Color Days! Woooo! Pharlen was up early in the City Hall Sunday Morning, all neat and official (or as official as you can be in a rainbow business suit...), manning a Kissing Booth?!
Well, it wasn't actually a kissing booth, though she'd bestow smooches when requested. She had stacks and stacks of papers and forms and fliers to hand out, all detailing a roll out of new ways to make your family in RhyDin...
(Like this, only more her-ish than he-ish, and was she putting on some weight? Well, she is getting older.)
And the Forms! Take the cover sheet to read and come back for what you need! These forms will be available wherever rainbows are flying!
You have come to RhyDin to find change. To find something different, something better. In the often crazy and lawless and random reality, it is possible to find not just your beloved, but yourself. Your family. Your purpose.
The RhyDin City Council is rolling out ceremonies and bureaucracy to help you celebrate your new life.
Renaming: The rite of taking a new name to distinguish from the past. If you are not Alex anymore, then it is time to bury them with all respect, and from their ashes, Cody shall be born. In its simplest form, a notice that Alex is now Cody is sent out, and a form is filled out to that respect so that all of your junk mail and bills are correctly addressed.
More fancifully, one may hold a Viking Funeral for Alex, and in the morning after, Cody shall be returned from the sea or lake or backyard pond as the renewal of Alex. And then fill out the form so that junk mail and bills are correctly addressed.
Rebirthing: Finding a date of birth that suits you. Trained astrologers will be available to counsel you towards a suitable and auspicious date of birth from many disciplines, from European to Celtic to Native American to Eastern to Krynnish and RhyDin. Sit and discuss this important date and finally be able to put a date to DOB.
Zodiac test
Family-Fasting: Bringing together the family you have found and binding this ring spiritually and legally. This will require everyone involved filling out forms and getting those to the Hall of Records. The entire family doesn’t need to be assembled all at once, but if you can get everyone together, make a party of it!
Sibling-Fasting: Bringing in that one sister/brother/other by another mister or mother to become your sister/brother/other, spiritually and legally.
Couple-fasting: Not really marriage material, but you still want something tangible and legal between you and your significant other? BFFs forever. You and your BFF can register as a pair with the City Hall and receive a certificate giving you and your partner shared rights.
You can go to the Justice of the Peace and ask for the appropriate forms, take those and fill them out. The J of P will request identification and then will read a short set of vows. Once those are done, you’re good to go!
Or, as with any public ceremony, your religious leader or the person in charge of the ceremonies will makes sure that the forms are picked up and filed in a timely manner.
Ideas for ceremonies!
You can ask someone of your faith to create the sort of ceremony which would make you and your new life shine. Or, you can ask a friend to do readings from poems or songs, you can hire a justice of the peace to oversee the ceremony.
Using a ribbon, loosely tie your new family together. (Around the wrists, but you do you.)
Speak words from the heart about why you have chosen to join with this family or person or people.
Share blood from pricked fingers to represent blood bonds.
A family potluck.
Bring in close friends to witness your vows.
Have a dance party.
Exchange tokens, like rings or necklaces or anything meaningful to you.
It’s a big day, have fun with it!
(Need help/ideas/crazy random things? Just message me!)