Few truly knew Rose Karos, adopted and darling daughter of notorious slavers Anubis Karos and Dawn Shadowsbane. Adult, but just past, she'd maintained the soft, sweet mien that had characterized her as a child despite monstrous parents. Her adopted sister, Lily, and Seth, true-born son of the pair, hewed closer to the rocks their parents were. Skid and Suturi, as well, and Teshid (oh, beloved Teshid) also held stronger, dangerous roles in the world. The one thing this blended family had in common, however, was their adoration and protection of Rose and her cherished, lively view of the world.
They cosseted and cocooned her, allowing her to blossom to one worthy of her namesake. Intrigue and violence were avoided in her presence, and her mother had forbidden her to partake of the potentially-deadly games known as the duels. Her visits to the basement Arena and other similar places were infrequent and short, usually only in the shadow of a guardian (because even from a young age in Rhydin she'd been accompanied by a bodyguard if not family) and only to meet her family there for an event. However, her father, one of the greatest duelists in their storied history, had recently relented and offered a different perspective.
"Mayhaps it is time that you can attend the duels if you so wish."
He'd offered such a prize when she'd surprised him at a challenge a few months ago. That suggestion had simmered in her since then as she debated..... did she actually wish? The duels had fascinated her, in part because they were so forbidden. Also, too, was her father's legacy in them; could they really be that bad if he had done so well - and loved it - for so long? Finally, eventually, she determined that she did wish. However, she didn't want to just watch the duels; she had little desire to be a spectator and nothing more. Sitting her father's recent challenge assured her of that.
So, how to entrée?
Rose, as bohemian and flighty as she seemed to be, also possessed a great mind for academics and study. Once she had made her mind up, the next question was how to achieve a place of her own in the sport? One thought, quickly banished, was simply to ask her father. Studying dueling under her father would only inflame her mother and while the parents were on relatively good terms today, she'd prefer they remained so. Besides, in her own way she wanted to surprise her father and show her own place in this world. Suturi was a duelist but she was, well... insane. True mentoring would be hard-come if she included the imp (not literally) in her scheme. The problem, though, was that she didn't know anyone else.
She drifted through Cadentia's marketplace, smiling sweetly and bestowing gracious compliments and greetings to the vendors and patrons alike, content to be among the people she'd grown up with. Her mind, though, turned to that question of how to find the right mentor for her goal. She'd had basic training for self-defense, of course. Any child of a slaver (and former slaver) would need to be prepared to fight if danger encroached. They'd neglected any further study, though, aiming to retain her softness.
"Did ya hear? We got a new Baron 'gain last night. Some Matt Simon guy. He's 'eld a lotta others but ain't been here."
Rose paused, her ears perking at the seemingly casual gossip a few stalls away. Baron? She had heard her father called that, more than once, and knew it was in conjunction with the duels! Humming softly, she edged closer under the guise of peeking at a pile of cactus leaves. "Hello, Miss Rose," the owner greeted as she neared, gracing the young lady with a pleasant smile. "Hello, Miss Arandi!" the Karos returned, dimpling. "Your fruit is always so lovely! I am very tempted to take some home and make a sorbet for you!"
Arandi chuckled, waving off the younger woman's offer. "Vaid has that covered, girl." Rose ducked her head in agreement and the elders returned to their gossip. "Aye. I've met Matt a time or two. Bit gruff, former governor, master duelist, but overall a good enough guy. And his wife ... even I'm stunned by her and I don't like women!" Hearty chuckles accompanied the words and Rose hmmm'd, picking her face up to watch them. They smiled again at her but continued their discussion.
"Do ya think he'll come 'ere? Do ya think he'll do stuff ta help?" Arandi nodded. "I bet so, but we'll see. Dunno what he's been doin' in that current district - apparently he's the first Baron'a two!" "Huh," came the response.
Rose paused her fingertips on an apple, very barely brushing the skin. This Matt Simon had promise. Slowly, seemingly casually, she made her way from the market and to the library. Settling herself in a chair, she opened her phone and began to research one Matthew Algiers Simon. Hours passed before she arrived at the end of the inter-connection (at least as it related to Matt Simon) and she blinked away from the screen, meeping with the realization of what time it was. "Oh no! I have to get home!" Arms flailed, a little, as she scrambled out of the chair and a moment later, out of the library.
Her arrival home was more sedate than her flight from the public realm as befitted the youngest daughter of the slaver. Decorum was important, of course. She remained polite and demure on the surface all while thoughts roiled just beneath. She hurried through dinner, as much as she could, before scurrying to her room. Once there, she set pen to paper at her desk.
Hello, Double Baron Governor Diamond Matthew Algiers Simon,
My name is Rose Karos. I am the daughter of Anubis Karos. I live in Cadentia and I have learned that you are the new Baron of Cadentia. I would like you to please teach me how to duel and eventually be a Baron like you and like my father. I have a dagger and I am willing to duel to show my dedication.
