’d ride this storm out in the woods of the Isle. Away from humanity. His muscles twitched and tore under his tanned taut skin. Blood was caked seemingly over every inch of his body. Some his, some the unfortunate souls that crossed him in a cruel happenstance. The world around him had warped into a landscape of hostility, where even the smallest flicker of light felt like a threat. His vision twisted with anger, distorting every shape and figure into something to be destroyed. In that moment, existence itself was an insult. He wanted to conquer it.

Oh no… As his mind consumed the new landscape a look of sheer sadness washed over him. Why were there people here? Of all the nights, why did this evening’s duels have to take place on the Isles? The portal berthed the distorted man as he crashed to the ground on all fours. The solace he’d hoped to feel, stolen from him at the sight of the island’s patrons. He had tried. He had also failed. The rage exploded, tearing the look of sadness asunder. A wild scream of pain and anger swept across the rings like a shockwave of invitation. No, a command.
Had someone come for her after all Marcy thought? Did Glasya find this place, nestled imperceptibly far from all Creation? Did the princes find it?!

... But just then, Marcy’s apprehension is overwhelmed by something far greater, and much more immediate.
"Evenin'." The pirate offers in response to Delaney, a hand simultaneously going up to greet Colleen. His chewing is put on hold, the wrap settling down onto the bar as the creature that is Takai makes a rather demanding entry, his brow furrowing even further.
Oh, Jule’s attention was shattered now as the wailing and crash through the portal pulled her focus and chilled her blood.
"I'm gonna kill him." She said, bluntly. Black smog huffed from her nostrils, curling around her cup as she once again brought it to her lips. "And then I'm going to resurrect him... and do it again."


The words didn't strike like idle threats. Mira was out of that business. She looked down the bar and emerald eyes cut into her kin, pierce straight down to the center of her soul. Death itself sat at the bar.

Fae’s attention drifted back towards the portal, contempt heavy on her face this evening. It only lingered for a fraction of a second before returning to Mira and a hand dropping to rest at her knee, offering a reassuring squeeze. The glass of bloodwine, for the moment, went untouched. "If I can't help...at least I can watch…"

Ty soon would shift his position to be in a lean against the bar by Faeryl now, seemingly settling in to possibly watch what was about to go down.
Gatito and the spectral tiger were only now nearing the dueling zone. They paused a few yards out, Gatito still chatting away to his longsuffering, quiet companion. Spying a wave or three, he waved back—then paused, seeing what, or who, had just come through the portal. And in what condition.
Looks like Trinity will have to wait to learn what a gyatt is. She puts the book and pencil away into thin air, and manages to catch the look of sadness on Takai's face, as brief as it is. "He reminds me of the way he was the night he attacked Haru." That look of sadness hangs in her mind. Why would a guy like him feel...?

"...Don't tell me he thought nobody was going to be here." Trinity said quietly.
Colleen heard the sounds and felt the aggression coming from the wolf. "Ah... so it begins."
"Hmm." All that came out of Ty to Mira's claims of her goals for the night as he wasn't going to be dumb enough to get in her way. Soon looking towards the wolf when it arrived.

Trinity noticed what Mira said at the bar, it's like the words are registering late. And considering Faeryl's condition... Trinity might not know what a gyatt is, but she can add two plus two.
"He came back..." Marcy had been present the last time she'd felt this monster come forth. The furor it had ignited in her soul was as pleasurable as it was dangerous. She had lost control herself, and it had been her only saving grace that she'd been dueling a man who could handle her at her worst. This time, Marcella grits her teeth, testing her will against the wrathful rush boiling her black blood.
Del’s lips parted to belatedly reply to Jules, but Takai being dumped out of the portal onto the Isle stole her attention away. Instantly, the anger she had kept contained during her short time on the Isle cracked. She breathed in deep and exhaled with a low rumble. Eyes bounced side to side before she was stepping over to Jake, gripping him by the arm, and forcefully dragging him towards the auto-caller. "I need to hit something. We're dueling. Don't hold back. Understand?"

"You sure he thought anything at all?" Jake says aside to Trinity, frown etched into his features. He didn't really care for his odds if Takai got feisty with him, but it was Delaney who surprised him with the grip on his arm, feeling it's intensity through the leather of his sleeve. "You really sure about that, Cheerleader?" It didn't matter what her answer was, he wasn't resisting on his forced journey. He needed to get a few swings out too.
The big tiger bumped against Gatito's legs before padding away from him. It did not head back toward the Canopy neighborhood, but trotted parallel to the dueling zone. As it moved, it faded rapidly from view until it was just a glimmer of starlight, there and gone.
The Isle was haunted by his presence. Perhaps seeing imaginary hims in the gloom. Salvador was somewhere nearby, give or take a mile. A pulse of sonic energies had rippled over the landscape, through the trees, and all the way to the Tower of Earth, where for a while he had peacefully been stacking stones to make land art.

When they all came tumbling down because of the tremor, annoyance crept in and had him crossing the terrain to investigate. Right about now is when he stepped out of the trees and onto the sands of the dueling area, looking around to see what the heck was going on. And lo, there were people.
Speak of the devil-wrangler. Marcy sees Jakobi about to begin a duel at this inopportune time. She tears her gaze away, clenching her teeth twice as hard.
The Archmage whispered cantrips and called on the Isle's protections from the Celestial and the Four Elemental Towers. A shimmering curtain of light encircled the dueling area. Those entering or leaving would be able to do so freely and without harm. "Let the games begin. Those in need o' healin' what the Wards don't handle, let me know!" Colleen shouted.
"Everyone better take their fill of Fido while they can. There won't be anything left when I'm done with my 'training' regimen." Mira shouted to the crowd.

A deep, long drag filled her lungs to the brim, more smoke seething through her lips and nose and body. The hand on her leg was cold comfort; when she'd seen the condition Faeryl was in the night prior she had doubts that hand even could be on her leg right now... still attached, anyway. Ordark was a master of both the arcane and the divine... and he worked as good a miracle as ever before just restoring the dark elf to this state.
Gilly and Sly eased into the bar, staying from the commotion at the portal spoke quietly to each other as they picked at their food.
"Did. I. Stutter?" Once the duel had been keyed into the autocaller, Delaney seemed to still be helping Jake along to the ring. It was only when they crossed into Narwhal that she released him and took her place across the ring from him. She lifted her fists into her standard ready stance. "No mercy." That was not her standard phrase before duels.
Trinity is not sure how good of an idea this is, but a friend she admires greatly would want to try this first. After she watches Jake get dragged off by Delaney, she decides to walk on over toward Takai. She has no idea what she can possibly say to stop him from losing it... but if she can't think of anything genius to say on the way there, she may be able to be the first one to bear the brunt of that bestial fury. "Hold on for just a little longer... we're going to figure out wh--" ...She watches Colleen drape the area in protective magic and hears what she says. Her pupils shrink. "...or here. I guess here is good."
Gatito had not hallucinated his companion, but when the Spaniard finally arrived in the flesh, he could feel him, and he began moving his way automatically, even before he had seen him in the twilight. "Tesoro," he rumbled as he drew near. His dark eyes were upon the building commotion, however. And upon the protective magics the Archmage was setting into place. He nodded once.
" Maybe leave just a little bit for me." One more squeeze and it lingered there, would remain there until Mira got up from that stool to tear into Takai. Fae had put up quite the stubborn argument about the idea of not having a go at him tonight, but eventually she caved. It was easier that way, even if she wasn't happy about it. A glance was tossed to Ty, offering him a soft smile. "Rough night last night." Obviously.

Finally she plucked her drink off the bar with her free and and took a much needed sip.
It didn’t take the wild beast of a man long. The dirt exploded beneath his explosive burst of speed as he surged forward. Takai stumbled from the staggering force, his arms slamming into the ground to steady himself. For a brief moment, his form shot across the earth with the ferocity of a feral wolf. His golden orbs traced a jagged path through the chaos, absorbing the relentless clamor of battle. He hadn’t seen so many warriors gathered in one place in ages—an irresistible feast.

His muscles roared in agony, flesh parting and tearing as red strands of tissue forced their way through, desperately pulling his skin back together. His body seemed locked in a constant cycle of tearing and healing. Then his gaze locked onto a flash of blue cloth. Trinity. She was always in his way. Another thunderous roar erupted from his throat as he closed the distance, his trajectory zeroed in on her. With a singular goal driving him, his form launched from the ground once more.
Colleen looked to Mira. "I'm just 'ere ta make sure 'e doesn't burn down t'Isle."
That sinking feeling in his gut smacked itself against the bottom, the tone in Delaney's voice reminding him of Takai's words. What the hell was he meant to do to steer her right? "No mercy, Laney." Jake doesn't adopt a stance, simply glowering from across the ring as a strip of cloth comes loose enough from his wraps to dangle in the breeze.
Alright, looks like we're doing this. Trinity's eyes narrow as she locks in. Suddenly, a vibrant pale blue outline surrounds her entire being, and a pair of pale blue wings of feathery light appear on her back. The Spectrum Smasher quickly appears in her hand, and she quickly taps her forearm. When the shield appears, it's primarily pale blue, but still has a prismatic aura about it. It looks like she's reinforcing it with power from her own soul.
The falling curtain of the Archmage's magic trickled over him and caused a full body shudder. Salvador lingered at the tree line, watching the chaos unfold, and scratched the back of his neck. He grunted as the Gatito approached, not quite taking his gaze off the creature that seemed to be charging Trinity. Once he'd scratched his itch, he folded his arms and stood there to watch.
"Oh, I'm not going just yet... like I said, I'm gonna let anyone that has interest have their opportunity." Mira hummed, hooking a finger under her chin before she leaned her head down to rest her horn against the top of the drow's head. It was a... comforting gesture. "He dies when I say so." Raising her head back up, she looked to Colleen and nodded. "I'm a unitasker. You know it, I know it... everyone knows it. I'll leave 'protection' to the pros."
If she'd had gobs, they would have been smacked. Flabbers? They'd have been gasted. What did Jules have? A very big drink and not a flipping clue what was going on as chaos erupted all around her in an almost slow-motion orchestration of confusion and calamity. She.... should have gone home.
"Try not to kill each other. “, Colleen said.

Ty glanced to Fae. "You alright?"

Fae answered Ty's question with a nod of her head. "Wolf boy and I had a little tussle last night." Her words were thick with anger, clearly not happy about the results of last night’s fight. Mira drew her back in with a finger beneath her chin. A soft smile managing to find its way to her lips. Mira’s nuzzle was calming, soothing her just a bit. "I can't wait to see you in action again. ."

Mira spoke, "Plenty of fine folks've been trying to teach him, Collie." Sip. "Again and again... and again. I'mma carve it into him from the inside-out."

"Well maybe I should muster up the shovels then?" Colleen shot a grin to Mira. “Was only a matter of time till he showed his face again like this. We were prepared for this.”

Overhearing Colleen, she scratches her head. Thoroughly at a loss, Jules shook her head. Had she missed something? She shook her head as if trying to clear cobwebs, and stayed put. Another siiiiiiiiip of her Slush.
The toes of Del’s bare feet dug into the ring and she propelled herself forward like a bullet aimed directly for Jake. Her right fist reared back, throwing everything she had into a swinging fist aimed for Jake's face.

Twisting as he leans away from the incoming fist, Jake feels his own ire welling up at the sight of the sheer force that must be going into that swing. It forces him to step back with the dodge, the air around Delaney's swing blowing a disheveled hair out of place.
"Will there be anything left to bury?" He wondered aloud. Salvador was not prone to yelling or really speaking loudly, but it was possible his words carried all the same. He sounded almost hopeful that the answer would be no. Not because he had anything against the manwolfthing that was on a rampage, mind you.

Gatito gently bumped his slim body against Salvador's, cruising him faintly, the way a cat would. Still, his gaze remained with the buildiing fray. After a moment, he fell still. Just standing alongside his companion and watching. "Depends upon how long it takes him to relent," he murmured in answer.
Faeryl tossed a glance towards Colleen, someone she had yet to meet yet. Her comment, however, had a tickle of laughter slipping past her lips.

"Good to see that you are well." Ty flashed Fae a smile to hearing that, with a brow ticking upwards to hearing she fought Takai last night. "Next time... Catch him when he is sleeping." Rather casual before sparing a glance to the fighting going on. "Better get to digging those holes."

Emerald eyes shifted to see two old, dear friends. A ghost of a grin played against Mira’s lips as she rose a hand towards Sal and 'Tito. If they were coming to the bar, she'd have a fist bump ready for el capitán and le capitaine.

~ Team Takai ~
TRINITY!" Marcella had no idea that anyone else had seen this incursion coming. She zooms toward the ring of protection as fast as her legs can carry her. One might swear they leave the ground. She arrives just in time for the ward to go up, protecting everyone else from the consequences of the battle, and vice versa. She almost windshields on the damn things.

Trinity definitely makes the wrong call on how this fight is going to start, leaning into a shield-forward stance to try and meet a charge head-on. But when Takai arrives, he's coming in with the wrong angle for that defensive posture. But one thing to note: she's not in a ring right now. And yet... the auto-caller seems to be paying attention to her all the same. She hasn't noticed that just yet.

Oh, he loved to chase and she apparently wanted to play tag. Takai didn’t slow down. He only sped up, his breath bursting into ragged bursts, a small sliver of drool dropping to the ground. Trinity ran to the ring and he followed like a hound on a chase. He passed through the barrier locking his fury into the large cage. As Trinity took her defensive posture, like a glitch in the world, the wolf man twitched a foot further to the side. His goal that damned shield she loved so much. With a burst of power, his veiny hands slammed forward at the damned thing.

~ Team Del ~
The right fist caught nothing but air. She didn't stop, turning on her toes to face Jake. The face, the clothes, the mess of curls. It all rang true of Delaney, but there was something in the way she looked at him that wasn't quite connecting. She was still on the move, lunging full force at Jake, in an attempt to grapple him.

It didn't truly matter what she did, as far as he was concerned, his goal was set before he'd even finished avoiding the last swing. Dropping to bounce onto the palm of a hand, he spins his entire body to add to the blow. Boot skimming along the sand, he aims for a hard connection at the exposed ankles, made all the easier by Delaney's continued approach.

Her legs were promptly swept out from underneath her, the forward momentum she had sending her launching forward onto hands and knees. There was a scramble of movement and fabric as she brought herself back up to her feet.
The bar was so far away! He'd have to cross through the fracas to get there. Or, as was more likely for him, walk the long way around. He uncrossed his arms when the Gatito bumped against him, lifting one to settle across his companion's shoulders. His other hand lifted to flag a hello back at Mira all the way over there, and he dipped her a nod of respect, too.

A smile curved across Tito’s mouth when he spotted that wave from Mira. He lifted one to her in return, fingers fanning against the near darkness. Even at a distance, it was likely possible to see the flicker of golden light that glanced through his dark eyes. As Sal's arm settled across his shoulders, he leaned into the man's side.

There was Sal, now in view. Colleen sent him an air fist bump.

Sal folded his fingers down, he turned his hand into a fist and raised it to give Colleen an air fist bump from across the way in turn.
"Nah... Ty, you know I like a good fight. He's got a kind of rage in him I've never seen before." And it had come close to killing her. She went for another sip, finding it difficult to focus on any one conversation or fight… or face.

"Maybe so… but sometimes it pays to be smart on it." Not that Ty was trying to give her advice or tell her how to fight. "Family." Murmured to Fae.

"Welcome ta Twilight Isle." She offered a smile to Faeryl. "Name's Colleen."

"I'm Faeryl." She gave Colleen the friendliest smile she could manage at the moment.

"A pleasure." Colleen replied quickly before noticing Jules’s confusion, handed her a poorly drawn Wanted Poster of a werewolf that could have looked vaguely like Takai if she squinted. “T’is a full moon dear.”

Jule’s mouth formed an "OHHHHHHH" as she spotted Colleen and the flyer. Clearly it was known about to some degree. But now the question --- should she be ... clapping? Jules would pause on that a moment before ordering a chicken tenders platter with double sweet potato tots, extra pickles, and honey mustard sauce. She always ate at challenges and tournaments, right? Was this a challenge? Of course right. Or at least close enough to one…
The Brothers E arrived on the scene simultaneously, albeit from different directions. Ebon stepped in from the path leading back to the Gloaming. Eregor, meanwhile, came in from the road to Twilight Market.

Ty and Gilly offered the brothers a wave.

"And 'ere come the Mage Emeritus Brothers." Colleen waves to Ebon and Gory in turn.

He gave an upnod to Tyladi, and another to Gillette before they spoke, "That would be us! Hello, Máthair." Eregor waited near Collie for Ebon to join them.

"Ebon... Eregor." Mira hummed, finishing her drink - whatever it was - and sliding it to the edge of the counter. "Good to see you both."

Ebon and Eregor were given a nod hello from Sal. He had yet to step too far from the trees he had emerged from earlier. He was watching the beast battle with interest.

Gatito waved to Ebon and Eregor when he spotted them. Like Salvador, he was standing at the tree line, watching. For now.

"Have fun, fellas." Colleen gestured to the colorful curtain of light surrounding the dueling area. "That's t keep the Isle from becomin' all like the Great Scar."

Ebon took a circuitous route there, passing by Salvador and Gatito with a return nod before winding his way past the rings to where Colleen and Eregor stood.

~ Team Del ~
From that scrambling movement, she was launching herself at him again. There was no pause between moves, no thought. It seemed Delaney was only intent on hitting something as previously promised to Jake, and she swung another hard fist his way.

Jake pulls his in close, barring them between himself and the overly intense Delaney that was once again on the move. As the blow starts to connect with his guard, he pressed against it while he lifts his hands and bobs low, flinging the attack over the same shoulder that is sent careening for her center of mass. If she didn't want to give him space, he'd make it.

Del’s fist swung down at Jake, but was utterly denied. Additionally, that shoulder to her center mass had her stumbling backwards, giving him the space he craved. For now.
"Nice to meet you too." Even if her mood was sour, she could be civil. With a bit of effort and a pained hiss stifled between her teeth, Fae eased off her jacket. Fresh, angry bruises bloomed across various bits of bare flesh in shades of purples, blues and red, disappearing under her cropped top. It was a path of destruction left in the wake of someone she very much wanted to kill. She took another sip of wine and let herself lean just so against Mira's side.

~ Team Takai ~
Takai is probably expecting Trinity to reorient the shield, but she's still adjusting to his speed and power. She's not there on the speed, so she doesn't react in time and finds herself smacked into the air. She flips a couple times in the air, but has enough grace to manage a sloppy superhero landing. "Ow! I feel like he's hitting harder than the night with Haru." She takes a look around to get her bearings. She did not bait Takai to a ring, she's just out in the dueling area. But she does notice the auto-caller paying attention to her. "...Well that's annoying." Wonder if she can do anything to get it to stop?

Trinity stands up and takes her ready stance. "If anyone wants to help me bring down Takai... I'll look for an opportunity for you all to strike!" She calls out to everyone willing to listen.

She has no idea that the auto-caller is not going to give a heck about that, but you can't blame a girl for trying.

Marcella, confused by the chaos, manages to break through and run between Trinity and her monstrous foe. Her eyes blaze with fire. Brimstone claws with molten tips form on her hands. Stubby horns rise from her dark hair, and a set of small leathery wings burst from her shoulders, ruining her sweater. "Leave her be!!"
"Show the wolf what a Valkyrie is made o', lass!" Colleen hollered to Trinity and handed Ebon one of the wanted posters that had been floating around the City. "Mayhem under the moonlight, folks been calling the night of the Arcade incident Wolfmania."

~ Team Takai ~
Trinity steps in a wide, circular arc with speed defying her form. The curious pale blue outline seems to be doing some work for her physique. "Thanks, Marcella. I don't think he's listening to the Common tongue tonight. Stand with me and strike once we find an opening!"

It seems Takai had found purchase, his heavy body sending the Valkyrie with a loud grunt. Before he could even follow up on the woman, his path was impeded, only a brief moment. His golden pits of hate took in the strange woman's form. This woman wanted to bring the flame, she picked the wrong wolf to try and stop.

