Checking the Pulse

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

Moderators: Patrick, Mallory, Eri Maeda

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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Saori Sato »

Saori too waited just outside throughout the day, finding a bench down the street to sit for a while waiting to be a new aunt along with Mai. After the announcement she stuck around to help with the delivery of the food and to wait her her turn to visit the mothers and the baby Midori once they were sufficiently rested.
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by PrlUnicorn »


A note written in elegant script accompanied identical spa baskets for the new mothers and two bundles for the new arrival

Mallory and Eri,

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. May she enjoy many years of happiness and good health.

With love,

Colleen MacLeod and family
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Morgan LaLuna
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Morgan LaLuna »

Morgan arrived bright and early to see mum and baby, Staying long enough to get a peek at Midori and give his best to Mallory before he left quietly. He did not seem to like how bossy the witch woman Agatha was, but certainly gave her a wide berth. That's a scary lady, yo.

He departed in a rush when he did go, claiming to be late for a meeting and saying he had the best present he could think of on the way for Mallory.
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Sylista Ravenwood
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Sylista Ravenwood »

It had been a while since Sylista had seen Mallory, but word travels fast in Rhy’din and the two women had discussed children before everything changed. It felt important that well wishes were paid.

She didn’t stay long, opting to leave her gift on a counter instead of moving too far inside. Inside a simple box tied with a pale yellow and green ribbon sat a set of statement necklaces made of medical grade silicone on top of a pastel-coloured quilted blanket covered in stars, the stitching throughout appeared to look like vines.

A letter in a small envelope sat between the two items:
Mallory and Eri,

Congratulations! My only real advice is to take naps when you can and utilize help offered to you.

The necklaces are for teething, which will save you some headache when that time comes. The blanket is to tribute Mallory’s current titles in the sports: stars for Archmage, vines for Pathfinder. I hope the little one likes it.

All the best,
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

The following note arrived Sunday from Stardreamer Manor:

To Mallory & Eri,

Heartiest congratulations for Midori's birth! We hope you enjoy the precious memories that come with watching your child grow! May you both have the love and patience to be the best of mothers for her!

While we're sure you are being flooded with gifts right now, there are some things we know that, as parents of a newborn, you can never really have too much. As such, please accept this gift of a supply of cloth diapers, as well as a roll-out storage rack, which will keep the diapers out of the way but easily available.

Warmest wishes!
Ebon & Phen Ilnaren

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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

When Yuzuki arrived to pay a visit to the Maedas and to meet Midori, she brought along a gift of a number of photographs of Mallory around the Kabuki Street School over the previous year. She had arranged them in sequence throughout the year over the various trimesters! She made sure to bring some gifts for the baby Maeda as well. A baby blanket, and a folded cotton belt to use for her distant future karate gi.

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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

When Yuzuki heard Asami's request for dinner Saturday night - "I want the dinner for thank-you-day", she had to think for a moment. She wasn't certain if it'd be easy to find a whole turkey in the supermarket section of Jusco this time of year. So the two of them packed a bag and got into Yuzu's black SUV for another weekend trip to Overlook. True to the promise rendered by the staff when she called, a full thanksgiving dinner was delivered to the suite where they stayed (minus cranberry sauce for Asami's portion, with additional meat! ).

Yuzuki made sure to bring along some movies for them to watch while they had their room service turkey with all the trimmings feast, and they enjoyed the huge bath later in the evening. Yuzuki elected to remain for Sunday, exploring some of the wilderness paths and high mountain trails around the vicinity.

(plotted with Asami's player! )
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Haku Kubo »

Summer Concert Schedule and Dates

- Friday, July 22nd
Meet & Greet
- Saturday, July 23rd
Live Concert
Talent Search Finalists Announcement
- Sunday, July 24th
Live Concert
Summer Rankings Celebration
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Reira Tanaka
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Reira Tanaka »

Rappapa Group Text: there's a rumor going around the school about strange lights at the shrine Wednesday night
Rappapa Group Text: did anyone see anything because must have missed it?
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

Rappapa Group Text: I thought I saw something over there when I was walking Koro. I thought it was just shrimps playing with fireworks.
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Hana Sasaki »

The Zama Shrine releases the special limited edition Rabbit Guardian pin!
Donate to the shrine during your visit to receive one!

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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

Yuzuki stopped by the Shrine on Thursday night, donating and picking up her special edition Rabbit Guardian pin. By the time she came home to visit Asami, she had also stopped by the beach to visit with Ettyn and Anya's spaniel, Ginger. When she paused to pet Koro the little dog was eager to sniff at her hands, detecting the smell of the other dog.
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Raven Sparrow
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Raven Sparrow »

This Friday night on KabukiTV!

Friday Night Fright Fest
A Frightful 13th! The Slasher Returns!

It's time to say "Oooh Jason, tell me what you're chasin'!" as your mistress of fright returns to Camp Kaiju Lake for another Friday the 13th marathon! Enjoy over 7 hours of slashtacular thrills and kills!

The marathon starts at 8:00 PM starting with Friday the 13th and continues on well into the night as we slash through Part 2 through 4 after!

Our phone lines will be open to take calls during the special — so be sure to report anything paranormal!

OOC Note: It might be surprising to viewers as Raven will be casting aside her gothic scream queen attire for the evening and wearing one fitting the setting. With a "Camp Kaiju Councilor" t-shirt and shorts, she will be playing the role of a possible victim as she tries to escape the clutches of a mysterious masked killer.
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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

On Sunday the 7th, Yuzuki and Asami returned from their honeymoon trip at a tropical island. Yuzuki, who was sporting a new summer tan in the middle of fall, was eager to greet her friends and to give out the presents the couple had bought for their Rappapa teammates during their trip.

For Reira: a sea glass bracelet

For Tomo: a driftwood dolphin carving

For Kaho: a LED lighted palm tree lamp

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Re: Checking the Pulse

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

It was just past lunch time when Yuzuki, with the help of Kaho carried the cart up the steps at the Rappapa Headquarters over the dojo. She had made certain to tell Asami, Tomo, and Reira the time for the traditional Rappapa thanksgiving meal several times so there would be no mistake! Though the Brassband Club had spent their previous Thanksgiving meal at the Satos, this year Yuzuki had become sentimental and wished to relive the first Thanksgiving the five had spent at their club room.

As she began setting out the plates and carving the turkeys, the meal was just the same, containing all the trimmings. The one marked difference is that when preparing Asami's plate the gate guardian didn't bother to put any cranberry sauce on it! They even had an old TV on a rolling cart just like the one from the club room. In fact, it probably was the very same TV as Yuzu was still as much a packrat as ever. Once the dinner was served and the candles lit, Kaho was quick to pick up the remote and begin searching for something to watch while Rappapa enjoyed their feast.
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