Thank you,
Rose Karos
It was simple, it was straightforward, and it was polite. She foresaw no problems in attaining his agreement.. With a smile, she sent a courier to deliver the letter to Matt Simon. Papa would be so happily stunned to find out.
Unexpected Encounters on the New Baron's Watch (Cadentia)
Moderator: Staff
- Rose Karos
- Junior Adventurer
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:38 pm
- Location: With her adopted family, at Karos Estate
Re: Unexpected Encounters on the New Baron's Watch (Cadentia)
Not far above the desert sands of Cadentia, two RASG fighters streaked across the cloudless cobalt sky. Both made a lazy sweeping turn, casting small shadows upon the seemingly endless dunes.
At the controls of one of those fighters, Matt Simon keyed his mic. “All right, time to get these training runs started. Eagle team, you’re up. Eagle One, I’m calling you in.”
A female voice, one of the latest trainees to enter the 81st Sunliner squadron, responded, “Roger that. Eagle One, coming in hot!”
Matt watched as the pilot made her approach and dove toward the desert sands, not quite on the most optimum course. Overcorrecting, the pilot released her simulated ordnance and computers quickly calculated its effectiveness which, surprisingly, came in at just over 80%.
He could almost see the grin on the pilot’s face as she called out, “Enemies down, baby!” when the tally popped onto her HUD.
The next hour or so was spent in similar fashion; after everyone had made their three requisite bombing approaches, Matt ordered everyone to return to Coventry Airbase within Cadentia’s borders. Instead of heading there himself, though, and with his fighter at 46% of its power source remaining, he began a leisurely circuit over the desert. Twice, he passed over Cadentia’s famed Marketplace (one of those times, much lower than regulations permitted) and he grinned as he shot past villages and caravans winding their way through the dunes. He hadn’t spent much time in Cadentia outside of Coventry but now that he was Baron of the district, that’d have to change.
At the controls of one of those fighters, Matt Simon keyed his mic. “All right, time to get these training runs started. Eagle team, you’re up. Eagle One, I’m calling you in.”
A female voice, one of the latest trainees to enter the 81st Sunliner squadron, responded, “Roger that. Eagle One, coming in hot!”
Matt watched as the pilot made her approach and dove toward the desert sands, not quite on the most optimum course. Overcorrecting, the pilot released her simulated ordnance and computers quickly calculated its effectiveness which, surprisingly, came in at just over 80%.
He could almost see the grin on the pilot’s face as she called out, “Enemies down, baby!” when the tally popped onto her HUD.
The next hour or so was spent in similar fashion; after everyone had made their three requisite bombing approaches, Matt ordered everyone to return to Coventry Airbase within Cadentia’s borders. Instead of heading there himself, though, and with his fighter at 46% of its power source remaining, he began a leisurely circuit over the desert. Twice, he passed over Cadentia’s famed Marketplace (one of those times, much lower than regulations permitted) and he grinned as he shot past villages and caravans winding their way through the dunes. He hadn’t spent much time in Cadentia outside of Coventry but now that he was Baron of the district, that’d have to change.
Re: Unexpected Encounters on the New Baron's Watch (Cadentia)
Hours later, at home, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Anubis’ daughter, asking Matt Simon to teach her how to duel? His first thought was that it was some sort of ridiculously intricate trap – he and Anubis had never really gotten along after all – but to what end? Anubis came and went like a sandstorm…it didn’t make sense that he was behind this. And he’d never even met Rose, not that he could remember anyway. What would make her reach out to him? And do so now?
He almost wished Tara was around for him to ask for insight; she’d always had a unique relationship with both men but she hadn’t been seen in years. Shaking his head, he stood up, intending upon getting a snack before bed.
“All right, Ms. Karos,” he said on the way to the kitchen. “You’ve piqued my interest. Let’s see what else you have to say.”
The next day, he sent a letter of his own:
Ms. Karos,
It’s no secret that your father and I are not exactly friends. That being said, I’m intrigued by your request. I think we should meet to discuss it further. Come to Coventry Airbase today, at the time of sunset. I’ll make sure you’re granted entrance.
Matthew Algiers Simon
He almost wished Tara was around for him to ask for insight; she’d always had a unique relationship with both men but she hadn’t been seen in years. Shaking his head, he stood up, intending upon getting a snack before bed.
“All right, Ms. Karos,” he said on the way to the kitchen. “You’ve piqued my interest. Let’s see what else you have to say.”
The next day, he sent a letter of his own:
Ms. Karos,
It’s no secret that your father and I are not exactly friends. That being said, I’m intrigued by your request. I think we should meet to discuss it further. Come to Coventry Airbase today, at the time of sunset. I’ll make sure you’re granted entrance.
Matthew Algiers Simon
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