Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Phalanx (fā′lăngks′), n. A group of people or things of a similar type forming a compact body or brought together for a common purpose.

Moderators: Edward Batten, Katt Batten

Katt Batten
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Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

Softly, in that head of hers... That oh so, interesting head... The voice came, ever so softly. "The center, hmmm? That's exactly, what I would do, you know... I am impressed, as always, daughter-mine."

"I am not as simple minded as some seem to think." She knew battle, more than most would ever know. Tugging on a dark strap of the Reevi skin she realized..blink. She was talking to herself. Ha!

"Or as simple minded, as you want people to believe... Baker. A shame you cannot truly live in the skin you were made for... Then again, have you even truly lived, yet? I wonder.."

"Living doesn't revolve around chaos and destruction." She mumbled and stopped at the mouth of a tunnel, leaning slowly at the waist to peer down the path. Course..she had trouble keeping hold to happiness. Maybe that was why she was so scared when she spoke to Edward about..solidifying their adoption of each other. It would was real. "If I was simple minded I don't think I would of lived this long.."

"Hmm, I truly wonder, child.. I do. And you are right, living does not revolve around wanton chaos and what not, but it also does not revolve in hiding what you are, or pretending for the sake of so many others. And don't look down so much, I didn't invite you all the way down here to have you just slip in some hole, that I can assure you."

"Oh yes, and he would make a grand big brother wouldn't he? Heh, Alex and Jewell were 'brother and sister too'..."

"I hide what I am because I don't want to be hunted anymore. I'm tired of it. That is why..That is why I ran away back then..and why I choose to hide now." She grumped as she continued on, glancing down to her PCUI even though she knew she was on the right course. How did she know? She didn't want to think too hard on how she knew.

"Shut up. Don't talk about him..."

"You wouldn't be hunted, had you not--- run. Course, you can always be the hunter, love.. I know you can do that, heh. Now watch that bend up ahead, to the right. It's a tad deceptive and lower than you might think. And why can't we talk of him? You act as if I don't know how you feel.."

Yeah last thing she needed was to hit her head and knock herself out in the sewers right? Head dipping she raised a hand over her head, feeling for the beam that went across that she no doubt would of hit otherwise. Stepping carefully she muttered and shook her head. Of course she was a hunter. That was what was beaten and torn into her. Forced. Programed? Spleh.

She frowned under the mask at the idea of Raven knowing how she felt about Edward. Made her wonder if he knew how she felt about others as well. "You don't know s*** stop acting like you do." Squish. "Ah..ew." She didn't want to know what it was she just stepped in. Gross. Nope she just continued on. A few more turns she figured and she'd be close enough to assess things.

"Leo..." said softly, with a bit of a chuckle... "And Sergei too?"

She sneered when Leo's name came up which ebbed a bit when Sergei was mentioned. Guilt. Oh, the mass of guilt both brought. She forced herself to keep forward without losing a step. "(s) Shut up.."

"Can they honestly love and accept you, when you yourself cannot even accept yourself. Hmm too many of the same words there, my apologies... But the sentiment carries. In any event, after this next left.. Trip-wire. Left to right, mid calf in height. Trip it, and take two steps back, and hold to the wall. My apologies in advance, but I didn't want to just let anyone in here, you know."

Her jaw tightened and relaxed. She didn't want to think of them or the fact that..he was right. the end it really came down to ..nobody could really love and accept her. She was too screwed up.

She had always wondered where things would be now if Leo hadn't lost his memory. She still needed to fess up to it. Still needed to admit it to him it was her fault. She was scared to.

Sergei was a different story to a degree but the guilt remained.

Sighing she passed the turn and stopped sharply, greens narrowing at the wire she had been warned of. Instead of tripping it close up she clenched a hand and forced the Reevi armor on her arm to melt and reform into her hand as a polearm. A simple staff that she thrust forward to trip the wire from a safe distance. "Yeah so..what? You were just saving this for a present for me or something?"

"Not you, love. For anyone else foolish enough to come this far down. For you, I have something much more special, and less painful."

"Less painful." Was questioned as the trap was triggered, waiting to see what nasty surprise that had been laid for any fool that wandered the sewers. But really..who would want to? She was going to need several baths just to feel semi-clean! "So poking at my emotions and tearing me down is pretty much where you draw the line on hurting me deeply?"

"In order to build one up, one must tear down what was.. Then again, you know that all too well, due to the bakery.."

"I've been torn down enough thank you very much!" She muttered as some sort of steamed acid rushed like a fall across the opening. The idea of being touched by that made her skin crawl. Yeah..that would of been painful.

She waited for things to clear before muttering. "I'm tired of being ****ing broken down by people. I just..want people I can trust. People I know -" She allowed the sentence to die off. She didn't need to be justifying her feelings with herself.

"I trust you..."

"Isn't that self centering? I trust myself?" Snerk. Once she was sure the mist was gone, leaving no evidence of ever being and..well she was pretty sure that if some poor sap had been caught in the mist..there would be no evidence left of them either. Talk about cleaning up ones mess without even being there.

"No, I as in me... Raven. Trust you, as in Katt.."

"Oh geez." She muttered and slowly started to laugh, a hand sliding out to the wall to test the structure. Both eyes swept around to make sure that she wasn't about to walk into something she wasn't ready for. He may be helping her but far did that help go? "The bad guy who has been screwing me over emotionally..trusts me. Yay?"

"Sarcasm is not your strong suit, is it? At least I accept you for what you truly are... Same as I am the only one who accepts Jenai for what she truly is.. You two are rather similar you know. Hiding under false pretenses, and shields. Playing the part for the masses, instead of truly living your own lives. That however will change, least for one of you sooner, than the other."

"What makes you think I am hiding?" She actually wanted an answer she found. "And what do you mean by that? You..What are you planning on doing with Jenai? You better not hurt her!" Even if she knew the woman didn't like her it didn't mean she wished ill will on her.

"No need to hurt her... Well not physically. Besides, it matters little to you, at the present.. You will have your hands full soon enough, and Jenai? Well it seems she was not prepared for what I had to share with her. She fled... And is now mine. But I have to admit, the notion--- well, nevermind. I do not want to get too far ahead of myself..."

"You won't be keeping her. She is too strong to let you." She had no doubt in her mind with that. Clenching on the polearm she muttered, "You know it is sort of an unfair advantage if you are in my head. You know way too much.."

"Am I in your head? or are you in mine?"

Suddenly images flashed in that head of hers... It looked like a battle.. They were looking down up a field of battle. Darkened forces, pitted against many.. Drakes in the air, and lightening abound.. Fires below, and the cries of rage, and such pains.. A turn of view, and for a glimpse someone was seen.. Battered armor bearing the CoS crest.. A hand... A gauntleted hand took the person by the throat, and lifted them. The motion causing the locks of crimson to set aside to reveal the dirtied, and blood stained face before her..

Her eyes fluttered for a moment and she stopped. "****...what..did you do.. Idiot..." She knew who it was even if the face and hair was dirtied. She knew she should of searched out Jenai earlier. Should of..warned her..Told her.. Clenching her jaw she shook her head. At least she knew he wasn't going after Fio but that didn't mean she wished harm on Jenai. "Release her.."

"Now that is what I intend to do, fully.. I intend to free her, completely and then unleash her upon the realm, so she may do what she was born to do.. Besides, she is with me now, Katt... In the Abbey. More so, why would I further harm-- your mother."

"She is not my mother." She snapped, "And she would never turn into some play thing for you! Not you! Not ever! She is stronger than that. You..ugh you make me sick you know that?" She grumbled and shook the pole until it liquified into her palm and started crawling up her arm to reform into the armor like skin.

"No she is not-- but she could be. She has already given in, Katt.. And unlike the many other times, I was forced to end her. This time, I will not. This time I she will join me, for life... Now careful, around the corner to the right. You might miss it. You can take that way, it's safe I assure you."

It was then, that an odor could be detected.. Subtle, but ever present. Something akin to rotted meat? No sounds whatever so ever, yet the odor.. Damn it was getting thicker.

"No..." Even if it meant now he would probably not be going for Fio..the idea of him.. "The Abbey..You have her in the Abby?" Maybe she could tell Edward, Leo, or Kyle. One of them could save her..maybe..hopefully.

