Challenge for Dragon's Gate

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Rekah Illyriana
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Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Rekah Illyriana »


I don't know what to do with a barony. I suspect they have a lot to do with pants. But, I am challenging you. I believe this is legal as no one was harmed during the writing of this challenge.Should I have harmed someone? That seems extreme. But, I'll do it.
Do I need to write more for this challenge? I've never done this before. There should be a pre-made form. Just fill in names. That would make this process a whole lot easier. I'm hungry. It's probably dinner time. What are you having for dinner? I bet it's delicious.

Are there ghosts? What about the number of pants that reside there?
What about chickens? Yetis?

I am done challenging you.

Ps. Write back soon!

Pps. Please send stickers.
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Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 5 days of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within two weeks (14 days) of validation.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by BardGallant »

Dearest hakeR,

First, allow me to put your mind at ease by assuring you that holding a barony really has nothing to do with pants at all. Except for perhaps the fact that numerous people who hold baronies do, in fact, wear them. And, I suppose, it could be said that the person holding the barony is, figuratively speaking, wearing big britches, which is another word for pants. So all right. You got me. Pants are involved.

It puts my heart at tremendous ease to learn that no one was harmed in the making of this challenge. Thank you for curbing your more potentially violent urges while composing this notice and posting it to the cork. It is my sincerest hope that you continue to resist these urges, and that come the time in which we must meet each other in the ring to conclude the fate of Dragon's Gate, I, too, will not be harmed in the process. I'm rather quite allergic to injury, you understand.

To answer the rest of your questions: You'll have to ask Rhys what we're having for dinner tonight. I'm afraid that meal preparation is not my specialty in our relationship. To the best of my knowledge there aren't any ghosts, but I've never really been very perceptive to them. I'm afraid I have not taken inventory of the number of pants on premises either, but I'll see what I can do about counting them up before we meet in the ring. There are a few chickens who wander across the sparring yard now and then, but I have not seen any Yetis. I hope that helps.

Let's meet soon for lunch to discuss the particulars of this challenge. I am looking forward to a fun, injury free evening, and I hope that you are too.

Warmest regards,

Sir D (Rhys will not stop calling me this, thank you)
Sheridan "Dris" Driscol
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by BardGallant »

Some time after Dris' official acceptance of the challenge, a small package was delivered to the apartment at Matadero, addressed to Rekah. Contained within was a large assortment of random stickers, as pictured below, and a note reading:

Dearest hakeR,

Here are the stickers you requested.


Sir D

ps: Seriously, Rhys won't stop.

pps: Please don't forget,
I'm allergic to pain.
Thank you! <3

(( Found on Etsy. ))
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Rekah Illyriana »

To everyone it concerns,

Sir D and myself have come to an understanding that this challenge will take place February 12th at 8:30 RST. Caller is pending. We still have to hash out those details. I really wanted a mime. But, apparently that's unacceptable. And so is running around in a garbage bag. But, people still do it.


P.s. The stickers are wonderful.
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by BardGallant »


With immense gratitude, I am pleased to announce we have secured the services of the gentleman best bartender, Conner Reid, to officiate as our caller for this challenge. Significantly better than a mime, if you ask me. Guard your pants and your garbage bags! We'll see you on Sunday!


Sheridan "Dris" Driscol
Governor of Rhy'Din
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Food and Drinks for the Dragon’s Gate Challenge will be provided by the Wolves Den Bistro and the Arena’s bar. There will be an open tab with each to ensure that every spectator can order what they desire.

To honor his good friends, Rekah and Dris, and to complement all of the savory bites, Baron Gatito Lindo has put together an epic sweets grazing table, including many of their favorites.

Candy is the star of this show. A pair of giant, five-pound gummy bears hold court at either end of the table, and in between them are bowls, jars, platters, and stands filled with all kinds of sweetness. There are cherry sours, gummy bears, gummy sharks, gummy cherries, sour gummy worms, rainbow sour gummy belts, gummy fruit slices and cinnamon hearts, sweet and tart candy tablets, candy necklaces and bracelets, multiple flavors of marshmallow, marshmallow ropes, lollipops, cotton candy, fruity taffy, gum balls, rock candy, and so much more.

There’s chocolate on the table, too, in the form of cordial cherries, chocolate-dipped strawberries and cherries, chocolate-dipped marshmallow pops, chocolate-covered fruit and nuts, chocolate-covered pretzels and Oreos, chocolate kisses and squares, caramel-filled bonbons, hazelnut truffles, and miniature peanut butter cups.

And rounding everything out are two-bite brownies, several flavors of macaron (including cherry cheesecake, chocolate-covered gummy bear, and fruity pebbles), miniature cupcakes, miniature donuts, colorful shortbread buttons, wafer cookies, and lots of fresh fruit, including cherries, berries, and grapes.

Most of the chocolate items have been prepared using Celestial Chocolate, which is safe for individuals who have allergies or other sensitivities to regular chocolate. These items are labeled clearly to help individuals make informed choices.

(( The first set of photos, showing a candy grazing table, are by Vita Perfetta. ))
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Conner Reid »

Tonight were the challenge for the barony of Dragon's Gate and it were what some folks be calling a doozy.

Challenging for the barony were Rekah Illyriana. Rekah fought under the Deathcake banner, her second were Gatito, the Baron of Old Market, and Salvador Delahada and Kruger Allen were her people of honor.

Defending the Barony were Sheridan "Dris" Driscol, the Hero of Dragon's Gate and the Governor of Rhy'Din. Dris fought under his usual banner, his Second were his Squire and, more importantly, his loving life partner Rhys Germain, and his People of Honor were the Students and Faculty of the Dragon's Gate Dueling Sword, as well as the pants wearing population of Rhy'Din City.

After a brief discussion, the Baron and Challenger agreed to a best of three format.

The first fight got off to a slow start while the fighters tried to figure out what weapons they would be wielding. With a focus on a side bet in which the loser of the challenge would be forced to wear an article of clothing not of their choosing - a kilt for Dris or pants for Rekah - Rekah seemed focused on defeating the true enemy in the ring, Dris' pants. But Dris were off to a good start, utilizing a variety of implements including a feather and giant lollipop in an attempt to defeat and distract Rekah. By round 10, Dris were securely in matchpoint position with a score of 4.5. But then slowly Rekah chipped away at that lead, working it back as she continued her relentless attack on Dris' pants. By the final round, she could not be denied!

FINAL: Rekah Illyriana def. BardGallant, 6 - 4.5 in 16 rounds.

The second match were a bit closer, but it wound up in a similar position as Dris found himself at matchpoint in round 8 with a score of 4.5. But yet again, Rekah's determination to score a win for pants-haters everywhere saw her working the score back until it were tied in round 11. It took six more rounds to settle as the two of them danced and fought each other off until Rekah managed to conquer the pants!

FINAL: Rekah Illyriana def. BardGallant, 8 - 6.5 in 17 rounds.

Congratulations to Rekah, the new Baron of Dragon's Gate!

Well-reigned Guvnor Dris!

The new Baron of Dragon's Gate has chosen to align loyal!
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