Rhydin Pride 2021

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Morgan LaLuna
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Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Morgan LaLuna »

At midnight, city employees rolled out the rainbow paint, slathering streets with all the colors and leading inevitably to City Hall.  The Usual Crews Know Who They Are!  

Morning will dawn colorfully for the kick off of Pride Week with a huge family picnic! City officials will be on hand to perform all manner of familial ceremonies including weddings, handfastings, and adoption finalizations. 

Ally T-shirts will be handed out in all manner of bright colors, and ALL the food trucks will be coming to City Hall and feeding the fun!

((OOC Note: keep an eye on this thread for updates!))

((OOC note: A previous version of this post inferred characters of a previous team painted the streets for Pride. I was unaware of the connection with player characters. I was asked to assist with this event, and apologize for the liberties I have taken with the information I was given, and will endeavor to do better in the future. Thank you for your patience as I learn and grow in my new role as Assistant Role play Coordinator!))
Last edited by Morgan LaLuna on Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Pride 2021 Schedule

Sun. June 6
Family picnic, petting zoo, family "adoption" event

Monday June 7
Pride Talent Show

Wednesday June 9
Riverboat dining and fishing

Thursday June 10
Drive in Theater Day

Screen 1: Rom Coms! “Happiest Season” and “The Kids Are All Right”
Screen 2: Musicals: “RENT” and “Cabaret”
Screen 3: Animation: Steven Universe ALL DAY
Screen 4: Historical: “Celluloid Closet” and “I Am Divine”

Friday June 11
Glowstick parade [adult event]

Saturday June 12
Capture the flag

Open all Week
The rainbow caves in the wilds are open for free tours all week.

((Events are primary board hosted at this time. If you'd like to run something live or on the boards, please feel free to do so! Happy Pride!))
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Helea Alwin »

"I like this so much! What do you two think about doing it for Twilight Isle? Do you think we could paint the portal? Oh, or maybe the cobblestones in Twilight Market! Is this paint toxic? We need to make sure the goblins don't mistake this yellow paint for melted cheese though, that'll be a real mess otherwise. I bet the pixies would be happy to help, we should get extra honey cakes just in case they get a little extra mischievous. Though I guess we could always just you know, do it all with magic instead —" And Max continued to rattle on about this and that as she painted with Helea and Karma.

"Do it on the Isle and wrap it around the whole thing... then make it fast." Karma mused while taking notes.

"Make it fast, make it fast. Oh! We can imbue it with a quickness spell. Yes! People can explore the whole Isle that way and explore it! I like that idea. We'll do that." replied Max.

"And then we can hold races." Karma grinned.

"All of that sounds lovely! Oh, Is this yellow or light green?" Helea interjected in confusion as she tried to make out the different colors in the paint tray in front of her.

"That looks like chartreuse." Karma peered at the colors.

The conversation continued on as the three of them helped paint the rainbow streets.
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Izumi Takamine »

The Takamine's headed down to help with the rainbow street painting. Izumi drove for a change, which saw Na-rae touching up her makeup whenever they were at a red light. It seemed the light click, click, click of the turn signal had gone unnoticed by Izumi for a few blocks now, and when she realized her mistake she asked her wife, "How long was my turn signal on?"

Na-rae feigned a look of deep thought for a moment then showed her fox-like grin of amusement. "For the past two minutes. I wanted to see how long it took you to notice."

Izumi's outfit

Na-rae's outfit

While painting Na-rae could be seen swiping a shade of orange on Izumi's cheek during the fun before running off giggling when her wife tried to do the same! Izumi couldn't be bothered to clean the orange paint off her cheek for the rest of the day.
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Anya was new to Pride but somewhere along the way had picked up the expression paint the town red. And so it was that when she was invited to go paint the town she found herself with a bucket of red paint and a brush. She pitched in to help with the painting, wondering quietly if she'd been wrong about the saying after all.
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Strawberry »

Sun. June 6
Family picnic & petting zoo (where she definitely didn't try to smuggle out a goat)

Monday June 7
Pride Talent Show (as a spectator, not a participant)

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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Pharlen »

Color Days! Woooo! Pharlen was up early in the City Hall Sunday Morning, all neat and official (or as official as you can be in a rainbow business suit...), manning a Kissing Booth?!

Well, it wasn't actually a kissing booth, though she'd bestow smooches when requested. She had stacks and stacks of papers and forms and fliers to hand out, all detailing a roll out of new ways to make your family in RhyDin...

(Like this, only more her-ish than he-ish, and was she putting on some weight? Well, she is getting older.)


And the Forms! Take the cover sheet to read and come back for what you need! These forms will be available wherever rainbows are flying!

You have come to RhyDin to find change. To find something different, something better. In the often crazy and lawless and random reality, it is possible to find not just your beloved, but yourself. Your family. Your purpose.


The RhyDin City Council is rolling out ceremonies and bureaucracy to help you celebrate your new life.

Renaming: The rite of taking a new name to distinguish from the past. If you are not Alex anymore, then it is time to bury them with all respect, and from their ashes, Cody shall be born. In its simplest form, a notice that Alex is now Cody is sent out, and a form is filled out to that respect so that all of your junk mail and bills are correctly addressed.

