Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

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Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

Post by Mallory »

Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

On Saturday January 21st at 8 by the Eastern clock, come to Seaside Beach to ring in the new year of the lunar calendar - the Year of the Rabbit! Known as the Spring Festival to many, it is an opportunity to sweep away last year's misfortune and find prosperity in the new year.

The Seaside Beach boardwalk and pier have been adorned with moon and rabbit banners, and space has been cleared for market stalls selling food and candy, firecrackers, and plum trees.

Braziers surrounded by rabbit tracks mark shrines along the beach, where offerings can be made by burning incense or paper, creating red paper lanterns, or setting aside gifts of money, treats, or precious trinkets wrapped in red or gold paper. Please avoid giving timepieces; and offer monetary amounts that begin with 8 for good luck, but avoid 4 as an unlucky number!

Tempted by so many interesting sights and smells, a number of rabbits have left their beds by the shrines and gotten lost! Or at least that's the story told by the monks tending them, who may have lost track of their charges after drinking too many spirits. Return a rabbit to the shrine for good luck, and envelopes of money they recommend you spend on the Lucky Rabbit Lotto!

((To play, post ?roll 1d8 in the #green-room. Your die result will determine the outcome. While you can attempt this as many times as you like, you can only claim one prize!

1 - The rabbit tracks turn into rat tracks, and they lead you to the trash!
2 - You encounter one of the orange tabby cats that lives under the boardwalk. They scare the rabbits and will bother you for scraps!
3 - Success! You find a very full rabbit chewing on a paper tray. Hopefully you didn’t step in the clue it left! (303 silver noble prize.)
4 - A rabbit leads you on a chase, only for the spirit to vanish into the moonlight! A price must be paid for crossing paths with the dead. You lose your way or lose a possession.
5 - You are distracted by a bull or ox wearing a bell. It has intelligent eyes, like it could talk to you if you tried hard enough. It will try to point you to the nearest rabbit.
6 - You find a rabbit among the stalls and games on the boardwalk! It’s hard to get there without losing money on these distractions, but that’s not such a bad thing. (606 silver noble prize.)
7 - The tracks you follow fade away, and you find a portent of the future! A small dragon spirit buzzes around your head, and leaves you some fireworks before departing for the heavens. Isn’t that dangerous?!
8 - It’s a long journey, but you find your way to the pier and a rabbit hiding in a great spot for watching the fireworks show! (808 silver noble prize.)

Post your results here to get your prizes!))

Passage can be booked aboard the Moonlight Vessels, a pair of Chinese junks crewed by nimble harengon sailors. The silver sails are driven not by wind but the light of heavenly bodies. Both traverse RhyDin's waterfront to bring guests to and from the celebration, but while one berths at the Docks, the other shifts across planes from Twilight Isle itself, giving passengers a romantic view of the gloaming sky.

Fireworks burst sporadically over the water from Seaside all the way down to the Docks, starting at dusk, but the main event starts at 11:45 by the Eastern clock. Every sign from the lunar calendar is represented in the bright displays, starting with a red dragon stretching across the sky, and ending with a parade of golden rabbits.

Before you leave, make sure you ask one of the monks or event staff for the collectible coin celebrating the New Year of the Rabbit!

((Feel free to add outfit, offering, and participation posts below!))
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Re: Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

Post by Yuri »

The bright lights and roaring fires of nearby food stalls did their best to warm the half-youkai as she walked alongside Hye-jin for the lunar new years eve festivities; though perhaps the chill in the air prompted Hye-jin to buy a small red and rather festive blanket of sorts that Yuri wore draped over her shoulders throughout the night. Of course, Hye-jin had an appetite for snacks once she saw all the candy stalls on offer and she was eating a skewer of tanghulu while holding Yuri's hand in her free one.

After overhearing the monks the two went to look for a rabbit of their own.. and upon spotting one, were quick to give chase! Until — gasp — Yuri realized her engagement ring suddenly disappeared.. as did the rabbit! Yuri was in a panic while Hye-jin was quick to get on her hands and knees to peer around to try and see if her fiancé had dropped the ring during the chase! A nearby ox must caught the half-dokkaebi's attention and was quick to communicate that the rabbit went... That way!