She paused at the corner and ugh..even with her mask she could smell it. "What the hell is that? That isn't the poison is it?" Or something the poison had spilled on and..ew..Steeling herself she continued on, passing the corner into the tunnel that was so said safe. There were a lot more questions but not enough that she would forget to pay attention to her surroundings.

"Of course I have her in the Abbey... She was kind enough to come to me, as were so many others. And do not worry, your friends are around, somewhere. What's wha--- oh, that's not poison. "

"Yeah I know about their mission.." She muttered and raised her chin. "You aren't keeping some like monstrous creature down here to chew on people are you?" It would so explain the smell. Ugh. "Why are you so damn determined to have her follow you? Are you that in need of her affection? Can't stand that she really belongs to Brian and never will you? Her heart belongs with him..It always will." So there!

"Her heart is not what I am after, my dear.. But in time, she would learn to give me that as well, or rather--- what was left of it, by the time I am through. And no, there is no monster down here-- save you?"

The odor grew more so.. Coming from ahead, and round a bend to the right it seemed...

"She won't be yours." If Jenai wouldn't fight then she would fight for Jenai too. Raising a hand she pulled on the hood and fastened it forward, forcing the shadow armor to double weave over her mouth in a thicker mask. That smell was horrific!

"Har har..Yeah I am damn aware I am a monster.. There are those who accept me for what and who I am.." Cautioned she came around the bend, steeling herself in ready for just about anything to jump out at her.

"But you cannot accept yourself, and Jenai is already mine.."

Around the corner, she went and what did she find?

"I accept myself ..just fine.." She grumped, refusing to acknowledge the latter of his comment.

What is it she found?

Good question!
Katt Batten
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

She found bodies... Several bodies.. In fact, it looked to be a few dozen or so.. Some were piled, others leaning against the walls... Some were half deep in water. And they were well into the process of decomp.. Some more than others..

Strangely, there was something familiar about that corpses... Some that were not as badly misshapen as the others, carried a rather--- familiar shape, and likeness..

Oh..geez. That was just lovely! Her brows dipped under the lip of the hood and she slipped to a stop, looking about at the painted sight of decomposing bodies. Her head jerked slightly and she continued a few steps to examine in closer detail of the bodies. Specially when they looked familiar. Her mind went into overdrive trying to figure to place names, fingers pressed to the armor that was covering her mouth. "(vs) What did you do...?"

"I failed.. That is what I did... I failed."

One of the less decomposed bodies she'd dip down next to, carefully turning over the figure that had been laying on its side and facing the opposite direction. This one looked as if she'd be able to tell who it was. Maybe? "Failed?"

"Yes, failed.."

And she was able to tell who it was alright, because it was as if she had looked into a mirror so to speak.. Her own features.. Yes, it was. The hair was a bit off, as were other slight features.. But as she looked around the room, if she did, that is--- she would see others, as well..

Versions, it seemed..of herself...

The bodies, all were..her...

Whoa. Now that was enough to send her hand flying away as well as the rest of herself. Speeding back a few steps she shook her head. "What the hell?!" Her head jerked from one side to the other as she searched the bodies. Bits..pieces...slowly she came to realize..every single one of them. Her brows knitted, stomach-turning tight until she thought she was going to upchuck everything she had eaten in the last..month. "What..the f-ck, Raven? Are you messing with my head? This..No..this isn't.." It couldn't be real. Her eyes closed and she shook her head as if it would make it all disappear.

"No, I'm not... But I wanted you to see this... You had to see this, Katt... Because as hard as I tried, I could not do it, I failed each and every time... And to be honest, they did not suffer much. I am sorry."

" were trying to..Recreate me?!" Which lead to the question that jarred her still. Was she..nothing but a copy of someone? She swallowed down the question, refusing to ask it. No. She was the real thing damn it. These..these were just.. "Why? Why ...Why create them?! Why me this?"

"Because you need to know, despite all of this... This was done out of love. I want no secrets between us anymore, and it is time, you learned everything.. Starting with this.."

She couldn't take it anymore. A sharp turn of her body had her skidding to the nearest opening and away from the clutter of bodies. There was no place down here she could go for fresh air. She didn't understand. Didn't understand the why..

Softly, a moan was heard from the room she left.. A soft moan...

Her breath caught in her throat. Oh hells. One was alive still? Turning she slowly returned to the room, searching the bodies for any source of movement or..another moan. She was almost praying to whatever god there was that Raven was just f-cking with her..

Softly, a voice... "Someone? Hello? Father--is that you? I'm cold... It hurts.. Mother?" A soft rustling off in a corner. A small hand extended from under a corpse, as fingers extended, grasping for whatever they may.

She felt like someone was stabbing her. Multiple times in places that were unseen. She forced it down and moved over, a hand going out to curl to the small hand for it to grasp while she worked the corpse carefully from the figure beneath.

And below, she found herself staring back.. One eye bandaged over, the other just fine.. A faint smile taking form, as that soft voice came forth once more, "Hello."

This was wrong.

This was wrong on so many levels.

Raven you sick bastard. She couldn't even force up a smile for the poor..copy? She just stared in disbelief. "H..Hi..Are you.." Her eyes went down, scanning over the figure. She could..she could take her out if she wasn't mortally her..Something...

"You know what needs to be done, Katt... Help her, and end it.."

"I like..cake." said the girl... Who seemed to be struggling with her breathing now.

Her lips thinned under the mask. The copy was dying. She didn't understand. Why.. Why would he do this?! "I'm so sorry.." She offered to the girl.. to herself. Lowering her hand still holding the girl's she settled it on the girl's chest. Her other hand moved to gently brush over the girl's eyes. Briefly, she questioned on spilling her blood to see if it would help the girl. But the girl was not her. There was no way ...

"I'm sorry.." It came again as she drifted her hand from the girl's face. "Keep your eyes closed..okay? Think about..yeah..think about Cakes..and sweet stuff.."

"I like to bake..." cough, cough!

"It's time, Katt... Please do not let her suffer anymore."

She winced at the words..Clenching her fist she found herself wanting to do something not so painful for the girl to end it but nothing she could think of was quick and painless. "Forgive me." Her hands withdrew quickly from the girl. Pushing up to her feet she forced as much of the armor down to her hands, the symbol of death forming in an eerie pattern in palm. A black bladed, wickedly curved scythe screamed in the air and with a single motion removed the girl's head from shoulders.

The smile... That sweet smile, would be the last thing Katt saw, as the head rolled... Softly, that voice sounded once more, ever so faded. "Thank you.."

And Raven's voice followed suit, "I am sorry, Katt."

"Like hell you are..Why the f-ck are you making copies of me? Why did you bring me here?! To do that? To screw with me?!" And while she may not of showed it at that moment but gods alive...she wanted to break down into tears.

"Because I erred, and you needed to see that.. You also needed to face yourself, and learn exactly what it was you were capable of... And you needed to see exactly what I was capable of... You need to see everything Katt. You need to see it all for yourself, and it begins here.."

She sneered under the mask. "How does it feel to know you cannot copy me? I am one of a kind, Raven. You..You can't just copy me because you want me. You can't have me!" She clenched the scythe and glanced around the chamber. "There was never any danger to the hall was there? This was the whole reason you wanted me here..This.." There was a sudden pause.. "Begins..what begins here?"

"You don't understand... I did not do this all because I wanted you, child.. I have always had you.. And yes, there is danger here.. And I do not mean the danger that is you."

She wanted to scrub this image from memory but she knew there was no chance in that. "Then why.." She turned her head, trying to pick out which junction she wanted to go. If there was a threat then her job wasn't done. Despite her emotional pull she would push forward like always. Stuff those emotions down..down down..

"Back the way you came.. 2nd left.. Do what you will with the explosives.. As to the why? It is because I could, that is why.. And because I have done so before, in other worlds, and other planes... And I will continued to do so, until my end... Until his end.. Because I know exactly what I am, child..."

A gentle kiss was felt upon that head of hers, akin to a breeze... "What a life it could have been... For us."

The presence seemed to fade... She would feel that much. It seemed, he was in fact... Gone.

"Just..because you tried to remake me." The point was he failed. She hoped that if he continued he would always fail. There was only one her damn it..only one.. Her head jerked sharply at the kiss and she hissed out. "Wait.." Damn it..She needed to know..when..if he was going after Fio. She'd be there to stop him damn it!

