Party on Overlord Isle!

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Party on Overlord Isle!

Post by Delahada »

After the fights tonight in the IFL Gardens, everybody is invited to the Overlord Isle for an overnight rager that will include catering from an assortment of local pizza places, the Burger Shake Shack, and barbecued beef and pork from the Matadero Meat Company! Come on out to party hard with members of team Deathcake. Other IFL team members may even be there, too. This could be the best time to get autographs from all your favorites (yes, even Salvador Delahada) in celebration of Dueler Appreciation Week! Goblins will be scurrying about serving drinks of all varieties, though it may not be clear where precisely a centralized bar area may be. Stay the night in any of the several rooms available in the Overlord mansion itself, or camp out on the beach! Did somebody say music? Who knows where that DJ came from, but the beats will be dropping all night long! Rumor has it also that there will be a near unending supply of hand grenades and firecrackers available to make the night even more explosively entertaining! Handle at your own risk.

(( Inspiration comes from Runt and his pool parties. Feel free to drop a line or two here to include your participation, especially if you want your character to be available for autographs. Or vapor to your heart's content. Have fun with it! But as always, please respect the setting -- Overlord Isle -- and each others' characters. :D ))
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Re: Party on Overlord Isle!

Post by Runt »

Runt was there! Feasting, signing, canon-balling, roaring, and available for photos! He also roared while Lilthinnia set off all the fireworks and explosives she could.
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Re: Party on Overlord Isle!

Post by Droet the Bold »

The tiefling went to the party to eat, drink, and be merry! Still feeling the high from his five-turn shutout in IFL this week, Droet grinned and danced with those DCK fans that turned up. Later he helped try to reduce the stockpile of grenades, blowing up stretches of water after setting off fireworks to frighten away the smarter underwater denizens.
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Re: Party on Overlord Isle!

Post by BardGallant »

Giddy and astounded to learn that Salvador Delahada, of all people, was throwing a party on Overlord Isle, Dris absolutely had to be there! He brought his (newly bought) autograph book with him and spent the entire evening hunting down all the IFL stars he could possibly find to get their signatures added to his collection. Poor Rhys, of course, got dragged along with him.
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Rhys Germain
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Re: Party on Overlord Isle!

Post by Rhys Germain »

It had been easy for Dris to convince Rhys to come with him to Overlord Isle for the party, even with work in the morning. One pleading look from those baby blues and he was a goner. Though Rhys left the autograph hunting to his partner, he spent plenty of time chatting with IFL stars and engaging some of them in drinking games. Later, he was front and center when things began exploding, and his mad-bastard laughter echoed up the beach along with the booms.
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Re: Party on Overlord Isle!

Post by Kruger »

Kruger had left Nikolai sleeping amongst the kittens when he left the tower that night after celebrating Rachael’s cake day. It was late, but he’d heard that the party on Overlord Island was going to be an overnighter. He’d paid a small fortune to the boatman at the docks to ferry him across to the island. There was no awkward feeling as he made his way to the party, he was the Squire to the Overlord, and it might be expected to have him in attendance. Heck, who was going to watch Sal’s back if not for his squire? He’d had to stop on the way to purchase a new marker, out of pocket this time… He may have taken a massive chunk out of the team budget when he bought all those cowbells. The guys as Sharpee were far more generous than the marketing department of ACME Cowbells LTD.

All night he was quick with a drink and even quicker with a signature. He’d won a tough fight and wanted to celebrate a little...or a lot. He’d even tried to invent a distance toss competition when the hand grenades came out.
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Re: Party on Overlord Isle!

Post by Partly Cloudy »

The gatito had been tickled pink when Salvador announced he was having a party on Overlord Isle and that everyone was invited. He came over from the Garden with his teammates and the Overlord himself, and remained right in the thick of the action for most of the evening, hanging out with his friends and chatting with fans who came to say hello. He ended up in lots of selfies over the course of the night and signed a lot of autograph books and cocktail napkins, and even a body part or two.

When he needed a break from socializing, he slipped into his clouded leopard form and headed down to the beach, where he chased crabs and other beach wildlife across the sands and crashed into the cold waves after some of the braver fish. Fans who approached him while he was in his fur received a feline version of his autograph: a muddy paw print. And for those who stuck around until after he’d changed back, he made sure to sign each of those prints with his fighting name, Gatito Lindo.

He was back on two legs in time for the more explosive portion of the evening and eagerly joined Kruger in seeing who could throw a grenade farthest.
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