Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

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Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Tippletoe »

The Arena is proud to announce the 4th Annual Duel of Swords (DoS) Round Robin Cup!
The DoS Round Robin Cup is a sporting competition where teams of armed duelists test themselves against each other in a battle of wits, skill, and camaraderie. Every team will fight each other once within a four-week period, pitting three of their duelists against the opposing team on a single night.

The first-place prize is the Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup! Winning team members will receive bragging rights plus a DoS Round Robin Cup 2023 Icon.

The Most Valuable Player (MVP) award is given to the duelist who accumulates the most points throughout the tournament.

Number of Teams & Matches
We require a minimum of three up to a maximum of five teams for this tournament. With five teams in a Round Robin format, you can expect to have four team fights, once with each other team.

Rosters & Registration
Each team will have a roster of four to five duelists including a captain OR four to five duelists plus a non-fighting team manager. The captain/team manager will be responsible for making sure all team fights are scheduled and conducted in a timely manner, and for submitting duelists the night of a scheduled match.

You may submit up to two (2) characters for the tournament. However, you may only captain one team. Every duelist (character) must fight at least one duel in the Round Robin Cup. Please take careful note of the composition of your teams to ensure there are no conflicts.

Registrations are open immediately and will remain open until Saturday, September 2nd at 11:59pm ET. Valid registrations are taken first come, first serve until we have five teams.

Required Information for Team Registration
Team Name:
Team Captain/Manager: (please specify if you are a Captain or a Manager)
Names of the duelists on the Team: Please include their Forum Username if different from their character name. e.g. Matt Simon (Goldglo)

Matchups will include three (3) duelists from each team. The captain/team manager is responsible for coordinating matchups with all the other teams. You must pick a date where at least three of the duelists on your team are available on the same night. The “Home” Captain is responsible for posting the date, time, and location of the match to the Public Notice Board in a reply to this thread. The “Home” team may choose any dueling venue for their match (the Outback, the Arena, the Arcade or Twilight Isle).

Scheduled matchups may begin as early as Sunday, September 10th at 7pm ET.
All scheduled matchups MUST be posted by Saturday, September 23rd at 11:59pm ET.
All matchups MUST be completed no later than Saturday, October 7th at 11:59pm ET.

Matchups can occur on any night, in any venue (chosen by the Host team), between 7pm - 2am ET.
Note: We have extended the time beyond regulation dueling for one hour earlier.

On the night of a scheduled match, starting at the arranged time, the captains/team managers will put forward duelists in this format:

“Visitor” team A puts forward Duelist A1
“Home” team B counters with Duelist B1

“Home” team B puts forward Duelist B2
“Visitor” team A counters with Duelist A2

Both team captains/managers then submit their third duelist to the DoS official for the third blind match. Once all the matchups are announced, duelists may duel simultaneously or sequentially in whatever format is best for them.

Atrebla is the “Home” team with TinyTopaz as the Team Manager. The Pirates from Heck are the “Visiting” Team with Napoleon Bonarat as the Team Captain.

Napoleon publicly announces Tick Tock Croc as their first duelist.
TinyTopaz counters with Mathias DeWinter

TinyTopaz then announces Secondat as their second duelist.
Napoleon counters with Jingo.

Topaz and Napoleon both send a DM to Conner Reid with their third duelist. Topaz submits Will Wulfson, Napoleon submits himself as the third duelist. Conner Reid announces the third match is Will Wulfson versus Napoleon Bonarat.

The duelists decide to all watch Secondat and Jingo fight first since Jingo has to leave earlier, followed by Tick Tock Croc vs. Mathias then Will Wulfson vs. Napoleon.

Ranks & Individual Fights
Each individual duelist, regardless of rank, has three fancies during a DoS Round Robin Cup match. Duelists must use the format /chal [roomcode] dos “Opponent Name” True format to complete the match. Please select True for the title fight is important as these fights do not count towards your official standings record. Matches are completed in the dueling venue chosen by the Home team.

Matchups will be officiated by a member of the Duel of Swords Staff (Alasdair Galloway, Ebon Ilnaren, Tippletoe Timbers) or an appointed substitute. You do NOT need to arrange a caller.