More fancifully, one may hold a Viking Funeral for Alex, and in the morning after, Cody shall be returned from the sea or lake or backyard pond as the renewal of Alex. And then fill out the form so that junk mail and bills are correctly addressed.

Rebirthing: Finding a date of birth that suits you. Trained astrologers will be available to counsel you towards a suitable and auspicious date of birth from many disciplines, from European to Celtic to Native American to Eastern to Krynnish and RhyDin. Sit and discuss this important date and finally be able to put a date to DOB.

Zodiac test

Family-Fasting: Bringing together the family you have found and binding this ring spiritually and legally. This will require everyone involved filling out forms and getting those to the Hall of Records. The entire family doesn’t need to be assembled all at once, but if you can get everyone together, make a party of it!

Sibling-Fasting: Bringing in that one sister/brother/other by another mister or mother to become your sister/brother/other, spiritually and legally.

Couple-fasting: Not really marriage material, but you still want something tangible and legal between you and your significant other? BFFs forever. You and your BFF can register as a pair with the City Hall and receive a certificate giving you and your partner shared rights.

You can go to the Justice of the Peace and ask for the appropriate forms, take those and fill them out. The J of P will request identification and then will read a short set of vows. Once those are done, you’re good to go!

Or, as with any public ceremony, your religious leader or the person in charge of the ceremonies will makes sure that the forms are picked up and filed in a timely manner.

Ideas for ceremonies!

You can ask someone of your faith to create the sort of ceremony which would make you and your new life shine. Or, you can ask a friend to do readings from poems or songs, you can hire a justice of the peace to oversee the ceremony.

Using a ribbon, loosely tie your new family together. (Around the wrists, but you do you.)
Speak words from the heart about why you have chosen to join with this family or person or people.
Share blood from pricked fingers to represent blood bonds.
A family potluck.
Bring in close friends to witness your vows.
Have a dance party.
Exchange tokens, like rings or necklaces or anything meaningful to you.

It’s a big day, have fun with it!

(Need help/ideas/crazy random things? Just message me!)
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by PC »

Sun. June 6 // Petting Zoo

"Lisa. Lisa," Na-rae's attempts for her daughters attention, who seemed more busy with being excited by the sights of rabbits and other critters, came after the second call of her name.

With the girls attention Na-rae already had the mini purell bottle ready. "Hands." is all she needed to say before the girl offered up both of hers. Squirt, squirt of the hand sanitizer and a quick rubbing of hands that followed before the small girl was off.

"I should've worn sneakers.." Na-rae said over to Izumi after a sigh. But she'd deal with spraying mud from her feet with a hose at the nearby gas station later. It was worth it though seeing Lisa's face light up as she pet one of the rabbits.

Izumi glanced at her own feet, which were just as muddy and laughed. "I should have too! Mini Lisa has more sense than we do today" she joked with a grin. As she did she watched the young girl darting off to pet the rabbits. Then her eyes swept back to regard Na-rae. "Give me some of that hand sanitizer? We might as well pet them too..."

That was Izumi's way of trying to pretend she wasn't just as enthusiastic about it as their daughter was, and after reaching for Na-rae's hand she was hurrying up to join Lisa.

Na-rae had a feeling that they might be adopting a rabbit sometime soon..

Na-rae's outfit.

Izumi's outfit.
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Mallory »

The Archmage made a brief appearance on Twilight Isle to celebrate Pride, to encourage others to do the same, and to offer small gifts with messages of love! A rainbow aurora manifested around the Celestial Citadel, and Quintessence created crystals for those who beheld it, carrying the messages that recipients needed to hear.
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Tippletoe »

Tippletoe was a colourful burst of energy throughout the week!

She spent a lot of time at the petting zoo on Sunday, chatting with the smaller animals like the rabbits and baby goats. On Monday she sat in the front row, enthusiastically cheering on all of the talent show performers. Wednesday she spent some quiet time fishing and playing along the water edge. Thursday she spent at Screen 2, having a soft spot for musicals. She would often burst into song whenever a musical number came out, and if she caught sight of any of the Shanachie performers Tippletoe would try and rope them into singing with her.

The gnome was mysteriously absent on Friday, but back on Saturday for at least three games of capture the flag.

Late at night when the tours were often finished, she sat in the rainbow caves composing new ballads and poems.

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Mist Gul »

Mist collected up some family and friends to go a-rainbowin', of course, and kept collecting as they went! including Amaris, Ettyn, Anya, Roni, Lillith, Haru, Jackie, Desdenova, Fae, Dris, and Rhys, and Maggie. Maggie was driving Steven and Greg, Mist's horses, through town, followed by Ed, driving Ethel, his old truck, with Noodle and Gus in the bed. Jameson will be driving his van with Abby and Kaliope.


Bringing up the rear, more or less, was Jackie, driving Mist's enormous Mercury Woody, with Madison and Abby Fenner bouncing on the seats beside her.


Randomly, Mist pasted up banners:


Upon meeting Silkie Chickens at the petting zoo, while he did not exactly *steal* any, he did make it really really easy for their owners to sell him a cock and a few hens to add to his own flock...


