Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

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Anya de la Rose
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Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

The fires have been lit, bright enough that Beltane revelers hardly need a guide to lead them to the site of the festivities. Still, those approaching the Wilds will be greeted by swaths of daffodils, illuminated to show the path to the roaring fires.

Nine small bonfires, spaced ten feet apart and each built of one of the sacred woods, mark the final approach to the clearing in the woods where the main fire burns. Birch, rowan, ash, alder, willow, hawthorn, oak, holly, and hazel, all gathered by the residents and druids of RhyDin, mingle in the central fire.

Visitors are invited to jump the flames or, for a safer option, offer a variety of herbs to the flame. Bundles of rosemary, frankincense, sage, or sandalwood have been made available for partygoers.

In the South of the clearing, a throne waits for the May Queen, with a smaller seat for their chosen attendant alongside.

Music filters through the trees with no clear origin, as clear on one side of the circle as another while unseen attendants keep drinks full and fires lit. Guests are invited to sample seasonal dishes, fresh spring fruit and of course, plenty of fae wine and wildling ale.

Wine-Poached Strawberries and Apricots
Mini Tomato Sandwiches with Bacon Mayonnaise
Deviled Potatoes
Ricotta Fava Toasts
Spring Panzanella
Mushroom Stuffed Phyllo Cups

((The fires will light on Saturday, May 7th at 9 PM ET in #the-deep-wilds channel on Discord. Feel free to post attendance, outfits and other messages in this thread!))
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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Strawberry »

The fires were hot and the veil was thin. But in the wake of her making-anniversary (aka birthday), she had done her best to tether herself to the physical realm, resisting the call of the blood in her veins. For now, at least. Though it was tempting to simply go the bodypaint route for the celebration's fire ceremony, Karma cobbled together a closet-assisted ensemble befitting the evening. Sure, it didn't leave a lot to the imagination, but what else was new?

No shoes though. Shoes just didn't seem to suit Beltane.
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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Death Knell »

The celebration of the Fires of Beltane was something that Mallory had attended each of the last five years, at least for a little while; and at least once she'd helped to officiate; but today it happened to fall on the first birthday of one Midori Maeda. In the end, she deferred her responsibilities to a friend of a friend, a Wildling she had heard understood the importance of Beltane and the changing of the seasons.

Ettyn picked a pale green dress appropriate for the season, something to stand out against her dark hair and ashen gray complexion; and rather than wear her hair loose, at least started the evening with it gathered in braids, secured with a rock-rose-and-thistle hair piece:

The slit of her dress allowed freedom of movement (all the better for dancing and leaping the fires), though she started the evening at least more solemn than she had been last year. Wildness still dwelled in her heart, but first there was a Queen to crown.
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Alexia Longbow
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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Alexia Longbow »

It was that time of year again. So much had happened. So many things had changed. But one thing remained constant. She glanced at the matching outfits that hung in the small closet in the studio apartment and smiled. She and her love were sure to look amazing and have a wonderful time. The last Ontari reached for the delicate whispy dress and quickly changed.




Shoes were not even considered. Her hair, surprisingly, hung cooperatively down her back in silky smooth half curls/half waves.
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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

Yuzuki was ready after recieving the message. In fact, it was surprisingly the delinquent's first Beltane in spite of having been born and raised in Rhy'Din! She was still thrifty, and reused a dress from a special occasion the previous year.

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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Angelic »

Whitedown found itself well represented for luxury and decadence with the appearance of Angel, a popular and always impeccably dressed face of the company. He forewent the usual three piece suits for the evening, and donned a soft white and royal purple toga with golden embroidery and a flower crown made of fragrant flowers and herbs, seemingly hand crafted by the pale man himself.

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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Senka Tihomir »

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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by BardGallant »

One of Rhydin's former Governors, current Minister of Culture, Baron and Hero of Dragon's Gate, Sheridan "Dris" Driscol was of course in attendance. Just like the night before, he arrived on the arm of his handsome life partner, the Minister of Technology and Squire of New Haven, Rhys Germain. For this event, the bard had chosen a casual, pirate-y style to wear.

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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Rhys Germain »

Rhys had gone with head-to-toe black, with much of his ensemble made of leather. Completing his roguish look was the White Rapier of New Haven, worn at his hip.

He stuck close to Dris the entire night, grey eyes bright in the firelight.

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Re: Beltane 2022: The Fires of Beltane

Post by Reign »

Reign came for the food and drink but stayed for the dancing and firejumping.
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