This time his focus was on Marcy. Takai’s form slammed forward, as a white light burst into existence in his hand. This time covering his entire shifting arm. A massive black bracer forming along his entire hand, finally stopping near his elbow. "Move!" The hand burst forward at Marcy, ready to cave her chest in. Another white light began to glow in his left hand. He had forgotten about Trinity already.
"Innnteresting. Nice protective ward, by the way." One of the Eregor gave Collie a grin.

"Thank ya." Collie shot a grin back to Eregor.
Mira leaned down slightly to Faeryl she let out a scoff at the crowd gathering, motioning to Ebon and Eregor... Colleen... Sal and The Gatito. "That's some of Rhy'Din's strongest that decided to show up tonight... and the night is young. I almost feel sorry for him if we all get a pound of flesh." Almost. She leaned just further enough to kiss her on the temple, sitting up and sipping at the glass of mystery alcohol number two.

"Could be more interesting if my brother was here, or worse… My cousin was allowed to be free and come here." Ty said off handed to Mira and Fae. "Brother is busy elsewhere and who knows what my cousin is up to right now."

Colleen looked to Mira. "Maggie would've been 'ere, but the Littles are wit' her." A gesture to Eregor. "His young ones are off wit' them. So's Rhi."

As Mira pointed them out she let her gaze tick from one face to the other, studying them closely. She might be able to remember all the names to match all the unfamiliar faces even on a good day. "I can't wait to watch him bleed out... “She mumbled through clenched teeth and washed the mirth down with another swig of bloodwine.

Jules was among the watchers... but still didn't comprehend much of the why. Ooof, she caught the hit Delaney took in ring Narwhal. "Tie it up, Del!" She'd clap for her, for sure.
"I need a drink," he decided, finally. Shaking his head, Salvador uprooted himself from where he stood and took the long way around the dueling rings to make his way to the bar.

"Okay." The answer came as easily as Tito’s decision to act like he was an extension of Sal's body. When the Spaniard moved, so did he. Along the scenic way to the bar, he slipped his nearer arm loosely about Sal's waist, taking care to keep the contact over the fall of his jacket. That made it even easier to keep pace with him.
"Aye, and leaving my all by my lonesome. Even Diamond went with them!" Eregor spoke.

"Don't be surprised if Gale 'as dragon ridin' lessons again!" Colleen jested.

"You win the lucky draws, then?" Mira said to Collie and Eregor. "I know I haven't exactly been around town until very recently in a long while, but you're both typically a bit on the hard side to find outside of challenge nights."

"Doin' the archmagely duty, more 'r less." Collie responded.

"I've been around a bit more lately... though you're right about challenges. I've called more than a few in recent days. Welcome back, Mira." Eregor continued. "Indeed, welcome back! Running for Governor, eh?" He gave Mira a grin and wink.

"Goin' ta be a tough choice, lass. You 'n' Kruger both runnin." Colleen said.

"Pretty much who it is down to for me." Ty offered after hearing Colleen.

~Team Del ~
The space between her and Jake was short lived. There was another soft sound of annoyance before Del was moving like a freight train in his direction. It almost seemed like she would plow right into him, but at the last moment she sank low, taking up something akin to a foot first baseball slide looking to take his legs out from under him.

The space was made, but the surrounding chaos was starting to pull at his nerves, the corner of his lip twitching upwards. He hadn't even fully registered the world outside of his fight, but whatever was happening, it was loud. Seeing Delaney approach yet again, his fingers twitched, and arms moving out to get ready for a grapple. That grapple is made at the air, then promptly the sand, his feet knocked out from beneath him faster than he could notice with all the external distractions mounting.

~ Team Takai ~
Marcy lets out a horrid screech, putting her hands together and readying a powerful firebolt. However, she'd hesitated to strike. She doesn't get the shot off before the punch strikes her square in the collarbone, launching the diminutive devil girl toward the outer ward like a javelin!

Takai is going for Marcy now Trinity thought? Is this a ploy to get her to slip up and put herself in harm's way, or has Takai actually forgotten about her already? Trinity jumps aside to see what happens, figuring Marcy can handle herself. She watches her fly toward the outer ward, and then puts the wand-mace away. With a sudden burst of speed, Trinity leaps after Marcy in an attempt to catch her before she hits the ward and set her back down on terra firma.

Marcy’s flight interrupted by Trinity's timely intervention, Marcy coughs up some ichor as she crouches on the ground. "Thank you..." she mutters as she tries to regain her bearings.
Even though Sal took the long way around, it brought them in closer to their friends and teammate, so that he could offer Mira an actual fist bump, up close and personal. He glanced over the lady drow in her company but did not bother with a hello. Then he ordered himself a Badsider and turned to lean against the bar so he could resume watching. All while keeping the
Gatito tucked under his arm. Smooth.

Smooth could be Salvador's middle name. But it isn't.

Gatito let out a fine rumble when they finally reached the bar area. Since he was still attached to Salvador's side, he reached out with his free hand to offer Mira a fist bump. "Hey, Mira. It's good to see you around again." He shared his smile with the woman in her company (Faeryl), as well. Then he leaned back against the bar and turned his head to request a Pretty Kitty from the bartender.

She'd been reluctant to turn and watch the fight, knowing full well seeing Takai would only make it harder for her not to throw herself into the ring. But now, as she nursed her drink and relaxed, she finally settled her ruby reds on the battle. Fae was lost to whatever else was happening around her for the moment.
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Takai Masamune
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Re: Wolfmania Full Story

Post by Takai Masamune »

~ Team Takai ~
Seeing the woman be launched, Takai’s body followed through as he crashed into the ground, rolling along his attacking shoulder. He saw the woman in blue run after the woman a second later and gave chase. A new play thing to follow as the brace on his arm exploded into nothingness. "Stop running witch!" He dove at the two women, his goal to a flying left hook across Trinity's torso.

Once she's done setting Marcy down, she knows she's in a precarious situation. Her eyes are off of Takai for only a moment, but it's the only moment he needs. Trinity knows this. She whips around and holds up the pale blue prismatic shield to stop Takai's attack. This shield will not be breaking tonight, because it is made of what Trinity is, in her very soul.

Takai's forceful impact upon it sends a forceful gale outwards in all directions, yet the Lost Valkyrie stands strong. "HaaaaAAAA!!" She pushes as hard as she can to try to send the mighty wolf-man off balance, re-conjures the Spectrum Smasher, and swings it toward him to attempt to start a combo, inviting participation from anyone else who wants a piece of him, like perhaps Marcy. "NOW!!"

Reading the room, Jules resigned herself to watching silently, little gasps escaping her at Trinity's yell and command.

Goblins were scurrying about attending drinks and someone had brought in burgers from King Burger and wings from Sassy Owl.

"I see wings. Excuse me!" Eregor says.

"Mmmm... figure if I have to run my own empire I might be able to keep The Nexus from imploding... or exploding. No 'plodding' of any sort." she nodded, pointing to Collie. "That's if nobody else runs. Kruger would be a great governor... not gonna act like he wouldn't. Different vibes... up to Rhy'Dinians if they want change or hope. Looking forward to any debate opportunities... maybe even a duel or two before the voting date?" That'd be nice. Mira got her fist bumps from her familia, motioning to Fae for Salvador's benefit. "Sal, this is Faeryl. Fae, this is Salvador Delahada. If he asked me to, I'd blot out a sun for him without asking why. He's chosen family and my team captain. Gatito, too."

Ty paid one of the goblins for the drink they delivered for him, then lifted it up for a sip. Remaining in his lean by Mira and Fae.

~ Team Del ~
Rolling onto his back to get the sand out of his face, Jake sent an arm screaming towards the general vicinity of Delaney, the other coming up to wipe the grit from his eyes. "The fuck's wrong with you, Laney?!" He loved the rough housing, but she wasn't who he'd expected it from. At least not so seriously.

Del heard the incoming fist before she heard Jake's question. There was no reply, not a verbal one. Instead she was still on the ground, throwing herself aside so the fist missed her. A hand reached up, latching onto his wrist and giving it a sharp twist in an angle it probably didn't want to bend. But she released him before anything actually cracked.

Hearing Jake, Colleen shook her head and shouted. "Wolf... full moon. Wake up, Jake!"

"Doglaney wasn't such a bit-" Jake’s teeth clack shut with a strained grunt, cutting off the shouted response to Colleen as pain shoots up his arm.

Jake's comment might have been cut off before it could be finished, but that had Delaney seething all the same. It was a low blow. Actually, it was a solid kick that she landed to his side in their tangle on the ground before she was pushing herself up to her feet.

~ Team Takai ~
Marcella scampers forward, keeping low to the ground. She swipes her fiery claws at Takai's calves while Trinity attacks high.

It felt like the bones in his fist were exploding as the unstoppable force met the immovable object. They were. He could feel the small weak bones bend from the force and snap. Only to be shoved immediately back into place, he could only grimace as he roared at the shield in anger.

Suddenly he was weightless, being pushed backwards in the air. His stare focuses on Trinity. A sudden dart to his leg as he snarled, the searing pain of fiery claws crashing over her leg. Before he could even react, his body was moving backwards into the ground from a massive bash of the witch's mace sent him back.
Someone said her name. Faeryl sat up some, swallowing a wince and turned her attention back to Mira and then the strangers she was introducing her too. "Hello…Sal, Gatito. Nice to meet you." And then another smile, sweet as she could manage.

"Une vision comme toujours, chaton." Mira purred to 'Tito with a raise of her glass.
As things heated up Gilly and Sly decided it was better to not stick around. The Fox couple made their way out of the Isles before things got any more out of control.

~ Team Takai ~
"Looks like it's just you and me on the front lines for now, Marcy. That's fine; we're more than enough!" Trinity settles back into her ready stance, almost like she's posing as a team because things are getting real.

She hops back to her feet. A puff of flame engulfs her person, burning her sweater and skirt to ash, leaving her in a sleeveless halter and hot pants made from the same shiny vinyl as her boots. She brandishes her claws, flanking Trinity as she keeps eyes on their enemy. Out of the corner of her eye, Marcella sees Baroness Gillette walk away from the situation.

Trinity surges forward toward Takai, aiming to drive the head of the Spectrum Smasher into his torso. But it looks like that's not quite going to be happening.

They wanted to play as a team? They'd die as a team. Takai’s roll on the ground was short. As soon as his feet could find the ground, he lunged away from them in an almost tackling pose. What was he tackling though? With a sudden burst of shadowed embers, the entire form of the man was gone right as he was seeming to jump from the ground away from the two.

He reappeared in the air behind Marcy as she dropped her focus and started her transformation. Fingers laced, he continued his lunge forward, this time a powerful strike being brought down towards her back. The flames singing the hairs on his forearms. His momentum would carry him towards Trinity's side in a weak form of tackle.
Salvador squinted as sand was kicked up from that burst of wind coming from the dueling zone. Just until the air currents had passed and stopped teasing his hair. Then he had his beer. He took it from the goblin on duty, pried off the cap and slipped it in his coat pocket. Hearing his name, he turned his head to regard Mira and Fae, realizing he was being introduced. And aww. What a sweet sentiment that was. Mira even managed to get a wicked curl of a smile to take shape on his mouth. He nodded a hello to Faeryl.

"Hello, Faeryl. It's nice to meet you," Gatito said, catching that introduction from Mira. "De même, mon amie. J'aime ta robe." His dark eyes glimmered with another flicker of golden light. Then he turned his head to avoid getting some sand in his eyes.
Her food delivered, Jules started to eat... face scrunching up at the sharp bite of the very dilled pickle chip. "Myth's never gonna believe he missed out on this… event?"

"I think the stream is active, Jules. 'e might be able ta watch a replay." Colleen spoke to Jules. Her finger pointing to small orbs slowly following the action exploding in the ring and protective dome.

Hearing Colleen address her, she chewed her next bite quickly and swallowed, wiping at her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'll have ta tell him. What’s the reward for stopping Takai?"

"Apparently, the prize is beatin' the livin'" several choice words in a few languages were uttered by Colleen, " out o' Takai."

"Pretty sure there are many that want to do that." Ty said after hearing Colleen.

Jules blinked, eyes wide in an owlish expression. "Oh." As if it made sense. As if any of it made sense.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, 'Tito." She hummed with a giggle, pointing to Ring Prejudice. "You picked a good night to show up, Sal. I'm gonna kill that dog out there."

Again, nearly every speck of her attention settled back on the fight between Trinity, someone unfamiliar to her and Takai. She wasn't intentionally trying to be rude, she was just…distracted. The grip on her glass was dangerously tight as she took a sip, finding it difficult to sit still.
Salvador turned his head to look where Mira pointed, which brought his attention back on the ruckus that Trinity and Marcy had been swept into. He hummed an acknowledging noise that also expressed his interest. "Skip the shovels and bring me the mess when you're done." A humble request.

"Planning on some late night gardening?" Mira asked, taking another sip.
"Or a midnight snack?"

Sal grinned and lifted his beer in salute to Colleen, with a wink. A glint of light licked through his irises when he looked back at Mira. "Yes." He did not specify which. Maybe both!

~ Team Takai ~
And then there's her. At the very least, those words put to bed the notion that the much greater infernal presence had come here to collect Marcella. Someone else certainly was, though! Marcy’s momentary distraction had cost her precious milliseconds, and now it's all she can do to get her claws up to deflect Takai's attack before it can break her spine!

Trinity needs to start adapting to these abilities sooner rather than later if she wants to protect people! She is utterly surprised by Takai's disappearance, and only has a few moments to posture herself in a way that she can take the incoming tackle to her side. She rolls on the ground and hops up onto her feet in an Akira-style backwards slide. She immediately checks on Marcy, relieved to see her defending the attack this time.

The woman had rolled too far for him to follow up quickly enough for his own liking. A burst of light appeared in his hand as he overtook the position Trinity was while in the air. He tucked and rolled. The bursting light exploding into dark nothing by the time he caught his knee to the dirt. His body spun on the knee as he shifted his movement to face Marcy, oh how he wanted to bury the woman for interfering.

Suddenly in a blur, his hand exploded from his side in an underhanded motion. A small black dagger shot at Trinity like a bullet for her mace side knee. He dove back at Marcy, welcoming the inferno of her body.

"Carlen might like to have a go at him.. Would be interesting to see how Wolf boy deals with something that he can't kill… and enjoys the blood and carnage it would create, as well as allow him to cause. Without the whole... allowing him killing fun added in." Ty sipped his drink.

Gatito rumbled again, briefly showing Mira his teeth in his smile. They looked entirely too sharp for his human-seeming mouth for all of a blink. Then he chuckled some over Sal's request. "The littlest ones might like a bite," he murmured to the Spaniard. "Or Nikky."

Salvador snorted at the mention of the littlest one, as if he were still harboring some resentment or at least discontent. But he squinted and studied the tussle a little more intently. "Some kind of dog, yes? Nikky might." He nodded.

"Not a good idea?" Tito asked. There was a thread of humor thrumming through his words. No, he could read Salvador's meaning quite well and knew the man's trials in that department. "Wolf, oui," he said. "Perhaps a leg." For Nikky.

"Nn. Nikky likes them still living, though." Sal grumped and slouched some in his lean against the counter. "Relámpago should hunt." Not eat already dead things.

~ Team Del ~
If she wanted to keep coming at him, he was more than happy to grab her and show her why she shouldn't. He's barely even back to a sitting position before his ribs cry out, arms faltering in their extension towards Delaney to instead keep him from tipping over entirely as he bounced harshly off the kick.

He could feel the magic of the wards working away inside his torso, the burning sensation that came with the healing. The healing meant she had struck hard enough to damage something. Those two thoughts clicked into place one after another, sending Jake's body into a pounce from the ground. The whirring kicked in, rocketing his fist across the distance between them to try and strike right in the throat.

Delaney had told Jake to not hold back during this duel and the clockwork boy delivered. Before she could even think of executing her own move this round, the merciless jab connected with her throat... why do they always go for the throat? ...and had her stumbling back, tripping over her own uncoordinated feet, and landing her on her backside.

Any other time, the act of violence might be met with a sharp intake of air, a yelp of pain, possibly even a giggle or grin. That's not what Jake got in return. Initially, it was pure terror that overtook Delaney's features. Some sort of internal battle that was overshadowing the duel. Panic seized her and had her kicking her feet, pushing herself backwards in the ring to put space between the pair. Whatever was happening, it appeared Delaney didn't want Jake to be part of it.

It was a cry of torment that was released from Delaney, eyes squeezing shut tightly. It was fleeting, the sights and sounds of agony. Moments ticked by then, ever so slowly... Delaney opened her eyes. Her amber gaze was now nearly glowing in the perpetual dusk of the isle, burning brightly, and every last shred of her attention was honed in on Jake. Not in the way a person tries to focus on the fight at hand.

That previous wash of horror had smoothed into something much darker. This was the look of a predator sizing up what they had just deemed to be their prey. There was nothing familiar in the way she registered him that said Delaney was present and, much to Jake's chagrin, looking at someone she considered a friend. Delaney rolled up to her feet, staying in a low crouch to the ground with her palms planted firmly into the ring beneath them. It was audible.

The quick, short bursts of air that she inhaled and exhaled through flaring nostrils. Her entire back rising and falling with every intake and release. The sounds never stopped, but were quickly overshadowed by additional noises. The scream through clenched teeth came first, something that rang of absolute agony. The sudden cracks of bone that twisted her arms, legs, and back against her will. The pop of cartilage as limbs lengthened. The whisper of fur sweeping over every inch of her rapidly growing body.

A muzzle elongating to cage rows of razor sharp fangs bared at Jake. Pointed ears. The tear of fabric as clothing and beaded bracelets burst to scatter on the ground due to the too large form they could no longer contain. Unfortunately, this was not the docile DireDel so many were accustom to.

Once the transformation was complete, the creature stood at almost ten feet tall, nearly human shaped and yet so far from it. Every last bit of thick corded muscles covered in a coat of deep russet brown fur. Fingers tipped with long black claws twitched, saliva dripping from the gaping maw of the beast as a growl rumbled in its chest. Heat and fury radiated off the beast and all the while, it never stopped staring at Jake.

The creature reared back, drawing arms apart, another grand intake. Then they lunged forward, devouring the distance between the pair and issuing a booming roar that echoed across the Isle.

"Oh. Piss." Jake sighed as the creature evolved in front of him.

~ Team Takai ~
Trinity would really like to start casting some support magic, but it's gonna be tough with her still on point. She definitely needs to save some stamina if that's going to be her future plan, though. So she raises the shield to defend, and does not bother to apply any force to create a conversion opportunity.

Her fiery first aid at last complete, Marcella zooms around for a pincer attack, trying to cover any escape route for Takai while Trinity moves in to strike.

Ah... Trinity spies Marcella out of her periphery. In that case, not being able to apply any force to convert the defense may be just what the doctor ordered. In fact, she will try to hold Takai right where he ends up to create an opportunity for her.

At this point Takai was just reacting. His mind told him someone was coming. Clenched fingers ripped through the dirt before his body rose to his knees. A savage swipe towards Trinity shot out, dirt clods flying as his fingers parted one another. A noticeable length and sharpness added to his usually short nails.
The avatar sighed, shaking her head. Mira’s Zippo came out and struck the deathstick ablaze... and she offered the angel-laced dart to her dark elf femme fatale. "... S'pose you're right about that. Seeing you like that made me see red last night and today. You want him after this? I know you're beat up, but your wounds should be healed. Just... gonna hurt like The Nine Layers."

"... Worst part is I enjoy watching him fight." She admitted, eyes locked on the ring. "He's arrogant... hostile... hot-headed... full of anger and piss and blood and fury..."

She took another sip, a hairline crack forming on the glass. "Reminds me of..."

"You?" Sal dared ask aside of Mira.

"... Yeah." Mira was reluctant to admit it.

