Retirement of Cadentia

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Neo Eternity
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Retirement of Cadentia

Post by Neo Eternity »

Hello, everyone.

I have enjoyed my time as the Baron of Cadentia, but I am a guild leader before I am a duelist, and I have found that activity in my guild has undergone a substantial increase in activity that necessitates my full attention. It is possible that the activity may die down, but it is also possible that it might not. I could wait it out and let the title expire via inactivity if it does indeed turn out that I just stay busy for the foreseeable future, but I don't want to create a situation where I receive challenge while holding the ring and am unable to respond, necessitating the intervention of the Barons' Council. That would be a pain for everyone.

I heard that there is an All-Ranks Tournament tonight, which means if I retire the ring right now, it can be offered in the tournament, and you can find yourselves a new Baron immediately, leaving the title's vacancy less than 24 hours. Considering how messy things could get if I don't take this opportunity right now, I think this is the cleanest option, so I am retiring the Barony of Cadentia effective immediately. I have securely deposited the ring in the staff dropbox. Good luck to everyone who is vying for the ring tonight in the tournament.

I don't know when I'll become available again, but I wish you all the best. You're certainly welcome to visit us in New Prism. Take care, and I'll see you when I see you.
-- Neo Eternity
Seraphim Knights, Leader
Retired DoM Coordinator
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