Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Layla Paine
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Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Layla Paine »

To the one who issued a bounty on this sports title,

10,000 Silver Nobles seems to be a fair enough price for a challenge? Do you agree? If so, please leave payment at the Arena bar for later collection. Should there be no payment by this time next week then this challenge will be rescinded.

- Paine
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Cajsa Storm
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Cajsa Storm »

10,000 nobles is a lot of money! I think I could upgrade my streaming rig for that amount!

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holder's acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Mairead Harker
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Mairead Harker »

Warlord Paine,

Your challenge is accepted. I'll post my available dates, etc. after the Archmage Tournament this evening.

Mairead E. Harker
Baroness of Dragon's Gate
"And those who have not swords can still die upon them." - Eowyn, shieldmaiden of Rohan
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Layla Paine
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Layla Paine »

I'm choosing to reply within a timely manner instead of continued waiting,

Available dates are: Tuesday the 9th, Thursday the 11th, Saturday the 13th, Monday the 15th, Tuesday the 16th, Thursday the 18th, Friday the 19th, and Saturday the 20th. Choose one and I will be there.

9 PM of the RhyDin Clock and above is preferred. I've spoken with the Duel of Magic Coordinator, Max Lager, and she has agreed to call.
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Mairead Harker
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Mairead Harker »

Warlord Paine,

Thursday, 18 March, at 10pm by the Eastern clock suits me well as there is a party planned in the Dragon's Gate Sword Dueling School on the 17th.

Mairead E. Harker
Baroness of Dragon's Gate
"And those who have not swords can still die upon them." - Eowyn, shieldmaiden of Rohan
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Layla Paine
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Layla Paine »

Then this challenge will be taking place Thursday, March 18th at 10 PM Eastern. Max Lager will be acting as the caller for the match.
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Max Lager
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Re: Challenge for Dragon's Gate

Post by Max Lager »

Tonight I got to call the Dragon’s Gate challenge, and it was a busy night in the Arena! How exciting to have a challenge and upwards of four or five? (I may have lost count) Madness matches happening all around us at the same time!

Mairead fought under her usual banner, a field of midnight snow, featuring her spirit animal, the polar bear, and symbols of her heritage. Her colors were green, gold and blue. Her seconds were Haru Jeong and Doran Ilnaren. Her court of honor includes her parents, grandparents, and the students of the Dragon’s Gate Dueling Sword School!

I’ve seem to misplaced my notes regarding Layla’s information, but here’s a coupon for their Urn Extravaganza! There’s also a refer a friend program were you can get 20 or up to 50% off at Crossroads Funeral Parlor in Dockside!

Anyways, Mairead wanted to allow her squire the change to test, so Haru stood at the ready. Then the Baron of Old Market, Ettyn showed up and stepped in to counter this test! The two gave a friendly go at things, even though Ettyn started headbutting, (I think Haru tried to return the favor too), but there wasn’t a bloody mess at the end of things. Maybe they had already had a rough encounter earlier in the day? Or that was just something I overheard. The final score ended up being 5 – 1 in 6 rounds, with Ettyn as the winner, which forced Mairead and Layla to head into the ring next.

Mairead has some fancy mermaid armor, which was pretty cool and protected her from the spooky spector that Layla called forth to fight in the ring for her! But it was Mairead’s skill, armor and points that won the evening for her with a final score of 5 to 3 in 8 rounds. Mairead continues on as Baron of Dragon’s Gate, for almost a year now! Congratulations Mairead and well tried Layla!
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