Sal may have given Mira the tiniest little side smile. Maybe.

Faeryl heard what Mira said, a twitch of a smirk at a single corner of her lips mixed with annoyance at the idea that watching that beast of a man fight might be…enjoyable. Mira was right, of course, and that only annoyed her more. However, she remained silent, gaze still fixed and barely unmoving.

~ Team Takai ~
Is that movement of his teleportation, or is it speed? In order to try and blunt Takai's movement, Trinity dashes forward, aiming to try and to swing for one of those meaty calves. Her plans are, however, cut short by the small black dagger. Her supernaturally enhanced speed is working against her here, and it impacts harder thanks to it. "Gahhh!" She falls to her knees and skids to a stop, her shield hand coming up to the dagger.

Marcella shrieks and rips her claws upward, catching Takai just as he makes contact. The larger body will bulldoze the smaller one, but perhaps Marcy's glowing talons had pierced his thick hide in return?

She glares at the stupid dagger and pulls it out with a hiss. To mount her irritation further, she catches sight of the scoreboard from the auto-caller grading the "duel" so far. "Oh, screw you!" She chucks the dagger at the auto-caller and it plinks off harmlessly. She forces herself to her feet, and another roar sunders the air. She looks over to its source. "Oh no... not Delaney too!"
Ty’s gaze shifted towards Del and Jake at the roar. "Oh boy... Two of them."

"Holy... " Coleen’s brows shot up the 10 foot tall version of Delaney's wolf. "That gives new meaning ta moonlight madness."

"Oh. My. God." Jules looked on in shock and terror a Delaney's transformation. "What the hell is happening?!"

Gatito hummed and turned just enough to find his glass. "Oui, he should. But he will have to be taught—" He trailed off abruptly when he caught wind of changing magic and the sounds of Delaney's transformation reached him.

"She's wolfing out." Master of the obvious about Delaney's condition. "I wonder if she'll eat him." Sal murmured.

"Or who else will get eaten." Ty to hearing Sal. "Dinner and a show!" Suddenly to everyone at the bar.

Delaney Lovell — 09/06/2024 9:52 PM

Well... Mira thought nothing could pry her eyes off the first wolf. Now the duel between Del and Jake was getting interesting. "Damn... two dog night."

"Well then.... looks like we've really entered the Twilight Zone." Colleen quiped.

"Guess we're at least in the right place for it," Tito said aside to Colleen.

"She can't eat him. Can she eat him?!" Again, confusion and absolute befuddlement shifted across Jules' features.

"I bet she could." Sal responded to Jules.

"Probably," Tito said to Jules, following up Sal’s response. "And still want more."

It felt like every bite of food Jules had was now lodged in her throat, as she glanced to Sal and Tito. "But no one's gonna let that happen, will they? Shouldn't competition be stopped before it reaches cannibalism?"

"I wonder if this would count as a mukbang if she does eat him." Don't ask where Tito learned that word.

"What?" Sal had no idea what that word was.

"Is a wolf eating a robot really canibalism?" Mira asked in response to Juliane's query. Food for thought, maybe!

"It's ..." Tito had to pause to find his appropriate words. "A show of sorts centered on someone eating. It's big on the internet and in certain countries on Earth." He did not add his own robot query, but boy, he was tempted to.

"That's weird," Sal said aside to the Gatito.

"Don't think that would taste that good." Ty said to Mira.

"Wait." Sal squinted again as he looked at the rings. "He's a robot?"

Jules stared at Mira. The artist wasn't around often, but she'd seen Jake at Summerween.... and had no clue he was robotic.

Colleen looked to Sal and pondered his words then looked to Mira. "Wait... what robot?"

Haru was watching from his tower and yelled down, “If either of you shits on my lawn I’m using the key!”

Juliane Smith — 09/06/2024 9:57 PM

Ebon's eyebrow arched as he beheld Delaney's transformation. "Now there's something you don't see every day."

Coleen grinned to Ebon. "Indeed."

~ Team Takai ~
Okay, so bad just went to worse. Trinity needs to put Takai down so she can even begin to think about what to do about Delaney. She starts to panic, and panic gives way to bad judgment. The divine pearlescent oversized spear of the Valkyries appears in place of the Spectrum Smasher while Takai isn't looking. "Divine assault! Nibelung Valesti!!" She chucks it at Takai, throwing it at a trajectory such that should she miss, at least Marcella won't get hit.

Takai’s weight slammed down onto Marcy, a heavy skull slamming down to meet with hers as they collided with the earth. He could feel her claws burst between his ribs, ripping into the sides of him. He could smell the sickening scent of his slowly smoldering insides wisp from his new orifices'. His head retracted as if he were going to repeat the gesture but a sudden burst of energy caught the raging man's attention, his eyes snapping behind him.

He shoved himself off of the woman and diving away. Blood splattering along the woman's face as he rolled on the ground once more. His hand digging into the soil to right his direction and face them. Hopefully Trinity's spear had a short leash, because it was definitely going to be a close call whether or not it hit Marcy.

Trinity is no fool. She may be panicking, but she knows better than to throw the spear in a way that would endanger an ally. So it just sails right over Marcy and embeds itself in the ground before disappearing.

The mighty weapon may have missed its target, but its use would not be in vain. Takai's brief distraction gives her a moment to raise her hand and utter a pained wail- "FULGUR IGNIS!!" A fiery crackle of energy bursts from the tips of her claws, fired at Takai from near point-blank range!
"I mean... I've seen that Jake fella fight. Looked like he had cybernetics. Robot... more or less." Oversimplification from the whatever-Mira-was-at-this-point.

"Si," Tito agreed. "But it gets good ratings apparently. People are strange."

Sal hummed his agreement about that.

The curtain of Celestial Light had been set in place when the mayhem started so none of the fighting and rogue magic left the dueling zone. Colleen blinked at Mira. "Oh, I was thinking she was goin' ta save the stomach room 'n' eat t'other fellah."

"La gente pagaría una fortuna por verte comer, Salvador." Mira hummed with a smirk, eyes shifting between rings.

Mira's comment only made Sal frown. He took a drink of his beer without remark.

Gatito had a sip from his glass, then let his head come to rest against Sal's collarbone.

Well, Mira’s metaphor apparently landed with a belly flop. C'est la vie.

The fact it was meant to be a metaphor was probably the problem. Sal and his literal brain.
After a few long moments, Tito angled his head to murmur something against the skin beneath Sal's ear. Quiet enough it wouldn't travel.

"I think the man should've listen more carefully when she said No mercy." Colleen muttered about Del and Jake’s fight.

Everyone else observing seemed so ... detached, so calm. While Jules felt her pulse at her throat like an epileptic hummingbird. Her hands shook as she lifted her spiked Kruger Slush for a drink that lasted several long moments.

~ Team Takai ~
Trinity decides to coordinate with Marcy this time. She dashes to follow the trajectory of her fire bolt, pulling back her mace arm as if loading a spring. And it still has that wound from the dagger throw from earlier. That's the extent of this woman's inner strength; despite the pain, she does what she feels she must do to protect what is dear to her. Regardless of whether Fulgur Ignis finds its mark, Trinity is coming up right after it. She unloads the spring force in one hell of a mace thrust toward Takai's midsection.

His movements were slowed, it seemed his body was more focused on sending a wave of shattering bone along his forearms, a feral look returning to his face as he shot to his feet in an attempt to lunge at Trinity. He never got the chance to follow through. His head slammed down only to see the flames come at him, his focus torn between an incoming strike from Trinity as well.

Teeth clacked as he did what he could do to defend. Arms rose to embrace the fire and the blow in tandem. His skin searing under the hot flames. Before he knew it the mace collided and his body was slammed backwards, rolling along the ground. His back slamming against the bar with a loud thud, the wooden surface cracking from the force.

Trinity lost track of where she was sending Takai! Rookie mistake! Bonehead newbie mistake! Her teacher's going to chew her out for this one, but more importantly: "Everyone move!!" Trinity shouts toward everyone at the bar.

Marcy staggers to her feet. Her skins taken on a dull magenta hue, and a fleshy, spade-tipped tail has sprouted from the base of her spine. She hears Trinity's bellowed command and dashes towards her, watching her back in case their enemy broke wide and attempted to blindside her.
Ty sent a sideways glance to Faeryl to check on her during the madness.

The rest of her drink went down easy and the empty glass clunked far more angrily down onto the bar than she had really intended. Faeryl met Ty's glance, a small frown knitted at her brow. There was then an abrupt poof of violet mist and she was gone from her stool. Another cloud when she reappeared, needing a better view of ring Prejudice and a moment to breathe.

Incline of his head to Fae on that look. Perhaps catching the meaning of it as well as watching the sudden poof of violent mist. Tracking the movements when the dark elf reappeared elsewhere. Soon watching as the wolf slammed into the bar.

~ Team Takai ~
The bar rocked with the impact of the wolf against it. Mira's drink fell of over. Of course it did. Her eyes narrowed as smog poured from her palm and soaked up the spilled drink... and gobbled up the glass while it was at it.

Jules was frozen in place, unable to make her legs move. The impact sent her platter of food flying and specks of honey mustard clung to her blonde curls. Her glass gripped in shaking hands, she struggled to suck in oxygen, green eyes panicked and wide.

Salvador tipped his head to listen to his companion's murmur. What he heard made his brow furrow and his frown deepen. More importantly, there appeared to be a body flying their way? Someone was shouting to get out of the way, so he pulled the Gatito with him and moved toward Jules to try to bully her along and out of the path of danger, too. Last he'd noticed she seemed kind of stuck.

Tito was a little slow to notice the incoming wolf currently being used as a projectile! As he righted his head, his eyes widened. He dropped his glass and held out his hand to release a a spell, but Sal bodily pulling him out of the way send the burst of wind awry. The whoosh tore through the treetops, instead of providing a buffer for the bar. But that was okay. A free hand meant he could help catch hold of Juliane and pull her along, too. He did eye the candy that spilled out of her bag, though. "What?" That was as far as his brain got.

"Jules! Rhydin bartender defensive protocols have been activated!" Colleen gestured behind the bar. As a former tender, Juliane might have remembered there was always a safe zone behind the bar.

Ty soon pushed off his lean from the side of the bar away from where the wolf hit and shifted to move out of the way. Leaving the fighting to the others.

At the herding from Sal and Tito, one her her booted feet kicked over the shopping bag she'd arrived with.... and oodles of Halloween candy pooled all over the floor.

Sorry about the candy. No time to waste. Avoiding bodily harm more important Sal thought!

Would someone please think of the fun size Snickers?! Tito seemed to be on the same wave length.

And now Fae was gone? Mira grumbled and pointed her palm at Takai, a swirl of smoke forming in her hand as a wooden baseball bat shot out of the inky black like an ICBM. "Back into the ring, Whelp. Finish your fight before you start pissing with people."

A golden orb lifted to see the demoness next to him, Takai’s face contorted in a sneer. Something in him told him, this wasn't the time to push the woman. He had his hands full as is. Slamming himself forward, he rocked from the counter readying himself as he lunged forward. His eyes locked on the pair of women in front of him. Apparently his lunge was more a lift, the bat slammed along his back as he rocketed toward the group of girls. His feet hit the ground as he stammered forward trying to regain his balance after the unexpected blow from Mira and the burst of force it provided. .

Trinity needs to get him the hell away from there. She dashes toward Takai. "Eyes on me, Kack-Kack!" She raises the shield, hoping to bait him into challenging it once again. The lost Valkyrie and the berserk wolf meet in the middle, and her shield is ready to deny him an attack once again. Still unbreakable. She then slides right between Takai's legs, jumps up, and launches a pair of mighty mace swings toward his back in an attempt to knock him further away from the bar.

Trinity had opened space between Takai and the others, and now Marcy sought to reinforce it. "IGNI FERROQUE!!" Marcella screams, debuting her immolation spell to put a wall of flames between themselves and everyone else! Except, it doesn't. Nothing happens at all when Marcella shouts her incantation. She blinks in disbelief. Had Takai learned to shut down her magic so quickly? Was someone else interfering?

Her question gets answered as soon as she spies the auto-caller. This was technically a duel. The damned Towers themselves had dissipated the spell because she wasn't ranked up enough to use it. Marcella screams in frustration and launches a firebolt at the autocaller, which, naturally, shrugs it off undamaged.

His eyes dropped, a head following the slick woman as she slid behind him. His pace slowing. Before he knew it, the mace was slammed against his back. A pained leaned forward and a failed incantation stole his attention once more. He was getting angry. The man howled in rage, more like a scream.
"The candy!" Jules shrieked and somehow manage to snake out from around Sal's frame, dropping to the floor to try and scoop it back up into the bag.

"Or fer..." Colleen chuckled as Jules rescued her hoard of candy.

Salvador, of course, muttered a few choice words not meant for the ears of children, and heaved a put upon sigh when Jules broke free to save the candy. Really!?

"What?" he repeated. This time because it seemed so important to Juliane.

Mira looked down at Jules and quirked a brow. "Are... are you seriously more worried about the candy? You have half of Rhy'Din's Royalty here... we can replace the candy!"

What Mira said! Sal gestured furiously at her.

"Hey... sometimes ya just 'ave ta have yer chocolate!" Colleen jested.

"Collie, I could buy her Wonka's Chocolate Factory PERSONALLY!" Mira responded.
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Takai Masamune
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Re: Wolfmania Full Story

Post by Takai Masamune »

~ Team Del ~
The beast lumbered towards Jake, a right hand of claws winding back and sending a sharp swing for his chest

That brief curse was all he could manage, Jake’s prior fury being moderately tempered by the sight of the absolute terror that was now facing him. He remembered the Dire wolf Delaney form vaguely from his drunken haze that night, and he was pretty sure it wasn't this damn big. But the beast approached anyways, and his body kicked into action by force, his bones whirring once more to send him diving between her legs and hopefully away from those massive claws.

There was a wild swipe of Del’s claws, getting nothing but air. The creature turned, hunkering itself down with an intent predatory stare still aimed at Jake.

There was another monstrous roar echoing off the isle as the creature lunged at Jake, aiming low for his legs. More intent on the attack than actually thinking anything through. The massive maw of the beast snapped wildly, trying to take a bite out of the clockwork boy.

Jake had fucked it, well and truly. Takai had asked him specifically to help avoid having Delaney act like him, and he seemed to have just played into it. The maw coming his way solidified that thought into action, one last whir kicking in to arc his leg through the air, boot aimed at the jaw of the monster before him. The force of the connection would be used to push himself away if possible, ready to make an exit from the ring. Solving this problem was someone else's job now, as far as he was concerned.

The boot from Jake connected with a sickening crack against Delaney's jaw, stunning the beast long enough for him to make his exit. A growl seemed to rumble from her core, vibrating her entire massive frame as too bright burning amber eyes turned to track Jake. He was on the move and so was the beast, lumbering out of the ring and onto the sands of the isle. Quickly there came a path of destruction, massive clawed hands flinging tables and chairs with a crash and anything else that might get into her way.

The shriek from Jule's drew Del’s attention, interrupting her intent tracking of Jake for now. That sounded like a snack. Amber eyes leveled on the woman and there was another ground quaking roar aimed at her, lumbering steps turning her that way.

"Incoming!" Ty called over towards Sal and Company.

It was one thing to see his intended destination at the bar be crushed by the wolf that was flung into it, but another entirely to hear that the other wolf had decided their fight wasn't over yet. "Oh for fuck's-" Jake's rage was dying fast, replaced by the desire to get out of here without having to pull his gun out. More tables and chairs are knocked over, this time into the path behind him as he's still making his way away from Delaney's hulking new form. "Could use a little backup somebody?" Pride was beat out by survival.

"But it's not 'ere, right now, is it?" Colleen eyed Del. "Don't make me go Mum on yer snort."

Boxes of truffles, bags of chocolates, fudge, nougat... from the most exclusive chocolatiers in Rhy'din scattered all about her. Their aromas were wafting all around the bar. The roar had her looking up at the 10 foot Wolvenbarbie. Glancing about her, she threw the only thing she could..... peanut butter bombs.

What was a peanut butter bomb, one might ask? Roasted peanuts, whipped peanut butter mousse, white yogurt shell crusted with peanuts and hazelnuts, and topped with peanut butter drizzle.

And then, seeing the charging Delaney, an epic f-bomb fell out of Sal's mouth. Heaving yet another put upon sigh, he locked his sights on her and charged to meet her in what could possibly be a head on collision. Had to protect the candy Jules, after all.

"I'm starting to wonder if I should change," Tito muttered, watching Sal rush to meet Wolflaney.

One of the goblin bartenders had the soda spray ready. Just waiting for Delaney to get into range. Ready to enact Spray Bottle NO protocol.

At some point, Ebon had slipped away, heading back to the Gloaming, with Eregor following. Too much fur for the brothers it seemed. Allergies perhaps?

~ Team Takai ~
She's also well aware of Delaney on her own rampaging path right now. Think, Trinity... what would her teacher and her senior co-workers do in a situation like this? "Collie, you should totally go Mum on her snort! Marcy and I are a bit wrapped up at the moment!"

Sal was about to be occupied with a 10 foot tall angry she-wolf! Coleen looked to Trinity. "Sal's on it!"

Finally Trinity saw Sal had taken point on the battle with Del, gladly shifting her focus back to the wolf at hand. Perhaps a bit too late. Trinity appears to have been too distracted with attempting to coordinate to make a good tactical decision. She squats down and is about to regret that.

A shot of static bursting around the ground below Takai as white orbs appeared in the air above Marcy. They shot to life, forming into three broad swords as the light shattered away from them into small fragments. His open hand clutched as the swords dropped at the woman.

His body slammed around to meet Trinity with a glare of death. The man's hand glowed as well, he was going to hold her still before she tried to save her friend again. A wide slash came from his left to her center mass, a broad sword had burst into existence in his meaty hand. Aimed for her midsection. Perhaps he could tolerate two of her more.

Squatting down leaves her only with enough time to stand up and start moving away, so that the broadsword only gashes her instead of... well, something worse. "Gah!"

And boy, was her outburst a mistake. She's caught flat-footed by those magical blades, unable to even get her arms up before they carve into her! One slashes her side, leaving a horrid gash. The second misses her head by millimeters, slicing through her wing instead. The third stabs her directly in the forearm. She shrieks in agony and wreathes herself in flames, molten brimstone sealing her wounds in a technique as effective as it was horrifically painful.

~ Team Del ~
Sal gathered the entirety of her attention, whether she liked it or not as he came rushing her way. There was another wild swipe of claws, but he landed a full body hit on her that had the beast stumbling back before hunkering down once more. Amber eyes were successfully on Sal.

Jules was still winging peanut butter bombs at Delaney. "You need a treat! You're not yourself when you're hangry!" Her antics got a soft chuckle from Ty.

Now that he had her attention, he hunkered down with a wild grin. A blaze of amber light pooled in his irises, fingers splayed in the sand and teeth bared. The air in his immediate vicinity dropped several degrees cooler and what looked like blood red frost started spreading, crawling along the sands where his fingers touched. "Let's play, bonita."

Little known fact about Salvador Delahada: once upon a time, he was a teenager and attended high school. When he attended high school, he played on the football team. He was exceptional skilled at tackling, and that's how he charged at Delaney. Shoulder down and aimed right for her midsection to try to plow her back into the dueling zone and away from the innocent bystanders and helpless packets of candy.

The peanut butter bomb was gobbled out of mid-air, but... oh my god the secret weapon didn't work! It simply had WereLaney releasing another mighty roar. Now she was craving blood and more peanut butter. It did successfully distract her enough for Sal to football tackle and corral her back towards the rings. Once there, WereLaney leveled her own burning bright eyes at Sal, waiting and watching this time around.

A tumbleweed could have rolled by at this moment. Burning gazes locked. The pair of them poised and ready to pounce. Neither one of them acting on the moment. Who would blink first?

She startled at the roar. Bear hugging the disintegrating bag of treats to her chest, barely remembering her artist's bag, and scrambling behind the bar.
Colleen shifted behind the bar to teach the goblins on the finer points of soda spraying.

