Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names! (Poll is now up!)

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Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names! (Poll is now up!)

Post by Royal »

Voting is happening right now!
(( viewtopic.php?p=211827#p211827 ))

The capybara springs here on Twilight Isle will soon have a new friendly duo living nearby in their very own enclosure.

Two otter pups have been donated to the Twilight Isle Wardens!


Once the enclosure is finished and the pups grow more accustomed to their new surroundings the public will be allowed to visit, but what can be done in the meantime to help? Name suggestions! Right now we've been calling them little guy and princess but we need something more permanent!

Submit your name suggestions below!
Nothing naughty, please.

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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Lady Aikawa »

Bored at the club late on a Friday night and feeling kind of hungry, Kyo sent the following on her phone:

Their names are Mochi and Kitkat.

The Wardens were definitely soliciting suggestions, but this did not change the way she worded her submission.
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Josette Wheeler »

Josie loved otters and most especially loved the way they played and held hands so they would not float away from each other. Eager to watch the new otters play on the Isle when the time came, she submitted the names:

Lyra and Orion
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

When the Blackthorne Household learned about the new residents of Twilight Isle needing proper names, there were hours of discussion among the vocal members and eventual voting by secret ballots (including Mallow attempting to stuff the ballot box with her naming choice).

Once the proper ballots were tallied and the final choice of names for the pair of otters was made, the decision was written by Rachael Blackthorne in an exceptionally precise left-handed script in black ink on thick white parchment. The parchment was then tacked to the corkboard with a black and gold pushpin. A seal in black and gold wax with the impression in the wax of a panther head was at the bottom of the parchment along with seventeen pawprints in various sizes made with black ink.

We wish to submit the following suggestions for names for the otter pair:

Princess Lily Everbright and Prince Sage Shadowlake, or Lily and Sage for short.

--The Blackthorne Household
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Rachael Blackthorne
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Gatito read the news of the otter pups’ arrival Saturday morning and chewed over some names while enjoying brunch. In the early afternoon, he submitted his favorite pairing, electronically.

I’d like to submit the following names for the otter pups:
Bonbon and Macaron (or Bonnie and Mac for short).
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Mairead Harker »

Another note was added:

Snowflake and Midnight

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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by BardGallant »

When he heard about the otter pups and saw the picture of their announcement, Dris fell instantly in love. Of course he did. The former two-time Governor was a renowned animal lover! As a musician and performer, he felt that the adorable critters, like all the animals who shared his own home, deserved the names of popular artists, especially a famous duo. Naturally, a song came to mind as he thought on it for a while, and when he found himself humming the tune he snapped his fingers in a eureka moment. As soon as he was able, he submitted his suggestion to the Twilight Isle Wardens.

Music is magic, and love will keep us together!
As such, I would like to suggest the names of:

Captain & Tennille

♥ - Dris
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Amaris »

Amaris had saw the announcement and with excitment flourished a pen and paper to submit her ideas. She'd studied a LOT of magic and mythologies and she had an idea.

* I think we could call the girl Sól and the boy Máni . They were siblings that drove the sun and the moon chariot.*
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Nako Iijima »

Nako was certainly thrilled about the new otter pups, and had spent a great deal of time adding suggestions for their enclosure habitat. So much time that she had to squint and think hard about the pair to come up with her own name suggestions. Finally, the light bulb dawned, and she scribbled a note to leave with the wardens with her own idea.

"Rocky and Daisy
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Max Lager »

Onyx and Luz!

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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Delahada »

Looking at the otter pups, Salvador thought, Small. Fuzzy. This made him think of another word he refused to admit (cute), which in turn immediately had him thinking of Rekah, and then lead to him thinking about two of her favorite things. The end result of all this thinking was, aside from what he made his companions for breakfast that morning, another suggestion of names submitted to the Wardens.

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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Caelia »

Twilight Tacos took suggestions! On behalf of the patrons, we submit the following:

Cookie & Cream
Milk & Cookie
Yin & Yang
Sonny & Luna
Taco & Tequila (or Taco & Qui for short)
Umbra & Astra
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!

Post by Royal »

This is the final day for name submissions! A poll will be setup tomorrow!
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Polling begins! (Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names!)

Post by Royal »

And the polling begins! Name voting will end on Sunday, November 26th at 11:59 PM!


One vote per player, please! ))
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Re: Otter Pups for Twilight Isle! Looking for names! (Poll is now up!)

Post by Royal »

The voting period is over!
Please welcome Lyra and Orion!

Lyra pictured on the right and Orion on the left.

Thank you to everyone who suggested names and voted!
Their otter enclosure is expected to be finished by the new year! Please look forward to visiting!
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