No-Shows / Incomplete Rosters
If a team is unable to field three duelists on the night of the arranged match, they will forfeit each duel they cannot provide a duelist to fight. Forfeits are counted as victories for the opposing teams.

Match Scoring
For each fight, the first duelist to reach five points with at least a one-point lead is considered the winner. The results of a fight apply to the overall score as follows:

Hit Points: One (1) point for each point earned in the duel, to a maximum of 5.
Win Points: Three (3) points for winning the fight.
Shutout Points: Two (2) points for the winner of a shut-out.

Forfeits: A forfeit is worth three (3) points for the ‘winning’ team.

Example: Atrebla vs Pirates from Heck
First Match: 5-3 victory for Atrebla
Second Match: 5-0 victory for Pirates from Heck
Third Match: 5-4 victory for Atrebla

Total: 16 points for Atrebla, 17 points for Pirates from Heck

Tournament Scoring
All points earned by a team are tallied at the end of the Round Robin Cup. The team with the most points wins. Should two teams earn the same number of points at the end of the Round Robin tournament, the team with the most individual matches won will be the victor.

Example: Round Robin Final Results
Atrebla: 20 points,
Pirates From Heck: 24 points, 5 matches won
Dangerous Curves: 22 points,
Team Twilight: 24 points, 6 matches won

Team Twilight wins the DoS Round Robin Cup.

2023 Schedule
  • Registrations Open: Immediately
  • Registrations Close: Saturday, September 2nd, 11:59pm ET
  • Tournament Begins: Sunday, September 10th, 7pm ET
  • Deadline to Schedule Matches: Saturday, September 23rd, 11:59pm ET
  • Tournament Ends: Saturday, October 7th, 11:59pm ET
((If you have questions about the DoS Round Robin Cup, please reach out to a member of the DoS Staff.))
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Round Robin Cup 2023 Registrations

Post by Tippletoe »

2023 Registration: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup

Registrations are open immediately until Saturday, September 2nd at 11:59pm ET. Valid registrations are taken first come, first serve until we have five teams.

Team Registrations
  • Team registration should take place in this thread, by posting the required information (see below).
  • Teams must consist of 4-5 members and a captain. The captain can be a dueling member (one of the 4-5 duelists) OR a non-dueling manager.
  • Players may enter 2 characters into the tournament, including captain positions. However, you can only captain/manage one team.

Required information for team registration:
Team Name:
Team Captain/Manager: (please specify if you are a Captain or a Manager)
Names of the duelists on the Team: Please include their Forum Username if different from their character name. e.g. Matt Simon (Goldglo)

Team Name: Eggscellent Emporium
Team Manager: Captain Brown-Egg
Names of the Duelists: ChickenBob, HandsomeQuail, RoosterRob, Farmhand Adami (Adami)

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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Delahada »

Team Name: LuvBonez

Team Captain: Salvador Delahada (Delahada)

Names of the duelists on the Team: Anubis Karos, Gatito Lindo (Partly Cloudy), Minion of Deathlord (MinionofDeathlord), Rekah Illyriana, and Salvador Delahada (Delahada).
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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

Team Name: The Governors

Team Captain: Ebon Ilnaren

Names of Duelists on the Team: Colleen MacLeod, Sheridan "Dris" Driscol, Matthew Simon , and Ebon Ilnaren

The team's three-letter code is GOV.
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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Kruger »

Team Name: The Rock Hards (ROC)
Team Captain: Kruger Allen (Kruger)
Names of the Duelists: Assistant Captain - Rachael Blackthorne, Amaris, Doran Ilnaren, Maggie Harker (Mairead Harker), Kruger Allen (Kruger)
Equipment Manager: (Inactive) Allen Bidarte
Last edited by Kruger on Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Hope »

Team Name: Real Rhy'Din (RRD)
Team Captain: Hope Naharis
Duelists: Eden Parker, Gren Blockman, Michelle Montoya, Hope Naharis, Jewell Ravenlock
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Round Robin Cup 2023 Matchups

Post by Tippletoe »

Duel of Sword Round Robin Cup 2023 Matchups

Home and Visiting Team Matchups
NOTE: The only reason we have created “Home” and “Visitor” is to determine which captain is responsible for posting the match schedule and the RP variety of choosing a venue. There is no advantage in the matchups themselves.