As to the why..It is because I could, that is why..

Why did he want to though? There had to be a reason why he was recreating her. Not just because he could. There had to be some reason. It seemed like he was trying hard to do it too by the number of copies there were. There were so many other questions: How was he creating these clones? Was he still trying? Was he trying to copy others or was it just her? If it was just her then what was so special about her? Above all else..had he succeeded?

What a life it could have been... For us.

Ugh..As if him trying to re-create her wasn't creepy enough what could he of possibly meant? She had lingered at the room with the clones long enough to know she had been there too long. Thinking too much. Pushing on her way she backtracked the way she had came. Why was she following what he had said? Simply enough..if he was giving the wrong info she could just wander around but so far his information had not been wrong.

During the walk she found herself chewing feverishly on her bottom lip. Should she tell Edward? What would he think? What would he do? Maybe she would tell him..after..After she made sure the bodies were taken care of.

Nearly twenty-four hours in a sewer? Not fun! She wanted a nice warm bath and that fluffy bed that she had been occupying for the last five months or so. Maybe she'd even be nice enough to make a few beignets for Edward. Maybe..

She finally found herself in the mouth of the opening, the open area wasn't all that large but it could be due to the fact that there were several barrels stacked up to the far end, stuffed so neatly that there was little doubt in her head that if an explosion did go up that whatever the barrels held would find way to the people above. Several devices were pinned up against the barrels, a man tinkering with one seemed to be unaware of her arrival. She wasn't expected it seemed.

So why? Why lead me here Raven? Why plan this if you want me to stop you? Or was he hoping instead of stopping him she would help him?

So many questions needed answers...

Sliding closer and closer the man with his back to her soon had the coldness of steeled shadow against his throat. The pole of the scythe was held to where she could snug the blade's curve under his chin without startling him too much. He stiffened and with a gentle pull on the pole she guided the man to turn around. His clothing wasn't familiar but at the moment she didn't care. The man's gray eyes were wide as she made sure that as he turned the blade was still on him.

"Can you disarm this mess?" He didn't answer her and that caused her to become annoyed. "Answer me or I will stuff you into one of these barrels!"

"Y-Yes! I can! But-"

"Do it!" her tone was nothing short of demanding.

"I can't! If I do he will kill me."

"If you don't I will kill you before he even has a chance to find out."

The man obviously believed her because he finally nodded. Lowering the scythe she allowed him to work. The man seemed skittish as he moved, as if he was trying to hide something. Several times she noticed him trying to reach into his cloak for something but each time saw that she was watching like a hawk. By the time he had disarmed the explosive devices he looked like he was about to have a heart attack. He wore this panicked, hand in cookie jar expression as she moved closer and pinned him close to the barrels.

"What are you hiding..?" she questioned in a low tone that edged on ice. The man's round eyes grew wider as she started to growl, warning him that he dare not lie to her.


She followed the suddenly slumping body down to the ground, riddled with a number of daggers in vital places. She had no time to play twenty questions nor did she have the time to play. She dug through the man's cloak until she found a rolled up bunch of papers. Pulling the rubber band away she unrolled them and started to look them over. Ah..plans for the devices. Grand. She might not be a wiz at this stuff but she knew how to follow instructions. So the man's tinkering with the devices was looked over to make sure that they were disarmed.

The papers were read through until she found one that had her clenching at them. "Son of a- Diana? What time is it?"

"A little after 9 pm."

Crap. "Okay I need the fastest way out of this place." She'd come back to dispose of the poisons and the bodies. But this..this was not good. While Diana gave direction she sped through the tunnels, giving herself no time to panic over the small places. Not that she went through any very small ones.

Breaking out into the open air was a blessing and she gasped on the first delicious breath. Clawing on the ground she pulled herself out from the sewers like some inky beast ready to feast on the town. The shadows that wrapped her shuddered, stretching out across the ground like living creatures. Bleeding away until only bits and pieces of the Reevi skin remained on her. Even as she rose up to her feet to gain her bearings she had noted that she stunk. It was going to take several showers to get this smell off.

Geh...she was so tired...

Grumping she pulled out the papers and began to follow the directions planned for this little 'Delivery to the Governor'. Apparently, it wasn't just good enough to try and blow up toxin from under the building but deliver the trigger to the Governor. The way the trigger was set looked so innocent by its design. All she would have to do is open the box up, thus breaking a wire to set things into action. Now she knew Fio had guards and protectors. People who would probably check the box which only made her more nervous. Other hands likely to set off the hair trigger. Ugh.

Several blocks were crossed in a hurry, keeping herself close to the building walls and the shadows even closer. By the time she actually came a man and woman at the appointed meeting place, it seemed like they were attempting to decide who would deliver the package. Well she was almost sure the other person was a woman. It was really hard to tell with how big she was. She was reminded of the Scath sisters but a whole less..female looking...

"What do we have here?"

"Nhh.." She turned around and that slow movement became sharp when she saw the flash of metal that barely miss her nose. The swing came again, again, and again. Each time she shifted, sliding back more and more until her back met a wall. Her hands flattened to the wall, looking at the man much like a mouse would a cat.

He grinned.

He thought he had her pinned.

To his surprise she seemed to melt into the wall when in reality she melted into the shadows. He swung out as the shadows swallowed her but too little too late. By the time his ax met the wall she was gone. "Son of a bi-" The man choked, a mouthful of his blood splattering the wall before him. He stared in disbelief as he started to sink.

How? How did she end up behind him? How was it that her scythe blade found his gut?

None of these questions would be answered. Instead, a violent yank on the staff sent the body from the blade, tearing him open like he was nothing more than a pig to be gutted. Even as his innards spilled on the street she was turning to the others who were quickly approaching. She barely had the scythe free by the time the bear of a woman was on her, charging like a raging bull. The scythe met shoulder but not before the woman drove hard into it. The air was pushed out of her lungs as she was shoved hard into the wall, feet dangling by more than a foot from the ground.

"Hurry! Go deliver the package!" the woman grunted over to the male. Her words seemed to shake him out of his surprised daze because he grabbed up the waiting box and started to mad dash down the street. The woman leaned her bulk into Katt, one of her large hands catching right above Katt's collarbone. Squeezing...

Pinned by the behemoth of a woman Katt choked out a growl and pawed her hand along the pole of the scythe until her fingers were at the edge where the blade met pole. Gripping it firmly she yanked, using it more like a sickle than a scythe. The curve of the blade met the side of the woman's neck firmly and instantly the woman released her. No time was wasted. On the way to the ground, she had the claws formed on her hand reaching out. Pushing off the ground as soon as her toes met it she drew up to the woman's head until those claws went up right under the woman's chin. The sound was right sickening as the claws dug up and even as she yanked her hand free, the back barbs of her claws catching and tearing free more flesh.

She couldn't catch the woman nor did she attempt to. The body count was two even though she originally had no intentions on taking lives. Shaking her head she looked down the street to see the young man peering around the corner at her.

"Do you really want to do this? Do you want to end up like your friends?"

She blinked when the male yelped and took off running. Breaking out in a run after him she had to dodge the things he was throwing in her path. Everything and anything he could tilt or shove was given attention as if it would really stop her. He even dove through several stalls as if that would help. This late at night, however, there was nobody around. Stalls were closed and things were quiet.

At some point he thought he had lost her, looking back to find the streets empty. Clinging to the box he continued on his course. He barely made it in front of Town Hall when he was full body tackled, the box knocked away and the young man sat on with wickedly sharp claws angled at his face.

"AHH! I'm sorry! I-I-I!"

She blinked at the young face of the man. He was about..Sergei's age. A frown thinned her lips as she settled her claws against his skin, separated just enough so that his bugged out eyes could see from between the edges of black metal. She didn't want to kill him. He was...young. He had his whole life before him. He didn't need to be caught up in something this foolishness.

She must of looked terrifying to the lad because he was stuttering off apologies against her palm and by the time she focused on what he was saying she was wearing a scowl. "Shut up." She demanded and instantly the lad went silent. "Spill. Tell me what you know!"

He was silent.

She growled and she felt him jerk under her. It was then she felt a pain scream up her side. Slowly her drifted down to find the lad's hand gripped firm around the handle of a knife that was hilt deep in her side. A slow inhale was made, the blade felt inside. Retaliating she clenched on the lad's face, biting the points of her claws into his flesh. "Stupid move. Care to twist the blade? Or try again? Or will you tell me what you know of Raven's plans? Because if you plan on striking again you better make it count this time."
Katt Batten
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

Few hours later...

