Retirement of New Haven

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Bailey Raptis
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Retirement of New Haven

Post by Bailey Raptis »

Dear Dueling Community,

I have been considering this for some time, given the personal circumstances that already led me to retire PathFinder last month, and some professional ones that I do feel comfortable sharing in public. At the start of April, I was transferred from the Dragon’s Gate Black Magic Burger to the Black Magic Burger location in Old Temple. Though I had been splitting my time between the two for a while now, the bulk of my hours were in Dragon’s Gate, which was inconvenient for me since my home is in Dockside and Zevarrna works in Old Temple. Being assigned full-time to Old Temple means more time to spend with her, and less time traveling across the city to get to work, to get back home from work, and to visit her.

Given all these facts, most notably, the fact that I no longer need a place to crash in New Haven to be close to work there, I am hereby retiring the Barony of New Haven, but not without saying some thank yous first.

Hope: Thank you for your intercession and your friendship, and allowing me to be a part of Real RhyDin. My only regret is that I could not do more for you as a Loyal, other than to be Loyal. Someday I hope to repay that debt.

Tali: I am glad that you accepted my offer to become the Squire of New Haven and proud that you reached Warlord while doing so. I am happy that you managed to learn much from Amund during your time wielding him, and although it is a shame that you must now turn him back over to the sport Coordinators, I have no doubt that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to, in the dueling rings or anywhere else in life. I am proud to call you friend.

Jaycy: I was glad to step in to allow you to challenge for the Barony of Seaside. I regret that circumstances will not allow us to serve as Baronial peers for as long as I would have liked, but regardless of the titles that you hold and have held -- Governor, Overlord, Diamond, Keeper -- being able to call you friend has meant the most to me, and I hope you feel a similar way.

Andrea: Congratulations on taking the Tower of Air, and having held all four elemental towers on the Isle. Along with Hope, you allowed me to serve as your squire, and I was pleased last fall when I was able to become the Baron of New Haven and bring things full circle for my dueling career. I have done my best to defend this title with skill and honor, and I hope that my behavior reflects positively back on you.

Otherwise, I wish everyone else the best in your dueling endeavors, and the best of luck to whoever earns this Barony in the heart of pool season.


Bailey Raptis
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