Scheduling the Match
Matchups will include three (3) duelists from each team. The captain/team manager is responsible for coordinating matchups with all the other teams. You must pick a date where at least three of the duelists on your team are available on the same night. Matchups can occur on any night, in any venue (chosen by the Host team), between 7pm - 2am ET. Note: We have extended the time beyond regulation dueling for one hour earlier.

The “Home” Captain is responsible for posting the date, time, and venue of the match to this thread. Matches must be scheduled between September 10th 7pm ET and October 7th 11:59pm ET.

Please include the following information in your post: Team Matchup: Home versus Visitor, Date, Time, Venue.
Example: Team Twilight vs. Atrebla, October 3rd at 7pm ET in the #outback

All scheduled matchups MUST be posted by Saturday, September 23rd at 11:59pm ET.
All matchups MUST be completed no later than Saturday, October 7th at 11:59pm ET.

The Night of the Match
Matchups will include three (3) duelists from each team. On the night of a scheduled match, starting at the arranged time, the captains/team managers will put forward duelists in this format:

“Visitor” team A puts forward Duelist 1A
“Home” team B counters with Duelist 1B

“Home” team B puts forward Duelist 2B
“Visitor” team A counters with Duelist 2A

Both team captains/managers then submit their third duelist to the DoS official for the third blind match. Once the matchups are announced, duelists may duel simultaneously or sequentially in whatever format works best for them.

Matchups will be officiated by a member of the Duel of Swords Staff (Alasdair, Tippletoe Timbers, Ebon Ilnaren) or an appointed substitute. You do NOT need to arrange a caller.

No-Shows / Incomplete Rosters
If a team is unable to field three duelists on the night of the arranged match, they will forfeit each duel they cannot provide a duelist to fight. Forfeits count as victories for the opposing teams.
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Round Robin Cup 2023 Results

Post by Tippletoe »

Round Robin Cup 2023 Results & Scores
1st Place: The Rock Hards - 54.5 points
2nd Place: The Governors - 53 points
3nd Place: Real Rhy'Din - 45.5 points

MVP: Rachael Blackthorne - 24 points


LuvBonez: 41 points
LuvBonez vs. The Governors: 12.5 points
Match 1: BardGallant def. Rekah Illyriana, 5 - 1.5 1.5 points
Match 2: MinionofDeathlord def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5.5 - 4.5 8 points
Match 3: PrlUnicorn def. Anubis Karos, 5 - 3 3 points

LuvBonez vs. Real Rhy'Din: 10.5 points
Match 1: MinionofDeathlord def. Hope, 5 - 3 8 points
Match 2: Eden Parker def. Rekah Illyriana, 5 - 1.5 1.5 points
Match 3: Michelle Montoya def. Delahada, 5 - 1 1 point

LuvBonez vs. The Rock Hards: 18 points
Match 1: Anubis Karos def. Doran Ilnaren, 5 - 4 in 14 rounds. 8 points
Match 2: Delahada def. Amaris, 5 - 3 in 8 rounds. 8 points
Match 3: Rachael Blackthorne def. Partly Cloudy, 5 - 2. 2 points

The Governors: 53 points
The Governors vs. LuvBonez: 20.5 points
Match 1: BardGallant def. Rekah Illyriana, 5 - 1.5 8 points
Match 2: MinionofDeathlord def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5/5 - 4.5 4.5 points
Match 3: PrlUnicorn def. Anubis Karos, 5 - 3 8 points

The Governors vs. Real Rhy'Din: 19 points
Match 1: Ebon Ilnaren def. Michelle Montoya, 5 - 3.5. 8 points
Match 2: Eden Parker def. Goldglo, 5 - 3 3 points
Match 3: PrlUnicorn def. Gren Blockman, 5 - 2 8 points

