Beltane 2022: Announcing the May Queen

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Anya de la Rose
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Beltane 2022: Announcing the May Queen

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Beltane 2022: Announcing the May Queen

Partygoers will find their first stop via the waystone outside of the Golden Perch Inn. This shortcut into the Wilds deposits travelers at Harper’s Hearth, where the keepers have set out signature cocktails and light hors d’oeuvres to ease the wait.

Guests are encouraged to enjoy the refreshments but not miss their chance to board one of the carriages that will bring them further into the Wilds, and eventually to the Crystal Chasm. The paths the carriages follow have been lined with fairy lights, allowing glimpses into the dark wilderness and the spring flowers that bloom there in the shadow of ancient trees.

At the Crystal Caverns, the fairy lights give way to a single monolithic crystal summoned to the mouth of the caves for one night only. The stone glows with an inner light, illuminating the clearing outside the entrance to the caverns, and extending a short distance into the caves themselves where smaller crystals pick up the light and glitter at the edge of vision. The name of the May Queen will appear on the large crystal’s faces when the choice is made.

Desserts from Nicole’s Bistro are available at the Naming Ceremony, as are beverages from The Golden Perch Inn, and specialty coffee drinks from Endless Nights Cafe.

Death by Chocolate ala Colleen
One of Colleen MacLeod's fudge brownies with chocolate chips, a scoop of chocolate ice cream topped with dark or milk chocolate flavored whipped cream, drizzled with chocolate syrup and topped with chocolate shavings.
Greek Baklava
Chocolate-Amaretto Semifreddo

Specialty Coffees

((The live event kicks off Friday, May 6th at 8 PM ET in the #crystal-chasm channel on Discord. The queen's name will be revealed at 9 PM ET. Feel free to post board only attendance, outfits, and other messages in this thread!))
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Re: Beltane 2022: Announcing the May Queen

Post by Death Knell »

Ettyn wore a nice but light and roomy romper for the naming, something to take advantage of the nicer, warmer air that would come with the celebration of spring. She knew the Crystal Chasm to be secure, but just in case, she'd wound a length of planar silk into a small braid in her hair like a ribbon - a handy demiplanar trove of weapons in case of trouble from the tunnels around the chasm!

She wasn't counting on it, though, and attuned her vigilant senses not to the creatures of the Wilds, but to chasing down the tiramisu.
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Re: Beltane 2022: Announcing the May Queen

Post by BardGallant »

It was the prequel to the premier event of the season, and of course the Minister of Culture, Sheridan "Dris" Driscol, Baron and Hero of Dragon's Gate, was in attendance! Dressed in romantically casual rock star chic, the bard was accompanied by his life partner, Minister of Technology and Squire of New Haven, Rhys Germain.

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Re: Beltane 2022: Announcing the May Queen

Post by Rhys Germain »

Rhys couldn’t pull off the romantic look that his partner Dris could, so when he arrived at the Chasm for the Naming ceremony, he was wearing something more utilitarian. He had paired his medieval-styled leather coat with a simple knit top, waxed denim moto jeans, and steel-toed boots.

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Re: Beltane 2022: Announcing the May Queen

Post by Amaris »

Amaris decided to dress up a little this year

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