Poor Fio getting a knock at the door at the break of dawn. She was informed that she would be needed at Town Hall as soon as possible. Sure enough, when she did arrive she would find a handful of people out front, most of them from the Watch. The two who were not stood out like sore thumbs.

One being a young man tied up and unconscious against the front door of the Hall and next to him, leaning back with arms folded tight against chest was a figure dressed in clothes of shadows. Female obviously by the figure but with a hood over head and a mask covering where the shadows of the hood did not, it made it impossible to see who it could be.

Near the seemingly waiting woman was one of the Watch, writing something down as if taking a statement.

What was annoying is that they couldn't tell her precisely why she was needed in person. If she hadn't recognized the officer that came to escort her, and if her cadre of security weren't with her, she would have expected a set up.

She moved through the milling police and others, in search of whoever was in charge of the scene. "What's going on here?"

The figure leaning on the wall pushed off when Fio was heard and she pushed past the Watch man. Something was passed onto him in quite tone and he nodded to her. She continued forward, fishing something out from her pocket. It was, more or less flashed for Fio at an angle that would prove just for her eyes. A familiar insignia - an avenger insignia. She waited before continuing forward. "Can I have a word with you in private?"

Fio shared a glance with the watch commander on duty, and gestured for the door leading into the building. At this time of day, there wouldn't be anyone else working - security was outside. Her bodyguards shifted uncomfortably, but she arched a brow at them and started stalking for the door.

Yeah..the one cloaked in shadows probably would make most uncomfortable but letting the Gov go unprotected? Hands clasped at the small of her back and she followed behind Fio much like she was Fio's living shadow.

When close to the door she glanced to the boy. He was young, maybe 16..17..shaggy black hair. Unconscious and splattered with blood. Most likely not his own. Why was he so snugly tied up? Fio would find out soon enough.

The hallway echoed emptily, their boots resonant on the Terrazo floors, the sound pinging up toward the tall, molded ceilings. She canted her head and waited silently for the woman to speak, following the line of her glance through the glass.

Fio's living shadow didn't even know where to start but once she was sure they were out of earshot she tilted her head back and looked over shoulder. Slowly she started to expect the area before her eyes settled on Fio. "The boy outside was sent by Raven to deliver a package to you. I have it..don't know what is inside and I rather be the one to inspect it." She paused and frowned behind that mask.

"It would be wise to close the town hall until things are safe. There are other issues..beneath the hall that I am dealing with. I wish you to be safe.."

Fio hesitated for a second, glanced toward the door and back to her. "You brought me here to tell me to stay away from here?" Just to be clear.

"Technically you brought us in here." Was that a tease? Maybe a tiny little one. "Which is fine..for this.."

A hand went up, fingers curling to the hood and it was drawn down. Fluffy black hair popped up, going every which direction now that it was freed. The mask followed suit, pooled to her shoulders and upper chest. Sharp, green eyes tilted up to Fio.

Unrevealed...was Katt.

Dead silence for a good thirty seconds.

"I am going to effing kill Ed." She did not sound like she was joking. Another couple of shocked beats later and Fio grabbed her, clasping her tightly, her arms shaking with it.

"I surely hope you don't kill him. If it wasn't for him I'd still be dead." Whoa! Fio was on her and Katt stiffened a bit but mostly out of pain. She normally would have said 'go easy I'm hurt' but she sorta felt that didn't belong here. Slowly her arms circled around Fio to hug her. It felt odd..hugging someone after so long. She felt the warmth even through the Reevi skin.

Fio was torn between the desire to hug her or shake her. She held her out at arm's length and looked her over. "Do you know how long it's been? Everyone thought you were dead. We all mourned. Poor Sergei!"

"I do know how long it has been. I've been recovering. Most of the time, Fio, I was dead." Her hands went up to pat the woman's hand then grabbed at her wrist to bring her hands down before Fio started to shake her silly. "I was physically dead..then brain dead for weeks. If it wasn't for Edward I would not be standing here. I have been recovering the past two or three months, barely able to move. "

Fio did make Katt feel guilty and her eyes shifted to the side. She had seen Sergei. He seemed happy go lucky but she also knew that some could cover pain. She was one of such. "There is also another reason. As things stand.." Her hands released Fio, "I'm a danger to be around."

Fio was still processing most of what she'd said early on, but the last statement registered and stopped her from chiding her further. Instead, she asked, "Why?"

"I..and Raven seem to be..linked." A hand drifted up, fingers settling to her temple. She hadn't told Edward yet but she would soon as she could. Fio would be another that would need to know. "He is how I know of everything below the Town Hall. I dealt with most of that before coming here. I intend on finishing up after this."

To explain better she gestured with a palm. "He had set some toxic and explosives under the hall, ready to explode. I want nobody down there until I say so okay? Please?"

"You'll need help. Have you called him?" Fionna didn't like the sound of any of it; in particular the 'link'.

"I don't want anyone down there." Katt's voice rushed out quickly, a pinch of panic in her voice. "I will ask Edward if I can borrow some people from the company. I will make sure things are cleaned up." Her word. "Raven has no control over me. But instead he speaks to me..He doesn't know I am here. It seems he only has partial access to the link."

"Are you sure it will stay that way?" She loved Katt, had grieved for her, but this... this worried her. "Can you keep him out?"

"He has no hold over me nor will he ever. I do not know what sort have but I know that much." Her eyes flicked down for a moment then rose up to meet Fio's. "You understand now why I say I am not safe to be around? It isn't because he can control me but through that link he knows certain things I do. Although he has made it clear he has no intentions on trying to read my mind, I am still very cautious of things. I do not..want to hurt anyone."

It would be a cold day in hell before she allowed Raven to take her over. This thought, however, brought on a thin frown.

The wheels were turning behind Fio's eyes, and she stared at the trussed man through the glass doors as her security guards watched her.

"I'll announce the building is closed for pest control or something... How long do you think you'll need?"

"A day. Two at most." the words slid out of her mouth before she even caught them. "Time to burn the bodies..time to get rid of the toxins. The explosives have all been disarmed. I made sure of that.."


Did that slip? She glanced off to the side. "Yes..Bodies. There is Raven's people that I had to kill. Speaking of..The boy. I will interrogate him before I go. I will make sure you know what is in the package and what he says before I go cleaning."

Slowly her eyes returned to Fio. "I wish your opinion, Fio. Do you think I should uncloak myself? Return to the public?" She was asking Fio for her honest opinion. Her honest thoughts.

"Don't kill him," she said first, meaning the boy on the steps. Then she lapsed into another silence before answering. "I can't tell you what to do. I think people would be overjoyed... but you may be safer if he thinks your secret is still a secret? I don't know. What does your heart tell you?"

"I don't plan on killing him. Even though he stabbed me..I think..I think he got mixed up in something maybe against his will? I plan on finding out." Turning slightly on her heels she made sure to keep her back to Fio's guard. "I don't know, Fio. I want to be out. I want people to know I'm not dead.. That I did die but I am ..back. You know?" Her lips thinned firmly as she considered Fio's words. Would she be safer? "I don't know if I am safer or not."

"If you feel like it's time, then it's time. Whatever you decide to do, I'll support you with. I... it's just a very personal decision. You have to be the one to make it."

A personal choice. A slow nod dipped Katt's chin and her fingers rose up to pull at the hood. It was brought up over the black mess of hair. "Please..Please don't be angry with Edward. If you have someone to be angry with then be angry with me."

"I can hardly be angry at you for being alive, Katt." It would take a bit for her to get past being furious with him, so she said nothing on that point.

"He did it to protect me.." She offer weakly, hoping Fio would understand. There was a sister's affection in those words. "If it wasn't for him.. I..I wouldn't be here now." And boy did she mean that.

Slowly her hand lowered, finding the spot where the boy had stabbed her. "I should go now. Interrogate the lad and head down to clean up the mess. If I am done early I will send you notice."

Stepping back she bit at her bottom lip, stopping herself from saying something more.

"Katt?" She let her go, her fingers rubbing together after the odd feel of the suit the woman was wearing.