The goblin was eager enough to learn those tips from the Archmage and aimed the soda spay. Three, two, one—they let loose! Hopefully, everyone was going enjoy the smell of wet dog!

"Well done!" Collie grinned to the goblin. "Seem I haven't lost those skills after all!" Sal also had experience tackling a bear, so.... She eyed Sal. "I wonder if 'e picked up that full on bear hug from Maggie 'r not."

Gatito rumbled a deep thrumming sound as he watched Sal drive Delaney back toward the rings and square off with her. That question of whether or not he should change lingered in the back of his mind, but for now, he edged back toward the bar, eyes locked upon that match. The tips of his fingers itched, tickled from within by his own claws.
It was chaos, and seeing that neither wolf had eyes on him finally, Jake finally found a moment to breathe in the midst of it. Flames caught his eye, it trailed over the splintered wood and flung chairs to see the fight ongoing with Takai. The mania couldn't find its place, but he was feeling quite at home in the madness, standing still amongst the wreckage as his fingers twitched once more.

Mira gave a huff... and her smog began pouring out of her en masse. It coated all the broken furniture at the bar and slowly everything was restored to its state pre-Takai. She did not gobble up the candy while clearing the glass. A snort of a laugh at the woman who would die for delectable delights. What a place Rhy'Din was.

"We'll get it all cleared up when things are done."
Goblins were taking beach chairs to the shoreline for non-combatants. It was just outside the protections meant to contain the mayhem.

~ Team Takai ~
Trinity takes a moment to glance over at Delaney's part of the fracas. They have football-mode Salvador, Jules throwing candy, and goblins spraying soda. ...It looks a little ridiculous in a good way; she's kinda jealous of Team Delaney. But nope, she's on Team Takai. She grumbles and refocuses on Takai, concluding that Team Delaney has things handled.

Enough of this nonsense. Takai's movement is a huge problem, she needs to start busting up those legs yesterday! Trinity dashes toward him, loading that mace arm with a spring motion again. But it was a ruse! She spins around and unloads that spring force into a lateral mace swing for his legs.

His mind had fallen into disarray, blood poured from his sides were the succubus's claws had entered him. The blur of a movement garnered his attention once more, his body trying to shift from it only to feel the mace collide along his shin, cracking the bone as he fell forward to his hands. As his hands hit the dirt, they wrenched, digging into the soil. His head slamming into the ground as the anger began to overtake him.

Meanwhile, Trinity finds herself and Takai covered in confetti because the auto-caller is scoring a swords duel, and they're apparently now in sudden death! She chucks a nearby rock at the auto-caller and it does nothing.

Marcy’s fiery first aid at last complete, Marcella zooms around for a pincer attack, trying to cover any escape route for Takai while Trinity moves in to strike.

Ah... she spies Marcella out of her periphery. In that case, not being able to apply any force to convert the defense may be just what the doctor ordered. In fact, she will try to hold Takai right where he ends up to create an opportunity for her.

At this point Takai was just reacting. His mind told him someone was coming. Clenched fingers ripped through the dirt before his body rose to his knees. A savage swipe towards Trinity shot out, dirt clods flying as his fingers parted one another. A noticeable length and sharpness added to his usually short nails.

~ Team Del ~
It seemed Delaney wasn't much for patience like this. She lunged forward at Sal, swinging a right paw at him, aiming to swipe at his middle with those razor sharp claws.

Even with his coat still on, Salvador could move fast. Instead of running away from that claw-capped paw, he darted toward it to intercept. Hands raised to catch Del's wrist, he pushed up and turned his body to hook his leg behind both of hers to try to knock her down on her back.
One of the goblins still behind the bar took note of Gatito's return and made another Pretty Kitty for him.

For his own part, Gatito seemed enthralled by the match between the Spanish quarterback and the especially hairy cheerleader. He shifted his weight just a little, from foot to foot. Had he paws, he might have been kneading the sand, and he didn't even seem to realize he was doing it.
Colleen took a head count to see if all current combatants were still on their feet. Takai, check. Trinity, Marcella, double check. Sal, check. Del, check. She was looking for Jake, who was last heard asking for back up.
"They were supposed to make anyone feel better! That's what they said when I was at the counter.... it'll soothe anything that ails you." Jules was still crushing the candy to her chest. "Maybe she just needs a different flavor?"

Dumping out the contents on the bar top, Jules starts rifling through the stacked assortment like a mad scientist. "Pistachio? Raspberry? Mint?"
Somewhere in the chaos Fae was watching. Fingers twitching, muscles coiled and craving action. Eventually, at some point, stupidity would win out over logic and self-preservation.

Walking over to Faeryl, she gave her a nudge and an up nod, pulling out a fresh cigarette. "I know that look..."

"I'm not going to do anything." Fae could lie like the best of them but, her face gave her away today. Fae glanced towards Mira "We both walked away last night...that's not a finished fight."

The avatar sighed, shaking her head. Her Zippo came out and struck the deathstick ablaze... and she offered the angel-laced dart to her dark elf femme fatale. "... S'pose you're right about that. Seeing you like that made me see red last night and today. You want him after this? I know you're beat up, but your wounds should be healed. Just... gonna hurt like The Nine Layers." She paused, “But I want you satisfied.”

~ Team Del ~
This form was foreign to her, still had that new werewolf smell, so catching her by the legs was more than enough to throw off her balance and sending the beast onto her back. Impact had her roaring up towards the sky of perpetual dusk, a flurry of fur and too long limbs as she heaved herself back up to her feet.

Salvador's plan was to jump on the fallen wolfed out Delaney. Perhaps in a body slam maneuver that he might have learned from a certain Gubernational candidate after horsing around with him too much. As it happened, he leaped directly into those very sharp hands of hers. He then hit the ground very hard.

With Sal on the ground, Laney was lunging forward once more. Landing on all fours in front of him in a flurry of snapping teeth and dripping saliva.
Mira let out a whistle for Ring Gin. She knew that move!

"There ya go!! Use yer head, Sal!" Colleen yelled.

Jake was simply stood in the midst of the tables and chairs, now repaired by Mira's abilities, watching the fighting. His mind was running through a hundred different things, all of them water under the bridge to the tingling sensation in his muscles that kept him rooted to the spot, waiting to see where he should jump in to the fracas.

"Ya all right there, Jake?" Colleen lowered her gaze to Jake.

Colleen gets a wide eyed stare for the question, head snapping around to deliver it at her. "Figurin' out which side I'm on."

~ Team Takai ~

Trinity would really like to start casting some support magic, but it's gonna be tough with her still on point. She definitely needs to save some stamina if that's going to be her future plan, though. So she raises the shield to defend, and does not bother to apply any force to create a conversion opportunity.

Trinity keeps her eyes locked with Takai's in an attempt to avoid giving away Marcella's attack.

And there's her opening. Marcy comes flying in at breakneck speed, ready to dig her claws into the other side of his ribcage...

Takai’s hand met with Trinity's defense, his brain too gone to remember the second creature had even been there. Her stare had his orbs locked, gods how he wanted to rip those from her skull. His entire torso shot straight, a loud gasp of pain as he felt himself be run through again. The momentum pushing him to the side opposite of her impact, an arm slamming to the ground to support him. His other shot across his body to steady himself as he readied himself.

The cig was taken with a grateful smile and Fae brought it to her lips for a deep, slow drag. It might take the edge off or it might make the edge that much sharper, a risk she was willing to taken in order to see that lovely dance of rainbow all around her again. "Was my own fault, I should have run...but it's not in my blood to do that." Another puff, her eyes back on the fight, in Technicolor now. Fae didn't respond immediately to Mira...then there was a small shake of her head. "If you need help...I'll help. I know you can beat him. Me? Not so sure now."
Gatito was still marching in place, eyes locked on Ring Gin. He seemed torn between staying put and watching—it was a pretty spectacular fight, after all—or rushing in to join the fray alongside his companion. His hands flexed and released, flexed and released.

~ Team Del ~
Salvador saw teeth coming for him. He had hardly begun to get up off the ground. There was only one recourse. He reached out as he rocked forward, and tried to boop Delaney's snoot. With his fist. With force.

The merciless boop from Sal landed true right on her snout. Another roar erupted from her as she reared back, lumbering steps putting a small amount of distance between the pair.
Ty couldn’t handle one wolf, now there was two. A portal silently consumed him and he was gone.

~ Team Takai ~
Trinity needs to seize this momentum while she can! She dashes forward, and readies that mace arm one more time. Is the thrust for real, or for fake? She anticipates that Takai may be on his back foot now, finally... ah... his back foot! He's going to try to retreat! So Trinity continues her dashing even as she spins into a horizontal swing, in order to catch the back step she's predicting.

Her eyes burning with wrath, her body streaked with ebon scars and rivulets of ichor, Marcella strikes true, her infernal talons sinking into Takai's side. That would be enough to satisfy the auto-caller's fickle wants, but would it bring their foe to heel?

His body writhed in pain as he took blunt blow after blunt blow. Some from just bystanders, most from Trinity. This succubus was not the consent type. Her fingers burned around the new hole in him. His body refused to stop though. Clenched teeth and writhing muscles in his legs pumped full of what little blood he had left in him. He was going to force himself up... until he wasn't.
"There ya go!" Applause for Trinity and Marcy. She then looked to see if Takai was still standing up straight before looking to Jake. "I recommend it be yer own side."

Jake’s gaze moves back to the fighting, watching Sal handle Delaney quite well on his own, and hearing the caller announce that Trinity and Marcella had handled Takai. Or as handled as anyone could manage with the way that monster was transforming. He finally responds to Colleen with, "It is. But someone's gonna come out on top, and I want to know who I'm hittin'."
"Nah... you needed to gain more bearing is all." Mira protested, taking the cig and pulling hard, holding the smoke in her lungs. "He got the drop on you... picked his battlefield." A deep exhale, glistening black smoke roaring from her mouth like a stack at a factory. Then a sharp-toothed smile to Fae, softening the moment. "Fair fight? Both of you ready? You'd skunk 'im. You did it twice the night before. If anything, I'd say the two of you are even at present."

"In my house…when a warrior fails like that, they fall on their own sword." It was said with a frown, Fae crossed her arms over her chest even as it sent ripples of pain through her shoulders. Mira got a smile in return, small but warm. "But, your vote of confidence makes me feel a little bit better…"

"Yeah, but that's bullshit. You know it... I know it." Mira said with confidence and a wink. "When any of my followers fuck up and want to die for their dishonor I smack 'em upside the head and tell them not to take the easy way out. Failure is the only way we learn, beautiful girl... the people that always win? They're the easiest to beat if you ask me."

~ Team Takai ~
Takai fell to his knees, his bloodied fingers digging into the earth as he gasped for air. His chest heaved with violent, uncontrolled breaths, his pulse pounding in his ears like a war drum. It was coming. He could feel his body turning against him, twisting into something unrecognizable.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot up his spine, as though it had been struck by lightning. He screamed, but the sound was more a growl, guttural, like the beast already lurking beneath his skin. His bones cracked and shifted violently, his limbs contorting as if being pulled apart from the inside.
His back arched, flesh tearing as new muscle and sinew swelled beneath the surface. His skin stretched too thin, splitting open in places as thick black fur burst through the gashes. Every nerve in his body screamed with agony, burning as his bones lengthened, joints snapping and reforming in grotesque angles. His jaw felt like it was being wrenched apart, the bones reshaping into something more animal than human. His teeth elongated into vicious fangs, cutting into his gums as blood trickled down his lips.

Takai tried to hold on. He tried to fight it but the pain was too much. His vision blurred, darkened, and when it cleared again, everything was red. His fingers now twisted, clawed appendages dug into the dirt, leaving deep gouges as the transformation overtook him. His chest heaved, his ribs expanding until they burst through his skin only to be taken over by tentacle-like strings of skin which fought to cover them once more in the quickly forming fur. His heartbeat a wild, erratic rhythm.

His thoughts, or what remained of them, were shredded. All sense of self slipped away, replaced by the raw, instinctual drive of the beast. His mind was now filled with only one desire: to hunt, to destroy, to claim everything as his. Each breath was a snarl, each movement a surge of violent power barely contained by his shifting form. With a final, agonizing snap, Takai’s transformation was complete. The air around him stilled for a moment, only to be pierced by an ear-splitting howl that echoed through the night, sending shivers down the spine of any who dared to listen.

~ Team Del ~
"Lavender! That's calming, isn't it?!" Jules was talking loudly to no one and everyone all at once... and now she was throwing lavender crèmes at Wolvenbarbie with all the gusto her arm could manage.

Now that he'd made her mayud, Salvador decided to stay low and avoid all her flailing limbs. Especially the kicking feet. He rolled over to his belly and dove for the opening to slide between her legs. Halfway through he flipped onto his back so he could grab hold of Delaney's tail and give it a good yank while kicking her in the butt.

Jules' babbling finally snagged at the edges of Tito’s attention. "Do you have anything pink? I think she likes pink." Not that it would matter to Furbarbie when she had blood on her mind, but—!

So much pink! "Strawberry, raspberry, pink berry, pink pineapple, dragon fruit, passionfruit...."

"All of those." Gatito said to Jules. "Though I think she may enjoy them more when she's not ... like this. Save them for her?"

Jules slid boxes one after the next towards Tito. Were they thinking what she was thinking?! Volley! "Would they help her not be like.... this?!" Gesturing wildly towards where Del and Sal wrangled.

"Did ya say pink?" Colleen said before sending a glance to Gatito. Suddenly, the protective curtain of celestial energy glowed varying shades of pink.

Tito hummed, hearing Colleen. "If there's a candy with a sleeping spell in it... that might work."
"Failure and I aren't very familiar yet… "And it left a god awful taste in her mouth that nothing would wash away "Oh…for fuck sakes..." She mumbled under her breath, eyes locked on Takai's transformation. What was Mira saying about them being even?

"You... wanna blow this popsicle stand?" Mira asked, quirking a brow. "Get a drink at the Red Dragon... a coffee back hom-er... em... Endless Nights?" She paused before continuing. "You're more important to me than this sadsack."

"You know you want to take a chunk out of him...and you should.. " Fae said to Mira, even if her attention was elsewhere. That little slip up didn't go unnoticed, mind you! Home could be Endless Nights. It felt like it. Faeryl was just very focused on a murderous rage she could do nothing about.

~ Team Takai ~
Marcella backs off, looking at the beast made whole. Oh, no... oh, no, no, no... She thinks to herself, her entire body quaking. Indulging him was the wrong move, we only made him more feral! Cursing her terrible judgment, Marcy sprints at Trinity in the hopes of getting her the hell away from this ascended monster!

Trinity watches Takai's transformation with terror-tinged concern. Looks like this isn't over. She forces herself to stand upright and in her ready stance, but she's breathing kind of heavily. She definitely needs to start casting support magic now. Like, right now right now. When Marcy gets to her, she will find that the lost Valkyrie is not in a retreating mood. No. Her ocean blue eyes are filled with determination.

"Marcy, if you want to get out of here, I won't fault you for it. I will stay. I will be fine. I still have tricks up my sleeve."

It felt too good to fight him, too right, too sumptuous. Even now, raw purpose courses through every fiber in Marcy’s being, racking her in painful ecstasy. All she'd done was slake her own selfish thirsts, and now Trinity was in more danger than ever. "NO! WE NEED TO GET AWAY!" Marcella pleads. "He will only get stronger, this is not a battle worth your life!!" She's fighting the urge to agree with Trinity with all she's got.

~ Team Del ~
There was a flurry of limbs that were ready to be directed at Sal, but she hadn't been expecting the evasive move of sliding between her legs. The yank to her tail got a mighty growl out of her, but the kick to her backside propelled the beast forward onto all fours. She huffed and growled, anger radiating off her as snapping teeth devoured a couple lavender crèmes nearby before WereLaney was circled to glare at Sal from her low position.

Gatito had yet to look over toward Jules, but he was listening to her now while watching the match in Ring Gin. (And still kneading the sand with his boots.) "Probably not, honestly. She's going to have to wear herself out or get control of this form, I think. Or someone's going to have to bleed her."

In the span of time it took for him to let go of Delaney's tail and for her to spin around, he had rocked back up to his feet. With a wild grin, he charged heedlessly into danger, drawing back a fist and intent to punch her in the nose again. Clearly she was a fast learner, though, because he completely whiffed and stumbled into disaster. "Shit."

~ Team Takai ~
"Alright... because you want me to." Mira nodded, taking her battle jacket off and draping it over her shoulders. The cigarette followed, the avatar placing it in her lips. "Easy with that thing... whole one will hit like a truck." She was moving towards the rings... eyes locking with the monstrosity that had just formed in the ring. "Yeah, yeah... I fucking hear you, knucklehead..."

"Don't get mad if I decide to help.." Fae said it awfully quiet as she snuggled into Mira's jacket and took the cigarette. A peek at it clasped between middle and pointer finger. "I make no promises, darling.”
"No, Marcy. It's not a battle worth my life. But my life is not in danger yet, far from it. I will do everything I can until I can do no more. That's the person I am... the person I want to be!" Somehow, Trinity’s stance grows even more determined. Then, she sees Mira approaching in her periphery, and looks over to her.

"... fine... then... we make our stand." Marcella says, looking balefully towards the monster that had once been a man. "... I am sorry..."

Takai had forgotten himself, forgotten where he had come from, what had been happening. The scent of another wolf slammed his mind, a fat head shot to the side as his golden orbs took in Delaney’s form. He need to kill it. An approaching figure drew his attention though. The woman from earlier, Mira. A pang of instinctual fear shot across the back of his mind.

He knew she was strong and didn't think even now it'd be enough to deal with someone sporting such a tremendous aura in her wake. He snarled as his massive body turned to face her, his shoulders low, arms out and waiting as his claws slowly came together in tight fists to stretch. The wound was earlier didn't exist, it was all fur and muscle.

Faeryl knew she was too close to the fight for comfort so she took exactly two steps out of the way, refusing to move any further just in case Mira needed help.

~ Team Del ~
Jules reached out an arm to give Tito a reassuring touch. “If anyone can do that, he can.” Nodding towards Sal. “Can someone add a sleeping spell to any of this?” Her head whipped around, looking between Colleen and Tito. The artist had zero magic.

"Oui." Tito glanced aside to Juliane and flashed her a brief smile. He didn't seem worried. If anything, he seemed a bit jazzed by watching Sal fight. "Non." He shook his head. "That's not in my wheelhouse yet."

"I think I know what might work." Coleen handed a piece of jewelry out to Tito and lowered her voice. "Use that only if one o' the wolves is goin' ta kill someone."

Tito’s fingers closed over the piece of jewelry and he focused briefly upon Colleen. "Do you think the Isle would allow it?" For someone to be killed here, within this area.

Jules was out of her element. “Can’t we just magically knock ‘em out until this passes so that nobody has ta die?”

Colleen murmured something to Tito. (-.- I wanna know now.) "No one will die on m'watch if I can help it, Jules." She was at the bar mix sweet liquors.
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Takai Masamune
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Re: Wolfmania Full Story

Post by Takai Masamune »

~ Team Takai ~

"Do not take shame should you find you need to retreat. I promise that I will also retreat if I find that I need to. This is terrifying, yes. But courage is the ability to act in the face of fear. We are strong... together!" Trinity takes a look around to see who all is counting for each team. She then takes a deep breath and begins to channel energy for supportive magic.

While death marching to the ring, Mira glanced to Trinity and Marcy with a quirked brow and a grin. What were they worried about? They'd beaten the previous form... this is how all big bads fought, wasn't it? The way Trin was standing... the determination... it reminded her of... Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... couldn't be.

Instead, she gave them both winks while letting her smog really go, the black, bittersweet cloud underneath her pouring over the sand dunes. She looked like an underworld goddess, boots pressing through the sand with a conviction that spoke to her confidence. Takai... She wanted to know how how far he could go.

