Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

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Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Synthelex Republic Military Command
NOTICE: The following document contains classified information accessible only to authorized personnel of the Synthelex Republic Military Command. Unauthorized access or distribution of this information is a violation of Republic law and will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including permanent decommissioning.

ACCESS LEVEL: Tier 1 - Military High Command Clearance Required. No personnel below the rank of Commander are permitted to access this dossier without direct approval from the High Command Council.

ENCRYPTION PROTOCOL: Omega-Level Encryption active. Any attempt to bypass encryption will trigger automatic lockdown protocols and initiate immediate containment measures.

MONITORING STATUS: All access attempts are monitored in real-time by the Synthelex Republic’s Internal Security Division. Unsuccessful attempts to access restricted data will be flagged for immediate investigation.

  • Unauthorized Access: Immediate revocation of security clearance and re-assignment to penal labor camps.
  • Unauthorized Distribution: Permanent decommissioning and memory wipe of all involved personnel.
  • Espionage: Termination and disposal under Article 17 of the Synthelex Security Protocols.
AUTHORIZED USERS: This document is intended for the use of approved Synthelex Republic military personnel only. Sharing, copying, or discussing this material with any unauthorized entities is strictly prohibited.

ACTION REQUIRED: Ensure that all personnel with access to this document follow established security protocols. Any anomalies in access patterns should be reported to the Synthelex Republic Internal Security Division immediately.

FINAL WARNING: This file is under constant surveillance. Unauthorized actions will result in immediate containment, followed by permanent sanctioning of all involved parties.
Last edited by Xenaria Sovrellan on Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

Synthelex Republic Personnel Dossier
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Name: Xenaria Sovrellan

Nickname/Code Name: None. Xenaria is referred to solely by her rank and name within the Synthelex military structure. Personal identifiers like nicknames are seen as inefficient.
  • Notes from High Command: Commander Sovrellan has shown no inclination toward personalization, a trait deemed optimal for her role.
Age: Unknown (Post-augmentation)
  • Notes from High Command: Age remains irrelevant post-augmentation. Time is tracked by mission completion and performance metrics.
Sex/Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Synthelex

Occupation: Commander in the Synthelex Republic's military, specializing in planetary resource extraction and high-risk combat operations.
  • Notes from High Command: Sovrellan's efficiency in extraction missions is unmatched, with a 97.2% success rate across multiple operations. High Command has noted concern over recent erratic patterns.
Socioeconomic Status: Xenaria belongs to the Soldier caste within Synthelex society, which affords her no wealth or personal status. Her value is determined solely by her performance and efficiency. Soldiers are segregated from civilian life and treated as tools of the state rather than members of the social hierarchy.
  • Notes from High Command: Any deviation from her assigned role is considered a malfunction. No social mobility is afforded or necessary for Soldiers.
Education: No formal pre-augmentation education. Post-augmentation, Xenaria’s knowledge is entirely based on neural implants designed for combat, strategy, and resource extraction. Her "education" is programmed into her and focuses on her military role rather than personal development.
  • Notes from High Command: All Soldiers receive standard neural programming. Xenaria shows no sign of pre-augmentation memory retrieval. Her training has been optimal for all mission parameters.
Educational Background: Xenaria’s knowledge comes from her neural augmentation, which has implanted specialized combat training, tactical analysis, and advanced survival techniques. Her training is entirely practical and mission-oriented, with no room for abstract learning or personal exploration. Every skill is designed to enhance her effectiveness as a military asset.
  • Notes from High Command: Tactical performance is exceptional, though some concern has been raised about independent thinking on recent missions. Continued observation recommended
Last edited by Xenaria Sovrellan on Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Eye Color: Icy blue with a synthetic intensity. Her eyes are often described as cold and calculating, giving the impression that every detail is being analyzed. They are emotionless, designed to reflect her augmented precision and focus.
  • Notes from High Command: Sovrellan's vision augmentations allow for superior clarity in low-light environments and enhance her targeting capabilities. Eye color irrelevant to performance.
Skin Color: Pale with a smooth, almost sterile quality. Her skin appears untouched by the elements due to her synthetic modifications, though it retains a natural look to blend in when necessary.
  • Notes from High Command: No visible scars or blemishes, as damage is quickly repaired during augmentation procedures. Skin serves as a blend of organic and synthetic material, balancing durability and human-like appearance.
Hair Color: Blonde, kept in a ponytail to maintain functionality. Her hair is neat and orderly, reflecting her rigid adherence to military standards.
  • Notes from High Command: Sovrellan’s hair is kept at regulation length, preventing any interference during combat scenarios. Appearance deemed optimal for infiltration missions where a human-like facade is necessary.
Height: 5'9" – Slightly above average height, which enhances her imposing military presence during missions.

Weight: 160 lbs – Her weight is the result of a blend of muscle mass and internal augmentation, designed for optimal strength and efficiency.
  • Notes from High Command: Muscle density and weight are perfectly calibrated for enhanced strength without sacrificing agility. Physical weight is offset by her synthetic augmentations.
Body Type: Athletic and lean. Her body is engineered for combat, with precise musculature built for endurance and rapid response. She is built for functionality, not aesthetics.
  • Notes from High Command: Augmentation ensures peak physical efficiency. Deviation from optimal form is automatically corrected through ongoing enhancements.
Fitness Level: Perpetually maintained at peak condition due to her augmentations. Requires no traditional physical upkeep as her body is regularly calibrated for maximum performance.
  • Notes from High Command: Sovrellan requires no rest period to maintain fitness. Energy efficiency is maximized for prolonged operations.
Tattoos: None. Xenaria's body is kept purely functional, without any form of personal decoration.
  • Notes from High Command: Any form of self-expression through body art is considered inefficient and unnecessary for her role.
Scars/Birthmarks: None. Any physical damage is immediately repaired through her augmentation processes.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria's self-repair systems ensure that any damage, external or internal, is healed without leaving scars, maintaining optimal physical integrity.
Other Distinguishing Features: Her expressionless demeanor and piercing gaze are her most defining characteristics, along with her pristine white military armor.

Disabilities: None. Her augmentations correct any potential weaknesses.

Fashion Style: Synthelex military combat armor—sleek, white, and optimized for protection and agility. The armor is entirely functional, with no personal embellishments.
  • Notes from High Command: Armor design is based on mission requirements. Sovrellan has no personal preference regarding appearance. All modifications are for utility.
Accessories: None. All equipment carried is mission-specific. She carries no personal effects or mementos.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria maintains no attachments to non-functional items. All carried equipment is mission-critical.
Cleanliness/Grooming: Xenaria maintains strict cleanliness and grooming standards as part of her military conditioning. Her appearance is always immaculate, as required by Synthelex military regulations.

