Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

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Yuzuki Kuwabara
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Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

On Friday July 2 Yuzuki Kuwabara is hosting the Cadentia Desert Landsailing Race. Teams and individuals are welcome to register at the Cadentia Barony Manor. Race craft can be manufactured, built from kits or entirely hand built. The only rule is that all craft must be powered only by sail and prevailing wind without other assistance.


The race will take place along a defined course on the flats beyond the oasis. The winner will take home the grand trophy!


Of course spectators are welcome to come and join the celebration as well, and a bartender will be on duty.

( the desert landsailing race is a board based event. feel free to post entry and pics here! a winner will be picked by random number generator)
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Yuzuki Kuwabara
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

In addition to the grand trophy, a prize of 10,000 silver nobles will go to the winner to be presented at the after race celebration!
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Veeda »

After signing up for the race Veeda would say to her love, "I promise to behave." while closing her eyes and pursing her lips.

Behave, in this sense, was a matter of not channeling the wind and sand to give more advantage to their sail during the race.
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Static Rest »

Olaf's fans had been seen out and about lately -- including Olaf's biggest fan, who was also a fan of Yuzuki's!

The Biggest Fan showed up on a giant pair of skis, worn backwards, and when the race commenced, simply switched himself on and started to propel himself across the race course. The oscillating function could be used for turns in a pinch, but proved cumbersome!
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

"Now this takes me back quite a few years." Ebon's broad smile practically shone bright as the sun and made plain his enjoyment as he and Velen put their desert vessel together. It was a two-man skiff, one in front to steer and the other behind to man the sail that caught the hot winds to propel it across the flats. There was a single wheel at the front and a pair on an axle behind, the triangular design lending both stability and maneuverability. "Before I ever passed through the Nexus, when I living in Rahyim among the dwarves of the Khasin, sandsailers not unlike this were the best way to travel across the dunes."

"I remember you telling us stories growing up," Velen replied. Though hailing from a divergent timeline, the younger man found it easier to refer to the father of his birth and the father he knew now as the same man. "All the different styles, the great sails billowing out, colorful banners flying in the wind."

Pulling a line tight, Ebon checked it and then turned to his son. "All sizes, too, from solo skimmers to great yachts of the desert. Of course, they were somewhat different. Runners like sleds, rather than wheels, to better glide over the sand. The flats close to the city are harder, more compact." He checked Velen's work and nodded in satisfaction. "I believe we are ready for Saturday!"

Velen, in the stern seat, sat back and drew a deep breath. "I can't wait!"
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Delahada »

The Baron of Old Market, Salvador Delahada, showed up in Cadentia to take part in the land sailing race. Yuzuki was a friend and teammate of both him and the young man known as gatito. It was probably no surprise to anyone that they arrived together, but they did bring two separate land crafts with them. Building a pair of boats would have taken Salvador too much time, and he had plenty of money to spend besides. Instead of competing as a pair, the Spaniard and his companion had decided to race against each other. A little friendly competition between them was certain to make it more fun.

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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Partly Cloudy »

To no one’s surprise, the young man called gatito arrived in Cadentia with Salvador, eager to participate in the land sailing race. The craft he’d brought with him was small and lightweight, its sail marked with a flag of fiery orange. To hear him tell it, it was a superior craft.

He also seemed to think he would be the superior racer, if only by virtue of being smaller and more aerodynamic.

In addition to competition, he seemed to take delight in smack talk, and later, once the race was underway, the wind was full of his laughter.

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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Mairead Harker »


Maggie took part in the landsailing race. There was something to be said for the temporary solitude that it could offer her.
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by BardGallant »

Dris & Rhys attended as promised. With the help of the apprentices at Etude and the boys at Classic Customs, the latest dueling power couple put together a retro style land craft with wheels and sails. They competed as a team.

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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Penny Escobar »

“Okay, so this is a wagon sail. And I promise that people use these for actual travel and it’s not a coffin on wheels, no matter what it looks like.”

Patrick, still listening, bent to poke his head inside the well of the wagon to check out the steering mechanism.

“It’ll be a tight fit, but I figured you wouldn’t mind that too much.” Penny gave the pilot an amused smirk as he lifted his head with a grin.

“You know me so well, babe,” Patrick crooned, pushing himself fully upright to walk with Penny around the ‘coffin on wheels’ as she gestured at the sails attached to the mast.

“I figure I can man the sails, and since you always boast that you can drive just about anything—“

“Definitely anything,” Patrick interjected. He was as unassuming as a man could be, but racing was in his blood. He didn’t have to be the best, all that mattered was the thrill of the ride. And now he got to share the experience with Penny… He couldn’t be more excited about the prospect.

Penny’s smirk shifted into a proud smile as her brown eyes drank him in. “No matter the race placement, it’s sure to be an adventure. You in?”

“Hell yeah!” The pilot hooked an arm around her waist, drawing her in close to his side as, together, they admired the wind runner for a long moment. “So who gets to be Captain Tightpants? Me or you?"


Afterwards, Penny could be seen looking a bit sour which was probably due to a phone call from Mai.

((Written with Patrick's player. Thank you!!))
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Yuzuki Kuwabara
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

(( I will do the drawing Saturday night, so feel free to post up until then! ))
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Velen Ilnaren »

On the day of the race itself, Velen helped his father roll their land skiff up to the starting line. The sail was white with the sigil of House Ilnaren upon it, a black circle with an eight-pointed star within it. "You ready for this, Father?"

"I am, indeed!" Ebon slid on his helmet and looked back at his son. "Are you?"

Velen donned his own crash helmet with a grin. "Never readier. Let's do this thing~"
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

Yuzuki had hired a crew to build a podium at the manor, and put the makeshift sand raft that Rappapa had used on their treasure hunt on display for the ceremony at the finish like. And she was there to present the grand trophy and the ceremonial trunk of silver nobles to the winners, the team of Dris & Rhys!
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Re: Sailing In The Desert - Cadentia Race!

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Anya had arrived back in RhyDin late and to the race even later. She was barely part of the competition, but appeared to be having a great time nonetheless. Her homemade vessel was having problems. Lots of problems. Probably due to her focus on going full pirate and loading it up with rum. She stalled out moments into the race and settled in to watch in the sail's shade instead.

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