Beltane 2021: The Great Hunt!

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Kira Adia
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Re: Beltane 2021: The Great Hunt!

Post by Kira Adia »

Between appointments, Kira saw the call to the Hunt posted about the city. She smiled and immediately called for Linna to take over only the most important appointments for the rest of the week. Then she made sure to send Ettyn a message.

She didn’t wait for a response. By the time the sun had set, Kira was already in the Wilds, checking and resupplying her field camps and looking for the tracks that would doubtless be there.

Eventually, Kira would meet with Ettyn and her party to pass on her information, both on Brawmarwolaeth itself and any other tracks and threats she could find in the area. She would not take part in the confrontation herself, instead content to keep the area clear of other beasts and predators that may pose a danger to the hunting party, along with keeping nearby supply caches provisioned and ready.
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Re: Beltane 2021: The Great Hunt!

Post by Azure Wayfinder »

Having learned of the Hunt from Ettyn at the Naming festival the previous Friday, Azure had discussed preparations with the slayer--amidst other activities--for nigh unto morning. Since then, she had made her own plans; from what she'd been told, one could not be too prepared to face such a beast.

When the day came, she arrived at the meeting point astrid Windhoof, her russet-brown steed. Both horse and hunter were clad in leather, supple enough to allow ease of movement yet surprisingly tough, its protective durability enhanced by runic sigils embossed upon it. A pair of long knives, elven in make and silvered, were sheathed at Azure's hips, one on each side, ready for close-up fighting. She carried a single javelin in her right hand; to those with the gift to sense it, the weapon seemed to gleam with magic.

"Just the one?" asked another hunter, nodding to Azure's javelin. "One throw and you're down to those knives."

"You think so?" She shook her head, grinning. "This was a gift from an old friend, a mage, who made sure that I would always have it if I needed it." Dismounting, Azure led Windhoof over to where other steeds were waiting, some grazing and others simply watching. He seemed both calm and eager at once as he lowered his head to nibble on some grass. Meanwhile, Azure went to join the other hunters, looking for familiar faces.
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Re: Beltane 2021: The Great Hunt!

Post by Anubis Karos »

..Ptinng! Ptinng!..

The clarion rhapsody of scudding iron permeated the small antechamber, filtering away into the wilderness on a clement May wind. In spite of the impatient nickers from without, a file continued it's appalling din, driving across the pinpoint breadth of a bodkin until the pinnacle caught the sun's luminescence like a kiss.

Nimble fingers conducted a cerecloth of beeswax across the cursive frame of a Turko-Mongol compound recurve bow, embossing a film of resin in strict concordance along the grain of the yew. Tufts of equine hair extensions were torqued across the taut cable of the bow, to dampen the weapon's plaintive yelp when it sent an arrow skimming into the aether. Silence may end up being the strategy that would bring Anubis this hide.

A cuirass of cured leather groaned and crackled like an old man's bones as it veiled coppery sinew, the sepia expanse exquisitely conforming to every salient curve and shift of his torso like a magnum opus cast in steel in Milan, conforming with an almost ethereal precision to the portly contours of a Renaissance despot.

Riding boots, greaves, vambraces, gloves, even the sallet helmet which pinioned his mane to his shoulders...the Egyptian's lithe frame was caparisoned from head to toe in superlative elven leather, replete with sheaths for his infamous serried daggers, a tomahawk-style hatchet, an amber receptacle for a minor healing cantrip congealed into a violet liquid and flavored with lime..and two sealed flasks; one to veil the Egyptian's scent, the other bearing the musk of a woman-wolf. A quiver of bodkin arrows was strapped to his back as he strode into the open desert, the piece de resistance of his preparations impatiently stomping at the sterile earth.

A magnificent bastard of a Mustang and an American Quarter trod in place in a scarcely restrained state of agitation, his temper glimmering like cinders in his raven-dark eyes. The beast was a paradox; a "mutt", yet a paragon of equine virility all the same. Noir muscles anxiously shifted and waltzed with each stride, a prison for raw, brutal power which bristled to get out. A head like a Canadian moose, humid breath erupting like volcanic plumes from behind clenched teeth. Bucephalus. Marengo. American Pharaoh. The beast was more than worthy of conjuring up such names in his mind's eye.

Yet for all that, he obeyed like a dog when Anubis strapped a modernized khopesh of carmine-daubed steel onto his flank, affixing the bow to it before clambering on himself and allowing his steed to release his speed. Plumes of filth chased the duo as they vanished into the horizon, headed for the meeting place.
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Re: Beltane 2021: The Great Hunt!

Post by Death Knell »

By dusk on Thursday, the camp was ready for the Great Hunt to begin.