Posture/Gait: Her posture is straight and rigid, moving with the precision of a soldier constantly prepared for combat. Her gait is deliberate and efficient.

Tics: None. Xenaria’s augmentations have suppressed any involuntary or habitual movements.
  • Notes from High Command: Emotional and physical control remains optimal, with no signs of irregular behavior. No tics observed.
Coordination: Highly coordinated with enhanced reflexes. Her movements are precise, optimized for rapid response and combat efficiency.
  • Notes from High Command: Reflexes are augmented to provide rapid reaction times during combat scenarios. Efficiency rating remains in the top percentile.
Weaknesses: Xenaria’s rigid adherence to her programming can be a flaw when faced with highly unpredictable scenarios. While physically impeccable, her ability to adapt emotionally or outside of mission parameters is limited.
  • Notes from High Command: Recent observation indicates the need for caution. Psychological stability is being closely monitored for signs of emotional conflict.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Birth Date: Unknown. Xenaria’s life began post-augmentation, and her exact creation date is classified by the Synthelex Republic. She has no knowledge of her pre-augmentation existence.
  • Notes from High Command: Birth date irrelevant. Post-augmentation, Xenaria’s operational life is tracked solely by mission success and combat performance. Any reference to pre-augmentation is prohibited.
Place of Birth: Classified. The fabricated narrative of her origin lists her as "born" in the Synthelex military complex, where she was augmented and trained.
  • Notes from High Command: Actual place of birth has been erased from all known records. Her creation and purpose are tied directly to her role as a Synthelex Soldier.
Key Family Members: None. All connections to family or prior life were wiped during augmentation. Xenaria exists solely as a military asset with no familial ties.
  • Notes from High Command: Family ties are considered liabilities for Soldiers. Any residual emotional connections must be purged if they surface.
Notable Events/Milestones: Xenaria’s most notable milestone is her survival of her first mission to recover a Zero Point Module, where she was the sole survivor of a seven-person team. Her promotion to Commander followed a controversial mission where she achieved secondary objectives after the primary failed, demonstrating adaptability.
  • Notes from High Command: While her tactical improvisation was praised, some members of High Command have expressed concerns regarding potential deviations from strict protocol.
Criminal Record: None within the Synthelex Republic. Her actions, while extreme, are fully sanctioned by the state. However, in the eyes of the United Intergalactic Council (UIC), Xenaria has been accused of genocide due to the destruction of 97.2% of the population on VX-132 during Mission ID 407-27.
  • Notes from High Command: Charges from external entities are disregarded, as her actions were deemed necessary for the survival of the Synthelex Republic.
Affiliations: Synthelex Republic military, holding the rank of Commander within the Soldier caste.
  • Notes from High Command: Loyalty to the Republic is unquestioned, though monitoring for potential Fracti development remains ongoing due to recent psychological irregularities.
Skeletons in the Closet: Xenaria’s growing fear of becoming Fracti, a condition where Soldiers regain their pre-augmentation memories, represents her greatest internal struggle. Despite her strict programming, there are concerns that suppressed memories could surface, threatening her stability.
  • Notes from High Command: This fear remains unspoken but has been flagged in her psychological evaluations. Continued suppression is recommended. Any signs of Fracti behavior will be met with immediate containment measures.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Personality Type: ISTJ - The Logistician. Xenaria is cold, precise, and methodical. Her entire being is focused on efficiency, logic, and duty. She thrives in structured environments, with no room for ambiguity or emotion. Her life revolves around fulfilling her role within the Synthelex military.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria’s lack of emotional engagement has been flagged as both a strength and a potential vulnerability, especially regarding psychological instability.
Personality Traits: Rigid, resourceful, loyal only to the Synthelex Republic, and entirely mission-focused. Xenaria approaches every task with a cold, clinical efficiency. She avoids unnecessary risks unless they are calculated to guarantee mission success.
  • Notes from High Command: Loyalty to the Republic is absolute. However, recent behavioral patterns have raised concerns over possible deviations in decision-making.
Temperament: Xenaria is calm and collected, even in high-pressure situations. Her emotional suppression ensures she remains unaffected by stress or external factors, allowing her to make decisions based solely on logic.

Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert. Xenaria prefers isolation, functioning best when operating alone or in small teams. She has no need for social interaction beyond mission directives.

Mannerisms: Xenaria speaks directly and with precision. She avoids unnecessary conversation and only communicates when absolutely necessary. Her eyes are always focused, analyzing and calculating potential threats or outcomes.

Intelligence: Highly analytical, with a focus on tactical and situational intelligence. Xenaria excels in combat strategy and problem-solving, though she lacks emotional intelligence due to her neural augmentations.
  • Notes from High Command: Her tactical acumen is unmatched. Continued observation of psychological developments is recommended.
Self-Esteem: Unwavering confidence in her role and abilities. Xenaria measures her worth through the successful completion of missions. Failures are viewed as unacceptable, but she shows no outward signs of doubt.

Hobbies: None. Xenaria’s life is consumed by duty. Any form of personal time or recreation is seen as inefficient and irrelevant to her role.
  • Notes from High Command: Psychological screenings show no interest in non-mission-related activities.
Skills/Talents: Master of ranged combat, particularly with energy weapons like the Acutus rifle, and skilled in close-quarters combat using the Lancea spear. Her neural augmentations enhance her reflexes, coordination, and tactical planning.

Loves: None. Xenaria is incapable of forming emotional attachments due to her programming and neural augmentations.

Morals/Virtues: Loyalty to the mission and survival of the Synthelex Republic are her only guiding principles. Concepts like empathy or morality are irrelevant.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria’s moral compass is driven entirely by the success of the Republic and its survival.
Phobias/Fears: Becoming Fracti—regaining pre-augmentation memories and losing control of her identity. This fear is deeply buried, as acknowledging it would conflict with her programming.
  • Notes from High Command: Fear of becoming Fracti has been flagged. Psychological screenings are recommended to ensure loyalty remains intact.
Angered By: Inefficiency, failure, and insubordination. Any deviation from mission parameters frustrates her, though she expresses this only in cold disapproval.

Pet Peeves: Vague communication, unnecessary emotional displays, and inefficiency. Xenaria values precision above all else.

Obsessed With: The successful completion of her mission and maintaining control over her mind and body.

Routines: Her daily routines are rigid: maintenance of her armor and weapons, reviewing mission data, and recalibrating her augmentations. These routines provide her with structure and control.

Bad Habits: Xenaria tends to suppress any sign of physical strain or emotional disturbance, which can sometimes lead to brief lapses in her performance.