Pulling up the mask that hid her lower face she turned her eyes to Fio. "Mrm?"

"I'm really glad you're back, sweet."

She went still after hearing that, obviously not expecting such words. The sharp pain in her chest caused a hand to rise up without a thought, fingers pressed to the center of her chest firmly. Playing this off she pressed firmer and bowed at the waist in a formal gesture to Fio. "(vs) Thank you, Fio."

Before Fio could say anything more she stepped back then spun on her heels. She left the hall in hasty stride. Once out of the hall she asked where the boy had been taken, finding out that he had been taken to one of the buildings nearby.

She took her time getting there and once she shared a few words with the Watch guarding the room she passed through the door, making sure it was closed firmly behind her.

Package in hand..the boy sitting tied up in the corner of the room. It was time to ask questions.

She was going to get answers.
Katt Batten
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

How much time had passed, the lad had no idea... But someone else did, so very much so...

Voices... Many voices were heard, and yet none were familiar at all... Bit and pieces were made out, and the like. Words such as 'prisoner' and 'terrorist', words like 'death sentence' and 'Raven'. 'Holding facility was another, the lad could make out. The voices came and went, some louder and far more excitable than others. Try as he could, he could not recognize any of them to save his own life, and in his mind, the time to save his own life was nearing its end, very quickly.

Try as he could, the lad could not open those eyes of his at all... No bind could be felt upon his head, and yet he could not muster the strength at all to open them even the slightest. Then again it seemed his whole body felt like one large dead weight, that he could not budge in any way, shape or form.

It was almost as if his own body had given up.

His mind however, remained intact and as best as he could, he began to piece together what had happened, prior to his blacking out.

The plan--- that delivery for that damned governess and her good for nothing bunch of bureaucratic minions. The mission they had been given weeks ago, and were so careful in it's planning and execution, that failure was not an option in anyone's mind.

Yet fail is what they did, and rather poorly too.

The girl, the darkened one... Much like the lord she seemed.

She was to blame, she was the one who interfered where none should have arrived. It was as if--- she knew... But how!? No one else knew, save the lord Raven, as it was his plan, and his alone! So how in the hell did she manage to find them, and let alone seemingly with no effort what so ever.

The lad's mind raced with so many scenarios.

Yet the end result was the same, every single damned time.

She was there because they were meant to fail.

It was a set up from the outset. Their own lord had lead them to the slaughter so to speak, and he alone seemed to be the sacrificial lamb of sorts, as he caught another voice stating that the boy of Raven's they held was the only one left.

They were betrayed.

Anger had begun to build within the lad, as he finally began to understand the gravity of what had transpired from the moment, they were 'chosen' for this mission. He finally understood what so many others were beginning to finally see, and like so many others who had fallen already or were destined to do so, it was too late for this lad.

He had been served to the enemy on a f*cking silver platter!

Ears pricked as the lad heard a door open, and shuffled steps file into the area he was in. Roughly lifted he was by each arm and dragged from wherever they had him kept. His head hung low, as those eyes of his remained shut, during the transition, which did not last long as another door opened before them somewhere.

Roughly he was pushed onto a bench, as he felt the corner of the wall behind him. Arms began to finally come to life, realizing the futility of their movement, as they were bound rather tightly. Fingers flexed and tightened all the same, as ankles rotated a bit, offering a soft 'pop' or three in the process. The cobwebs were finally being shaken, and that brought a slight bit of relief to the lad.

Slowly those eyes of his began to open, as the light of the room began to pierce that darkness he had been a guest off since his capture, and as soon as it had, his eyes clenched shut once more.

After what felt like a forever game of hide and seek, with blinks and clenches of eyelids, the room finally began to come into view, offering a glimpse of what he had already known.

He had failed... He had been betrayed... He was theirs now... And he very well may die in this place...

Low did that head of his hang, as he ignored everything else that was around him. Well, that was until she had arrived, causing his head to life once more. Eyes of blue took in the woman before him, "You are like him."

There was a million things swimming in her head as she entered the room where the boy was being held. The look from the Watch was one of suspicion. She didn't care and they were damn lucky she wasn't their superior because she might of had some choice words with them. Instead she made sure the door was closed with the guards outside despite their claim she shouldn't be alone.

The chair that was met for her was kicked over to the lad and she placed a bag near him, the aroma of food coming from it. She wasn't cold-hearted after all and chances were he hadn't been fed. He wouldn't be untied yet but by the looks of it she would untie him eventually so he could indulge in the food and drink.

The chair was kicked a little more, turned about so that when she sat the back of the chair was against her chest and her arms could fold across the top. "Mrm? Like who? How old are you anyways? You look like you are ..what? Sixteen? What are you doing in this mess?"

Like Raven. She was nothing like him and deep down it angered her that he might have meant that. Despite this deep pitted feeling her expression remained ever neutral. Sighing she shook her head. "Regardless I need you to tell me what you know. About Raven..about his plans. Do you understand how many innocent people he has placed in danger? How many you have placed in danger? Can you the rest of your life knowing you've innocent blood on your hands? Sleep peacefully at night?"

Those eye of blue drank the woman in, as the lad said nothing else. He felt, he didn't have to for the moment, since she was moving--kicking chairs, an whatnot. That bag of food caught his attention rather quickly as well, as a slight swallow could be made out if one were to look closely enough. Then she did it--- Oh yes she did, every single adult who had wanted to get their point across did the chair twirl. That while 'sitting backwards' deal.

It was like one of those movies he had seen before as well. The only thing missing was an older dark skinned make screaming about some out-of-control cop, and how he was 'tool old for this sh*t'--- wait a sec. I'll be damned, he literally just then heard something like that down the hall.

Son of a b*tch, this day was getting better and better...

Betrayed, and cliche'd.

A shake of head took hold, as she finally spoke. And was that 'concern' in that voice of hers? Hmm, it seemed so. Now where was it, he had heard that before? Ah yes, the very man that sent him into the belly of this beast.



There, she got an answer! Sides, it mattered little as he was most likely going to rot in jail anyways, so the truth couldn't hurt.

"Placed in danger? You mean how many people your Government for their failure to act, placed in danger, woman! After all, you all allowed him to openly do what he did, isn't that right? Also--- I don't sleep anymore and I've learned that there are hardly any innocents in this wreck of a city!"

Looking away, the boy added. "You two are so alike, it isn't funny! No wonder he told you where we'd be. He knew you'd come! He knew you'd do whatever he said and here we are!"

"Hmmm, is that so Daughter? Did I play you? Or did I play the boy? Or perhaps there is a game for both of you? Shall we play?

To him it may of looked like she was doing what 'every single adult did' but to her she was simply getting comfortable which would be made known by the way her arms crossed over the top and her cheek settled against her arm.

At first she didn't say anything as she listened to the lad, just stared at him with those heavy, unnatural greens. Calm..relaxed in the way she just sat there.

She sighed quietly and tilted her head to the side. "How is've known me for five seconds and yet you are so ready to say I am like him? What do you know of me? Aside from the fact that I haven't killed you? You know I am trying to help you so you can knock off with the smart ass attitude. And when I am sure you won't be trying to attack me again I am going to untie you so you can eat." Geez try to do something nice and you get walked all over. Pff.

Leaning back she frowned at him. The frown looked almost..disappointed in him. Like a mother would give her son for stealing a cookie before dinner time. "You blame the government for failing to act so it gives you the right to destroy their lives..the lives of their family and friends? You are blaming the current Government for the past people who have sat there? If so then you are an idiot. You just follow the flow of hatred, creating more hatred. Are you so quick to grow up to be like him?" She made no attempt to throw her arms, her words more than doing what was needed.

"The people in the seats now had no control over the past and they do their damnest to do what they can now. Last I checked nobody can do everything. You..You should be trying to help the city and the people instead of destroying lives and throw it into more chaos."

Her head tilted, trying not to listen to Raven. Finally, she sighed and shook her head. "I don't know..why don't you tell me since you say you would never lie to me. Are you playing with me? This boy? ....What sort of game...?"

"I'm so quick? Really? That's the best you have!? You're the one who is as tainted as he is, I can smell it on you! Hatred? You are one to talk aren't you? Don't act so high and mighty now because you saved that b*tch a few hours ago! Her time will come, I can assure you that!?

Oh the brow that raised, as the boy looked Katt over, with a rather--- insistent glare.

