Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

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Winter Pearl
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Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Winter Pearl »

To the Honorable Overlord Hana Sasaki,

By virtue of the grant I earned in the recent All Ranks Tournament, I challenge you for the right to hold the title of Overlord. If it is agreeable, I would like to meet you at a restaurant of your choice to discuss the particulars.

Pearl Fand Ilnaren
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Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 5 days of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within two weeks (14 days) of validation.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Hana Sasaki »

Accepted. I'm taking my niece to Pizza Pals tomorrow at around 4:30ish. Feel free to meet me there to discuss the challenge details.

- Hana
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Winter Pearl
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Winter Pearl »

Hana and I will be meeting in the ring on Friday, 15 Apr at 9:30 PM by the Eastern clock. The delightful Max Lager will be officiating for us.

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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Overlord Challenge Menu


Barbecue Chicken

both pure beef patties and vegan patties available

Hot Dogs

Marinated, Grilled Portobello Caps

A full dress-your-meats station is available with a wide variety of toppings and condiments, including cooked bacon, fried onions, and three types of cheese, plus the usual items like lettuce, tomato, and sliced onion, with extra barbecue sauces and relishes for the chicken and hot dogs.


Freshly-made brioche burger buns and hot dog buns

Freshly-made brioche rolls


Corn on the Cob

Potato Salad

Baked Beans

Mac and Cheese

Chips and Dip
plain, barbecue, and sour cream & onion flavored potato chips, with French onion and ranch dips

Crudités and Dip
both raw and lightly steamed vegetables, with hummus, ranch, and green goddess dips


Fruit Salad

Apple Cobbler
with vanilla, caramel ripple, or cinnamon ice creams

S’mores Bars

Sakura Eclairs

Catering for the night’s challenge is provided by Kitten’s Confections Bakery & Café and Divine Delights Bakery, with special thanks to the Matadero Meat Company and Wegman Family Farms.
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Max Lager
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Max Lager »

I got to call tonight's Overlord Challenge between Pearl and Hana!

Pearl's colors are blue and silver with her banner being a unicorn on a blue background.

Her Court of Honor is her husband, Velen Ilnaren, her parents Dennis and Rhiannon Harker, and her grandmother, Colleen MacLeod, with fer Seconds as Velen Ilnaren and her sister, Maggie Harker.

Our Overlord Hana's banner depicts two moons overlapping. One side is black with the other white to represent new and full moons. Her second is her squire Reign and her Person of Honor is her wife, Yuki!

Hana elected to have things be a single shot this evening so the two got straight into a ring to test their steel!

They both opened with a trade of thrusts, and looked to be mirroring each other in the following round, but in the third it was Pearl's dancers background that had her avoiding Hana's Swallow Slash and taking a point lead over the Overlord. With a trade in the following round and then a cut that reached Hana before she could avoid it, Pearl was at match point in the fifth round. Closing things out with a solid thrust in the end, Pearl becomes the 124th Overlord in Duel of Swords! Congratulations Pearl and well reigned Hana!

FINAL: Winter Pearl def. Hana Sasaki, 5 - 2 in 6 rounds.

As there's a new Overlord, this can bring new alignments!
So far I believe we have Battlefield Park staying Renegade (Baron Salvador Delahada).
Seaside is staying Loyal (Baron Droet).
New Haven is staying Loyal (Baron Eregor).

If I've posted something in error, please let me to so I can correct it!

P.S. the catered eats this evening were delicious!
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by BardGallant »

My dear cousin Pearl,

Congratulations on your victorious challenge last night and becoming the 124th Overlord of the Duel of Swords! Regretfully, I was unable to attend in person due to prior engagements involving excessive gambling and roller coaster rides. I’m sure you understand. Rhys and I are very proud of you, and it would be my absolute honor to serve under you as Baron with the same amount of love and support that I afforded Lady Sasaki before you. That is to say, for the official record, Dragon’s Gate is pleased to align Loyal to Overlord Pearl Fand Ilnaren. May your reign be long and prosperous.

Faithfully yours,

Sheridan “Dris” Driscol
Baron of Dragon’s Gate
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Mira Burke »


On a personal note, I want you to know how absolutely impressed I was with your victory over Hana. Having fought her not so long ago during my bid for Dragon's Gate, I can say from experience that she is a terribly tough nut to crack. We haven't interacted the most, but by-and-large, I believe you to be of excellent character and skill level. I'm very proud to call you my Overlord.

That being said...

It was very well known that I had (and still have) the utmost respect for your father-in-law Ebon when he was the 122nd Overlord during my first reign as Baroness of Dockside. Despite that, I chose renegade... not because of any ill-will or malice, but because I believe that people should be ready to fight their own battles and shoot their shot. I offer that same level of respect to you. To gain my loyalty, if you desire it, you'll need to beat me when I challenge you for your title. Until that day, Dockside will remain renegade.

All the best,
Demon Lord Emiria Burke
Baroness of Dockside and Holder of ShadoWeaver
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Reign »

You're good stock. Got no reason to be anything other than Loyal. So if you'll have it, Old Market will be Loyal.

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Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Challenge for Overlord - ART Grant

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

To the Overlord and Duel of Swords community:

Myria Graziano has failed to declare an alignment within the allotted timeframe.

Thus, it is now the Overlord's duty to declare an alignment for Old Temple.

Alasdair Galloway
Duel of Swords Head Coordinator
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Winter Pearl
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Alignment of Old Temple

Post by Winter Pearl »

While I would have preferred Myria to choose her own alignment, I will be aligning Old Temple's current Baron as Renegade. I have no ill will toward her and have a great deal of respect for her skills. Provided Myria is successful in defending her barony against Tass Momus and I am still Overlord, I will gladly grant a petition for Loyalty from her at that time should she wish it. In the interests of transparency, Tass, the first holder of the ring when it was given the name of the district of Old Temple, is my grandfather.

Pearl Fand Ilnaren
124 Overlord
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