Desires: Xenaria’s only desire is to continue serving the Republic without succumbing to the fear of becoming Fracti.

Flaws: Rigid adherence to protocol, emotionally disconnected, and lacking flexibility in situations requiring creative problem-solving.

Quirks: Xenaria occasionally repeats mission directives to herself to maintain focus. This behavior is rare but noted during periods of extreme stress.

Favorite Sayings: "Survival is a calculation, not a choice." This reflects her philosophy of efficiency and control.

Disabilities: None. Her augmentations prevent any form of physical or mental deterioration.

Secrets: Xenaria harbors a secret fear of losing control due to suppressed memories. She has never voiced this, knowing it could jeopardize her standing in the Republic.

Regrets: None. Xenaria does not allow herself to dwell on past failures or emotional responses.

Accomplishments: Surviving her first mission as the sole survivor of a 7-man team and being promoted to Commander despite the controversial nature of the mission's success.

Memories: Xenaria’s memories are limited to post-augmentation events. Any pre-augmentation memories have been erased.
  • Notes from High Command: Memory integrity is maintained through periodic neural recalibration. No pre-augmentation memories detected, though ongoing observation is required.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Languages Known: Primarily Synthelex Standard (derived from English). She is fluent in tactical and command jargon, designed for efficient communication. She also understands several key trade languages used in resource extraction operations across various sectors.
  • Notes from High Command: Language proficiency is optimal for mission-critical communication. No unnecessary language acquisition detected.
Preferred Communication Methods: Xenaria communicates directly and with precision. She uses only what is necessary to convey orders or information, valuing clarity and brevity above all else.
  • Notes from High Command: Communication efficiency exceeds standard parameters. Emotional language is avoided entirely, reinforcing her mission focus.
Accent: Her voice is neutral, devoid of regional or emotional inflection. It has a precise, almost mechanical quality, shaped by her augmentations to maintain calm authority in all situations.

Style and Pacing of Speech: Xenaria speaks in a controlled, deliberate manner. She avoids elaboration and sticks to essential details, ensuring that every word serves a clear purpose.

Pitch: Low and steady, her tone is often flat and unemotional, designed to project control and efficiency. It can sharpen slightly when giving direct orders.

Laughter: Extremely rare. Xenaria has no programmed response for humor, and laughter is not part of her emotional repertoire.
  • Notes from High Command: Laughter and other emotional responses have been suppressed to maintain focus on mission success.
Smile: Nonexistent. Xenaria does not engage in smiles or expressions of warmth due to her emotional suppression.

Use of Gestures: Minimal. Xenaria prefers to convey information through speech alone. If any gesture is made, it is efficient and purposeful, such as a nod or a direct pointing gesture to highlight a target or objective.
  • Notes from High Command: Body language is kept to an efficient minimum to avoid unnecessary movement or distraction.
Facial Expressions: Typically neutral, though her eyes remain intense and focused. Any slight narrowing of her gaze or tightening of her jaw indicates heightened focus or the delivery of critical commands.

Verbal Expressions: Concise, precise, and without emotional weight. Xenaria’s speech is purely functional, designed to convey orders or observations in the most efficient manner possible.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria's communication aligns with military protocols, demonstrating excellent control over unnecessary verbal expressions.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Physical Strengths: Xenaria is exceptionally strong, agile, and durable due to her augmentations. Her carbon fiber-enhanced skeleton and synthetic musculature make her highly resilient in combat situations. She excels in both ranged and close-quarters combat, with precise and rapid movements.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria’s physical enhancements allow for superior endurance and strength beyond natural limits. Calibrations ensure optimal performance in combat.
Physical Weaknesses: While her augmentations are highly effective, prolonged use without recalibration can lead to strain on her organic systems. Additionally, while she can endure extreme conditions, her augmentations still require maintenance.
  • Notes from High Command: Routine recalibration is necessary to avoid degradation in performance. Any sign of physical strain should be addressed immediately.
Intellectual Strengths: Xenaria is highly analytical, with advanced problem-solving skills and a tactical mind. Her neural implants enhance her ability to process data quickly, making her an exceptional field strategist.
  • Notes from High Command: Her neural enhancements allow for rapid situational analysis, improving mission adaptability.
Intellectual Weaknesses: Xenaria lacks flexibility in long-term planning beyond immediate tactical objectives. She struggles with theoretical or abstract problem-solving due to her focus on immediate mission success.
  • Notes from High Command: While her tactical thinking is superb, long-term planning should be handled by higher command.
Interpersonal Strengths: Xenaria is deeply loyal to the Synthelex Republic and follows commands with unwavering precision. She leads by example, inspiring confidence through her efficiency and ability to complete missions with minimal error.

Interpersonal Weaknesses: Xenaria is emotionally detached, making it difficult for her to connect with others on a personal level. Her guarded nature and emotional suppression can lead to misunderstandings, and she often struggles to empathize with non-Synthelex beings.
  • Notes from High Command: Emotional distance is encouraged in her role. Any sign of attachment could be a risk to mission success.
Physical Abilities: Xenaria is a master of both ranged and melee combat, excelling with the Acutus rifle and the Lancea spear. Her reflexes are enhanced, allowing her to react quickly in combat. Her combat style is efficient and lethal, prioritizing the swift elimination of threats.

Magical Abilities: None. Xenaria relies entirely on her physical enhancements and tactical knowledge. The Synthelex have no access to magic, and her reliance on technology makes her resistant to magical interference.

Physical Illnesses/Conditions: Xenaria is in peak physical condition due to her augmentations, though overuse of her synthetic systems can cause strain if not properly maintained. She requires periodic recalibration to ensure that her organic systems remain balanced with her augmentations.

Mental Illnesses/Conditions: Xenaria has no diagnosed mental illnesses, but her fear of becoming Fracti—a condition where Soldiers regain pre-augmentation memories—remains an underlying psychological stressor. Her neural implants help suppress any emotional instability, but ongoing monitoring is necessary.
  • Notes from High Command: Psychological monitoring is critical to prevent the emergence of Fracti tendencies. Continued suppression is recommended to maintain operational efficiency.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Partner(s)/Significant Other(s): None. Xenaria's emotional capacities have been suppressed by her augmentations. Romantic relationships are deemed inefficient and irrelevant to her mission objectives.
  • Notes from High Command: Any sign of emotional attachment is considered a potential malfunction. Xenaria has shown no interest in personal relationships, as expected.
Lover(s): None. Xenaria has no romantic or emotional attachments, and her augmentations have stripped any inclination toward such relationships.