"We don't... I don't blame the current government as a whole, however if they have to be taken down as examples, then so be it. Just like the others that were killed, the traitors! The were all examples of what we are truly capable of! He said what we would do, and he told you time and again, what he would do, and you know what, we did it and he did it, time and again! You think because of a few set backs, this is over? You think just because, you stop this one attempt on that woman, it will end like that!??"

"Oh my, Kitten... I dare say this lad has--- become--- to come--- undone? Children, are ever so--- impressionable, are they not, daughter? Such things, they say and believe to no end--- such a freedom to let loose with all they have, and with such-- energy.?

The boy... This lad, eyed Katt with quite the intent, as a low growl began to slip from the soldier---the tool.

And was that--- a tear? Slipping his eye? And perhaps another?

"You know who I blame? Who we blame? Those damned Avengers of yours! The ones who NEVER showed up to do a thing when this city went to hell, because they were doing who knows what! And what about their 'leader', huh? The Admiral! Where was HE when the city and people-- when WE needed him? He wasn't around for 'Scarred' that's for sure! Oh but he sure came back when Raven decided to tell the city his intentions, right? A bit of tough talk, a bit of promises, and even when you ran to him to tell him what Raven planned, what happened!??"

A soft shudder could be felt... And more so, seen.

"What happened, when you told him woman!? What did he do? What did they do??"

Another tear appeared? Slipping from that eye of his, and--- it was crimson...

"What the f*ck happened!?? That Scath whore!? The Watch!? YOUR Government?! The Avengers!? Guardians!? Jenai and her little group?! Icer, and her lizards?! And ALL those other people who knew!?? NOTHING HAPPENED, THAT'S WHAT! NOTHING!?"

Oh my, Kitten... This boy looks-- vexed.? The errant voice offering the words in a sing / song measure.

"Wolvinator ran! He ran away, and so did the others! They had to make a NEW group didn't they!? Because Raven had their number, that's why! So Wolvinator ran away, and left it to the others to hold his bag, because he didn't have the balls to do it himself!? Those Scath whores were the same! Isuelt crying, and whining to every f*cking person who could listen, and even blamed Jenai too! That hypocritical b*tch! All of then ran and hid themselves, and it was SMART because, he had their number!? Jenai knew it too! She was beaten the worse of all, because of all the time, he was there, when she had no damned idea! And her little vampire sister? The cat girl? The nanny? All taken by HIM!? That Centaur too! So clueless, and blind! Helping him, time and again! And you-----" Those eyes of his--- were so crimson now, as a soft rune of blood appeared, hissing so very faintly... The bloodied tears continuing, offering such a smeared mask of crimson, as the rant continued... "You were the worst of all! Even before you were 'tainted' by Renna, you were worse than each and every one of them, because YOU had to go back to him TIME and TIME again! You knew, and you heard everything first hand! And you were the biggest example of all, you were! Because he killed you, and yet here you are, carrying HIS mark, and hearing his VOICE!?"

My voice...

"My voice...Tell me, Kitten how did it feel to look at each of those little works in progress of yourself, hmm?? Did the boy's voice change? Was it-- deeper, and--- darker? How did it feel to kill what had your face on it!? How did it feel to see those twisted forms that were a PART OF YOU!? How did it feel to DESTROY a part of yourself!? Especially since you are nothing more than a twisted form, of more than one world!"

"Help me... God, help me... Anyone-- kill me, please... Help me... make it stop..."

"One part destroyer, the other baker! One part leather, and the other the fakest of lace! Playing the part, and lying to each and every person you come across in some pathetic manner to try and fit what you THINK they want you to be! And worse off, you lie to yourself! You are the biggest lie of all, and you know it!"

"Help me..."

"You hate being treated like a kid, and yet you cater to it time and again and indecisive, and utterly disillusioned girl! Oh such a killer, and would sooner serve a f*cking cupcake! Oh no one can love me, no one wants me! Oh Everyone hates me, oh woe is f*cking me! Raven hates you! Jenai hates you! Oh poor Leo, and Sergei! Renna hates you, and it's all true!? Why the f*ck would they want to love something as pathetic as you!? You can't even love yourself, let alone stop lying to every single f*cking person, most of all YOURSELF!"

"Kill me..."

"Oh what? You'll come back with some sort of comedic come back? Some little comic book, super hero banter? Some pathetic attempt to make your denial that much more the real? Come on! Get a clue! We're past every bit of that now, and he---I humored you long enough, b*tch! The games are over, and sh*t just got real!

"Oh no he didn't..Now you'll see why----"

The boy's words were cut short, as he broke into a severe fit of coughs, causing his body to writhe in such ways, as blood was spraying from his mouth, back and forth.

"Kill me! Kill me! Gods kill me, and make it stop! KILL ME!"

"That sounds like an invitation, Kitten.. I'd be a tad careful, because the boy was right--- sh*t got real. Because I allowed him to be captured, and lead you to him, and everything else. All of this happened, because I allowed it to, and more so, because I told you, where to go-- and what will happen, now that I have everything in place? Heroes busied all over, and a alarmed town hall? You and all these guards in one building, and a living bomb in the very room you're standing in...."


I have a grand stage, love.... That's what the f*ck I have...
Katt Batten
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

She listened to each and every word the boy..that he said. And while some of it was true..some of it wasn't. You can't exactly tell a madman that, however. Every time she had turned to someone to warn them about Raven they never listened. Lives were lost. Every time she had vital information...

She watched after the lad even as his will was turned to reflect Raven's.

His voice.

"Enough." The single word boomed from her, echoing back through that link with as much force as she could push. Certain words stung. Stung true and deep. "You say I am fake..Has it ever occurred to you that I perhaps enjoy baking? I don't do it because they like it I do it because I like doing it. They like it because they like it so stop using that like it is some weakness." She was allowed to have something she liked to do damn it! I fit in with people who have accepted me. I have friends. I have people who care and accept me for who..and what I am...

She attempted to press into the link while reaching forward to grab the boy, his cheeks cradled in her palms. The rune was studied but not directly. Instead she was staring into that boy's eyes with her sharp, unnatural gaze. How..How could she get rid of the rune before it killed him..killed her and everyone in the building. Crap..

"Is this how you are going to kill me, Raven? With a BOMB?! And here I thought you would do it by your own hands like a real man. Instead you plant a rune on a boy and send me to find him? What sort of stage is that? Really..pathetic.." she tsked through that link, mocking him through the link to keep him distracted while she dug around. To see if she could see through his eyes..pick through his brain. She wanted to save the boy. There had to be a way to remove the rune. If he could do it why couldn't she, right?

She was like him..after all..

She should be able to! And she dug in for the answer. "Release the boy, Raven..Release the boy and deactivate the bomb. This is not how we are going to end things between us. We both know you wouldn't do that..Not to me..."

Oh that voice of hers? Such a force that was behind that word, 'enough'. It almost made him smile in some deeply twisted manner, something akin to a father ever so proud of his daughter.

However, 'almost' was still the prevalent word there.

She spoke, and he listened. And truthfully, he ended up doing more than merely listen to her, as he actually began to feel those words of hers.

Impactful words, indeed. She had finally begun to see certain things for what they were--- the bond they actually did share, and more so had been sharing for longer than she would have ever cared to openly admit to any of her little playmates. So the rose-colored tints were finally giving way to the darkness, that truly was before her, or rather--- inside her? Yes, that would be a better term.

The darkness that was within her, and had been even before she had opened herself up to Renna, and Raven.

So he felt those words of hers.

That was an improvement--- well in regards to Katt, it was.

And just when Raven had begun to think that she would have at least tried to carry the momentum, in regards to her newfound discovery---- she reverts yet again.

'The Baker's Defense', that is what would name it.

But in all honestly, he knew what it was, deep down within.

A pathetic attempt at shielding herself within the confines of false bravado.

Using it? I am using it? Again you delude yourself, child. Ever the teddy bear is that baking to you, as you use it to run from every single horrid thing you have ever done, and are afraid you will do yet again! It is not something you like, it is something you use to hide yourself inside of. You do it, because you think somehow it will cause you not to think of what you were, are and will again become. Another reason, is you think everyone will accept a little cute baker, with her little cute quirks over what the hell you truly are. Might as well work for a newspaper, and play in a f*cking phone booth---- oh wait, that's been done before."