It was located in a small clearing on a hill that offered glimpses of Kaiju Lake through the dense tree line to the west. It was busy already with a dozen hunters, who had set up tents and tended to the site. There were two campfires, one with alder and the other with holly, where venison and spiced vegetables were roasted; the aroma was intense, but may have masked the smell of those gathering at the camp. Grooms tended to enough horses for those who wished to navigate the hunting trail mounted. There were bows, crossbows, and ammunition to spare, and a fire genasi whose heated hands could apply a temporary silver coating to weapons.

Far from the fires, at the edge of the camp, a giggling old kobold apothecary offered sturdy ceramic flasks, sealed with different colored wax. "Blue to fling fire at your foes, and red to drink for your health! Don't mix them up -- eeheeheehee!"

More than aromatic smoke floated over the campsite in the Wilds. The flickering green glow of fae spirits drifted from a nearby rift in the Veil, illuminating the canopy and the surrounding woods as twilight turned to night. While harmless on their own, in groups they could echo nearby sounds, a disorienting trick, and had the potential to send a spell awry if one stood among or cast through a swarm of them.

Nothing had been done to ward away these spirits, however, because they were the bait for Brawmarwolaeth.

A trail descended down the hill and deeper into the Wilds, widened by trampled underbrush and uprooted trees from the wolf's earlier forays. It forked into parallel paths several times, one high, one low, always within sight of the other, and terminated in a hollow of dead trees that contained another rift of the Veil into the realm of Faerie.

This was the second piece of bait, a way out that would be held shut by the sidhe on the other side the moment Brawmarwolaeth was trapped in the hollow.

((RULES FOR THE GREAT HUNT! When I post for Brawmarwolaeth in the channel #the-wilds, I will do so with bolded text. Once he appears, participants can play out their attempted attacks and then roll a d20 to see how it goes, by sending this command to the #green-room: ?roll 1d20 If you roll a 10+, I will mark a success, and account for your character damaging Brawmarwolaeth in my next send.

Brawmarwolaeth will also be picking targets! I will underline any character he acts against, and roll a d20 and tag the player in the Green Room with the result. If Brawmarwolaeth succeeds with a 10+, that does not mean you have to accept damage for your character! The idea is to impose setbacks. It could mean your character loses sight of their target, loses their way, drops a weapon, has to dive out of the way, or experiences some other setback. I leave that up to you!

I will try my best to post for Brawmarwolaeth once every ten minutes or so. In the interest of keeping the action flowing, if I'm ready, I won't be waiting any longer than ten minutes after my last post before sending the next! I will do my best to account for any late-arriving attack attempts, but the more time I have between your post and my next send, the easier it will be for me to work it in!

Also, for anyone who has posted in this thread or posts here no later than 8:00 p.m. Eastern, you get three re-rolls. You can spend them to re-roll a failed attack for your character, or force me to re-roll a successful attack for Brawmarwolaeth.))
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Re: Beltane 2021: The Great Hunt!

Post by Azriella »

Azriella had taken her time in wandering through the Wilds to join the hunting party. Passing by a clearing that was now lush with trees and plants and wildlife instead of blighted by the coming presence, she smiled softly and nodded. The hunt was for a good cause. It was for their home, after all. Wandering past another site, it got the same reaction as the other, and then her focus turned to the party that was assembling nearby.

Walking into the small clearing where they all gathered, preparing their weapons and checking their armor...if they had any...she stopped just at the edge and folded her arms in front of her. Mahogany eyes surveyed the scene slowly. Closest to her, she saw Anor, with their freshly polished armor and shield and that cloak and plume as bright as blood. Nodding to them softly, she smiled. She was glad to see that they had joined and it eased her worried mind, a little.

Leaving them, her gaze soon found Caleb and Karma standing a bit away from the crowd and talking amongst themselves. Having no doubt they were discussing tactics and the upcoming battle, or perhaps something else entirely, she smiled their way as well and nodded to them.
Her gaze soon left them too and she squinted slightly at the sight of the next figure she saw. Dressed in all black and hooded, she wasn’t quite sure if she knew this one. That is, until he looked toward something and his face shown just enough for her to recognize Haru. She’d fought with him, sometimes even by his side, many times and that squint soon relaxed into a soft smile and an upnod was sent his way. She hoped Brawmarwolaeth liked fireballs.

D’Nora she laid eyes upon next, fully clothed unfortunately, as she milled about and waited for the hunt to commence. Her thoughts drifted to a pool at a certain Inn and she grinned. She was glad to see she had joined as well.

Oh goodness her! Next she learned that they had a loon in their midst! A cant of her head and a squint of her eyes landed on Lorent, playfully of course. Soon thereafter, an exaggerated roll of her eyes and a giggle and she wiggled her fingers at the hunter. It would certainly be interesting with him around. Of that she had no doubt, though she was glad to see that he had joined as well.