Parents/Guardians: Classified. Xenaria’s pre-augmentation life, including any familial connections, has been erased. She is considered "born" from the augmentation process as a fully functional Soldier of the Republic.
  • Notes from High Command: All Soldiers are considered property of the Republic, with no connection to family or personal history. Xenaria has demonstrated no residual memory of any parental figures.
Children: None. Xenaria is not programmed for reproduction or familial bonding. Her existence is singularly focused on her military role.

Grandparents: None known. All familial records were erased during the augmentation process.

Grandchildren: None.

Family: Xenaria has no known family. The Synthelex Republic and its military are the only entity she recognizes as her 'family'.
  • Notes from High Command: Emotional or familial ties are considered a liability. Xenaria’s loyalty remains solely to the Republic.
Pets: None. Caring for animals is seen as an unnecessary use of resources and emotion. Xenaria has no interest in such responsibilities.

Best Friends: None. Xenaria does not engage in personal friendships. Her interactions with others are purely professional and mission-focused.

Friends: None. Xenaria does not form personal connections and views all relationships through the lens of mission efficiency.

Rivals: None formally. However, there is some suspicion among the High Command about potential tensions with other commanders due to her unorthodox problem-solving methods.

Enemies: Xenaria considers any entity that poses a threat to the Synthelex Republic or its resources as an enemy. This includes insurgent forces, hostile extraterrestrial entities, and the United Intergalactic Council (UIC), which has brought charges against her.

Colleagues: Other commanders and officers within the Synthelex Republic. While her interactions are professional, there is minimal camaraderie due to her emotionally distant nature.

Mentors/Teachers: Xenaria's only true guidance comes from her neural augmentations and the military programming instilled in her post-augmentation. She has no direct mentors.

Idols/Role Models: None. Xenaria follows orders and protocol, viewing them as the ultimate authority. She does not idealize individuals or concepts outside of the Republic’s directives.
  • Notes from High Command: Any sign of idolizing individuals or developing personal heroes is deemed unnecessary and counterproductive.
Followers: None. While she is respected by lower-ranking Soldiers, her role does not encourage personal loyalty or admiration.

Strangers: Xenaria views strangers with the same cold, analytical detachment she applies to everyone. She assesses them based on their utility or threat level to her mission.

Non-living Things: Her weapons, particularly the Acutus rifle and Lancea spear, are her most cherished non-living possessions, as they are integral to her combat effectiveness. Any emotional connection to objects is irrelevant.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria’s focus on mission-critical equipment is considered optimal. No signs of attachment to unnecessary material items.
Clubs/Memberships: None. Xenaria’s affiliation is solely with the Synthelex military. Personal or social memberships are unnecessary.

Social Media Presence: Non-existent. Soldiers are not permitted to engage with civilian media or social platforms. Xenaria has no social presence.
  • Notes from High Command: Social media is strictly prohibited for Soldiers. Unauthorized communication is a punishable offense.
Public Perception of Them: Within the Synthelex Republic, Xenaria is viewed as a highly efficient, emotionless commander. Among many in the United Intergalactic Council and allied races, she is viewed as a war criminal for her actions on VX-132.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

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Character Archetype: The Warrior – Xenaria embodies the archetype of a soldier, designed solely for combat and survival. Her role is to execute missions efficiently, with no regard for personal connections or emotional development.
  • Notes from High Command: Xenaria’s identity is fully aligned with her mission objectives. There is no deviation from her role as a weapon of the Republic.
Character Arc: Xenaria’s arc is defined by her role as a perfect soldier, but subtle cracks are forming. She begins to experience fleeting moments of doubt, particularly surrounding her potential for becoming Fracti. Her journey is one of maintaining control, suppressing any conflict that could destabilize her role as a commander.
  • Notes from High Command: No observable arc beyond her mission-based development. Emotional growth is unnecessary, though recent irregularities are under observation.
Core Values: Loyalty, efficiency, strength, and the survival of the Synthelex Republic. Xenaria’s values are entirely mission-driven, with no room for personal morality or emotional considerations.
  • Notes from High Command: Any deviation from these core values would be classified as a malfunction. Loyalty to the Republic is paramount.
Internal Conflicts: Xenaria’s greatest internal conflict is the fear of becoming Fracti, of losing control over her identity and failing the Republic. Her programming suppresses this fear, but subtle moments of doubt surface when she reflects on her past missions, particularly the destruction on VX-132.
  • Notes from High Command: Ongoing psychological evaluations required to monitor for signs of internal conflict. Current performance unaffected.
External Conflicts: Xenaria’s primary external conflict is with any force that threatens the survival of the Synthelex Republic. This includes external entities such as the United Intergalactic Council (UIC) and any indigenous populations resisting resource extraction.

Goals: Xenaria’s sole objective is to complete her missions and ensure the survival of the Synthelex Republic. There is no personal goal or desire beyond her duty.
  • Notes from High Command: All personal ambitions have been effectively eliminated. Mission success remains her primary and only goal.
Motivations: Xenaria is motivated by her programmed loyalty to the Republic. Any form of emotional motivation has been removed through her augmentations. The Republic’s survival is her sole driving force.

Epiphanies: Xenaria experiences no emotional epiphanies. Any potential for personal growth or realization has been suppressed, though brief flashes of self-doubt suggest the possibility of a latent conflict between her programming and her organic mind.
  • Notes from High Command: Any signs of epiphany or emotional growth are considered indicators of potential instability. Continued suppression is required.
Significant Events/Plot Points: Key events in Xenaria’s existence include her promotion to Commander following the controversial success of her mission on VX-132, her near encounter with becoming Fracti, and the ongoing charges of genocide from the UIC. These moments shape her as a cold and efficient leader, yet they also mark the beginning of her internal conflict.
  • Notes from High Command: Her actions on VX-132 have brought unwanted attention from external entities. Mission outcomes remain acceptable, but psychological monitoring is advised.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

Synthelex Republic Military Command
Commendation for Commander Xenaria Sovrellan
Issued by: Admiral Cerys of the Synthelex Republic High Command

Subject: Commendation for the successful elimination of an Eikon-class entity
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Summary of Actions: Commander Xenaria Sovrellan is hereby commended for her exemplary performance in neutralizing an Eikon-class entity during the extraction operation on [CLASSIFIED PLANET]. In the face of overwhelming odds and imminent danger to all Synthelex forces, Commander Sovrellan displayed remarkable composure and focus under extreme pressure.