"You in there, shithead? What kinda fight you want? I could shove a bat up your asshole or melt the fur off your sorry carcass... or I could feed you a knuckle sammich if you prefer?" She shouted to him, letting her own fighting spirit go and flooding the isle with her terrible aura.

~ Team Del ~
Another fist coming for her snoot? No thank you! Delaney was moving aside out of the incoming hit, but in passing there was another swipe of claws aimed for his belly. She was intent on landing a hit with those claws. There seemed to be a slice denoting her success, but any celebration was quickly halted. The paw that landed on Sal was lifted with confused horror, a howl of pain erupting from the beast in sheer panic before she plunged the claws into the ground beneath her.

One whiffed punch and a swipe of claws had Sal stumbling to a halt, bent double. He pressed a hand to his belly, and the stink of rot and ruin was already seeping between his fingers, burning away the fabric of one of his favorite shirts. "Shit, shit, shit." Poor Delaney's hand! The air spiked even colder, and light flashed in his irises as he reached out with his other hand and clenched a fist to try to snuff out the burn of the magic in his own blood.
It took Tito only a heartbeat to understand that something had been miscommunicated. But it was of no matter. That murmur told him a lot that he needed to know. He nodded once and made a motion like he was going to slip the piece of jewelry into his pocket, but the piece simply winked out into the ether. Then he pushed away from the bar and gave into the urge to run toward the fight. The scent of his Spaniard's blood had hit the air.
A hand covered Jules gaping mouth as she stared at the form of Tito moving towards the fight between Sal and Del.

~ Team Takai ~
Marcy's legs wobble. Something strong and deep and primal compels her to KNEEL as Mira strides past, and it's only the restless, incensed energy crackling through her limbs that gives her the wherewithal to resist doing so.

Excitement shivered down her spine as Mira moved into the right, goddess didn't even cover it. Fae rocked on her heels, whatever frustration still very much alive but, thankfully taking a back burner to the thrill. "Kill him.." It was said softly, wrapped around the cigarette as she took another pull.

Alright. Looks like Mira has all of Takai's attention for the time being. She smiles at the demon lord in gratitude. Time to flex some of that white mage power! Trinity moves to a more central location, where everyone is equidistant to her. She thrusts the wand-mace up into the air.

"Guard Reinforce!!" First things first: shore up everyone's defenses to make sure everyone walks away alive! A warm orb of energy comes out of the wand-mace, and then splits apart into numerous smaller orbs. They each fly around the isle toward everyone except for Takai and Delaney, and should they accept its warmth, it will raise their physical and spiritual resilience.
The hulking beast towered over the small demon queen. Takai stood nearly teen feet fully erect but as he stood now, closer to eight and a half. A hot breath of seething rage spilled from his mouth, an obvious heat to it. Was it steam? The wolf's body was screaming hot to the touch. Apparently the auto-caller spoke wolf as he let out a screaming roar at Mira, an answer to her question. It screamed over their heads announcing the next duel.

Meanwhile, the junior, weaker succubus finds her feet carrying her to Mira's side. Coated as she is in bruises and brimstone, Marcy finds the will to ignore all of the pain searing through her body and stand tall in service.
The sweet tasting alcoholic mixture was bound together with something extra special. The Archmage had charge of celestial magic which included the moon. Whispered words were used to call forward streams of moonlight, she bent them to her will. For the one drinking it, it was meant cause their body to believe the moon had shifted its phase away from full. She headed toward the ring to hand off the drink to Tito.

~Team Takai ~
The autocaller rumbled to life seemingly on its own, picking out the dancefloor for the two combatants. Mira glanced to the monitor. Swords. 'Swords.' Whatever this fight was, it was less of a sport and more of a war. She was ready to do whatever it took to learn him something. A black, tar-covered bat slid down out of Mira's palm and she grabbed it, flicking the searing hot inky black snot against the sand.

"Let's dance, you ugly son-of-a-bitch...!"

Okay, first order of support magic business is out there. Next order: find people in need of healing. Naturally, she looks to Marcella first. Hmm... "Marcy, would I be correct in guessing that light-based healing doesn't agree with you? Have you tried... a dark-based healing spell yet?"

~ Team Del ~
Halfway to the fray, he had the thought that he was going to miss these clothes. Unlike the wolves, he was not beholden to the moons, but he was one of their children. His change was a gory, vicious affair, sped through with the aid of various external magics. He snarled in pain but pushed through it, continuing to run as his bones broke and reshaped themselves. As his flesh opened and spilled his blood into the Isle's sands, only to seal back up in moments. He grew, and grew, and grew as he went.
He was not quite as large as Delaney when it was all said and done, but he was a spotted monster, a perfect killing machine, moving upright on two very long legs. Between one step and the next, he gathered himself and launched into a leap at his moon mad friend with deadly grace and a bone-shaking roar. All teeth and claws.
Tito bolting past his line of sight breaks his trance, bringing the realization that his hand was resting on the weapon under his duster, strapped to the opposite hip that his knife rested on. His fingers slide down, bumping into the awkward weight in one of the pockets. Oh right, he'd brought this with him. The warm orb of energy from Trinity doesn't wait for him to accept or reject despite its design, tagging him in the chest and interrupting his thoughts with a stinging pain and a definitive stutter in the rhythm of his heartbeat.

Colleen wasn't sure Gatito could hold that mug with those massive paws. She bidded her time and waited for an opening. Wolfwoman Del would have her mouth open at some point in the fracas.
Watching Tito’s transformation in real time? Jules shook. And peed a little.

~ Team Del ~
Dogpile on the Delaney monster? The timing was almost choreographed. Baring his teeth, Salvador whirled around with what was very nearly a snarl. It was strange the way his blood slithered around and between his fingers after he pulled his hand away from his slashed belly. Whatever was left refused to fall, and he charged again. The madman dropped to slide the rest of the way forward, once momentum took control, so that he could crash into Delaney's legs even while she was kicking out at him. They were probably both getting landed on by the monstrously transformed Gatito, then.
When Del drew her hand back from the ground, there was a distinct scent of copper and burning hair that infiltrated the air, patches of fur and maybe some skin missing from her hand. All attention was on Sal for the injury, even if she brought it on herself. The howl shifting into a snarl when he came her way. The distraction meant that she wasn't at all aware of the incoming mass that was Tito.
With Sal aiming for her legs and Tito catching her topside, the hulking form of Delaney was dragged to the ground in a snarling and spitting mess at the pair. Teeth snapping and catching mostly air as the brand new werewolf was overwhelmed by the joint effort to take her down.

~ Team Takai ~
Mira was the master of aggression... and she charged forward with all the fury of a hurricane, the bat moving around her body like a baton twirler, moving almost like it had no weight or mass. With the bat finally cocked on her shoulder, she pointed behind the furry brute and took a swing. Muscles tensed and black blood pumped, her arms flexing in ways that would've snapped a lesser being's tendons. The bat left her hand to whirl around the air before she caught it again, going for the Homerun Swing ™️ at the wolf's skull!

The wolf breath was in a constant state of a rumbling growl at every outward breath. As Mira spoke, a massive paw rose towards her. A feral grin gracing his maw. Was he smiling? One of his paw's digits rose, a crooked black nail pointing over her shoulder at the elf behind her. It lasted for a moment before his right arm reared back. A white light exploded from nothing, an eruption of quickly expanding light. Its form changed to that of a massive seven foot broad sword, 130lbs of highly condensed mithril. Covered in scars and dents, this thing had history.

He flung the sword back behind his should, his massive form made it look like a twig. He swung it like one to, as his other arm shot up forming a tight 'L' across the side of his skull as he saw the fancy move of the bat encroach. His own blade swung around in a wide arc to find the woman's side. The bat hit him at the same time though, the impact enough to show a deep crater in his muscle before the skin split. Blood exploded from the tight tear, hard to see amongst the dark fur of his.

The bat detonated on impact, shards of splintered wood spraying against the sand... and a few splinters likely remaining in the divot she'd made. That slab of mithril, though? That thing wasn't just for show. The 'blade' found purchase, cutting through the side of Mira’s top like a hot knife through butter. Black tar wept from the wound... but he would've felt the blade bounce against the sinew of her musculature. That didn't cut nearly as deeply as it should've...!

Mira hissed at him, eyes aglow. "She ain't yer problem... I am...!"

"Yes. This is that." Marcella states starkly to Trinity, gesturing to the brimstone-sealed wounds in her body. Her dull magenta skin is slowly reclaiming its damaged territory. "Worry not about I, we must remain vigilant." There's something new in her voice now. She sounds more proper than before, her words more sober and carefully-chosen than ever. Her posture is unflinchingly straight, and her expression is blank and calm.

"Very well. Let me know if you want a hand and I'll try out a dark-based healing spell my teacher and I came up with together." She looks over to see yet another person transform into a gigantic beast, this time the Gatito. And he's going in toward Delaney. She's learning a lot about people's transformations tonight.

...Oh, speaking of transformations, that blue-outline power-up form... she's gonna need to refill that. She reaches behind her back, rummages around, and pulls out an Elixir. These are expensive, but no better time to use it than now. She gulps it down, recovering completely. She thinks about chucking the empty bottle at Takai, but decides to just toss it into a recycling bin.

She then watches Mira and Takai's first exchange, looking for an opening to sneak in an attack. Now that Mira is on the front lines for melee, she is thinking she wants to try and fall back to attack magic. But before that, she has a duty to do. She looks around for anyone who might be able to use some healing magic, on both Team Takai and Team Delaney. Surviving is the most important form of victory tonight!
Realizing what she had done, Jules crosses her legs where she stands behind the bar, gripping the edge with white knuckles.
A couple of people dressed in the gold and green livery of the Navarran Army were on hand and offering healing services.
Faeryl locked eyes with the beast, jaw clenching as rage bloomed hot through every inch of her body. At her side her sword materialized, the metallic clank quiet amidst the chaos as the blade disengaged and rested as a whip at her side. Still, she stayed right where she was, taking another puff from Mira's cigarette.
With the transformations going around and around, Jake takes a breath, hand slipping into his pocket to get as good of a grip as he could manage on the round thing he was carrying. He couldn't sense any of the strength that radiated off the individuals around him, just see the effects of their exchanged blows. The trade between Mira and Takai is violent enough to tell him that he's better off staying out of their line of fire, but the weight in his hand demands to be delivered one way or another. He steps towards the pair, watching for the best moment to get his one last lick in.

~ Team Del ~

Gatito tried to latch onto Delaney and ride her to the sand. Poor Sal probably did get crushed under thousands of pounds of flesh and fur. When they hit the ground, Gatito tried to roll with her. He did hear that wheezing! Then he let go and rolled apart from her, coming up on all fours to growl and snap sharp teeth at her.

At this point, Sal was just trying to shove Delaney off, and wasn't having a lot of success. Probably the extra weight.

Tito took a swipe at Delaney, claws extended. Maybe encouraging her to get off of Sal!

The shoving from Sal and the newly shifted form of Tito running her out of the pile had her clawing and kicking at sand to pull and roll herself out of the mix. Once Del was released, she was panting heavily, each exhale of air coming out as a growl at Tito. She shoved herself up to all fours to face Tito, the swipe of claws answered with a few snapping bites into the air in his direction as she regrouped with this new configuration of two on one.

Oh thank god he could breathe again. Gasping in deep breaths of sandy air, Sal crawled a bit further away and worked on getting back up to his feet.

Gatito snarled and bared massive fangs at Delaney, keeping her attention on him while maneuvering to ensure he was between her and the regrouping and recovering Sal.

~ Team Takai~
Marcella stands at attention, as if she were Mira's second in a duel. It was not her place to presume what help was needed. She was a total stranger, Marcella knew nothing about who she was or why she had come, only that her power must be acknowledged. No time for internal struggle, no time to realize that subservience was what she'd escaped by getting here in the first place. Ni'tarah scarcely ever asserted herself anymore, but the possessor pleads with her host to defer.

Another bat shot from Mira’s palm, her hands going to grip it in midair as she took another swing to try and bury some sense into his skull. 'Sense?' I meant 'bat.' My mistake.

In her seach for someone to heal, her eyes land on Jules. That poor lady looks like she's really going through it. She remembers one of the foundational lessons she received at the start of her journey for skill and strength: sometimes the best gift an adventurer can give is a reassuring smile. So Trinity simply smiles warmly at Jules.

Jules smiled back at Trinity, looking every part of a shellshocked human that she was.

Jules's reaction and demeanor confirms that she really needed that smile. And it shores up Trinity's determination even further. That pale blue outline around her body grows just a smiiiiidge thicker and brighter. She returns her attention to Takai, continuing to wear that smile. It's possible that Mira could solo him, but she doesn't want her to have to do that.

Jules needed the smile. And a dry pair of undergarments.

~ Team Takai ~
The blade slammed against her internals, instantly rebounding as the reverberations of the hard smash sent a twinge of pain shooting across his arm. His shoulder had tried to push but it just strained at the immovable monster in front of him. His grin had long faded.

This time he didn't want to take that blow in the same spot again, the terrible sting was still there. The guarding arm shot forward as his body shifted around, the bounced blade dragging through the dirt as he formed an arc. He shoved his right should towards her. Not to impact but just to close distance. His clawed hand shot up to catch the bat at its base. It's lowest forceful region to prevent his hand snapping up the pressure. Her let out a monstrous roar in Mira's face. He wanted more.

~ Team Del ~

Colleen murmured cantrip turned part of the mixture in the mug to gumball sized candies. When the she-wolf's mouth was in the open phase of the snap, the Archmage sent a couple flying toward Wolfwoman Del's mouth over Tito's shoulder. She then directed some of her healing energies toward Sal, just in case.

Those candies were soaring her way, but at the last moment she lunged forward and they fell to the wayside, a flurry of snapping fangs heading for Tito. The candies burst open and the liquid pooled near Del's feet.

The bat evaporated on contact with his massive paw, the force of the strike and the strength of her opponent meaning no point scored. Mira's eyes narrowed as his hand touched against her for the push... and she snarled at him, sharp teeth bared.

Tito let out a bone-shaking yowl of feline rage as Delaney charged him, and gathered himself to meet her halfway. Her fangs swiftly found flesh and sank as deep as she wanted them. Through the burning pain of it, Gatito tried to get his arms around her neck and sink his claws into her, so he could have a good grip. He wanted to take her off her feet via twisting body slam.

First one foot, then the other. Salvador got his feet under him and stood, giving himself a vigorous shake that was necessary in part due to the healing magic that Colleen flung at him. He shuddered like she'd hit him with ice water, and the energy sloughed off him just the same.

When he turned, everything, for him, moved in slow motion....

Candies tumbling through the air, swiped aside by the accidental terror of outraged momentum. A stretching maw, opening wider and wider, full of sharp, slavering, pointy teeth. Two shifted monsters with claws raised and ready to collide with each other. Snarls and roars and sand splashing upward from the kick of pounding feet.

Salvador planted his own with a determined grimace and lunged into the space between them. He leapt, pivoting as he lifted off the ground, and twisted his body in just such a way so that a boot was aimed to crash directly into the side of Delaney's snout. The rest of him followed suit to try to ride her, face first, all the way to the ground, as if her head were a skateboard.

Sometimes, plans changed on the fly! Sal recovered more quickly than Gatito had anticipated, and the man had his own tricks up his sleeves. Gatito's claws found mostly air. But Delaney may have still gotten a taste of his blood.

The first bundle of candies were mostly a puddle under the trio's feet.
Trio being Tito, Sal, and Del.

~ Team Takai ~
"Remove that thing or I'll take it from you, whelp." Mira spat, holding her palm up to his forearm and firing a bat with the force of a bullet, point blank.

If Takai wants more, she's happy to deliver! She waits for Mira to provide an opening... there!! "Crimson truth, light the one true path! Maleficent Harm!" She thrusts the wand-mace straight up, and the light inside its glass head seems to invert. A trio of thick tendrils of darkness shoot forth out of the head, looking to pierce through Takai's body wherever they might be able to find purchase. Or she might just whiff; who knows? Magic is fun like that!

The two seemed to be intent on measuring each other's resolve. The beast let go of his blade, this time wanting to feel Mira himself. The weapon exploded as it was tossed behind Mira, flipping multiple times in air towards Fae. The white particles it created from the explosion disappearing quickly after.

His mind had told him to slam a fist but he wanted to get a bit more personal. His massive thick skull reared back as he felt her bat try to enter his abdomen through blunt force trauma. The force only helped bend himself faster as his torn abs tensed. He could feel an organ explode inside of him, his abdomen muscles not quite up to task to absorb all of the blow. His head came down to meet Mira's.

She wondered if Takai's head was filled with candy or dust bunnies and she prayed Mira would spill whatever was hiding up there, if anything at all, like one giant piñata. A shot of purple mist and she was gone, the weapon soaring through the air where she should have been. But, there was no sight of her reappearing just yet.

She watches the weapon fly toward Faeryl, and watches her disappear to deal with that. She looks around for her, and smirks once she realizes she can't find her. Oh well, back to magical harassment! Let's see, which one to do next...
Marcella bashes her hands together. Her brimstone claws crumble to dust, leaving her hands bare. She cradles her fingers in a circle and begins forming a sphere of pyrothurgic energy between her palms. She will gather this energy but not yet fire it, awaiting either an undeniable opportunity or a direct order to fire.
Even more blows being exchanged between Mira and Takai had him reconsidering the joke that rested in his pocket, not sure he wanted to participate in the battle of the titans that seemed to be taking place between the two. Jake’s gaze shifts back to Delaney and Salvador, hearing the faint sound of the caller behind the chaos. He knew he could survive that one, at least, so maybe he ought to aim that direction? If he knew there would be two angry dogs, he'd have brought an extra and just risked it all either way.
A goblin behind the bar caught sight of Jules’ disheveled state — honey mustard in her hair, pee sprinkled pants — and wrinkled its nose, before insisting she follow them for a moment to get cleaned up. It was the Isle, after all.

~ Team Takai ~
It looks like a Bishop's Parry might be about to happen? That's a great opportunity for an attack mage to be an annoying little shit! "Thou art bayed back to the abyss! Seraphic Law!" The light inside the head of the Spectrum Smasher shines brightly, and then releases into a ball of light above her head. It twinkles a bit, and then cuts loose a thick white beam toward Takai.

A head-butt? This guy was crazy! She had a damn horn on her head! It didn't feel great, but he was going to damn near impale himself on it! When she realized he was aiming for Faeryl her eyes flared and black smoke began to fill Foxtrot, the scowl on her face growing. Mira was going berserk... and that was dangerous. She whipped a hand up to his shoulder and she started throwing head-butt after head-butt after head-butt into his chest. Was it doing damage? Maybe not the most... but she was drawing blood and trying to focus him on her. If he kept pissing her off, he was going to pay for it!

Oh boy was this what a beast needed. Takai’s right paw reared back after their skulls collided. His body shifted back creating a brief opening. The opening was quickly closed as he felt a trickle of blood clot the fur on his head. Her horn found purchase in his chest, too stubborn to back down he only pushed into it. The right law that had retreated earlier. He made a blade with his hand, slamming it home towards the same hole he had made earlier.

If Takai couldn't break her ribs, he'd just reach inside of her. Just as his hands found their moist home, a light caught his attention. A roar shot from his mouth as lumbered back. The beam blowing a small piece of skin and fur from his right shoulder. His entire form dropped in a ready pose of anger. Seemed there was another one yet again.

Too many allies involved now. The risk of friendly fire was too great, and that would mean her head. Marcy continues gathering flames in her hands, the sphere now larger than her head.

~ Team Del ~

Snapping fangs managed to tear at Tito's shoulder, but Sal had moved between them and intercepted Delaney before she could really sink in. Sal's boot found its target in Delaney's snout, inciting a wild howl and flail of too long muscled limbs.

With the entirety of his weight bearing down on her, the head of the beast was plowed into the sand beneath them with a sickening crack. At the moment, briefly, the creature was still. Down, but certainly not out considering she was already driving her massive paws into the ground and looking to rally herself back up to all fours.

