Let none among you be destined to any particular journey but rather let you tread the path of your heart.
- Ferghalicous, Hermit Wizard of the Isle
Ferghalicous, Hermit Wizard of the Isle, calls upon the champions to imbue their wondrous items, but recognizes that these powers would be ineffective if granted to incompatible wielders, and has requested that the Outback provide both the means and methods through which to trade these tangible essences amongst themselves.
(( Important Information: Reply to this thread to trade essences and redeem them (imbue your item).
You must have ten (10) essences from a single (1) “Opal” before you can redeem/imbue an item. Generic essences are considered “wild” and can be used to supplement any Opal, but you must have at least one (1) specific essence (for example, at least one (1) FireStar essence) to imbue an item; 10 generic essences will not work. For example: an item may be imbued with FireStar if the character/pair has 7 FireStar and 3 generic essences, but may not be if the character/pair has 6 FireStar, 1 IceDancer, and 3 generic essences.
In order for a trade to be considered complete and tracked, both characters must reply to this thread, agreeing to the trade in separate replies. Characters working in declared pairs will be considered to have the same essence pool to trade from. Either character may post or accept trades for essences, or redeem essences/imbue items; if it is posted the assumption shall be that both partners agreed to the potential trade/imbuement. You are not required to trade essences 1:1; if you have in-demand essences you can trade 2:1 or for even greater “profits” if you wish! If a character is donating/giving an essence to another character that they are not in a partnership with, the giver must post but it does not need to be accepted by the recipient.
In order to redeem essences/imbue the character’s item, please write a short story post (as short as a sentence or as long as you want) reflecting that one of the event wizards (or the storied Ferghalicous himself!) is imbuing the item with the specific Opal benefit you’re seeking to add to the item. If successful (i.e. you have enough essences), the redeemed benefit will be reflected on the tracker. For example: Arganon found one of the wizards sleeping in the back room of the Outback and nudged him awake before presenting his FireStar essences in a small pouch. “Please empower my book, kind sir!” he requested.
The tracker is available here: Tri-Sport Essences Tracker. ))