Details: Faced with an unforeseen threat from a previously undetected Eikon-class entity, Commander Sovrellan adapted rapidly to the situation. Recognizing the potential catastrophic impact of the entity on Synthelex personnel and infrastructure, she made the decisive choice to evacuate all other personnel, preserving invaluable Synthelex lives. Her forethought and situational awareness ensured that no casualties were sustained during the encounter.

Further, Commander Sovrellan demonstrated exceptional tactical ingenuity by taking direct control of the Corebuster’s primary laser—a decision that not only neutralized the Eikon but also averted further devastation to critical Synthelex assets. The execution of this plan, despite the considerable danger to herself, is a testament to her unwavering loyalty and commitment to the Republic.

Commendation: For her actions in this mission, Commander Xenaria Sovrellan is to be recognized for her adaptive thinking, focus under pressure, and her relentless dedication to preserving Synthelex life. Her ability to remain calm, execute high-level decision-making, and overcome significant challenges is a credit to her rank and the Synthelex Republic military as a whole.
  • Notes from High Command: Commander Sovrellan’s ability to adapt in crisis situations should continue to be utilized in future high-risk operations.


Addendum from General Tharis

Subject: Concerns regarding independent decision-making during the elimination of the Eikon-class entity

Details: While Commander Sovrellan's success in eliminating the Eikon-class entity is recognized, I must express concern regarding her unorthodox decision to utilize the Corebuster’s primary laser without explicit orders from High Command. While the immediate threat was neutralized, the consequences of this action have set back core extraction efforts on [CLASSIFIED PLANET] by several months. The Corebuster’s use was deemed inappropriate for this stage of the operation, and its deployment has delayed resource collection efforts critical to the Republic’s survival.

Recommendation: Though I acknowledge her success, Commander Sovrellan's increasing tendency toward independent, creative solutions is cause for concern. This level of operational creativity, while effective in isolated incidents, must be reined in to avoid future disruptions to extraction operations. A review of her operational protocols is recommended to ensure future compliance with standard extraction procedures.
  • Notes from High Command: Monitoring of Commander Sovrellan’s operational decisions is advised. While her independence has yielded results, her actions have highlighted the need for closer oversight in resource-critical missions.
Last edited by Xenaria Sovrellan on Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

Synthelex Republic Military Command
Commendation for Commander Xenaria Sovrellan
Issued by: Commander General Brun of the Synthelex Republic High Command

Subject: Commendation for exemplary service in resource extraction operations
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Summary of Actions: Commander Xenaria Sovrellan is hereby commended for her extraordinary service to the Synthelex Republic across nearly one hundred successful resource extraction operations. Her commitment to the Republic's survival, and her unparalleled focus in the field, have made her a cornerstone of our extraction efforts.

Details: Over the course of her service, Commander Sovrellan has consistently demonstrated efficiency, tactical acumen, and an unwavering dedication to mission success. Her precision in overseeing and executing resource extraction operations has resulted in the successful acquisition of vital materials from multiple planets, ensuring the continued prosperity and strength of the Synthelex Republic.

Commander Sovrellan’s contributions have been critical in securing strategic assets that support the Republic’s infrastructure and military capabilities. Her ability to navigate complex, high-stakes situations with calm resolve and military precision has been instrumental in the execution of each mission.

Commendation: For her outstanding service, unwavering loyalty, and significant contributions to nearly one hundred successful extraction missions, Commander Xenaria Sovrellan is hereby recognized for her exemplary performance. Her continued excellence is essential to the future of the Synthelex Republic, and her service stands as a model for others in the military.
  • Notes from High Command: Commander Sovrellan’s achievements are unparalleled, and her ongoing contributions to the Republic are critical to its survival.


Addendum from General Tharis

Subject: Concerns regarding Commander Sovrellan’s long-term operational sustainability

Details: While Commander Sovrellan’s record of success is undeniably impressive, I must express concerns regarding the single-minded focus she exhibits during operations. Her relentless dedication, while invaluable, carries the potential for long-term consequences. I have observed signs of physical and mental strain during her most recent missions. This level of intensity, if left unchecked, may result in burnout before her fifty-year contract to the military is complete.

Recommendation: It is recommended that Commander Sovrellan be scheduled for routine psychological evaluations and recalibration to ensure her operational longevity. While her focus has led to mission success, her well-being must be carefully monitored to prevent premature burnout. Failure to address these concerns could result in a loss of one of the Republic's most valuable assets.
  • Notes from High Command: General Tharis’s concerns are noted. It is advised that Commander Sovrellan’s mental and physical health be evaluated regularly to ensure continued service.
Last edited by Xenaria Sovrellan on Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

Synthelex Republic Military Command
Commendation for Commander Xenaria Sovrellan
Issued by: Rear Admiral Yin of the 12th Fleet, Synthelex Republic

Subject: Commendation for aerial combat proficiency in Praeliator-class ships
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Summary of Actions: Commander Xenaria Sovrellan is hereby commended for her exceptional skill in aerial combat operations piloting Praeliator-class joint strike fighters. During multiple high-risk missions, her precise maneuvers, rapid tactical adaptation, and efficient targeting systems led to the successful elimination of numerous high-value threats and critical enemy targets.

Details: Commander Sovrellan has consistently demonstrated superior aerial combat skills, often outperforming her peers in situations that demanded rapid reflexes, precise coordination, and advanced strategic thinking. Her ability to anticipate enemy maneuvers and adjust her attack patterns in real-time has resulted in overwhelming success during multiple missions. The exceptional accuracy with which she pilots the Praeliator-class fighter has solidified her position as one of the most effective aerial combatants in the fleet.

In particular, Commander Sovrellan has successfully neutralized enemy capital ships and squadrons, turning the tide of several key operations. Her mastery of solo aerial engagements and her efficiency in both offensive and defensive maneuvers have saved critical Synthelex assets and minimized losses to our forces.

Commendation: For her outstanding contributions to aerial combat missions, her tactical expertise, and her consistent success in eliminating key threats, Commander Xenaria Sovrellan is commended for her exemplary service to the Synthelex Republic’s 12th Fleet. Her skillset in aerial operations sets a standard of excellence within the Synthelex military.
  • Notes from High Command: Rear Admiral Yin strongly recommends Commander Sovrellan for future high-stakes aerial operations requiring advanced precision and tactical superiority.


Addendum from General Tharis

Subject: Concerns regarding Commander Sovrellan’s solo flight engagements

Details: While Commander Sovrellan’s success in aerial combat is undeniable, I must raise concerns regarding her insistence on flying solo during engagements, often disregarding established formation tactics. While this independence has led to significant mission victories, her approach deviates from standard training protocols. Solo flight operations inherently increase risk and could endanger larger operational objectives if they fail.

