
A princess, a killer, and the (un)quiet cottage they call home.

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Post by Death Knell »

The signs we leave to mark the trail - messages, greetings, and warnings.

((Sending a letter or text or leaving a gift? Put it here!))
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Death Knell »

When Anya arrived at work, there was something waiting for her at her desk.

Red chrysanthemums for love, white carnations for purity and innocence in love, as well as good fortune.

No note was necessary.
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Kira Adia »

An envelope was sent to Ettyn at her Whitedown address. Inside was a map of Kira’s most up-to-date trails and supply caches, a listing of monster and other beast signs she’d spotted in her first surveys of the season, a pair of keys, and a letter.


Please excuse my absence from the hunting scene since my return to the City. I offer my campaign and subsequent work with Governor Karma as an excuse. I hope this gift remedies my lack, as I have used my recent purchase of the cabin in the Wilds as motivation to prepare for the coming season.

Please give one of the enclosed keys to Anya, and feel free to use my cabin when it is otherwise unused. It is warded and secured, and I keep it stocked with provisions and mild luxuries, so that it is always available when needed. All I ask is assistance in keeping it clean when you are there. I will handle restocking as needed.

The support of the de la Rose family has been an incalculable blessing in my time since arriving in the city. Know that House Adia will always stand beside and behind you both.

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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Death Knell »

A letter arrived for Kira after a few hours, in Whitedown stationery.


There is naught to be sorry for. I am grateful for the gift. You are a good friend. What is ours is open to you too.

I will tell Anya. I may fish there soon. The fishing is not quiet by our house and some times the water is dirty. The Tiamori is clean.

We will enjoy the hunting there too.

I am glad that we have helped you. Tell me if there is aught you need.

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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Layla Paine »

The message begins with a complaint from Layla's pre-teen sister, "—urry I need to get back to my dungeon.."

"I know, I'm sorry." came Layla, then a soft clank of something metal upon metal in the background.

"Come closer." Layla's voice picking up a little bit more now.

"Ettyn? I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it to our dinner plans this weekend. There's been an incident up north and I have to finish up here as soon as possible and head to the airport."

"Valentines day. Just ask her to take you out for Valen—.." the other voice spoke up and then was cut off due to the time limit of the message.
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Death Knell »

Text from Ettyn to Layla: wrhat time is your floight?
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Layla Paine »

Text from Layla to Ettyn: Snowstorm delay. Early in the morning.
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Death Knell »

Text to Layla: okayy. have a good flight i wil miss you
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Layla Paine »

Text to Ettyn: We can talk dinner plans when I get back. Be safe.
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Strawberry »

Dropped off at #2 Eventide Street in the Gloaming was a package addressed to Ettyn consisting of a plain white box with a purple ribbon and bow.

Within, a black body contouring dress;

And a note;

Saw this and thought of you. Can't wait to see how it looks!
Love, Karma

P.S. It has an armor enchantment!
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Death Knell »

Ettyn used Whitedown stationery to send her reply the next morning:


I needed something like this. I do not just mean the dress. Thank you.

I will send a picture when I wear it. It looks fun for dancing. Or we can go out and dance together.

- Ettyn
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Serenity Silverhand »

Last edited by Serenity Silverhand on Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Death Knell »

Before dawn, a reply had been sent to Serenity on Whitedown stationery. If such a thing was recognized, it was not in Ettyn’s minuscule scrawl, but in the long, broad strokes often affected by those who grew up in the low light of the Underdark.

Dear Serenity,

I hope that this letter finds you well and as unbothered by the nuisance of Corpse Flowers as your situation allows.

I am afraid that Ettyn is away on a hunt. As her friend and coworker, she has entrusted me with the weighty burden of reading and occasionally answering her mail at Whitedown Retreat. While she did not disclose the full details of her hunt to me (and I did not ask nor desire to know), she indicated that she would be away for at least one week from the evening of the 4th, that her hunt was in the Wilds, and that she would not return to RhyDin until the hunt was finished.

It may well be that her hunting party is either responsible for or pursuing the cause of the disturbances you described. In either case, I have very high hopes that the matter will be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties soon, except of course for the party that is whoever or whatever they are hunting.

If you wish, I can post your concerns to one of the ranger guilds Ettyn has worked with previously, or to Harper’s Hearth in the Wilds, so that it might reach her. I will not do so without your permission, but can arrange this, again, if you so wish. And speaking of wishes, I am

Wishing you all the best,

Agrippa Calaresh
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Serenity Silverhand »

Last edited by Serenity Silverhand on Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Druidcraft

Post by Layla Paine »

Text to Ettyn: Do you know of the summerglow caps in the Wilds? I was going to gather some for a special occasion but I've been confined to sitting due to a mishap.

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