Was Sal really going to have to wrestle her into submission? Though glad that he hadn't accidentally snapped her neck and killed her, Sal was a little put off by the fact that Delaney was still in this enraged state! He flopped around to try to sprawl on her back and slide an arm around her throat to bear down. "Bad dog," he muttered. "Stay down." Interestingly, he was not still bleeding, but his belly was frosty cold. Most of him was at this point.

Blood wept down Tito’s shoulder and arm, staining the golden, grey, and black fur. He rocked his weight back into his haunches, ready to meet Delaney mid-lunge again if things came to that. But it seemed Sal had other ideas. As his companion fought to get an arm around her neck, Gatito came forward and attempted to shove Delaney back down to the sand by her shoulders.

The cracking sound almost makes Jake wince in sympathy. Almost. Seeing Delaney start scrambling to rise again brought a shrug to his shoulders, deciding that she would have to do even if his intended target was originally Takai. Reeling back with a pitcher's pose, he hefts the improvised weapon up and through the air. His aim wasn't always perfect, but it wasn't like he was that concerned if the flying peanut butter jar tagged Sal instead.

(Even in her hyper-deferent state, Marcy can't help bit give a bit-lip chuckle at that one.)
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Takai Masamune
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Re: Wolfmania Full Story

Post by Takai Masamune »

~ Team Takai ~

"If you think that's what I mean when I say I like getting penetrated, you might be more fucked up than me, you screw loose, sword-happy little freak!" Mira growled, trying to punch the wolf’s thick arm in half as it dug into her side yet again.

Looks like the Valkyrie succeeded in being annoying! Trinity's not on point anymore, but she's far from out of this! She whistles at the goodness gracious great ball of fire that Marcella is conjuring up. "We're going to make an opening for you to hit with that."

"I will fire when ordered, not a moment sooner!" Marcella says, not thinking to specify whose orders she was listening for.

"Alright. Listen for me or Mira." Said Trinity. So it looks like Team Takai consists of Mira on point, Faeryl in the stealthy wings, Trinity annoying with various greater magic incantations, and Marcella charging one whopper of a spell.

Smart move on Trinity's part. This implied chain of command will ensure that Marcella will go on her order without question. Still awed by Mira's presence, Marcy is locked in dog-brain mode. The immediacy of this crisis prevents her from thinking clearly long enough to get a grip

Some Drow were well versed in 'back stabbing', a favorite activity in most houses. Fae knew how much he had loved it the night before. Stupid and stubborn when she was angry, remember? The burst of mist was back and Faeryl dropped onto the beasts back, the whip in her hand swinging itself around to wrap those tiny razors taught around Takai’s throat. Hopefully. If he tossed her like a rag doll, so be it. She could handle the pain.

Colleen took two steps back and, eyes closed, reinforced the circle of protection. She had a feeling something even crazier was going to hit the fan. Something was still in the mug she was holding in one hand. The circle of protection around the dueling zone was still holding firm to contain the mayhem within it from reaching the rest of the Isle.
An angry woman stomped her way through a portal, playing cards being fanned in Alice’s hands.

~ Team Del ~
Sal's attempt at a submission move seemed to be working along with Delaney's currently stunned but pissed off state. The throat! They always go for the throat! That seemed to be having the opposite of the intended effect. There was a lot of growling and thrashing on her part. And then a soaring jar of Peanut Butter from Jake managed to crack her right in the face.

That. Was. It. It was a burst of fury and a gigantic howl that erupted out of Delaney. Any success that Sal might have been finding with his attempts falling to the wayside as a flex of muscle and rage had Delaney tearing herself from his hold. Instantly, still on all fours, the nearly ten foot tall werewolf was heading in a gallop straight for Jake.

Oh shit, may have been a man's dying thoughts, if the man was likely to die in that moment. Nope. Delaney rose up like a pissed off kaiju ready to tear apart some electrical wires, and this effectively launched Salvador directly off her back. He landed on his in the sand, limbs splayed and possibly getting buffeted across the face by the bristly brush of the wolf woman's tail.

"Well," Sal said to the sky.

That jar of peanut butter skimmed past Gatito's ear like a passing bullet! He snarled and jerked his head to the side, letting go of Delaney in the process. Her charge almost knocked him all of his feet, but he quickly recovered and maneuvered to again place himself between her and Sal—who sounded like he'd just hit the sand like a sack of bricks. Oof.

The smirk had found it's place across his features once more, the hectic nature of the entire night taking him years back into the past to wild bloodshed and bar brawls of days long gone, just with less crewmates around him. His hands go up to the side, challenging. "C'mon, Doglaney, come get a taste!" The mania was absolutely back.

~ Team Takai ~

Rage. Interference was not Takai’s favorite. Between the beam sender, the fire harnesser ready to release a massive ball of fire and the sudden monkey on his back, Takai's mind was going wild. The monkey first. His eyes dropped back to Mira as his claw reached up behind him, the sharp razors looking for a deep hold in the elf's back.

Takai eyes narrowed the departing hand from Mira shot up to the side of his face. This time he didn't want to be choked. Luckily unlucky it wasn't her arm, it was a whip of razor sharp blade. He felt the whip wrap itself around his thick furred arm and the back side of his neck. What the fuck? His entire body slammed forward in an effort to fling the woman from his back.

Even in all the chaos, Mira could feel a presence enter through a portal... one she hadn't felt since...

"...Fuck..." Mira sighed, looking over to see Alice, completely distracted.

Fae let out a yell as she pulled the whip tighter, shifting herself out of the way of that giant mitt of his. He wasn't nearly as fast as he this big now, was he? It wasn't until he jerked himself forward that she went flying off him, the whip lodged deep in his furry flesh, so as it ripped free of him it might also rip chunks of meat along with it.
Colleen sensed portal activating and looked over. "Evenin'. Ya might want ta mind where ya go."

Alice’s eyes locked on Mira for a moment, before she looked at Collie, “Nah I’m here to blow off steam, which one am I throwing ice at?”
"That one. 'e started this party." A gesture toward Takai. "Mind ya, two or three others 're on 'im... four?"

“We trying to knock out the other dog?” Alice asked softly, a razor sharp playing card in her hand, “Or feed her?” She turned the card, a candied apple appearing in her palm.

Had the peanut butter and liquid from the candies mixed together? Collie pondered. "Long story. Wolves 're not dogs." She eyed that apple. "We're not tryin' poison 'er."

“It’s not poisoned.” She scoffed, “It’s just an apple covered in caramel,” she rolled her eyes a little, “I don’t do poison, I prefer knives.”

~ Team Takai ~

Trinity's not trying to cast jack diddly if Faeryl is at the back and Mira is at the front. She's pretty accurate, but she doesn't want to account for two people potentially moving into her line of fire. Oh, but is Faeryl about to get thrown? Perfect opportunity! "Harmoniums of Asgard, stir the ancient lightning! Dragon Bolt!" A huge lightning blast shaped like a dragon's head shoots forth from the Spectrum Smasher toward Takai.

Pain shot white hot through her as she hit the ground, rolling as far out of the way as she could in the process.

Trinity takes note of Faeryl not sticking the landing. Note to self: deal with whatever retaliation is coming, and then check on her for healing.

"BAD DOG!" Mira shouted to the mutt, putting her hand up to the underside of his chin. Instead of a bat, a five ton baritone saxophone case manifested, aiming to take his block clean off. She followed it with a bicycle kick towards his abdomen, trying to get some movement on the battlefield before catching the case with both hands and swinging it like a breaching tool towards his core.

~ Team Del ~

Since Delaney had a new target now, Gatito gambled a little and twisted to look back at Splat, er, Sal. He huffed a breath through his long teeth, then came around to the Spaniard's side. He crouched alongside him. "Sal." The man's name came out sounding like it had been dragged across volcanic glass. His muzzle was not well suited to human speech. He set an enormous, clawed hand on his chest.

Delaney really didn't need the additional taunting, but who was she to deny Jake? Once close enough, the nearly ten foot tall beast of muscle, fur and feminine rage would launch itself in a full blown tackle trying to take down Jake. She just wanted to talk!

"Gatito," he wheezed in reply. There was a great big paw on his chest, after all. He reached up to try to pat his transformed monster companion on the head. Maybe the nose. His hands were icicles coated in ribbons of dried blood. "How is she not done? I'm tired."

Takai felt the silent tear of the upper part of his shoulder muscle where it connected to the neck. If she had gotten much deeper, she might have found an artery. This had pissed the wolf off. His body slamming forward as his paws show out to his sides ready to charge. He didn't get to charge.

The demon had made her way to him too quickly. The case caught his attention first but the powerful kicks to his chest shoved his frame backwards. His eyes were on the possible weapon, rising above her shoulder to see the incoming attack from Trinity. He didn't know which one to worry about more. It'd depend which one hit him first he guessed.

"Alice." Mira nodded politely mid-violence. "You're looking... dangerous." Mira yelled over her shoulder I guess?

There was a momentary glance from Fae to whoever had wandered through the portal and distracted Mira to that degree... in the middle of a fight. Now wasn't the time for jealousy, even if that was another feeling that felt far more comfortable than all the other far more happy ones. Of course, now she was the one distracted in the middle of a fight. The whip was shaken out, sending bits of blood and fur this way and that.

~ Team Del ~

"My turn...” Colleen eyed Wolfwoman Del.

"Atta girl." Jake’s content to let himself be tackled, stupidly, smacking to the sand with surprising force. His legs begin to whir. "Miss me, gorgeous?" The question is punctuated by steel knees whipping up to try and keep her from getting the taste he just invited, aiming to collide with her chest to remake the space he just voluntarily gave up.

Jules stared at Jakobi. “Are you insane?!”

Considering the cackling the pirate was doing instead of answering, it was likely Jules could guess his response.

Colleen dropped the cloak she was wearing and eyed Del. "Let's go, Wolfie." She bowed because that's what one did before dueling!

Delaney took Jake to the ground, but the heave of space from him was given, even if she didn't like it. Overhead was a flurry of snapping teeth, trying and failing to make out with him a little. It was the repeated calls from Colleen that gathered her attention. Her whole body vibrating above Jake with a growl before she was on the move, turning tail and finding a new target in Colleen.

~ Team Takai ~
Alice nodded to Mira, “You always liked danger hun.” This delivered with a grin, “I saw Jackson earlier, he’s gotten… aggravating.”

Mira made that choice easy... both of them say yes! She flicked out a couple of smoke clouds above Takai, black tendrils whipping out of them to try and wrap his arms above his head so that everyone gets a kick at the can!

Seems nothing good was coming from this. Takai’s body tried to move but all it could do was accept the case and the dragon in tandem as the tentacles bound him in place, trying to lift him from the ground. He could feel the insides of his body shattering under the weight of the box. His ribs caving to send sharp spines deep into his organs. His lungs were emptied before the bolt of lightning set his body on fire, every nerve under his skin exploding in a paralyzing pain.

It looks like Takai is going to be busy contending with the pincer situation that her own magic and Mira's... saxophone case she had created. So Trinity moves on over to Faeryl. "How are you holding up? I have light-based and dark-based healing if you'd like a hand."

"Don't heal me." It was shot far more venomously at Trinity than she meant it to be. The whip was jerked back into a sword and she glanced back towards the beast.

"You got it." She takes no offense at the venom, and nods. "Just call over to me if you change your mind." She then moves away from Faeryl, spreading out their positioning to prevent Takai from being able to target more than one of them at a time.
"I'm a sucker for it, actually." Mira responded to the serial killer, glancing between her and Faeryl. "You... working again?"

"Wait, wait... Jackson?!?" Mira was sure he should've been dead by now.

Alice walked slowly towards Fae and Mira, “I absolutely am, got a particular bastard I want to remember my name.” She upnodded to Fae, “And yes, he was in the inn, doesn’t wanna go play anymore.” She seemed pouty for a moment, “I presume this is your new beau, I won’t get in the way.”

Tito eased up a little, realizing he may have been pressing down before, and lowered his head toward Sal's lifted hand. That big pink nose found the man's palm and huffed out hot, hot breath. He did not seem to mind the bloody icicles and dared take a swipe at them with an equally pink tongue.

Then he lifted his head and shook it. "New," he grated. "Moon. Rage." It was difficult to explain while in this form, but his companion was a man of few words, so perhaps he would understand Gatito's. Then, "Ride?" An offering. "Or walk?"

Salvador was a man of few words who frequently communicated without them, and often also in grunts. He understood his companion perfectly. They'd make better time if he chose option one, and so Salvador sat up and climbed onto the monstrously transformed Gatito's back. "Let's go."

Gatito turned his body to make it easier for Sal to climb up onto his back, and once the man was mostly situated, he rose off his haunches and onto two legs. His massive, clawed hands reached back to trap Sal's calves against his ribs and urge him to hold on. Then he took off toward the tree line at a dead run, yowling out a blood-curdling feline farewell to all and sundry in the forest.
~ Team Takai ~

Faeryl looked nowhere else but Takai as he suffered. It brought a slow creeping, malicious smile to her lips. Good.

Trinity takes another look around to take stock of who is where. It looks like the Gatito and Salvador are about to bow out. She offers the two of them a smile and a nod. So then, who's still batting for Team Delaney? Looks like Colleen has stepped up, and Jake is over there. And on Team Takai, it's Mira, Marcella, Faeryl, herself, and... Someone else she doesn't recognize (Alice)?

~ Team Del ~
Her left foot pawed the sands like an agitated horse whose herd was threatened. She disappeared momentarily.

WereLaney was once again charging like a bull in a china shop, heading for the space that Colleen occupied. Even though she flickered out of existance, Del kept her course, driving that thick skull of hers towards Colleen.

Myth stepped out of the portal to look for Jules. "What..?" he asked vaguely as he took in the more than usually violent rings.

Jules was still in the safety zone, behind the bar and her barricade of rescued candies. “BABE!” Jules screamed for Myth.

Myth ran over to Jules and looked her over quickly before offering a smile. "Hey there. Little excitement here, huh? Do I need to get involved?"

~ Team Takai ~
With Zazni still flying off into the distant dunes, Mira had another idea. She opened her smogspace in her palm again, but this time she produced...

A brick!

Mira loved bricks. They were so multipurpose. They could build... they could break... they could bash and bean and batter and bruise! They were particularly good at exfoliating! So many options... so much time. She leapt onto his form, swinging at his skull to try and crack the nut and get to the soft bits. Hopefully he'd fall over so that she could have proper fun.


After a few swings, she took the brick - what was this thing made of?!?!? - and started using it like a cheese grater against his face, trying to grate the first few layers of flesh from his mug. How many layers did a wolf like him have, anyway? Well, she was gonna find out how many she'd need to peel to get to the tootsie-roll center of the tootsie-pop. A sick, twisted smile grew on her face, eyes radiating that sickening green light as she rubbed the stone surface against him.

"I'm gonna make you eat this... and then I'm gonna shove a baseball bat up your..." Her words got quieter as she spoke, the last part only intelligible by Takai if he had hearing left.

Takai's mind started to slip. It was too much all at once. Even a monster like him had a limit. He could feel himself slipping. Darkness as his face was repeatedly slammed and grated by the brick. Something was lurking inside of him. Deep down. Gurgling noises of once savage roars were the only thing that filled his maw now. That and blood. Maybe some teeth? A pulse shot from his body, like a gust of hot air across the field. An omen, the air was hot. Hotter than any summer day's worst breeze. His eyes shut.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!" Mira cackled, continuing to batter the downed body. She didn't feel anything right now except bloodlust, least of which an ominous wind.
“I'm going to go help with Delaney! You've all got this; yell if you need me!" Trinity calls out to everyone dealing with Takai before she runs over to switch teams.

This leaves Marcella on her own, growing an ever larger orb of fire in her hands. It's so big she has to hold it above her head, both palms extended skyward beneath the gathering flames. When Mira savages her prey, Marcella smiles, all concern for Takai's fate melted into... something else.
Sure, Alice would be on team Takai, in fact, she was already stalking towards the wolf like a predator.

~ Team Del ~

When Colleen returned to view, it became rather clear where Maggie's Rage Bear Gene had come from. What Del collided with was a red furred bear, heavy and long. She wasn't going to be knocked over easily.

Jake frowns as he pushes himself upright, his playmate being pulled away by the calls of the Archmage. "I had that!" Really, no appreciation for the person who likely stopped him from being dog chow? Based on the way he was stalking over towards where Delaney and Colleen were now facing off, it seemed not.

She connected, but there wasn't any sort of satisfying crack or movement like she had been intending. Realizing the woman was now a red bear, Delaney reared back and unleashed a roar in Colleen's direction.

The old bear looked mildly amused as she roared right back calling on starlight to fall from the heavens.

Okay, so now the Valkyrie is on Team Delaney. She stops near the big bad wolf, watching her clash with the big bad bear. She blinks a few times as she takes stock of the situation here, looking a little silly standing there doing nothing with her shield and mace.
Del’s roar swings around into Trin's direction, but attention returns to Colleen and there's a swipe of that massive paw and claws aiming for her side.
Jules thanked the skies above the goblin had helped her get cleaned up before he arrived. Hugging Myth in a death grip, she didn’t know how to answer. “Delaney shifted. Tito shifted. Nothing’s working. Not even peanut butter. And I peed a little. And all I wanted was chicken tenders and a slushie….” All the pent up emotion was spilling out of her a mile a minute as she cried on his shoulder.

Myth put an arm around her and kept an eye on those moving and running around. "It's all right, Jules. I'm here." He wasn't sure what her comment had meant, and decided to ignore one of the parts, but looked to try and decide who the problem was.

Jules nodded rapidly, her breath jagged. “I hate not having magic. Or mods. Or anything. Sal had to fight to keep Delaney from getting me…” Ahhh, trauma-dumping stream of consciousness.

"You want to learn something supernatural soon?" Myth asked Jules. He was mostly sure he could teach it. Teaching wasn't one of his strengths, but he had enough that maybe it wouldn't matter.

“I have to. It’s too scary without it anymore.” Jules said quietly. Up was down. Up had indeed become down.

~Team Takai~

Mira slowly rose to her feet, throwing the brick into the sand. A wad of black blood was spat onto the ground beside the beast.

A deep breath in...

... and out.

"Now I'm done." Mira huffed, reaching for Fae's hand and walking back towards the bar. "I need... a cigarette..."

Fae pulled herself back to reality, glancing down at the sword in her hand as it dematerialized from her grip. Far too calmly she removed herself from the ring and made her way back to the bar. There was a grimace of pain as she climbed onto one of the stools and quickly ordered herself a bloodwine.
The roar simply blows back Trinity's black tresses while she makes an awkward face. She scratches her head, trying to figure out what to do to help here. She doesn't want to hurt Delaney; she definitely did want to hurt Takai. Speaking of hurting Takai, Mira's maniacal screaming causes her to look back over in that direction. Wait, is that it? Is he just dead? That doesn't seem right.

Upon Mira's declaration, Marcy gives a nod. The fireball she holds above her head begins to shrink...

~ Takai 3rd Form – Spicy Wolf ~
It was too much for him. He felt a pulse pound in his chest. A wave of fire ripping through his insides as his beastial form slammed to the ground. Oh how he hated everyone. The wolf curled under the pain, not from the battle but from the horrific feeling swelling inside of him. Something had awakened that he never wanted to feel again. He almost wanted to tell everyone to run.

As Takai's inner fire demon surged to the surface, he felt an eruption of power unlike anything he had experienced in so long. The battle had pushed him too far, and now the very force he despised took control. Flames exploded from his body, licking his skin and fur as they transformed him into something far more terrifying than a mere werewolf.

His once-muscled frame now warped into a grotesque, towering form. His limbs, once lupine, became elongated and monstrous, each muscle bulging with unnatural strength. His fur ignited, turning into roaring flames that swirled across his body like a living inferno, casting an eerie, hellish glow across the ground. The searing heat radiating from him was overwhelming, distorting the air around him as if reality itself was bending to his power.