Recommendation: Though I recognize that her unorthodox approach has resulted in success in several cases, Commander Sovrellan’s tendency to diverge from formation tactics should be monitored closely. In specific missions, her independence was a contributing factor to victory, but this approach should be reconsidered for larger fleet operations where coordination is essential. Regular reviews of her flight conduct are advised to ensure her tactics align with broader operational strategies.
  • Notes from High Command: General Tharis suggests future oversight to balance Commander Sovrellan’s independent approach with mission objectives requiring tighter coordination.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

United Intergalactic Council (UIC) Members
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Councilor Raal (Chairman of the UIC): Councilor Raal is the representative of the Sytherian Alliance, a race known for its intellectual superiority and unyielding diplomacy. As the chairman of the UIC, he presides over council meetings with a stern, calculated demeanor, ensuring that all voices are heard, though he often prioritizes the more "civilized" worlds over those he deems less advanced. His rulings are typically based on long-term diplomatic outcomes rather than immediate military or economic solutions.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Raal displays the usual arrogance of the Sytherian Alliance. His decisions are calculated, yet inefficient in the context of resource extraction or immediate survival needs. His preference for diplomacy over military action demonstrates a lack of understanding of pragmatic solutions. He views military intervention as a last resort, which makes him a hindrance in situations requiring decisive action."
Councilor Linara (Diplomatic Representative of the Faean Coalition): Councilor Linara hails from the Faean Coalition, a federation of peaceful worlds deeply committed to diplomacy, ecology, and maintaining harmony within the galaxy. Linara is known for her empathy and ability to mediate conflicts, often favoring non-violent resolutions. She is a staunch opponent of militarism, consistently advocating for peaceful alternatives to any form of conflict.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Linara is fundamentally opposed to anything resembling conflict. Her idealism blinds her to the necessity of military force in resource-scarce situations. Her methods, while calming to weaker species, are inefficient and incompatible with the Synthelex Republic’s needs. I do not believe she has the capacity to make decisions grounded in reality."
Councilor Varak (Representative of the Draxian Empire): Councilor Varak represents the Draxian Empire, a militaristic species known for their strict adherence to hierarchy and power. Varak is gruff, direct, and often advocates for solutions that involve strength and decisive military action. He views conflict as an essential aspect of progress and is less concerned with collateral damage than with achieving victory.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Varak is among the few on the UIC who understands the necessity of power. His direct approach to conflict is commendable, though occasionally reckless. He sees the potential value in aggressive extraction methods, but his tendency to ignore long-term consequences is a liability. He is a useful ally, though unpredictable."
Councilor T'Ruun (Representative of the Oor’Dakai Unity): Councilor T'Ruun comes from the Oor'Dakai Unity, a species of highly advanced, technology-focused beings. T'Ruun emphasizes the importance of technological solutions to galactic issues, often proposing innovations to solve resource shortages or infrastructure problems. He sees warfare as a failure of diplomacy and technology, believing that superior tech should always be the first line of defense.
  • Xenaria's Report: "T'Ruun’s reliance on technological superiority mirrors the Synthelex’s own methods. However, his dismissal of military intervention is short-sighted. There are situations where technology alone cannot secure resources. His contributions to technological advancement are of some use, but his hesitation in recognizing the inevitability of conflict is his greatest flaw."
Councilor Valen (Diplomatic Envoy of the Veran Commonwealth): Councilor Valen represents the Veran Commonwealth, a utopian society focused on equality and shared resources. Valen is a staunch advocate for cooperation between species and believes in equitable distribution of resources. He frequently opposes any actions that favor one species or entity over another, particularly when those actions involve force or coercion.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Valen is idealistic to a fault. His belief in 'equitable distribution' is absurd in a galaxy where survival is often determined by power. His opposition to forceful extraction makes him an obstacle to the Republic’s objectives. His views are incompatible with the reality of resource scarcity."
Councilor Ilyra (Representative of the Elunari Syndicate): Councilor Ilyra is from the Elunari Syndicate, a loosely organized faction of traders, diplomats, and mercenaries. Her approach is pragmatic, often driven by economics and the potential for profit. She is known for being willing to negotiate with almost any party if the terms are right, but she is also not above using force if negotiations fail.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Ilyra is pragmatic and understands the value of efficiency. Her willingness to use force when necessary aligns her more with the Republic’s objectives than most of the UIC. However, her focus on economic gain can lead to unnecessary delays in action. She is useful, but her priorities are misaligned with the Republic’s mission of survival."
Councilor Xarn (Envoy of the Korali Ascendancy): Councilor Xarn represents the Korali Ascendancy, a reclusive race of psionically-gifted beings. Xarn speaks rarely in council meetings, preferring to observe and interject only when he sees inefficiencies. His people rely on mental powers over technology or military force, and he often brings a cryptic, almost philosophical perspective to discussions.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Xarn is an enigma, but his lack of direct action renders him irrelevant in most discussions. His cryptic nature and reliance on psionics over material solutions make him inefficient. He is unlikely to offer any direct resistance, but neither is he useful in advancing the Republic’s goals."
Councilor Kiraal (Ambassador of the Threx Dominion): Councilor Kiraal is the voice of the Threx Dominion, a species known for their focus on colonization and expansion. Kiraal is a skilled diplomat but believes in the dominance of stronger species over weaker ones, advocating for aggressive resource expansion when necessary.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Kiraal’s mindset aligns closely with that of the Republic. He values strength and understands the importance of securing resources by force when necessary. He is a potential ally, though his diplomatic façade often delays necessary action."
Councilor Mevrik (Representative of the Zyelian Union): Councilor Mevrik comes from the Zyelian Union, a collective of species focused on scientific research and exploration. Mevrik often advocates for non-invasive research and discovery, promoting the idea of gathering knowledge before acting. He is cautious and seeks to avoid conflict wherever possible.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Mevrik’s approach is overly cautious and inefficient. His preference for research over decisive action wastes time and resources. The Republic has no use for scientific posturing when survival is at stake. He is a liability in situations requiring immediate resolution."
Councilor Shaya (Delegate of the Galthis Combine): Councilor Shaya represents the Galthis Combine, a technocratic and corporate-led society. She is focused on profit-driven solutions and often sees galactic conflicts as opportunities for economic expansion. Her decisions are influenced heavily by potential gains in technology and trade.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Shaya’s focus on profit above all else creates unnecessary delays and inefficiencies. She has potential value in providing resources for the Republic’s military efforts, but her economic mindset often clouds her ability to make swift, tactical decisions."
Councilor Rel'Kosh (Envoy of the Xen’tari Dominion): Councilor Rel'Kosh hails from the Xen’tari Dominion, a species known for their rigid caste system and focus on tradition. He is a staunch traditionalist, often opposing any form of aggressive expansion unless it aligns with the customs of his people.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Rel'Kosh’s adherence to tradition is a significant obstacle to progress. His reluctance to engage in aggressive expansion unless it aligns with outdated customs slows the efficiency of any operation. His rigid mindset makes him unreliable in situations requiring immediate action and adaptability."
Councilor Zyyra (Diplomatic Representative of the Lyran Collective): Councilor Zyyra represents the Lyran Collective, a race of hive-minded beings who prioritize collective decision-making and unity above all else. Zyyra advocates for consensus and harmony within the council, often working to mediate disputes and encourage cooperation, even in situations where conflict is inevitable.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Zyyra’s obsession with unity and collective decision-making is inefficient and unrealistic. Her focus on mediation in situations that require direct action weakens the Republic’s ability to achieve its objectives. She is a pacifist by nature, which makes her a hindrance when force is necessary."
Councilor Taranis (Delegate of the Kryllian Confederacy): Councilor Taranis is the representative of the Kryllian Confederacy, a race of nomadic warriors with a strong sense of honor and martial prowess. Taranis is often in favor of military solutions but within a strict code of conduct, which sometimes limits his willingness to embrace total warfare. He values victory but is unwilling to sacrifice his people’s sense of honor for it.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Taranis values strength, which is commendable, but his obsession with honor is a weakness. His refusal to fully embrace the pragmatic necessity of total warfare hinders his effectiveness. While he can be useful in direct combat situations, his moral limitations make him unreliable for resource extraction operations where efficiency must take precedence over ethical concerns."
United Intergalactic Council (UIC) Exclusion of the Synthelex Republic
Reason for Exclusion: The Synthelex Republic does not hold a seat on the United Intergalactic Council (UIC) due to the council’s stance on the Synthelex Republic’s aggressive resource extraction policies and militaristic approach to galactic relations. The UIC views the Republic’s actions, particularly its use of the Corebuster and other invasive extraction methods, as a violation of intergalactic law. The Republic’s refusal to comply with sanctions, as well as its repeated disregard for non-aggressive diplomatic solutions, has solidified the UIC’s decision to exclude the Synthelex from having any formal representation within their governing body.

