Bi&Bi at the B&B - Reading Queer Perspectives

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Death Knell
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Bi&Bi at the B&B - Reading Queer Perspectives

Post by Death Knell »

Come by Books and Brews in RhyDin's Old Market district to read books by LGBTQIA+ authors, and promoting queer perspectives! While this reading is available year round, for RhyDin Pride Week the bookstore has special promotions on all of these works. Books and Brews will also be facilitating customer donations to LGBTQIA+ organizations, as well as taking YOUR reading recommendations for their Reading Queer Perspectives list! These can be books, essays, comics, or other media.

And on Wednesday the 15th at 8:00 p.m., Ettyn will be there to share in her own recommendations, discuss with patrons, and serve pastries and drinks. Essays she has picked out that she feels represent her perspective include:

How I finally stopped wondering if I'm 'queer enough'
From One Bisexual to Another: A Personal Essay

She will also be doing a reading of the children's book Love, Violet by Charlotte Sullivan.

(( Please post your book, essay, and comic recommendations promoting and sharing LGBTQIA+ perspectives here! Or if you are more comfortable with it, my PMs and Discord DMs are open and I am happy to add entries for you. Please be respectful of Pride and those represented by the event. Thank you! ))
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Kira Adia
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Re: Bi&Bi at the B&B - Reading Queer Perspectives

Post by Kira Adia »

I’d like to add Itty Bitty Kitty Corn ( It’s not quite direct, but there is definitely a trans message in it.
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Re: Bi&Bi at the B&B - Reading Queer Perspectives

Post by Death Knell »

((Recommendations from Amaris' player!))

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Pansexual Pride: 7 Books with Pansexual Characters

((From the above reading list, I can personally vouch for Ship It by Britta Lundin, a wonderful book by a wonderful author!))
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Re: Bi&Bi at the B&B - Reading Queer Perspectives

Post by Death Knell »

((Recommendations from Sal's player! Thank you for writing these up.))


Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas - a YA urban fantasy about a transmasc Latinx teen who meets and falls in love with a ghost boy

Tarnished Are the Stars by Rosiee Thor - a YA Science Fiction adventure with a FLF main character and AroAce main character that uses precise terminology to make it abundantly clear the male character is AroAce

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - an urban fantasy about a woman who strikes a deal with an ancient deity and winds up essentially living forever, but forgotten, with explicit bi visibility in both her and the love interest characters

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe AND Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World - the first a coming of age story in which a young man struggles with personal identity and what it means to love, with a sequel that takes them to the next level of exploring what it means to love together and so much more


Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution by David Carter

Bi America: Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community by William E Burleson

A Queer History of the United States by Michael Bronski
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