A somewhat chuckle followed, "So they accept you? THEY accept you?! HAH! Is that really so, or is it the fact that you forcefully TOSS yourself in their lives time, and again, so much so that they have NO choice but to have the sad course in life of actually dealing with you, in hopes that maybe somehow you will simply move on? They accept you? The baker? The girl who cannot stay out of anyone's damned business? The girl who decided to play with Renna, and myself in hopes of doing all by herself, what groups of others have failed to do time and time again!? THEY accept you!? Bitch, please! They didn't even give you the f*cking time of day, when you ran to them! They never took you seriously, and they never will, and you know why!? Because you can't even look in the mirror and take YOURSELF with any amount of resolve! And no one will tell you anything in regards to it, save Renna and myself and I find that the biggest crime of all, save your sad delusions, of course."

The lad...The boy began to writhe slowly within that grasp of hers, as she pressed the link-- that road way if you would. For the moment, that tirade of his would be held in check, as he too began to explore more so, that road way a bit further. Because if she was able to follow the road to him per se', you know damned well he could follow the road to her, as well. Oh, such questions she pondered...

Such a situation she found herself entwined within, and not only herself, but so many others that while not so near, and dear to her, were so very close in proximity. Yes, what an issue that would present, hmm? Would she be able to save the many? Would she be able to save the one? Hell, would she be able to even save her own @ss?

Oh, such questions indeed!

Of course, there was one more question...

How far would she go to do any of the three, or possibly even more than one? Would she be willing to take a life, to save a life, or many lives? Would she sacrifice her own skin, to save the rest? Would she allow others to die for the sake of one? What exactly would she do, hmmm?

And again--- how far would she honestly go, to see any of those ends met?

Then she spoke again, and mockingly no less?


That was the best she had?! That was it?! He was taken aback honestly as the term, 'are you sh*tting me' came to mind, more than once.

She mocked him...

She f*cking mocked him.

Well, she wanted his attention and that is exactly what she got. Which of course, allowed that bit of an opening she was working so hard to as images began to play out before her.

There were cloaked beings moving back and forth, hard at work casting some sort of spell, as runes flared about the beings, coupled with the whispered words of whatever they were working on.

A shift, as the viewpoint moved to the right. In fact, it was a glance or so at best and then everything began to shake violently. Yelling ensued, and she knew that voice all too well, and the gauntlet that lifted to stabilize the being that was her viewpoint further confirmed what she already had known.

She was seeing through his eyes.

And to the left of him, there was something. No, it was someone-- a woman. They were laid across a table of stone, it seemed. They were laid face down, their back exposed. He approached, as that gauntleted hand lifted to set aside the flame kissed locks more so, exposing a rather intricate tattoo on the back of the woman, as fingers began to trace that tattoo every so carefully. Points were noted, on the outer edges of the artwork, as the cloaked beings nodded slowly, offering their chants once more. The woman stirred a moment, as her body convulsed more than once, and then eased itself.

To the right, his gaze went...

The eyes landing upon a chest plate leaned against a nearby wall. It was a piece that Katt had seen before, bearing the crest of the 'CoS'.

And then Katt had spoken yet again, getting his attention once more.

That two way street, we talked about?

Yeah, he realized how far she had walked down it and more so, what she had seen. Now it was his turn to delve, a tad...

"How we are to going to end things? How we are going to end things!? Who the hell are you to even remotely think you have a f*cking say at all in how I end anything you pathetic excuse for a being!? You think you are really going to goad me into doing what the hell you want?! After what you have just seen here, you think I am simply going to wait this out!? Please... Jenai assumed the same f*cking thing, and now all she can do is hide within herself, and fight until the inevitable defeat that awaits her. And believe me, it awaits her and what she is hiding from me, will be mine! Just as your little situation there is to you, because you are on borrowed time, Katt!"

The boy cried out in such anguish, as the rune flared a violent myriad of colors, causing the lad to seize repeatedly.

"I have played you time, and again and I will keep playing you until you decide to finally accept who, and what you really are and FINALLY take that step into the abyss you clueless woman! So this is what will happen and you better listen so damned f*cking good here, because I swear if you don't they ALL will die! There is only one way to end this...You will kill this boy, with your own hand--- and you will look into his eyes while doing so. You kill the boy, you save the others and possibly yourself."

The boy cried out yet again, and it was about this time that Katt would hear a commotion outside the room. The words 'doors are stuck' and 'we can't get out' were heard loudly, among the shifting of furniture and rushed steps.

"No more games, Katt. You deviate from this in any way, shape or form and I will unleash such hell upon each and every one of you, and it will start in that very room you are in. I will kill everyone and everything! So what say you, 'killer' and 'warrior'? Hmmm? You cried to be taken seriously by everyone and here is your big chance! A shame a cup cake can't solve this one, hmmm? You've thirty seconds... NOW!"
Katt Batten
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

Her eyes flicked back and forth as she viewed the scene. She knew the woman even if she didn't see her face. The woman who was in his grasp.


Slowly her eyes narrowed on the male as her gaze refocused to the current, to the room she was in. The lad's eyes wide and in pain, begging her to end it. End the pain and suffering before he destroyed them all. Before he exploded...

"Step into the abyss? Step into the abyss?" She felt the laughter in her throat long before it emptied from her lips. It was a cold, dark sound. Something nobody would expect from her let alone feel.

He wanted her darkness? He wanted her to 'free' it..?

She would!

She gave in...

Gave in to him..

And unleashed her darkness...

Those sharp, green eyes grew wide and the pupils contracted to pinpoints. The shadows around her writhed as if in pain, stretching out to crawl along her legs and that of the boy she was gripping onto.

The grin that twisted her face was nothing short of wicked and she leaned to the boy, purring low under breath, "You got it.."

The link between her and Raven suddenly slammed with swirls of chaos, clawing ...dragging at senses. To say there was something dark in her..oh yes there was. It was the embodiment of what she was born to.

However, there was also light. For you cannot have shadow without light and darkness, now can you?

But this..what she poured into the link? It was nothing but the suffocating, painful darkness. Suffering..He would not be granted her numbness. No. He would feel everything her Abyss had to offer, in fold.

Where ever it was he was at he would see the shadows crawl, moving like stringy creatures born of shadow and nightmare stretching out with long fingers just itching to drag him down, drown him into the pit of darkness that one could not see. While it was true, where he was, nothing was really happening, his mind would feed his eyes these images. Grabbing, pulling..attempting to throw him off.

Wake up, Janie. Brian needs you..Brian is out there.. He loves you. You have to be strong..for him..You have to..WAKE UP!

She was not sure she could speak through Raven and even if she couldn't that was fine. She could hope that her words could be felt. Not that it could..

The grip she had on Raven she tried to hold as long as she could in order to throw him. Just long enough for doors to be unbarred, people to flee but also to give herself time.

Her eyes continued to flick back and forth as she searched the boy and then...well it seemed the rune had been planted on the boy's heart.

15 seconds...

How could she remove a rune she knew so little about? How could she remove it from the boy's heart?

10 seconds...

He howled in her grasp, writhing in pain and clawing at her elbows. He kept repeating 'kill me' or 'do it!' and she ignored him.

5 seconds...

The shadows wrapped him close to her as she pressed her palm into the youth's chest. She did all she knew she could. Needle thin pieces of the Reevi skin punctured the boy's chest, wrapping the rune in a shell of darkness and separating it from the still-beating heart of the young man. She felt his heart quiver as if she had been touching it with her fingertips.

He was sobbing in pain but there was little she could do to ease that. The rune was absorbed, drawn onto herself as if it was returning to its source. After all the rune was created of darkness, was it not?

Their darkness...

The threads of Reevi skin retracted, returning to her and leaving five-needle shape marks on the lad's chest above his heart. He was alive but unconscious. She figured the pain had knocked him out so carefully she started to bring him down to lay him across the floor.

Not only that but flooding the darkness in the link with was becoming taxing..

Despite all Raven had laid out for Katt, in no way, shape or form, did he expect what she had in store for him, or for that fact, the little gift he had left inside the lad, that had been placed in that lap of hers with such precision and care.

The wave of darkness slammed into the man, as a growl of pure delight rang from the recesses within. Such a tangible thing it was, that darkness of hers and so enjoyable was every bit of it.