Details: The Synthelex Republic’s actions on several worlds, including the infamous incident on VX-132, have been labeled as war crimes by the UIC. The Republic’s leadership, while offering minimal concessions in diplomatic arenas, continues to prioritize survival and resource acquisition over compliance with UIC mandates. This has led to widespread sanctions against the Republic, with many council members expressing deep concern over the potential destabilization of the galactic order if the Synthelex were granted a seat on the council. The UIC believes that granting the Republic formal influence would legitimize their practices and encourage further aggressive actions.

Conclusion: Due to its policies and military-driven approach, the Synthelex Republic remains isolated from the formal governance of the UIC. The council maintains that the Republic’s actions are incompatible with the principles of diplomacy, equality, and peaceful cohabitation that the UIC was founded upon.
  • Xenaria's Report: "The exclusion of the Synthelex Republic from the UIC is a reflection of the council's inefficiency and misguided priorities. Their reliance on outdated diplomatic principles fails to address the reality of resource scarcity. The UIC’s decision to sanction and exclude the Republic only serves to weaken their own standing and prolong conflicts that could be resolved swiftly through calculated force. Granting the Republic a seat would offer them access to a real solution—survival through strength. Their refusal is illogical, driven by their own fear of efficient practices. Ultimately, the council’s moral posturing is irrelevant to the Republic’s survival objectives, and their exclusion of us only delays the inevitable."
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

Synthelex Republic Military – Fighter Craft Dossier
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Name: Spectre

Class: Praeliator-class Strike Fighter

Manufacturer: Synthelex Republic Military

  • Length: 14.5 meters
  • Width: 11 meters (wingspan)
  • Height: 3.7 meters
  • Pilot: 1 (Commander Xenaria Sovrellan)
  • Co-pilot/Navigator: None – The Spectre is a single-pilot craft, fully optimized for solo operations.
  • Primary Weapons: Twin plasma railguns with rapid fire capability
    Xenaria's Customization: Enhanced the plasma railguns for 27.4% increased lethality by adjusting power flow for rapid-fire operations.
  • Secondary Weapons: 2x missile pods capable of carrying 12 high-explosive guided missiles per pod
    Xenaria's Customization: Replaced standard missile payloads with a high-yield, guided system to ensure target elimination on first strike.
  • Auxiliary Systems: 2x anti-starfighter auto-cannons for short-range defense
    Xenaria's Customization: Swapped out standard cannons with faster-firing models, improving close-range defense by 19.6%.
Defense Systems:
  • Shields: Advanced energy shield generator capable of mitigating energy-based attacks and kinetic impacts
  • Armor: Reinforced stealth armor with thermal-dampening capabilities
    Xenaria's Customization: Enhanced thermal-dampening capabilities to ensure minimal detection even during high-energy combat situations.
  • Countermeasures: Flare dispensers, electronic jammers, and decoy drones
  • Engine Type: Twin ion thrusters with variable output for enhanced maneuverability
    Xenaria's Customization: Recalibrated thrusters to improve agility and directional change capacity in high-speed dogfights.
  • Max Speed: Mach 5 (atmospheric), 0.84c (space)
  • Maneuverability: Equipped with advanced vectoring thrusters for extreme agility and rapid direction changes
Operational Range:
  • Max Range: 48 hours of continuous operation
  • Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Capabilities: Fitted with a short-range jump drive for rapid repositioning within a system. Limited interstellar capabilities.
Designed for space superiority and precision strikes. The Spectre excels in rapid, solo engagements, leveraging its stealth capabilities and powerful armaments to neutralize high-value targets before enemy forces can react. Its speed, agility, and cloaking capabilities make it ideal for deep-space operations with minimal support.

Special Features:
  • Stealth Capabilities: Integrated stealth systems reduce the craft’s visibility to both radar and infrared detection. Thermal dampeners further conceal its heat signature, making it highly effective in ambush and surprise strike operations.
    Xenaria's Customization: Modified the cloaking system to maintain its effectiveness even during full power-to-weapons engagements, allowing surprise strikes at close range without detection.
  • Advanced Sensors: Equipped with long-range radar, infrared sensors, and an adaptive targeting system that compensates for enemy jamming technology.
    Xenaria's Customization: Refined targeting system to enhance precision during chaotic combat scenarios, minimizing response time.
  • AI or Autonomous Systems: An integrated AI assists with targeting, damage assessment, and flight path optimization during high-speed engagements. The AI can reroute power to critical systems during combat, enhancing the ship’s efficiency.
Notable Deployments:
The Spectre has been deployed in over 50 critical missions, including the neutralization of multiple enemy capital ships and key infrastructure during the Synthelex Republic’s resource extraction operations.