She wasn’t particularly looking that way, but soon, a presence begged her attention and she turned. Riding on a meticulously groomed kelpie, a sideways nod and slow blink was given Mallt’s way when she arrived. The three terrible pups that accompanied her got a nod as well, each one in turn, and a mischievous smile to boot. She may or may not have gotten over the fact that they got jerky and she did not. Though she got her treat later, so all was forgiven.

Salem Moon she saw next when she turned back. Though she didn’t know them, or the Regent in Red close by, each got a nod, a small wave and a smile in their direction. The giant, oversized broadsword the latter wielded got a longer than needed look of approval, despite the fact that it was definitely made of silver. The rifle and magnum carried by the former got a quizzical glance, but she paid both weapons little attention. It was to each their own and at least they were willing to help in the matter.

Luna, the small army of wolves, two ents, Shourim and the rest of the medical team six got a nod and a thumbs up from the she-wolf. She was very glad to see that they would all be watching over the small group and taking care of any that needed it during or after the battle. In her mind, they would be remembered with as much fondness as every warrior there.

Movement caught her attention next and dark eyes tracked Kira as she came into the group, conversed with Ettyn and Anya briefly, and then left almost as quickly. She had an idea of what she was up to and smiled knowingly in her direction and nodded as she walked away. She would more than likely be joining her very soon.

As she watched Kira go, a russet-brown steed entered the scene and stole her attention. It had a lot to do with its rider, if she were being honest. Looking over the woman that rode the horse, she admired the leather armor she wore and the runic sigils embossed on it -- among other things -- and winked her way when she was done conversing with another hunter about the javelin she carried. When Azure dismounted, leading her steed over to where others were gathered, she gave one more smile the woman’s way before another steed carried another into the gathering.

A slow intake of breath and a subtle narrowing of her eyes welcomed the newest member to the hunt. She didn’t know this Anubis, but there were enough differences for her to be able to discern this one from...that one. With a curt upnod in his direction, she offered a polite smile and then her attention turned to the two at the center of the party.

Unfolding her arms, she started to walk their direction. Where most everyone else wore some type of armor and carried weapons of various disciplines, Azriella crossed the small clearing on bare feet wearing a pair of old, holey jeans and a T-shirt that had Budweiser scrawled across the front right above a knot she’d tied in the material to expose her stomach.

As she approached, her eyes flickered towards the fire genasi with a smirk before her attention turned back to the slayer herself. Seeing that she was suffering through a giggling sales pitch from an old kobold apothecary, she grinned, not slowing or stopping. When she finally reached her lover, she took hold of the strap for the quiver of arrows and yanked her hard in her direction. As soon as Ettyn’s face turned her way, she was up on her tip toes plunging her lips against hers and tilting her head to deepen the kiss as she held onto that strap, using it to pull her into the kiss. After a few long moments, reluctantly, she broke the kiss and closed her eyes as she leaned against the woman and placed her free hand on her shoulder. Biting her lip, she took in a long, slow deep breath, inhaling her scent and slowly opening her eyes to look up and gaze deeply into the pitch black of her eyes. “Have a good hunt, lover,” she breathed out softly, snapping her teeth at the last word. Unable to tear her gaze away, she silently stared up at her, biting her lip again, before she eventually turned to Anya.

A step or two brought her in front of the woman and she reached down, taking both of her hands in her own. Tilting her head, she smiled softly. “Good luck on the hunt, and I'll see you after, yeah?” The worry was not lost on her, nor was she oblivious to the deal that had been made. What she was oblivious to, was the wish that had been asked for prior. Either way, she would see her after. Squeezing her hands gently, her grin widened. “And you still owe me that rum.” Oh. She hadn’t forgotten. Not at all. “You look great by the way,” she added. Giving one last squeeze to her hands, she let them slip from her grasp and turned back to Ettyn.

Passing in front of her again, she placed her hand on her shoulder again and smiled up at her. “I’ll see you soon,” she said softly, before turning and walking back to where she’d come from.

Azriella hadn’t been around as much as she’d wanted to in recent days. She’d been off somewhere else, plying a newly made ‘friend’ for a gift, and practicing. As she walked away, she turned back to the slayer. “Hey,” A beat. “I…,” She smiled softly, not saying the other two words. Instead, a soft, warm smile melted across her lips. “Come back to me,” she said instead. A warm gaze lingered for a moment more, then she turned and continued walking away.

