RhyDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

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RhyDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

Post by Marshwallow & Bowles »

Press Release

From the offices of Marshwallow & Bowles,
3764 Takers Lane
New Haven, RhyDin

To the citizens of RhyDin,

Greetings! it is again my pleasure to announce to you that nominations are now open for Governor of our great city. All interested parties must declare their intention to run by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, 9 September. For additional transparency, announcements of candidacy must be made via public announcement.

All residents of RhyDin and its associated region are welcome and invited to run for Governor/ The exception would be candidates who have served three previous terms. In addition, Governors who have served two consecutive terms must wait at least one term before being elected for a third. At this time, we have determined that there are none in RhyDin who fall under these stipulations, so all who wish to run this year may do so.

Only self-nominations will be accepted.

Following closure of nominations, there will be a period of time for campaigning prior to the general election, which will be held Sunday 24 September through Tuesday 26 September. Should there be more than five candidates in the initial slate, a primary election will be held one week prior to the general election, 17 September through 19 September.

Any parties contemplating coercion, fraud, chicanery, or other shenanigans in connection with this election should note that my inestimable partner, Ms. Bowles, has been raising her slaadi to be particularly vicious this year..

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at our office.

Thank you.

At your service,
The Honorable D.R. Marshwallow, Esq.
Marshwallow & Bowles


((Anyone with a character they wish to run for Governor, feel free to post a reply in this thread. Nominations will be open through 11:59 p.m. Eastern on 9/9/2023.))
Last edited by Marshwallow & Bowles on Mon Sep 04, 2023 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RhySDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

Post by Misaki Ishikawa »

Andromeda Deseronto
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Re: RhySDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

Post by Andromeda Deseronto »

Last edited by Andromeda Deseronto on Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Keira Danaye
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Re: RhyDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

Post by Keira Danaye »

Dear members of Rhy'din! It is I, Keira Danaye. I would like to put my hat in the ring for governor.

I may not know a lot but I would bring more events! I would help the homeless and the orphans! My message may not be flamboyant but I will try to prove to you that I can do this and make the town a grand place to be!


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Re: RhyDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

Post by Nero Zhir »

To all the citizens of Rhy'Din, my name is Nero Zhir and I am now officially running for Governor.

Since moving to this city I've witnessed many things. Caring communities that take care of one another, extravagant and immeasurable wealth, passion, hard work and like everywhere else I have ever lived, crushing inequality. Despite the absurd amount of wealth concentrated in one city there are the same systemic issues that can't seem to be expunged.

If I were to be voted in as Governor here are the changes I would strive to make in Rhy'Din:
  • City-sanctioned affordable housing for every citizen
  • Exponential tax rates on the wealthiest citizens
  • Revamped Education system
  • New protections for laborers
  • Prison reform and new focus on rehabilitation over punishment
  • Universal healthcare
  • Abolishment of slavery
Lend me your trust and I will do everything in my power to make Rhy'Din a place that when asked: are you proud of what you've done? We can all say yes.
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Re: RhyDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Hello, citizens of Rhy’Din. I, the person known as Gatito Lindo, would like to announce my candidacy for Governor. My qualifications are as follows:
  • I have worked with Governor Driscol and the Greater Government of Rhy’Din as the Minister of Philanthropy for the last year.
  • I am a well-known and respected business owner. Kitten’s Confections Bakery & Café has a large footprint in the community, thanks to our catering of local events, such as parties, weddings, and sporting events, and our philanthropic efforts, partnering each June with the Rhydin LGBTQ Youth Outreach Center.
  • I am an accomplished duelist, both on my own and as a member of the teams Deathcake, LuvBones, and Steel Tiger Clan, and I am the second-ever duelist to become DiArchLord.
  • I am the current Baron of Old Market, and as such, I am caring for both the Cardinal Inn and the associated Old Market Women’s Shelter.
And above all else, I have a sincere desire to improve the lives of all of Rhy’Din’s citizens.

Thank you for your consideration.

Gatito Lindo
Minister of Philanthropy
39th Baron of Old Market
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Re: RhyDin Elections 2023 - Nominations are Open!

Post by Marshwallow & Bowles »

From the offices of Marshwallow & Bowles,
3764 Takers Lane
New Haven, RhyDin

To the citizens of RhyDin,

It is my great honor and pleasure to present to you the candidates for Governor of RhyDin in 2023.

- Misaki Ishikawa
- Keira Danaye
- Nero Zhir
- Gatito Lindo

Let's have a fair and fun campaign, and rememeber, any shenanigans will earn you a visit with Ms. Bowles and her slaadi pit.

Thank you.

At your service,
The Honorable D.R. Marshwallow, Esq.
Marshwallow & Bowles
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