Customization Options:
The Praeliator-class is highly modular, allowing for various weapon loadouts and defensive systems to be swapped depending on mission requirements. Xenaria Sovrellan has personally customized the Spectre for maximum stealth and firepower, making it one of the most efficient strike craft in the fleet.

Personalizations by Commander Xenaria Sovrellan
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Comments by Commander Xenaria Sovrellan:
“Efficiency is paramount in all operations. The Spectre was modified to remove redundancies in its original design. Standard Praeliator-class ships rely too heavily on coordinated squadron tactics; I have optimized the Spectre for solo engagements. By enhancing its stealth capabilities and reinforcing its armor, I have made it virtually undetectable in most operational environments. The addition of rapid-fire plasma railguns, coupled with a more robust missile payload, increases mission lethality by 27.4%. Additionally, I replaced the standard auto-cannons with faster-firing anti-starfighter models, improving close-range defense by 19.6%. All modifications have been designed to maximize mission success with minimal reliance on external support.”

Report by Grand Admiral Cerys
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Subject: Evaluation of Spectre’s Modifications

Commander Xenaria Sovrellan’s personal modifications to the Spectre have resulted in a significantly enhanced strike craft. The improvements to stealth and firepower have increased the fighter’s effectiveness in solo operations, aligning with Commander Sovrellan’s preference for independent engagements. The upgrades to its weapon systems, particularly the plasma railguns and anti-starfighter cannons, have proven invaluable in recent high-stakes missions. These changes make the Spectre one of the most advanced ships in the fleet for precision strikes, though it should be noted that its current configuration sacrifices some of the versatility intended for squadron-based engagements.

While the Spectre’s modifications are undoubtedly effective for solo missions, the craft’s performance in squadron-based operations may be compromised. The enhancements focus entirely on independent efficiency, making coordination with other craft more difficult. Additionally, the increased firepower puts a strain on energy reserves, which may impact long-term engagements or sustained combat scenarios. Nonetheless, Commander Sovrellan’s results speak for themselves, and the Spectre remains a highly formidable craft in her hands.
  • Notes from High Command: The Spectre’s modifications suit Commander Sovrellan’s operational style perfectly, but continued reliance on solo tactics may present issues in larger-scale conflicts. However, her independent success thus far suggests that these concerns may be secondary to the craft’s immediate effectiveness.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
Xenaria Sovrellan
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:55 am

Re: Personnel Dossier: Xenaria Sovrellan

Post by Xenaria Sovrellan »

Synthelex Republic Military – Weapon Dossier
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Name: Acutus Rifle

Type: High-Energy Particle Beam Rifle

Manufacturer: Synthelex Republic Military Armaments Division

  • Length: 1.2 meters
  • Weight: 6.8 kilograms
Ammunition Type: Energy Cells utilizing condensed plasma cores

Effective Range: 2,000 meters (optimal), up to 3,500 meters (maximum with decreased accuracy)

Fire Modes:
  • Single-shot precision mode
  • Rapid-fire burst mode
  • Sustained beam mode for continuous fire
Xenaria's Customization: Enhanced the beam focusing array to increase accuracy by 15% at maximum range.

Power Source: High-capacity energy cells with quick-swap functionality
Xenaria's Customization: Modified energy cells to allow for 25% faster recharge and reduced downtime between swaps.

Optics and Sights:
  • Integrated holographic sight for close-quarters combat
  • Advanced telescopic scope with variable zoom up to 20x for long-range targeting
  • Thermal and night vision capabilities
Xenaria's Customization: Upgraded the targeting software to improve target acquisition speed by 22% in all lighting conditions.

Materials and Build:
  • Constructed with lightweight composite alloys for durability and reduced weight
  • Ergonomic design to accommodate prolonged use without operator fatigue
Special Features:
  • Recoil Dampening System: Minimizes recoil for improved accuracy during rapid-fire modes
    Xenaria's Customization: Fine-tuned the dampening system to allow for sustained accuracy during prolonged engagements.
  • Adaptive Camouflage Coating: Surface coating that adjusts to the surrounding environment to reduce visual detection
    Xenaria's Customization: Enhanced the camouflage responsiveness for quicker adaptation when transitioning between environments.
  • Modular Attachment Rail: Allows for additional attachments such as grenade launchers, bipods, or advanced sensor packages
Notable Deployments:
The Acutus Rifle has been the weapon of choice for Commander Xenaria Sovrellan in over 80 missions, proving its reliability and lethality in various combat scenarios. It played a crucial role during the [CLASSIFIED] operation, where precise, long-range eliminations were essential for mission success.

Personalizations by Commander Xenaria Sovrellan
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Comments by Commander Xenaria Sovrellan:
“Standard issue equipment often lacks the efficiency required for optimal mission success. I've made several modifications to the Acutus Rifle to enhance its performance. These modifications are implemented to eliminate inefficiencies and increase the weapon's lethality, directly contributing to mission success rates.”

Report by General Tharis
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Subject: Assessment of Modifications to the Acutus Rifle

Commander Xenaria Sovrellan's enhancements to the Acutus Rifle have undeniably improved its performance in her hands. The increased accuracy and reduced downtime between energy cell swaps have led to higher efficiency during critical missions. Her adjustments to the recoil dampening system and targeting software showcase a deep understanding of the weapon's mechanics and battlefield requirements.

However, it's important to note that these personalizations, while beneficial to Commander Sovrellan's operational style, deviate from standardized equipment protocols. This could present challenges if maintenance is required by technicians unfamiliar with her custom configurations.

Commander Sovrellan's modifications, though effective, reflect her persistent tendency towards independence and deviation from standard procedures. While the enhancements have not hindered mission outcomes—in fact, they have often improved them—they raise questions about conformity to military standards.

There's a potential risk in having equipment so specifically tailored that it may not be operable by other personnel if necessary. Moreover, her focus on personalization could encourage similar behavior among other soldiers, potentially leading to inconsistencies in equipment performance across units.
  • Notes from High Command: While we acknowledge the tactical advantages provided by Commander Sovrellan's modifications, we recommend a review of equipment personalization policies. Ensuring balance between individual efficiency and overall standardization is crucial for maintaining unit cohesion and operational predictability.
"It is not personal. It is never personal. The decisions I make are based on data, on probability, and on the cold, hard truth that survival demands. If you stand in my way, I will remove you."
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