Takai’s eyes, once glowing golden with the hint of his wolfish nature, were now consumed by two searing, golden flames. No longer did they have pupils or irises—just blinding orbs of molten light, burning with an intensity that spoke of the demon within.

His snout elongated further, teeth sharper and more jagged than before, as though designed to tear through anything in his path. His claws were no longer simply weapons—they were extensions of the fire, dripping with embers that flared each time they touched the ground.

In this form, Takai was an embodiment of destruction—a force that could burn everything around him to ashes. His mind, submerged beneath the roar of the flames and the beast, flickered in and out of awareness. All he felt was the demon's urge to dominate, to crush anything that stood before him.

The rings were filled with the sickening smells of sulfur, burning flesh and fur.

~ Team Takai ~

…but then Takai's final transformation happens. Marcy's pupils dilate, and her fireball begins growing faster. Not that fire was a reasonable weapon to throw at what Takai had become, but there was little in Marcy's arsenal that was.

“…Oh.” Trinity gasped.

Mira stopped in her tracks, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it without looking back. "He's back up... and all ancient, horrible, eldritch monstrosity, isn't he?"

There was something like an exasperated sigh huffed into the air from Fae. "He is."

Trinity nods at Mira affirmatively.

"Ahhh, hellfire." She sighed, turning to look. "Yep... that's some ancient, horrible, eldritch monstrosity, alright."

"You still got that, right? You need me to come back over?" Trinity strokes her chin. "Marcy, is fire your main thing?"

“Oi big boy!” Alice was grinning at Takai, ice gathering around her, sharp blades of ice forming into wings, her cards in her fingers, “Let’s dance shall we! Been a while since I helped put out the flames!” She needed this, the killer was not having a good night, and Takai would be the perfect solution. She flipped a card, dozens of razor sharp blades appearing and launching themselves at him.

~ Team Del ~

Jake’s eyes were locked onto the bear and wolf, waiting for an opening to join in. Until the new flaming form of Takai made itself known, drawing a note of sanity back into his mind. "Oh." Perhaps it was better that he'd hit Delaney with the peanut butter after all, maybe that thing wouldn't even notice him with how he'd been on this side of the fighting the entire time.

The thought alone has Jake looking back at the battle between her and Colleen, wishing he had one of those support spells in his own skillset that Trinity had been casting, to be useful.

Colleen dropped to all fours and charged, head aimed for the midsection. The ancient had been doing this a long time and had seen scarier things than that the huge wolf in her breakfast meals.

The head butt to Delaney’s midsection landed and then some, causing the nearly ten foot tall beast to double over. There was a swipe of claws at The Red Bear's back since that was the closest target at the moment.

Colleen’s jaws snapped trying to find purchase somewhere on the she-wolf.

Following the swipe of claws and the incoming snap of teeth, Delaney was disengaging from The Red Bear, lumbering back a few paces to find the next place they would land a hit.

WereLaney took another step forward, arms of corded muscle closing before expanding sharply. Releasing everything she had into her next roar directly at The Red Bear. Dog breath, ew.

The bear's fur looked like it had been lit on fire. She had the presence of mind to swipe a paw through the liquid from the candies that remained in the sands.
"Guess I'd be angry all the time too if I had all that burning inside me." Fae’s words were mumbled to no one in particular. Fae sat back and snatched up her fresh drink, taking a sip.

Mira squeezed Fae's hand, glancing down with a wink. "You go high, I go low?" Zazni, Mira's saxophone (and by extension, case) rose up for her to grab once more.

"I think I'll be sitting this one out. You've got your friend to help. Elf I am, but magic isn't my cup of tea and I'm not touching that thing." Fae said. She would no doubt burst into flames if she got close enough, and as fun as that might for some... Faeryl wasn't quite in the mood for a burning, hell-fiery death tonight.

~ Team Takai ~
"Marcy, if fire is your main thing, I'll trade places with you so you're not dealing with the bad matchup." Trinity shouted.

Fire? Who the hell thought they were using fire around him? The beast was gone from the ground without so much of a sound. The place he'd laid scorched to glass and cinder. Takai’s hulking form now closer to fifteen feet from the ground towered over Marcy. A deathly gaze down at the woman. Its hand rose up to the top of her ball.

His powerful arm shoving the ball downward at the woman. He added to it though. The ball began to take the hue of a golden flame of spite and hellfire. His boney maw dropped as he watched it get closer slower and slower. Salvations of magma dripping as he stared hungrily at the small creature before him. Shoving it down with a massive roar as his burning gaze shifted to his next challenge. She was dunked on.

"Oh, that's not good." In reaction to the ball of fire that Marcella is struggling with. Looks like Trinity is leaving Team Delaney. She runs on over. She has to get there in time! She can't conjure up the spear in time! "No! Marcellaaaaa!!"

Marcy turns her head to respond to Trinity, but what a bad time to take her eyes off of it. She doesn't even get a word out before she's crushed under her own ball of flame, her magics subverted into something very much not her own, something that burns in a definition she couldn't comprehend. Even her screams only last for a few seconds, gone long before Takai finishes dispatching her in this cruel manner.

Alice grinned as the demon noticed her, her blades aiming to carve deep into his flesh, to subdue, to play with her food. She entered the air, eyes glowing icy blue, her cards fanning out around her.

Mira’s eyes shot to the succubus that was getting burnt to death. That wouldn't do. Mira rose a hand, launching a wad of thick tar at the flame to swallow it. "No dying today, kinswoman."

"Oh... if Alice is taking this seriously, there's no real worry. She's nearly killed me before." Mira admitted, sitting down and leaning her case against the bar.

Welcome to Rhy'Din... two lovers sharing a drink as a bunch of monsters fought around them. Mira reached over to grab her own bottle of Revivalist gin, pouring glass full and raising it to toast the dark elf.

That tumble off the beast had hurt far more than she was remotely willing to admit. Fae lifted her glass a touch towards Mira, the clank of glass lost in the noise around them. "You kicked his ass." It was said with a smile and washed down with a swig.

"I did... wonder if that helped my chances in the election or hurt them." Mira wondered, putting a hand on her shoulder while standing up. "Excuse me, sussur bloom... gonna go help with the burnt belle."

A nod of her head and she turned her attention over her shoulder to watch Mira wander off. There was far more good in that woman than she realized, Fae gathered. Off to save a life, which was more help than she thought to offer.

~ Team Del ~
Before disappearing, one of Colleen’s paws were aimed for Del's snout. Not to harm her, but to try coat it with a sweet honey smelling liquid.

There was another massive swing of her clawed paw for Colleen's incoming hand. Not to harm, but she was not allowing anything else to come into contact with her snoot after all the fierce boops from Sal.

The other paw had gone low looking to do the same near the she-wolf's belly. It was an old tactic, often used to deal with more dangerous and aggressive than the one before her. Thankfully, no gelding knife was needed here!
"Oh, okay. We'll try a couple things and see which work better for you." Myth frowned over at the fireball as it turned golden and was forced into its own caster. "Do I need to step in? There's already a couple fighters there."

Jules nodded. “I don’t want ya to, but Tito said this wouldn’t end until they ran out of energy…” She shuddered. “They’ve been fighting for hours and only seem to be getting stronger…” A tinge of desperation colored her tone of voice.

~ Team Save Marcy ~
Trinity fights tears in her eyes as she recoils from the intense flame ball. Did… did Marcy just die?! Did she just die after all the talk of bravado, or making sure everyone would get out okay?! No.. No, that can’t be right! Trinity pushes through the remnants of heat to check on Marcella. Please… No, she can’t die…!

The bad news- Marcy isn't breathing. The good news- she's still twitching, somewhere under the blackened tissue that now coats the entire front of her body. There's even a few flecks of visible charred bone here and there.

She walked over to Marcy, looking down at the sorry state she was in. "Damn... did a number on you, eh?" Down to one knee, poking at the flecks of black covering her body.

Magic was such a fickle thing for him, and he'd felt the spells cast between Delaney and Colleen simmering against his skin even from a distance much like the fire was burning Marcella. Marcella? His eyes move to see the demoness charred by her own flames, shock hitting him hard. Through grit teeth he growls under his breath, "Don't you fuckin' die, minx."

~ Team Takai ~
The demon didn't move. A single slash of hellfire following the course of his hand in a lazy slam towards the encroaching woman. "DddiiIIiee" The voice was so decrepit. More a growling croak than an actual voice. Like something imitating human speech. The ice hit him, the sound of water of fire spatting as the attack crossed his frame. Only the slightest of body change were seen.

Alice’s eyes widened at the minor damage, her bravo seeming gone as her mask dropped and she shifted to survival, wings angling her down and away, she’d need more than she had available, with her limited power, she was in trouble.

~ Team Save Marcy ~
Holy crap. She's in terrible condition. Trinity doesn't think she's seen anyone in such bad shape. Trinity chokes on her own breath, fighting back the tears. No tears. No tears!! The only time an adventurer is allowed to cry is when it's all over! And it's not over yet! She's still twitching! She's still moving!

Trinity kneels down next to Marcella and holds up the Spectrum Smasher. The light inside it inverts. Trinity's voice trembles as she encants with conviction and passion. "May you find solace in the safety of the shadows. Restful Shade!" A glyph of darkness appears underneath Marcella, and a soothing shade swirls to life above her, looking to breathe darkness-based healing into her battered body.

Mira let out a sigh, smog pouring from her body over the demon. "This is gonna suck before it gets better, so... endure, okay?" Even in her extra, extra, extra crispy state, Marcella likely knew what Mira needed to do. She needed to remove the charred tissue before she could use her own blood to heal her.

That was going to do the trick. She looked at Trinity and shook her head. "Nah... you can stop with that. This is way too late for that kind of healing. She is damn near final, true death. 'Bout the only way she'd pull outta this is if a demon lord was here. That or me."

The smog began eating the charred flesh from her body... thankfully hidden from general view. Didn't do anything for the sounds it made... not to say anything for the sounds Marcy might make.

"I'm not stopping." There is guilt in Trinity’s expression as she continues to channel the magic. "I'm responsible for this. I talked her into staying here. I'm not stopping! We're going to save her together!"

Mira looked over to the shell-shocked Valkyrie, eyeing her over again. Seemingly satisfied, she nodded to her and took a long drag from her dart. "Yeah... sure."

~ Team Del ~
Colleen managed to unleash the oldest trick in the book on WereLaney, the mixture seeping into the fur of her belly. The contact had Del roaring again, a few useless swipes of her claws into the air as the creature backed up to put space between her and The Red Bear. It seemed the repeated fights had taken a toll on the beast, too brightly burning amber eyes sweeping the crowd as she regrouped (looked for her next victim).

The Red Bear didn't get to be that old by not knowing how to deploy many useful things. She stumbled back from Delaney and landed on her hind quarters. The bear form hadn't been in use in a couple centuries, she was weary. She just flopped.

"Yeah, okay. Maybe it's time. Falchion." The last word made a flash of blue and his curved sword simply appeared in his hand. That was a nice thing to have a weapon in hand. He gave Jules a one-handed squeeze and went to take a step away. "Stay safe. I'm going to get ready to hit something hard."

~ Team Takai ~
It had been enough to tickle him perhaps. The demon's skull shifted upwards before snapping with a sudden jolt as it shifted to look at the passed woman after her attack follow through. It's hand slowly rose into the air, the inside of the magic veil luckily enough to stop its hellstrom from leaving its protection.

The sky of the Twilight blocked as a cloud of soot and ash conjured overhead over the arena set forth. An ember dropped from the cloud. More. It was snowing fiery embers. At least until the first ball of hot fire came down. Balls of magma began to spill from the 'heavens'. Splats of a hot molten rock splattering as they hit the ground. Fires burst along the grass fields where the magma hit. Wooden furniture igniting under its touch.

The little fae darted around the balls of fire, Alice was fast, but scared, she could only keep this up for so long. She tried to throw a ball of solid ice, but found no purchase among the hellstorm.
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Takai Masamune
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Re: Wolfmania Full Story

Post by Takai Masamune »

~ Team Save Marcy ~
A smattering of Marcy's wounds close, flesh and ligament knitting in seconds over her exposed ribs and the bottom-left side of her face, along with other such horrifically damaged spaces. It's enough to keep her from falling apart, at least, should someone decide to move her.

There may come a point where Trinity might wonder how healing magic worked at all on someone with these kinds of burns on their internal organs. That would be a question for much, much later.

"Marcy is your name, right?" Mira asked, the circuits suddenly clicking into place. This was Hailey's friend. She leaned closer, whispering as she pulled a black gentlewoman's knife from her pocket and clicked it open with a flick of her wrist.

Marcy is in no condition to hear Mira's question, let alone answer. Basic consciousness won't return until a day or two from now, bare minimum.

Shell-shocked is definitely an appropriate word for Trinity. Between Mira's efforts to devour hopelessly damaged tissue, and Trinity's efforts to breathe in nether-born life force, it looks like Marcella has come back from the brink. "Yeah, Marcella Brooks." Confirming for Mira. Trinity is breathing heavily, and she finally runs out of magic juice. This is all she can do magic-wise for now.

~ Team Takai ~
Alice darted and weaved, she knew she couldn’t match the power of this magic, flitting away, she needed help.

Alice never truly needed help and she hated it.

Across the fields of flame, the hulking beast swung its body around to meet the Alice, its frame following its previously snapped neck to finally match the position of its head. A slam of savage hand swung across its body as a hail of flame left it, sending a whip of savage fire across the woman's path. It seemed as though it hadn't found its mark. She was quick.

~ Team Save Marcy ~
Trinity spoke, "I'm going to get her out of here. I don't know where she lives though, and I'm presuming you don't either. I could take her to my place, but I imagine you have a better idea for a place where she can recover more comfortably. Where should I take her, Mira?"

"Recover... you could take her to Khoom and the blue mages. They might be able to breathe life into her..." Not getting a response from the woman, Mira winced and put the knife back down. She looked at Trinity with an expression that appeared iffy at best.

"She's fully out... and I'm not going to blood-bond another person without their permission. I'd sooner let her flat line, no offense." The smog pulled away, revealing red hot, raw tissue and sinew in place of the burns. "Whatever you do, be quick about it... she doesn't have a lot of time."

"In fact... I think she might actually be living there, if I didn't miss my guess?"

"Khoom and the blue mages? I don't know who that is." She sighs, but thinks of something. She reaches behind her back for her business card. She's a little shaky, so she accidentally pulls out some business cards other than her own. But her own is on the top.

The Venturing Valkyrie, Trinity Siempre. With phone number and messaging handle. She hands it to Mira and then carefully scoops up Marcella in a princess carry. "Anywhere but here is step one, though. I'm taking her on the other side of the barrier that ArchMage Colleen set up first and foremost. Send me an address and I will get her there. I promise."

Fae’s attention had slipped back to the fight in Calla, glad she bitten back her urge to take on that battle. Even Fae knew she had limits, even if she liked to push them more often than not. She took another sip, shifting on her stool in a failed attempt at getting comfortable. Even if she wanted to help, she would have had no idea how.

Watching the demoness be stitched together magically pushes a pang of something unfamiliar through Jake. He likes that plaything being in one piece. A glance at those around her reminds him that it's really not his problem, and another glance at the culprit reminds him that he's not even remotely equipped to do anything in retaliation. So his eyes turn back to Doglaney, torn between his irritation with everything and his desire to dive headfirst into a losing battle, laughing all the while.

The red bear near the edge of the ring curled up and seemed to be dozing.

~ Team Takai ~
Alice flitted quickly around, pausing for a mere second to drop hailstones on the head of the beast, ”Come on big boy… attention on me.” she whispered, her eyes flitting to Mira and Fae, then to Trin and Marcy, somewhere in the cold heart of Alice she wanted them to find safety, “Just a little snack right? Should be easy to catch.” still whispered, though more to herself than Takai

The beast slid to all fours, its flame of a tail flicked like a fiery whip. The mana around it shifted so it responded in kind. A sudden eruption of fire engulfed the creature’s body in a tight ball of dense flame. It didn't seem to really matter though. The stupid creature announcing the duel seemed to disagree with his actions. It didn't matter. Its focus shifted to the woman, pillars of fire slipping from its black bone maw.

Alice flitted between pillars of fire, unwilling to let herself get burned, not yet.

A furious bone paw rose and plummeted to the ground as a shockwave of flame launched out in every direction from the center mass of the monster's defensive ball. Like a planets ring. This planet was the Sun as far as he was concerned.

~ Team Save Marcy ~
"You keep good company, Valk!" she called to her, shooting a wink. Mira got up and her eyes went wide at the Valkyrie, as if punctuating the time crunch.

She nods at Mira's punctuation and gets moving. Very quickly, but also very smoothly. She's not willing to jostle Marcella's body in a way that will cause her more damage. First things first: get out. She gets on the other side of Colleen's barrier immediately. She then looks over at Mira at her remark, head tilted aside. Hmm. That business card did feel thicker than it was supposed to. Oh well. Out of the portal she goes with Marcy in hand.

Then she was on her way back to the bar, running the dull, back of the blade against Faeryl's shoulder blades. "Who's winning?" she asked, pulling her phone out and texting an address.

"Um..whatever the fuck Takai is now, I think." She glanced away, attention turning back to Mira where she preferred it. The coolness of the blade felt good against the ache that lingered along her back and she leaned into it just a bit.

"Shit... Alice is getting pushed to her limit? Figured she'd be good against fire..." She sighed, wondering if she should get involved.

"Odd's might not be in anyone's favor with him like that." Fae took a sip of bloodwine, still silently trying to figure out if she could at least do something to distract Takai.

Emeralds melded with Rubies as Mira looked back, a look of worry crossing her face. "I... can't let her just die. If he looks like he's gonna kill her, I'll intervene."

Fae nodded in understanding, leaning over to press a soft kiss to the corner of her lips. "You're even hot when you're playing hero." A flash of a grin and she peeled her gaze from Mira's, back to the fight.

"Ah, don't say that too loud... people might start believing I have their best interests at heart...!" Mira grinned, sipping at her gin.

~ Team Del ~
Del’s head lowered, burning amber eyes staring daggers at Jake. Her chew toy she hadn't been able to get a good grip on for the duration of the night. Lips spread into something akin to a fang filled grin and WereLaney once again lumbered her way in Jake's direction, picking up speed the closer she got.

Myth suddenly flared blue like the ignition of a star, the power he called aura surrounding him now in sharp blue light, and launched himself as a human missile toward WereLaney. "Hi there," he called as he went to intercept her along the path to her chew toy. Perhaps he shouldn't have said anything.

Myth probably could have gotten that hit off without WereLaney being any the wiser, but that quip would cost him. All of the rage that had been poised to launch itself at Jake was turned on Myth. A roar was aimed at the man along with a swipe of Del’s claws swinging for his side as she bypassed the incoming hit.

Jake’s in the midst of taking a stance to prepare for the coming wolf, steadying himself with clenched fists and feet sliding in the sand. Then a figure he only remembered from a recording was in front of him, the recent winner of the DoF ART. Even if his entry wasn't as favorable as it could have been, Jake breathes a sigh of relief at Myth's intervention. "Careful, Laney. I got backup now." As if he wasn't just being saved.
She made Pfft sound at Jake. "As if ya didn't, b'fore?"

Colleen stretched and slowly regained her normal form. She hid a yawn behind her hand as she sat up taking note of what was happening since she’d dozed off. After good long yawn, she asked Mira, "Who should be good wit' fire, now?"

"I mean, I can snuff it out... steal it's oxygen." Mira shrugged. Did she actually need to play hero? After all this time?

"Any risk of you dying if you try?" Because that mattered, a lot

~ Team Del ~
The claws tore along Myth’s side, and drew lines of blood from him but much lighter than one might have guessed. With his aura up, he rated far higher than mortal and could take some serious punishment. His shirt was a goner though. He sprang up and narrowed his brilliant blue eyes at the werewolf. "Little oops, huh?"

