A More Robust Freeform Turn-Based Combat Matrix
The goal here is to introduce a system I came up with a long time ago that allows for some flexibility in combat while also setting a clear and definite 'end of fight' guideline for freeform role-playing combat scenarios. It is more complicated and robust than the "roll a d20 to see if it hits" that is fairly common among here and other places. All combatants have a set amount of Health Points. I typically run 5 Health Points and combats are generally a decent length unless someone gets extremely lucky. A health pool of 10 can make combat long; which is good for intending a longer combat scenario. It's totally up to you.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Attack Phase:Combatant #1 rolls 1d20.
If the roll is less than or equal to 10; the attack misses.
If the roll is 1 (before modifiers) the attack not only misses, but you take an additional 0.5 damage on the opponent's next Attack Phase.
If the roll is greater than or equal to 11; the attack hits.
If the roll is 20 (before modifiers) the attack hits for 2 points of damage instead of 1.
***IC Reasoning for the additional damage taken on a 1 is generally assumed that your character failed so hard on their attack that they opened themselves up for a counter-attack from the opponent who can then not only counter; but follow through with their primary attack.***
Defense PhaseCombatant #2 can attempt to throw up a defense.
If the Defender decides to throw up a defense (optional) they may roll a 1d20.
If the roll is less than Combatant #1's Attack Roll (after modifiers), the defense fails and you take normal damage.
If the roll is more than Combatant #1's Attack Roll (after modifiers), the defense partially succeeds and absorbs half damage.
If the roll is a 1 (before modifiers), the defender takes double damage from the attack.
If the roll is a 20 (before modifiers) the defender nullifies a critical hit and receives normal damage from it.
***IC Reasoning for extra damage on a 1 is similar to that of the Attack Phase. You failed so hard at the defense you left yourself more vulnerable than you would have if you'd not attempted to defend yourself.***
Modifiers are used as follows:ATTACK PHASE: A successful attack during the Attack Phase grants +1 to your next attack, each additional successful attack grants and additional +1 to your attack roll up to +5 (including Defensive Phase bonus!) A failed attack reduces your modifier by 1.
DEFENSE PHASE: A successful roll during the Defense Phase grants a +1 to your next attack (up to +5) while a failed defense is a -1 penalty.
Suggestions are welcome! The system has changed a lot since its inception years ago! <3