He also collected the family-fasting papers from Pharlen (and a kiss, why not), and somewhere along the line, he was making pancakes and bacon.

The talent show, he and Greg showed up to show off a little bit of fancy riding (Mist's advice is: let the horse do the work) while painted as flowers. It also hid his now short hair. Sort of. Amaris had painted Greg and Mist, of course!


(Woo! Please let me know if your char would be with Mist and co, I'll add them in!)
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Pharlen »

In the lovely run up to the river's beach, Pharlen's set up her field kitchen with all the cast iron. She's got a big ol' pike steaming on a pile of herbs in the embers, she's got various pan fish a-fry, and more importantly, there's a few picnic tables covered in newspapers upon which a few loads of crawdad boil's been dumped. Sausage, crawdads, potatoes, corn on the cob, oranges, lemons (cooked and fresh!), all the garlic, shrimps, green beans and onions are all ready for the eatin'. Pharlen was happy as a clam wearing a much too big tie-dye t-shirt and a capri shorts, hair tied neatly back as she oversaw the fires.

Pharlen's celebrating the Fish and Dining by going shoreside! Later in the evening, the Riverboat will be open for fine dining and dancing while cruising the river!

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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Pharlen »

It's Movie Day! Come as the sun's setting to Thunder Road Drive Inn Theater and get a good spot in one of the theaters! Whether you're for rom coms or historical or musicals or just plain fun, we've got you covered!

Theater 3 will be playing Steven Universe cartoons all day, due to the magic of ... you know, magic. Come on by with the kids! Walk in, drive in, bring chairs and loungers, or just lay in the back of a station wagon or truck bed. It's all good!

There is a playground with attendants, and a world class junk food bistro in the middle of the theaters!



So much delicious junk food...

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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Amaris »

A rainbow portal opened, and Amaris tumbled out with a grumble as she tripped and stumbled a bit till she got her balance. Usually, she had a great balance but the teleportation to twilight isle usually messed with her a bit.
Her red hair was pulled up into a long single braid, she wore a cute rainbow music note bikini and no shoes. While she stood there, she started to dig her feet into the sand with a grin enjoying the cool sand underneath and the hot sand on top mixing around her ankles. After a few moments, she started to walk along with the shore thinking of pride. She glanced around and started to think about what she might be able to do to help the isle have more decorations. She stopped watching the water roll in and out then looked at her red braid hanging down her shoulder…

”I should color my hair rainbows too. That’d be so cool.”

She took a seat in the sand feet in the water and closed her eyes, murmuring magic words as she focused her attention on the magic. Around her wind picked up sand and water that spun around her slowly lifting and hiding her from view. One word was stuttered and suddenly a light show of color went off like a small flash grenade blinding Amaris and knocking her over.

Rainbow light ricocheted all around and bounced, the light landed in her hair coloring it the way she wanted. After a while, she sat back up colored smoke rising all around the beach as Amaris rubbed her eyes trying to get her sight back. A persistent orb in the middle of her vision lasted for a long time before finally, she could look around. Her eyes went wide as she took in the view. The water around her had become rainbow and it looked like it might be bleeding towards other parts maybe as far as seaside.

Her head turned left and right as she got up wobbly. She was looking for witnesses, but she didn’t see anyone. Quickly she whipped up a portal and ran through it words echoing from her as she went through and the rainbow started to flow through the beach waters.

”Sh&t sh&t sh&t”




Image <amaris' hair and suit>
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Re: Rhydin Pride 2021

Post by Tori Ravenwood »

Tori, Mik, Haru (the older version), Jun, Mari, and Avi all attended the family event for Pride Week. Tori pushed the double stroller with the awning shielding the infant version of the twins while Jun stuck to her side until the group made it to the petting zoo. The eleven-year-old seemed the most excited out of the group, though Tori wouldn’t admit she would give her nephew a run for his money. To be fair, the cambion didn’t get a chance to see a lot of these things growing up and was the most excited about the strange-looking chickens that looked like they probably belonged in a cartoon. They looked pet-worthy, and she had to bite hard on the inside of her cheek to avoid trying to pick one up and pull a Baymax with the fluffy things.

How the twins made it out of the house the way they did was a mystery to all the siblings, and fair enough. Haru warned about how this Mathian might take his infant wearing something cursing the cis-tem. However, Mik made a joke about whether he’d be madder about the swear word or that “system” was spelled wrong, further bristling when he explained that the proper Latin pronunciation of cis was actually [kis]. Laughing at the stuffy vampire and how this Sylista was less attentive while still more loving than the versions they knew helped make the quad from a whole different timeline, universe, or maybe both feel a little better. This Rhy’din was home now.

Seeing Jun want to start about the possibility of their parents coming back since his did, Tori offered to take him to the rainbow caves, just the two of them. The little one grinned and nodded enthusiastically before they all watched talent show, a knowing look shared between Haru and Tori as they kept an eye on Mik. They were still struggling with the loss of their parents.

All-in-all, it was nice for a bit of normalcy between the three siblings again. Life almost seemed like it could end up feeling normal one day.
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