Del's gaze tracked Myth as he moved with a growl resonating throughout her, hunkering down in place before springing suddenly in his direction. Another wild swipe of her claws aimed for his center mass.

It wasn't just his toughness that increased with the power of his aura. He was blisteringly fast too. The blue-haired man darted around fast enough his trail left an afterimage. He slipped closer past her claws and swung the falchion at WereLaney's center of mass right back. "I don't suppose you want to talk."

Snap point to Colleen. "Touché." Then Jake is grabbing a handful of sand, helping in the only way he can think to do so. By sending it towards WereLaney's eyes.

Not only did the hit from Myth find its mark in her belly and had the beast double over in place, but there was also a burst of pocket sand that hit her eyes! Paws swiped wildly at her contorted face, but instead of deterring the wild thing, it only seemed to aggravate and enrage her that much more. A deep inhale and another ear splitting roar was released into the air.

~ Team Takai ~
Alice felt that pulse, wings melting and her small form falling to the ground, her dress torn and burned, hair singed, her exposed skin red and blistered, her hand covering a particularly nasty burn along her cheekbone.

The ball of the protective barrier exploded, flames shooting across the billowing flames of the field. The entire arena seemed to be filled with thick smoke at this point. The creature's hulking frame slowly turned to look towards the pained woman. Takai’s already lowered frame, ready for whatever the woman might want to throw at him. A fiery lash of a tongue spilled from its gaping boney maw.

She was still fast, even in pain, darting away from the fiery lash, noting her aloneness for the moment, hands shaking just a little. She was a monster, she expected this. She took a deep breath, for the moment, attacking would be the furthest thing from her mind- though in this moment, nothing was in her mind as much as the searing pain and the scream in her ears… Her scream

"I'm gonna be honest, dear... I don't even know if I can die... I-" Mira thought was cut short by the scream from Alice. Good gods... that was more chilling than when she got one of those icy daggers stuck of Alice's in her back. She needed to move. "Hells' Bells...!" She leaned down to kiss Faeryl quickly on the lips, no time to savor it as she fell backwards into the smoke at her feet, disappearing!

Well, all Fae could do was hope that Mira really couldn't die. She didn't understand why the mere thought of her dying twisted such terrible knots in the pit of her stomach. The kiss was fleeting and she was left wanting to run after her while knowing better than to try. This was not a fight she could help win. Instead, she'd watch with such intensity that it was hard to tell if the poor dark elf was even breathing.

~ Team Takai ~

The beast had no qualms with killing. There was nothing in its mind beyond turning everything around it into less than nothing. A pulse rung in its mind, a furry claw scratching into its non-existent thought. The beast vanished from sight, this time standing on its hind legs well above the pained woman. Its colossal claw slammed downwards, intent on pulling the girl's soul straight back to hell with it.

A cloud of smoke swirled in front of Alice, Mira stepping in front of her, a stupid grin on her face. "Did you go soft since I last saw you? I remember that ice magic working a lot-" She turned to see the claw coming just in time to do anything about it. With a wave of her hand, a spray of tar rose from the ground, hardening in front of her to take the brunt of the attack. The shell cracked... and collapsed, causing a burst of smoke to rise from the battlefield.

Heat and burning, that was all Alice felt. Her body bringing up a weak and icy shield in an attempt to survive. Her face was marred, appearing more melted, “Ice melts Mira…” her voice was quiet, her one shoulder out of place. Her legs tried to push to get away from the beast, unable to make space, blue eyes pale. She choked back a cry of pain as dirt rubbed into the wounds, “I don’t need help.” She muttered softly

~ Team Del ~

Still rather blinded, the beast inhaled deeply and locked in on Myth's nearby scent. It was with a flurry of motion that the animal sprang towards Myth's legs, snapping wildly and trying to get a bite.

Every attack had a counter was what he had been taught. Go over low attacks had been one of many lessons he had learned and perfected. Myth leapt forward and shot a burst of his aura behind him to accelerate him forward toward WereLaney with a foot extended to try and smash her backwards. His leg may have felt as hard as the falchion in his hand, swung by a giant.

"She didn't wanna do much of that talking earlier either." Jake offers in response to Myth's question for the werewolf, looking around for his jar. That stuff wasn't free.

The sheer strength of Myth paired with the exhaustion of the night catching up to Delaney had the beast toppling backwards when the hit landed. Tired but still angry seemed to be her current state. The beast rolled on the ground back up to all fours, aiming another wild but hard hail Mary swing for Myth's face.

Go under high attacks had been another lesson drilled into him in his youth and training time. Myth bent double to get under the swing, then sprang in a flat arc toward her as though his legs had been compressed springs. One fist swung one way and the sword the other as he tried to connect with both legs at once. "You want to stay down yet?" The arc brought him beneath and past her, and he twisted improbably to turn and land facing her

~ Team Takai ~

"Yeah, well..." She groaned, the dust settling to reveal Mira had soaked the strike, holding the paw up from utterly flattening Rhy'Din's iciest ice queen. "... you got a weird way to show it, Heartstopper...!" Mira's knees were shaking... and her back felt like it was under a broiler. The coating of tar that she'd formed as a barrier between her and the heat was bubbling and boiling away under the conditions.

The creatures lumbering hand reared back, confusion unable to be show across the boney flame brows. It stammered back, furious something dare stop its momentum. The smoke covered the beast. Its flames lowering intensity as it sat in the smoke. The claws were back in its mind, burrowing out of the deep pocket in its fiery soul. It tried to stop the wolf from clawing its way out.

Maybe it was the monsters arrogance, maybe it was the smoke. The brief moment of respite was all Takai needed to rip and tear its way out of the abyss it had sunk into. The monster reared back, flailing wildly as its claws clutched its burning skull. Roars of torment screeching out across the smoldering battle fields. Its body stumbled to and fro as it fought for supremacy of its actions.

Alice looked up then away, lifting a shaky hand to cool the tar as much as possible, her limbs slowly icing over to fix the damage, small curses on her lips as she swore, “I can’t die Your Majesty,” she looked back up, “Thanks…” she murmured softly, “I appreciate that you’ll still help me, not many would…”

"Yeah, well... not many people would've held onto a heart for a century, either... only two in Rhy'Dinian time." Mira admitted, slightly smug as the tar hardened with the cold magic moving into it. Once the beast was reeling, she let the muck evaporate off her back, looking up. "You think you got this from here? I could introduce you to Fae if you'd like. You'd probably like her."

She looked up at Mira, “…What?” She murmured softly, cheeks slightly pink as the frost flaked off in icy little flakes that melted into the dirt, “He ruined my boots…” there was a little bit of a pout, trying to process Mira’s words, “I… sure I’ll meet her.” Yup, Mira broke her brain

Mira’s emerald eyes stared directly into her and she nodded firmly before turning for the bar. "Yeah." Before she walked off, she turned back around and offered a hand to the ice queen. "Don't call me 'Your Majesty', nerd. I could pull the same card."

She slowly got up, not making eye contact, “Not anymore, not in about two years actually.” She rolled her eyes, “Though I shall follow your request… My liege.” there was that grin.

Takai Masamune

Today at 1:36 AM

~ Team Del ~

The peanut butter was lost to him in the wreckage of the area, quite possibly incinerated by the flaming fury that was Takai. Turning his attention back to the duo he'd left in his search, he sees that not much changed since he'd stepped away. "You got this, rig-" No time to finish asking as the machines inside him kicked into life to fling Jake backwards, aiming to help him survive the incoming beast.

The fist and sword both found their targets, the beast howling and landing rather unceremoniously to roll across the sand. In silent answer to the question from Myth, it was slow, but the beast did eventually rise to all fours once more. Lips parted, baring a slew of thing fangs and saliva at the man. The growl emitting from her showed that she wasn't done yet, but Delaney did bide her time, watching and waiting for the chance to spring.

Myth turned and ran in a circle around the werewolf, concentrating on her intently. The arrival of a second werewolf had him flip backwards suddenly to try and decide what his next move was supposed to be. "More? Yeah, more." Blue light flowed down his arm to engulf his sword as well.

She was tracking Myth intently, her tongue nearly lolling out of her mouth. Was that a hint of the docile DireDel? No. She was intent on making Myth a chew toy since he interrupted that plan with Jake. She wound back and lunged, aiming the full force of her nearly ten feet tall frame at Myth, teeth snapping and trying to find purchase on anything she could sink her teeth into.

His power seemed to send spikes into the air around him as he reacted to the werewolf coming his way. This was not the biggest opponent he had faced, though plenty capable of hurting him, as the lines of blood could attest. A small hop and a flare of power extended the aura around his sword until he seemed to hold a weapon longer than she was tall and while in the air he smashed it down toward the lunging WereLaney. "Bad dog." Were quips the right thing to do?

~ Team Takai ~

The wolf was winning. It wasn't just the wolf though, it was Takai. Though not paying full attention, the man inside the wolf, inside the demon knew Delaney had tipped off the deep end. Something he was almost solely responsible for. The man scrambled for the surface. Through the fire and fur. In his minds eyes a bellowing scream was heard. His muscular hand drove itself up as the claws tried to escape, the two forming into one as his skin faded to fur. He possesses the wolf. It was his, it always had been. The clawed beast of a man exploded into the demon's soul. He wanted this foul creature gone, back where it belongs. Buried.

The monster slammed itself forward at the two women, covered by thick tar. It was going to eat them in a last ditch effort of rage before it lost the waning battle. A sky shattering roar erupted as the beast plunged. The monster exploded, bones and brimstone flying across the arena as the sleek muscular wolf exploded from the ball of gas, fire and stone.

The wolf's paws slamming into the hardened tar as its form shot across the field towards Delaney, Jake & Myth. Takai had regained himself, the wolf ignoring everyone else. His goal was in sight. No one was going to get in his way.

"Oh, SHI-!" Mira exclaimed, watching the beast fall towards them, the avatar dive-tackling the winter court fae to try and protect her from the explosion as best she could.

The winter fae found herself under Mira as she was dive bombed, still recovering from her wounds, her strength was nowhere near full, this was not where she usually found herself

At least the fire breathing version of Takai was gone. Fae watched him bolt past, towards the other ring with tunnel vision. Then vibrant reds settled back on Mira and Alice, lingering long enough to dislike how it made her feel. With a shake of her head, trying to get it back on straight, she turned herself away and focused on her very interesting, nearly forgotten drink.

As the dust settled... for the second time... Mira was once again covered in tar. Unfortunately, that black sheet was pock-marked by enormous shards of bone all over, her body a giant pin cushion for the puppo to have played with. She looked down at Alice, a cough bringing up black blood as she spat it away from her face. There was something resting on her chest. Something warm. Something still beating. "Hahaha... tag... you're it..."

Cough, cough, cough...

Alice’s eyes were huge and she immediately covered the heart, protecting it, ice covering the surface as a shield, “Mira! What the fuck!” She was for once worried, scared for someone other than herself, she felt that feeling from the bar, moving to rest her hands on her skin, if nothing else trying to use her power to stop the bleeding.

She looked around frantically, looking for someone who could help, someone who knew how to heal Mira, she wasn’t a healer, nor one compassion, her art had bloody displays made of her victims, yet here she was, worried.

Delaney Lovell

Today at 1:43 AM

~ Team Del ~
The swing of the sword dropped Del to the ground before she could make contact. A strangled howl of pain slowly evolved into that stubborn growl that she wasn't willing to give up. Staying down absolutely would have been the right call here, but the beast certainly wasn't wise.

Claws dug into the sand beneath her, pushing herself up onto all fours, even if it didn't appear she had the same fight in her as she did at the beginning of the night. Was this because she growled at Jules? She didn't even bite her or anything! But she did want to take a chunk out of Myth and all his quips. Maybe that's the only thing that kept her going right now.

The beast gave another shake, fighting off the exhaustion and pain that were making her bones and muscles all scream in unison. It was another wild lunge at Myth, swiping a massive claw for his legs.

Myth tried to circle WereDelaney to get out of the attack he was sure was coming. This time, it didn't work. Her claws found his leg and now his pants were destined for the trash too as more thin lines of blood appeared. The aura about his weapon winked out as he hissed in pain.

Have you ever seen a werewolf grin before? The way her lips peeled back from her fangs in satisfaction hearing that hiss of pain from Myth, that might be as close as you can.
Colleen glanced over. "Mira, quit teasing 'er, yer goin' to give 'er a mental break down."

Alice was already mid mental breakdown, it had been a day.

"Better... better put that away before it gets damaged, Blue Rose..." Mira murmured, slowly getting back up to her feet, shakily. Collie's words hit her like a hammer, though, causing her shoulders to lurch. Had she been found out that easily???

At the mention on Mira's name and the yelling coming from over her shoulder, Faeryl glanced up and over her shoulder. Was that...was that a heart? More importantly..was that Mira's heart? That was impossible, right? She had watched that woman survive a grenade launcher. Regardless of her denial she was up and on her feet and moving quickly over to both women. "What happened?"

Colleen was the mother of many children, she'd seen a lot of ploys to get out of homework and chores over the years.

Yep, that heart was in her hands, in a second that heart was no longer in her hands, poofed away for safety. She grabbed onto Mira, turning herself into a crutch, looking at Fae, swallowing softly.

"Ahhh... jigs up..." Mira sighed, letting the sheet of tar slide off her back. None of the bones had punctured her... dissolved on contact with the muck that had covered her back. She was pollution incarnate! Did anyone actually think bone would do her in?!? "No... no... it's fine. I'm okay... Dammit, Colleen, you devil woman!"

"I've got more 'an a dozen children. Yer goin' ta have step up yer game 'r put me wise ta not give up game." She winked.

Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Mira said to the wisened woman.

"Just trying to make good on a promise I made years ago..." Mira’s eyes flicking between the two women. "Oh, perfect! Fae, this is Alice... Alice, Faeryl! There... introductions done!" She pulled out another cigarette and lit up.

Oh, oh Alice was fuming, she had to show genuine emotion. Her eyes burned a miffed blue, “Are you kidding me,” she backed away, crossing her arms, “Of course you’re fine, of course!” Alice nodded to Fae, offering her a cocky smile, hand on her hip, trying to play like she wasn’t completely flustered, “Nice to meet you, Alice Burton.” She offered a curtsy, as if she wasn’t trouble.

Fae slowed to a stop, eyes ticking from Mira to Alice..where they settled with much less warmth. The curtsy cut off the smile that had almost made it to her lips. " Nice to meet you, too.." Was it? At the moment it was hard to tell with her.

~Team Del ~
He wanted to stop the wolf, and that meant doing damage. The second werewolf was still right there. He jabbed the falchion at WereLaney. It had speed, but he hadn't reset the penetrating power that came when augmented with aura.

Where the chaos of battle had just earlier filled Jake with a sense of being right where he belonged, the rapid escalation on all sides was slowly convincing the pirate that he was well out of his element here. An idle thought passes regarding calling his ship, before remembering that he wasn't sure he even could call it to the Twilight Isle. Side eyeing the portal, he's wondering if making a run for it would serve as a prompt escape or if the sudden movement would only draw attention. At least he seemed nice and forgotten here in the sand, for now, which he was content with.

Delaney ran head first towards Myth again, but at the last moment when that sword was aimed her way, she was slipping aside. Barreling past him, colliding into his shoulder with her massive frame and every bit of energy she could muster.

One thing his aura did not give him was extra mass. He was sent flying backwards with that impact, but his arms and legs flailed only briefly before he regained controlled and flipped purposefully in midair to land on his feet some fair distance away.

The massive form of WereLaney really didn't have great brakes. There was a skid of movement, a wide loop, and she was circling back towards Myth. This time trying to send her large frame careening for his legs in an attempt to take them out from under him.

Alice could read that look, “I should leave you two to your evening now that I’ve blown off steam.” She looked between the two, “I got a problem to deal with.”

Mira's shoulders shook with laughter as she stood up properly and streeeeeeeetched. Those sounds Mira made when she stretched should be illegal. "Sorry for the theatrics... but I never thought you'd take it back if you didn't think... well... I knew it had to be something!"

Mira looked to Faeryl and grinned wide. "Alice and I were... well we... well... we were together. She went loco and long story short, I ended up with her heart. Now I finally gave it back. Just two and a bit years later!" Mira looked back to Alice with a wry grin. "Later, ice queen. Come get a coffee sometime!"

"Ice queen," Colleen murmured, "Hm."

"Wait... you did put it back, right?" Mira to Alice.

Alice stepped back, “You know I don’t hold that title anymore-“ a beat and a grumble, “Yea yea I put it back, we aren’t together anymore so I put it away.”

"I gathered as much." Someone needed to cut Fae a little bit of slack. She was nursing a bruised ego, a bruised body feelings she didn't understand, jealousy added to the mix. Her head was spinning and her anger was bubbling a little too close to the surface.

A wince shot across Mira's face... then she turned to Faeryl with an apologetic expression. "Sorry, moonlight. Been a night... but I did succeed in killing Takai! Once, anyway... and now look!" She pointed to him playing over with Delaney. "You can kill him again later! That's good right?"
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Takai Masamune
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Re: Wolfmania Full Story

Post by Takai Masamune »

~ Team Del and Takai ~

Delaney smelled the incoming Takai before she saw him. Something about the additional incoming wolf seemed to rally her once more.

A gold eye caught Fae's body, a side glance to the elf as golden hues shot forth. Takai was on the move. (This post came very time late, hard to write it in properly. Sorry for the weird jump.)

He owed her a proper duel. Not a death match.

Paws thwacked across the ground in heavy thuds. He wasn't being quiet. The wolf's gaze was locked on the feral were in front of him now. Black silk and vibrant gold, he was the embodiment of greased lightning as his form shot across the field. An eye caught Jake as he shoved his way past, shouldering the grumpy pirate right as his ass passed him. A loud whip of a tail thwack coming across the man's face in a playful way as he lunged past him.

He owed this man a drink.

His other eye saw Myth, a man he wanted to fight. A someone that'd probably give him a nice rough brawl on the streets or in the ring. It was someone he yearned to match with in the future.

He owed this man a solid punch for holding her back long enough for Takai to sort his life out. Maybe a good prize?

Now Moons locked with feral Suns. Snarling pearly white teeth ripped from his jowls as his body slammed itself towards Delaney.

She deserved two eyes.

The nice thing about extra distance was the extra time to build up for the next one. Aura poured out of Myth and he shone with light bright enough to bring day to Twilight Isle. His footsteps sent shockwaves through the sand on his collision course with Delaney again. And again he went over the low attack. A leap sent him several stories into the air before he crashed back down again like an angry meteor streaming with the blue of his aura blazing behind him that actually helped maneuver him into the right place. The sword aimed for WereLaney's back just before the impact that sent up a dust cloud and obscured that part of the ring. (edited)
Perhaps the dark elf was not cut out for the above world and all it's...differences. She felt the golden gaze on her, but ignored the urge to glance over her shoulder in his direction. Instead, she focused on Mira and pulled a grin out of some where, she didn't know. "You did technically kinda kill him. I don't know if I should try again." Yeah, broken pride and egos were much harder to fix that broken bones. She'd get over it once she got to hit something.

"C'mon... let's go back to Endless Nights and relax." Mira purred, nodding towards the portal to Rhy'Din. "I can give you a back massage... rub the rage right out of you. Or you can stab someone! That could be fun, too. Whatever you'd like, Fae."

Alice backed up, beginning to slip away, eyes showing more emotions than she had felt in a long time. Tears pricked at her eyes, the icy fae making her way towards the portal before everything could overtake her.

Everyone besides the Archmage, Jules, Jake and the remaining fighters left.
Having been passed up as a potential meal for the time being, Jake sniffles for a moment at the tail to the face. Then, no longer in danger, his attention is turned fully towards a meal that wasn't going to be passed up, answering Colleen not with words but actions. Mouth was too stuffed too fast to answer with words. A thick bushy tail whipped him the face, covering the chicken wing in fur and sending it to the floor.

~ The two wolves finally meeting marked the end of the Wolfmania’s public events ~
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