Challenge for Old Market

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Layla Paine
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Challenge for Old Market

Post by Layla Paine »

I see that there is a mass rush for challenges so I thought that, as repayment for your recent aid, I will issue one to you. That way you aren't sitting here waiting to see which rapscallion would come out of the woodwork.

(the hand writing becomes more shaky)

We should discuss the details over dinner. I have been told by the family of a client that the steakhouse in Seaside overlooking the ocean is to die for.

- Layla Paine
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Cajsa Storm
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Re: Challenge for Old Market

Post by Cajsa Storm »

Such a polite challenge! So nice to see!

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Death Knell
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Re: Challenge for Old Market

Post by Death Knell »


We will go on this dayt. I lay lic like the culler blou for you. For the see.

- Ettyn Gedda

((I accept!))
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Layla Paine
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Re: Challenge for Old Market

Post by Layla Paine »

We discussed over dinner and the challenge will take place Saturday, May the 8th at 9:00 PM (ET). The Duel of Magic Coordinator Max Lager will be officiating.
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Layla Paine
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Re: Challenge for Old Market

Post by Layla Paine »

The challenge has been rescheduled to Monday, May the 10th at 8:00 PM (ET).
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Max Lager
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Re: Challenge for Old Market

Post by Max Lager »

Tonight Ettyn was fighting under the red and black banner of Anya de la Rose, who was both her second and her lady of honor! And remember to try the drink named after her on Twilight Isle, currently this month’s special!

Then for Layla, she didn’t have a banner or court of honor but she did want everyone to know that, During the months of May and June the Crossroads Funeral Parlor will include beautiful and quite bountiful bouquets of flowers, free of charge, for the celebration and mourning of your recently dearly departed. Offer only valid with funeral services provided by the Crossroads Funeral Parlor. Future clients already signed with the Bronze and Silver plans may not participate.

As the Baron, Ettyn was inclined to pick a one shot match to decide the future holder of Old Market. And while I could repeat what an official sports writer would say here and break down any defensive stacking tactics or missed offensive scores and the like, I’d like to instead highlight the two fighter’s weapons!

Layla’s spear is a family heirloom and she told the following story with it: There is a legend that comes with this spear. In the land of my forefathers there lived a mortal woman whom did not turn in horror when death came to visit her father as he took his final breath.. and it was then that death found love, yet he knew that as time ticked on — the very spear that death had used to bring peace to the father would pierce the daughter, as it is the fate of mortals.. And when that time came, she smiled, for the time they had together - even if brief - was loved and cherished, and so they departed as she was set adrift on the sea of souls.

Ettyn’s sword that she was using (along with an axe of course), is named Dawn’s Strife. It’s Damascus steel, said to be pride of a weaponsmith’s heart. Poured all her hope into it, brighter than the dawn... but before she could finish it, she lost a love one -- was overcome with grief. Now, it fights between light and shadow. Constant struggle.

Such beautiful though sad stories! Oh but of course officially the match results were Ettyn beat Layla 5 to 1 in 8 rounds, and thus Old Market is defended!

Congratulations Ettyn and well tried Layla!
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