Maggie, Amaris, and Desdenova are sponsoring the Everybody Prom at the Tranquility Ballroom – All are Welcome! Come stag, bring your honey, bring your crew, it's all good.

Pastel Pastries and Ariana's Divine Delights Bakery collaborated to bring these lovely yummies in rainbow flavors (raspberry/strawberry, orange, lemon, lime, blueberry, grape milk and dark chocolate)

Kitten's Confections, Bakery and Cafe will bring all these in amazing flavors of coffee, chocolate, mint, lavender and honey, orange, cherry, boysenberry and more!

The Theme is Rainbows! Our Lovely Gubner Karma will choose the Rainbow Rulers

The Prom will end at …2 am-ish.

After the prom, as is traditional… Hit up the IHOP for a pancake brekky! It’s not really an IHOP, it’s the rear grounds of the Tranquility Ballroom. But come have a sit, grab a stack and a cuppa joe while you’re waiting for your taxi or uber.

(The main thread's getting pretty crowded so, moving the Prom here. Woo! Post here or on the main thread, it's all good!