With Hye-jin taking the lead she'd usher the distraught Yuri through the crowd until they came to find a small white rabbit sitting atop a barrel! When Hye-jin picked up the creature the missing engagement ring was there waiting for them.

When Hye-jin slipped the ring back on Yuri's fingers the first BOOM of fireworks went off in the air.

".. it's like you're proposing all over again." said Yuri as she smiled.

Yuri's outfit.

Hye-jin's outfit.

(( Hye-jin's Roll: Yuzuki Kuwabara Rolled 1, 8 sided die: [5] : Total: 5
Yuri's Roll: Royal Rolled 1, 8 sided die: [4] : Total: 4 ))
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Re: Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

Post by Layla Paine »

There was a strict rule of "No talking about work." from the Director of the Crossroads Funeral Parlor to the Reaper the during the eve of the Lunar New Year. This would be a day to celebrate the coming year and the new life it would bring.

Their casual stroll throughout the festival grounds came to an end when Ettyn and Layla found one another separated when the latter looked over a bracelet whilst the former was momentarily distracted by a surge in the excited crowd.

Layla did not seem to mind the situation while she held onto the small red box that now held the purchased bracelet, and she instead drifted toward the pier upon catching the gaze of a hopping rabbit.

(( Royal Rolled 1, 8 sided die: [8] : Total: 8 / It’s a long journey, but you find your way to the pier and a rabbit hiding in a great spot for watching the fireworks show! (808 silver noble prize.) ))
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Re: Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

Post by Death Knell »

Ettyn had promised the monk she had met on the beach that she would look out for stray rabbits, but her black eyes - alight with all the spirits of years past and yet to come - found themselves drawn to the distraction of food and trinkets on the boardwalk. One moment she'd been at Layla's side while she perused jewelry, and the next she was moving with the crowd, intent on finding the aromatic treats they all rushed for before they were gone. She secured two skewers of tonghulu, but had lost sight of her date to share them with. And underneath the table where the treats were served, a pair of dark eyes and floppy ears met hers.

She cut across the sand, returning the stray rabbit to its shrine, and climbed the stairs by the darkened tiki bar to an isolated stretch of the pier. There she found another stray, already discovered, and Layla waiting in the perfect spot.

"Just in time." The Reaper followed the Funeral Director's words to the clear sky, lighting up with fireworks, and settled in beside her to share the tonghulu and watch the brightly colored sparks fall over dark water to herald the New Year.

(( Death Knell Rolled 1, 8 sided die: [6] : Total: 6 / You find a rabbit among the stalls and games on the boardwalk! It’s hard to get there without losing money on these distractions, but that’s not such a bad thing. (606 silver noble prize.) ))
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Re: Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

Post by Amaris »

Amaris decided after long back and forth debates with herself that she was going to go after all.

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Re: Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

Post by Vesper Lybell »

As Vesper heads out to her very first Lunar New Year Celebration, she has no idea how lucky she will be. She makes a new acquaintance, eats all the food, and even finds a bunny! But it's when the monk approaches her with the prize money that she will never forget.

[ — Today at 6:15 PM: Vesper Lybell Rolled 1, 8 sided die: [6] : Total: 6]

Done! - Mallory
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Re: Lunar New Year: Spring Festival of the Rabbit!

Post by Akemi »


Akemi appeared at the Lunar New Year celebration in a favorite kimono, and eagerly set out to acquire one of the commemorative coins - and ended up with two! Somewhere between her first and second acquisitions, and on her way with her new friend Vesper to procure snacks, she had found a wayward rabbit...
Squish. Someone else may have sworn at that. But she just laughed and crouched down for a better look at the offending party who'd gotten filth on her geta. ... She carefully pulled a napkin out from under an overturned paper boat, using it to clean her sandal. In the process, she revealed a rabbit nibbling on the spilled treats. She locked eyes with it and smiled. As she was a predator by definition, it froze; but she meant it no harm. "Hello, little friend."

...once her geta were (reasonably) clean, she caught the rabbit and scooped it up. This may have been helped by the meal it had just stuffed itself with. "Oh, this one has a full tummy! Eeheehee."
Nexus Guide BOT — Yesterday at 9:47 PM Akemi Rolled 1, 8 sided die: [3] : Total: 3
Done! - Mallory
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