Logging in

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Logging in

Post by NickOvTyme »

Poison, I know you were trying so hard to fix my problem and I am almost embarrassed that it was such a simple fix....

Is there any way we can log in from the home page and stay logged in as we go into the forums and such? As it stands now, we don't have to log in until we get to the forums page...

Just curious....
Altara d'Poison
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Post by Altara d'Poison »

As far as I know there just isnt the need to have a login on the main pages. To have the login set and reach across the entire site is a bit too much at this point to take on. I can increase the login time (length of time before auto logout) but thats all that I can think of that would keep you logged in while hitting the other pages.
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Post by FalchionXI »

Sorc has it on the Arena front page, and it works just dandy. I suppose I could ask him how he did it, or get him to mail you the code or a clue or something, but he would probably just flip out and demand some sort of ridiculous obeisance in exchange.

I will ask him if I see him, however :>

As far as trying to get your login to be recognized over a long period of time, just spend some quality time brutalizing the "always keep me logged in" button on the login screen. It gets the idea after you've done it a few times, usually. I've managed to keep my perpetual login for Arena, Parthos, and here so far, and if I've only done it by visiting often enough to keep one step ahead of some phantasmal punt timer then I'm a colossal loser.
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