So much so, that he was blinded to everything else that was around him, as he continued to remain fixed between those two worlds, so to speak.

The fact that Katt had finally decided to relent to that which she had locked away for so long, just as he was finally about to break Jenai, made it that much more the occasion to be relished.

And relished it was, until--- things began to change?

That darkness he found himself within, that darkness she relented to, and more so shared with him, began to take a life unto itself, in a most strange fashion.

Shadows peeled themselves from the void... Darkness peeling from darkness, pulsing with such---numbness?

A swallow was taken, as he attempted to fathom what was happening, and to those around him on the other side of the veil, it would be noticed as well, as he looked deeply in thought, while staring at seemingly nothing.

Glancing back and forth within that void, he called out again, and again and in reply he received nothing but silence.

That pulsing--- that flow grow more and more, as the numbness spread throughout the darkness so much so, that Raven himself was feeling it within, his own form.

He continued to struggle with that darkness of hers, much akin to someone struggling against the tide itself, as he fought harder, and harder to break above the waves of darkness that sought to drown him. With each breath stolen, he was pulled under once more, only to have to fight his way up again, and again. The numbness felt more so, as it slowly crept into that form of his, with more of an ease, due to his constant struggling in not one realm, but two.

Katt had done her job, and she did it well.

She took the door he opened, and came back with everything she had.

She changed the game.

So much so, that Raven had no idea what she had been doing in regards to the lad, and his rune.

And then, the darkness began to recede.

Its grip on Raven released, as it all was seemingly pulled back to where it had come from, offering a moment of respite, as he pondered a counter attack to make her suffer ever so, despite the fact he was SO proud of her, for what she had done!

He never had the chance...

The void began to shudder in a most violent of manners, as Raven sought to retain control in whatever way he could.

And then it came,

Such a brightness, such a blinding brightness, that caused not only Raven to cry out, but the very void he maintained to cry out as well, as the darkness was swept aside, giving way to that light, that burned so severely!

A lone rune appeared, a golden rune that pulsed with such energy, causing Raven to recoil more so, the darkness of his peeling from his form with every second, as he cried out in such pain!

The rune, then shattered in a most violent of fashions sending shards of light abound, piercing the darkness, and causing the void to literally tear apart, as Raven was swept from the void, through the veil to the other side.

What had happened!?

Katt would not know exactly what had happened, but she would feel it...

The taxing was her own form, feeling the light runes power, taking its vengeance upon the darkness she had within her, that tiny bit of Raven.

So small was it, opposed to Raven's that she was left unharmed, unlike Raven and so many of the other ebon wearers, who had been afflicted in so many ways.

She had her time, she bought every last second of it!

The boy had been saved, and the people inside released--- Only to find themselves fighting with forces Raven had placed outside the building. Weakened forces, due to the affliction, but forces none the less.

And then--- Jenai had awakened.

Katt would feel that, and more so she would see it!

She would see what Jenai had done to the ebon warlocks. She would see the unadulterated rage within the priestess, as she set her sights upon Raven.

And she would see and feel something else.

A true sense of absolute fear.

His fear.
Katt Batten
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

She knew there would be a lash in return for what she had done but wasn't it what he wanted? Isn't that what he asked for? What was he really expecting her to do? Become his side-kick and help destroy all that she clung to and loved?

He had pushed her pretty damn close to that edge...

...close enough that she was able to unleash the abyss on him with little to no remorse for the torture he would endure. She wanted him to hurt. It pleased her all the more that she was who was causing him pain. She felt enthralled by his pain and panic that came through their link.

Yes..She wanted it.

She wanted him to suffer.

She wanted him to writhe like a worm cooking on hot ash.

She wanted to hear his screams of pain and bathe in his blood.

But she also wanted answers. Why. Why did he want her so badly? Why as he trying to break her or as he claims..make her stronger. Why was he making clones of her? Did he want her at his side so badly that he was not above trying to create a double?

Above all else...Had he ..been successful?

For now, those questions would have to wait. White.. Sheer white pain echoed across her very being. Albeit, weaker then her counter-part but still enough to cause an unhuman howl to echo from her. She saw Jenai and wasn't sure if it was a memory or the present. Either way the woman look enraged. She should be...

"Miss Rhysata!" There was a bang at the door from one of the Watch officers who had heard the sound.

She didn't answer. Instead she was on her knees, shoulders squared back and eyes skyward. They saw nothing but the scene before her, mouth gawked open in mirrored fear. Not her own fear. His fear.

"The door is open! Oh sh*t! Raven's men are here! Probably for the boy!"

There was bloodshed going on outside of the room she and the boy were in but there was little she could do. She collapsed over the boy, spilled over and torn apart. The pain she felt..she had no clue where it came from but it hummed all over.

She felt the boy stir under her and suddenly his hands were on her. Pushing. Shoving hard. She couldn't understand what he was saying, it coming to her ears like gibberish. It was when he grabbed her by the front of her shirt and started shaking her that her focus came forward a little.


Her eyes opened to find the boy's face bright red with either rage or frustration. Either way he was shaking her like a ragdoll. "You are..still young..You don't..have any idea..of ..the were doing..involved in.." Her eyes drooped, exhausted really, " not the is a..ugly cycle. You need to be break it."

"You..You..KNOW NOTHING! I'm going to KILL YOU!" He had his chance. He had her in his grasp and he was feeling her up for a weapon. He found the dagger tucked in her pants at the small of her back. It was pulled out and instantly shoved between her ribs.

She gurgled out in pain and shoved him off. Damn it...

The door banged open and a she saw one of Raven's knights forcing his way in. The man looked like he was stepping on uneven ground. Had he been struck down? Either way he was coming after her and the boy with his sword ready to strike. Even with the dagger eating in her side she reached out to hug the boy close and pushed herself off the ground, rolling over to get her and the young man out of the way.

"What the f*ck are you doing?!"


The metal hitting the ground mere inches from the boy's hairline was pretty much his answer and his eyes went wide. "OH F*CK!"

She grunted and pulled out the dagger, forcing herself through the pain and to her feet in order to turn to the knight who raised his sword once again. Lunging forward as he swung down the man found himself with arms full of woman, her dagger buried in the center of his throat. Bulging eyes stared down at her, his head unmoving as he slid back, taking her dagger with him. She was fine with that. "These..are the ones you fight for..these who are so kill you.." she spat to the boy while stumbling back from the body. "You..are them.."

"Why did you save me? Again..?" The boy was suddenly on his feet, rushing over to her. She had thought it was to attack her again but she found out that was far from the truth. His arms slipped out to catch her under the arms, her body tipping without her even realizing.

They both crumpled to the ground with her face sliding down the length of his arm. Whatever that white light had been, between that and the retaliation on Raven..she was spent..
Katt Batten
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Location: She isn't hard to find if one knows where to look.

Re: Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Post by Katt Batten »

8 hrs later...


The veil of darkness was lifted as her eyes opened. Crap. She knew that sound. It wasn't a bad sound. It meant she was alive but still...

Sure enough, she was in a bed, draped over with a thick white blanket. Her head hurt something fierce but other than that.. it wasn't like she hadn't been ran ragged before. Looking around she noticed a small hospital room, the clinic no doubt. The Watch must have dealt with the remains of Raven's forces and brought her here.

What she didn't expect was the boy from the interrogation room to be in there. He was sitting in a chair nearby..asleep.

The hell?

Lips thinned and she pushed herself out of the bed carefully, especially when she realized that ..well..she was nude under the blanket. Pulling the blanket close to her body she wiggled her way to her clothes. It was difficult keeping the sheet up and pulling her clothes on.

"You should be resting.."

Irk! Caught! She glanced over her shoulder to the nurse and her head shook. "I'm fine."

"You are exhausted and hurt!"

"I got things to do.." she murmured back to the nurse and eyed the boy. "Why is he here..?"

"He was concerned for you." the nurse answered while checking her charts.

Concerned. Ha.. He was the one who stabbed her. Twice. Brought Raven's rune to destroy her. Despite all of this..he really didn't seem to realize what he had stepped into. That he was nothing but a pawn..something to be used and tossed away by the man he said..she was like.

She was not like Raven.

"I'm leaving.." She informed the nurse while snatching up her fedora. The hat was torn to her disappointment.


Without a word she stepped out of the room, leaving the nurse gawking.

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