A few more steps and she stopped, back facing Ettyn and Anya. Closing her eyes, she balled her fists at her sides and squinted her eyes shut. She had been practicing, but it still wasn’t second nature yet. Slowly, slightly different than it usually did, the transformation started. Her flesh would rip open in places, the cuts showing off the thick, black fur beneath. Growing wider as she grew, the fur spread over her body slowly. Her nose and mouth elongated into a long, fearsome muzzle and teeth slicked out of her gums; the two canines more prominent than the rest. She rose in height, growing taller than she ever had before, but, instead of fingers and toes, her hands and feet shifted into paws instead and at her full height of eighteen feet tall, she fell forward and two large forepaws pounded against the ground with a thud. Attaining her full wolf form, she swished her great tail once and looked back over her shoulder at both Ettyn and Anya. With a wink of a brown, amber and yellow eye, her lips pulled back into that familiar wolfish grin. Soon, she turned her attention beyond the small clearing and galloped away. She would take care of the perimeter and the outliers with Kira so that the hunters could focus on their main task unhindered. To defeat Brawmarwolaeth, they would need all the help they could get.

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Runt for the Hunt!

Post by Runt »

Thursday, May 6th

Lilthinnia's soft, sleepy breaths mingled with the dawn song of warblers, sparrows, siskins and the odd bossy robin. The giant shifted away from her small form and stretched up towards the morning rays. His stomach rumbled, and the smell of a great stag hung in the air. Runt reached for his hunting spear and skinning knife, and was off for the pre-Hunt.

Kabuki Street, in Runts opinion, is the best part of RhyDin. Meat vendors that always know how much to feed him, open-air markets, and Kitara. She had a present for him, something born out of many long talks about Jotuni Skiltgravr, and blue tempered steel.

Runt arrived with his silvered hunting spear, two hand-axes, two wineskins (one with water, one with ale), a large sack, and stylish battle paint that complemented his blue tattoos.

Armour? A thick hide loincloth, a vest adorned with hunting trophies, and boots with wyvern claws attached to the front.

Healing stuffs? It's called Rage.
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Re: Beltane 2021: The Great Hunt!

Post by Goldglo »

Matt glanced up when he heard someone trip the proximity alert on his office door; moments later, a chime sounded.

“Come in,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

Robyn Pemberton, who’d long served as squadron commander of the RASG’s 301st Firebees Atmospheric Defense Squadron, entered the room, a serious look on her face.

Raising a datapad, she asked, “Sir, have you seen this?”

“I can’t read the back of your pad, Robyn. What is it?”

She tossed the pad over to him before sitting down. “Intel on this creature wreaking havoc in The Wilds, outside the city,” she replied. “Looks like the Hunter’s Guild is going after it before the real Beltane festivities start and I thought we might be able to lend a hand.”

Matt spent a minute quickly skimming the intel that’d been gathered.

“Helluva name this thing has. I don’t even think I can pronounce it. Braw-mar-woo-lath? Bra-woma-wola-th?”

Robyn cracked a smile and shrugged. “Hell if I know. But what do you think?”

Matt nodded. “Sure, you think your Firebees can lend some aerial support? Reporting location or movement to the hunting party? Be my guest.”

“Yes, but I also think that maybe we can do a bit more. In addition to recon, what if we sent up a couple of those old slow HoLo transports? We can get a team of snipers or even mages to sit in the cargo bays and attack from above. Intel there says conventional weapons won’t do damage to this thing, which is why I was thinking we might need the mages. Same thing we did when we attacked Twilight Is…

Robyn trailed off and winced internally, having not intended to bring up that particular incident, which she knew was painful for Matt and wasn’t the RASG’s proudest moment.

Matt sighed and rubbed his cheeks. “It’s okay, Robyn. It happened. But yes, I think your idea has merit. Smart idea, to use the HoverLoader ‘sports. Although we might want to look into suppressing their engine noise….this Brawo-whatever thing’ll hear them coming five klicks away if we don’t. I’ll reach out to some contacts I have in the city and see if we can either get someone to imbue our weapons with magic or sign on for aerial duty. Give me a couple days and I’ll let you know.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Robyn stood. “Thank you, sir. I’ll check into reducing the racket made by those engines.”


On the morning of May 6th, Robyn ran through a final checklist for the sortie. They’d only been able to retrofit the engines on two HoLos, which wasn’t ideal since she’d hoped for five or six, but time hadn’t been on her side. For recon purposes, she’d assigned two wings to track the beast. She planned to be up there herself as well, and if she knew anything about Colonel Matthew Algiers Simon, she expected that in short order, he’d reach out to her indicating a desire to participate as well.

In addition to the HoLo piloting crews, they’d been able to gather a team of two snipers and four mages. She’d assigned two mages and one sniper to each ‘sport, along with a medic and repair tech on each just in case Brawmarwolaeth had some way to reach and possibly damage the ‘sports.

The communication device in her ear chirped, and she keyed into the channel. “Pemberton,” she answered.

“Robyn, it’s Matt.”

The woman couldn’t help but smile. She knew what was coming next.
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