The Governors vs. The Rock Hards: 13.5 points
Match 1: BardGallant def. Amaris, 5.5 - 3.5. 8 points
Match 2: Kruger def. PrlUnicorn, 5 - 2. 2 points
Match 3: Rachael Blackthorne def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5 - 3.5. 3.5 points

Real Rhy'Din: 45.5 points
Real Rhy'Din vs. LuvBonez: 19 points
Match 1: MinionofDeathlord def. Hope, 5 - 3 3 points
Match 2: Eden Parker def. Rekah Illyriana, 5 - 1.5 8 points
Match 3: Michelle Montoya def. Delahada, 5 - 1 8 point

Real Rhy'Din vs. The Governors: 13.5 points
Match 1: Ebon Ilnaren def. Michelle Montoya, 5 - 3.5. 3.5 points
Match 2: Eden Parker def. Goldglo, 5 - 3 8 points
Match 3: PrlUnicorn def. Gren Blockman, 5 - 2 2 points

Real Rhy'Din vs. The Rock Hards: 13 points
Match 1: Mairead Harker def. Hope, 5 - 3. 3 points
Match 2: Gren Blockman def. Kruger, 5.5 - 4. 8 points
Match 3: Rachael Blackthorne def. JewellRavenlock, 5.5 - 2. 2 points

The Rock Hards: 54.5 points
The Rock Hards vs. LuvBonez: 15 points
Match 1: Anubis Karos def. Doran Ilnaren, 5 - 4 in 14 rounds. 4 points
Match 2: Delahada def. Amaris, 5 - 3 in 8 rounds. 3 points
Match 3: Rachael Blackthorne def. Partly Cloudy, 5 - 2. 8 points

The Rock Hards vs. The Governors: 19.5 points
Match 1: BardGallant def. Amaris, 5.5 - 3.5. 3.5 points
Match 2: Kruger def. PrlUnicorn, 5 - 2. 8 points
Match 3: Rachael Blackthorne def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5 - 3.5. 8 points

The Rock Hards vs. Real Rhy'Din: 20 points
Match 1: Mairead Harker def. Hope, 5 - 3. 8 points
Match 2: Gren Blockman def. Kruger, 5.5 - 4. 4 points
Match 3: Rachael Blackthorne def. JewellRavenlock, 5.5 - 2. 8 points
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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Kruger »

The Rock Hards:

The Rock Hards vs. LuvBonez: Saturday, September 16th @ 10:00 PM (eastern) in The Arena.

Tippletoe will officiate this match!
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Re: Round Robin Cup 2023 Results

Post by Delahada »

LuvBonez vs. Real Rhy'Din

Saturday, September 30th
@ 9:00 PM (Eastern) in the Arena

Ebon will officiate.
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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

The Governors vs. The Rock Hards
Thursday, 9/28 at 9 p.m. ET

Tippletoe will Officiate
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Re: Round Robin Cup 2023 Results

Post by Delahada »

LuvBonez vs The Governors

Saturday, October 7th
@ 10:00 PM (Eastern) in the Arena

Tippletoe will officiate!
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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Kruger »

The Rock Hards:

The Rock Hards vs. Real Rhy'Din: Thursday September 21st @ 9:15 PM (eastern) in The Arena.

Ettyn de la Rose will Officiate!
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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Tippletoe »

Tippletoe wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:39 pm Ranks & Individual Fights
Each individual duelist, regardless of rank, has three fancies during a DoS Round Robin Cup match. Duelists must use the format /chal [roomcode] dos “Opponent Name” True format to complete the match. Please select True for the title fight is important as these fights do not count towards your official standings record. Matches are completed in the dueling venue chosen by the Home team.
One modification to these rules as per DoS Staff decision:

Each individual duelist, regardless of rank, has three fancies during a DoS Round Robin Cup match. Duelists must use the format /chal [roomcode] dos “Opponent Name” True format to complete the match. Please select True for the title fight. These fights will still count towards your official standings record. Matches are completed in the dueling venue chosen by the Home team.

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Re: Duel of Swords Round Robin Cup 2023

Post by Hope »

Real Rhy'Din vs The Governors

Thursday October 5th
@ 10:00 PM EST

Ettyn de la Rose will Officiate!
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