A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

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Mira Burke
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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by Mira Burke »

Three is better than two, right? Mira also was with Kira and Ellie, in a rush job Gothic Lolita outfit put together by her huntress's retainer tailor. If Ellie was Kira's right hand tonight, Mira would be her left, ensuring that her injured beau would wont for nothing at the party... and enjoy it for herself!

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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by BardGallant »

The Double Dukes Drhys return! Last year the tour through Battlefield Park had not been nearly as spooky as Dris had imagined it would be. In fact, he had such a fun time that he was eager to attend with Rhys for a second year in a row! After having spent the past year being better educated on Disney movies, thanks to Rhys, they had picked the perfect couples’ costumes for this most spectacularly spooky outing, too.

With the help from a magnificent tailor and Rhys’ amazing glamour skills, Dris had donned a slim fitting striped suit that made him look thinner and taller than he actually was. His curls were trimmed and tamed into a straighter, more emo style, then transformed from black to stark, skull white! It was more than makeup that helped his face take on a more skeletal look, too, so that he could become the complete personification of Tim Burton’s Jack Skellington to match his counterpart, Rhys, who fashioned himself up as a gender swapped version of Jack’s companion Sally!

Last year they had taken a carriage ride, and so this year they had chosen to flip things around to travel on foot instead. After checking out their dear friend gatito’s shop in New Haven, they took The Path of Hushed Whispers and enjoyed a leisurely arm-in-arm stroll through the haunted woods. With them was their faithful hound Gussie, upon whom they had draped a very large white sheet to help her perfect her role as Zero. A little bit more glamour from Rhys worked wonders there as well.

Naturally, they found their curiosities piqued and wound up in the Vistani camp. Dris politely accepted a reading from the (in)famous Raven Lady, and the pair of them lingered long enough to accept the camp’s hospitality. As soon as they could excuse themselves again without it seeming rude, they got back on the path and continued onward to their planned destination.

Remembering their visit with Maeve MacHenry from the year before, Dris insisted they take the left course hallway again to climb the tower in hopes of meeting up with her for a reunion. They were quite surprised to encounter a pair of spectral children instead! That did not dissuade them from being friendly, however, and embarking on their quest to tackle every challenge the tower put before them.

By the time they had helped find Walter, rescue him, and escaped the tower, they were exhausted! The famous couple all but collapsed into a pair of chairs in the dining hall to feast. Here is where they spent much of their time socializing with anyone else they knew, and allowing other guests to spoil Zero (we mean Gussie) as much as they did. Once their bellies were full and they could not stop yawning between every other word, they excused themselves in search of a (mostly) quiet bedroom to crash in together. Before they left in the morning, they of course stopped to eat breakfast, and thanked their hosts for another memorable good time.

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Rhys Germain
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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by Rhys Germain »

Rhys was there with Dris, dressed as the gender-bent Sally (or Sammy!) to his Jack Skellington.

((Placeholder until I can write more!))
((Amazing cosplay by michishigemasumi.))
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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Building upon the look he’d sported while at the Ito wedding, the gatito arrived at Battlefield Park dressed as the Purple One.

(More coming soon.)
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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by Dr. Jeremiah Vedryn »


I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.

It was the thought which replayed again and again in his head as he arrived at the Armory and found it such an exquisite hunting ground. He could feel the energy of the dead about the place, and it called to the darkest parts of him, those kept hidden away deep within the slumbering sepulcher of his darkest secrets and abilities were only music boxes played. But by all means…pay the plastic surgeon masquerading as a yuppie wall street executive, Patrick Bateman, disguised as a psychopathic serial killer no mind as he casually stalked through the druid filled woods with an axe. Ostensibly meant for Paul Allen, the instrument could just as easily be used on one of their many sacred trees. The surgeon could never quite escape the need to cut.

He paid the druids little attention and silently ignored their hallucinogenic offerings. He needed no help in that department. Not tonight. Rather than run, Dr. Jeremiah Vedryn would walk…would hunt…the path to the Druid King’s camp and the boisterous party which awaited there.

Surprisingly, the good doctor actually relished Halloween. It was a night when one’s true self could surface under the guise of a costume and be liberated. He would mingle at the camp for a time, converse with other celebrants and otherwise occupy his time and hunger.

Is that a raincoat?” Would be met with an overtly and overly cheerful “Yes it is!”

“So what do you do?”

I’m into murders and executions mostly.” Vedryn’s predictable answer came with a carved smile cut into the perfectly proportional planes of his face before he would clarify and reveal his true profession. Well…the one revealed on his bone-colored business cards inked in Silian Rail of course. A plastic surgeon with a new office here in Rhydin. It might seem an odd place, what with all the perfect people who littered this world, to open an office that created perfection. But you can always be thinner, look better. And of course, there were those here who might seek to be free of their magic…and he was more than happy to remove that burden with a nip and tuck.

But when a delectably unique scent caught his attention, made his nostrils flare, and pulled the surgical precision of his gaze towards the pumpkin carving area, he was quick to divorce himself from the current conversation. “I’m sorry. You’re not terribly important to me.” And he was off to find the source of what had so distracted…attracted…him.

The scent led him to the pumpkin carving station and here he would join in the practice. Dr. Vedryn needed no carving instrument for he came prepared with his own set of scalpels and used them to cut and carve into the flesh of a particular pumpkin. The clean lines excised the orange skin of the rotund vegetable, and all was going as planned until he was jostled from the rear, bumped into and the blade slipped. Perfection was ruined and he tore the flesh and innards out by hand in a rare, if not violent, display of anger…rage. Best it be exorcised on the pumpkin than the one who had ruined his creation.

“Don’t you just hate having your hand in the guts?” A random passerby asked.

“No.” Feeling his fingers seized around the stringy orange mess of seeds and guts. “I don’t.” The pumpkin was ruined by his hands, the imperfection of his carving smashed beyond all recognition alongside, and hidden by, the other revelers.

A look to his watch, a Rolex of course (don’t touch it!), and it was time to depart. The alluring scent had faded, left the armory and it was his to follow. A music box awaited her…once he had found her and finished with her.

But first he had to return some videotapes.

**All italicized lines are quotes from the movie American Psycho**
Last edited by Dr. Jeremiah Vedryn on Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by Reign »

After celebrating her sister's birthday, Reign made sure to sneak out to attend the Wake. This year, Hipster Ariel was out and pink-tinged skeleton was in.

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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by Lilith Anderson »

The Andersons loved a good couple's costume. Thus came Kim Possible (Andrea) and Shego (Lilith) together to the night's festivities. They didn't stay long, mostly just long enough for some food and a copious amount of alcohol before nabbing some treats, taking the Howl at the Moon Trip on the way out and all the way back home.

Well, I looked my demons in the eyes
laid bare my chest, said "Do your best, destroy me.
You see, I've been to hell and back so many times,
I must admit you kind of bore me."

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Re: A Wake for All Saints 2 (Board Event)

Post by Strawberry »

The winner of the individual costume contest was Ellie Luisante. The winners of the couples costume contest was a repeat win with Dris and Rhys taking home the crown once more! All 3 winners took home a golden pumpkin trophy and a 200 silver gift certificate each, redeemable at any store in the Twilight Market.

((Winners chosen by dice roll

Thank you once more to everyone who participated!))
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