2021 Madness Tournament Rules & Registration

The Most Anticipated Tournament of the Year

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2021 Madness Tournament Rules & Registration

Post by Tippletoe »


  • Please fill out the registration form to enter.
  • Official updated brackets will be available on the web at http://duelingzone.org/madness. The dates of each round of the tournament may also be posted there.
  • Deadline to register is Monday, March 1st, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST . Seeding will then be done and the brackets for the tournament will be posted by Sunday, March 7th. The first day for tournament dueling will be Sunday, March 14th. Dates may change depending on registration, but these are what we expect to use.
  • Rosters, including email addresses, and Character/Forum names for each division, will be sent out by the division manager no later than the day after brackets are posted. Please use this list to schedule matches. And the sooner roster spots fill up, the sooner we can set everything up.
  • NOTE: Your email address will become known to many people. If you are using a character you do not wish to become public knowledge, it is recommended to create a name using a free email site like gmail or yahoo.

~*~ RULES ~*~

  • A maximum of 64 duelists shall be allowed to enter. Should the number not be met then a bracket of 48 or 32 will be used. This will be first come, first serve. A list of sign ups will be posted publicly and updated throughout the registration process.
  • Brackets will be divided into 4 (or 2) divisions each with 1-16 seeds, or as close as possible. Seeding will be completed by a seeding commission and based entirely at their discretion.
  • Players shall be limited to 2 characters. While this is obviously the honour system for the most part, please respect this criteria.
  • Everyone will duel at their Duel of Swords rank and under standard fancy rules.(eg: baron and overlord fancy restrictions will be in place)
  • Duelists will have one week to complete matches (two weeks for the first round). The matches MUST be completed during the dates on the current round's bracket. Matches fought for this tournament will also be counted in a character's regular DoS record.
  • Matches may only be completed during regular dueling operating hours.
The weekly dueling dates for the tournament are Sunday through Saturday, during Fight Nights at the Dueling Venues.
  • The duel MUST be registered using the extended-dueling code. [ Example: ?stab x "Character name" 1 ]. The 1 makes sure that the bot will call duels past the 15th round. This instruction will be added to the weekly division emails. While a duel going past the 15th round will be registered on the weekly standings as a tie, there are NO TIES in the Madness Tournament; so the fight must continue on past the 15th round.
  • The duel MUST be started during regulation hours. Regulation hours are 8 PM EST through 2 AM EST nightly.
In order to keep things running smoothly, I cannot make any exceptions to these time frames.
  • Contact between the two duelists must be made by Wednesday of the dueling week.
  • You must include your division manager on all scheduling emails.
  • Problems with scheduling must be brought to the attention of the division manager.
  • If the deadline passes without the match being complete and no emails have been sent to the manager regarding scheduling difficulties, BOTH duelists will be declared in forfeit and eliminated from the tournament.
  • When the deadline for match completion passes, emails from matches not completed will be evaluated and the one at fault for not scheduling will be disqualified.
  • All Duel of Swords rules must be followed when dueling a match for DoS Madness. The sole exception to this rule is that there will be no ties allowed for DoS Madness. Should no winner be declared after 15 rounds, the match will continue, however, the DoS standings will still reflect a tie for the two duelists involved. Please note, if a duelist is ahead by one point after fifteen rounds, they will be declared the winner. There is no five point minimum to score in this tournament.
  • Should a situation arise where a player has two characters facing each other, that situation may be resolved in any way the player deems fit so long as at least one character is eliminated from competition. However, no duel will actually take place or be played out during regular DoS hours. A player using two characters to duel against each other would be in major violation of DoS policy. Therefore, in this circumstance, the player will be asked which character they want to have advance by a score of 5-3 in ten rounds and that will be noted in the Tournament results. For IC purposes and reasoning, this match will have been considered a special circumstance and was held outside of normal DoS hours. The player may play this match out if they wish, however no usage of the Nexus Guide will be allowed, and this result will not count towards their regular record.

~*~ PRIZES ~*~

First Place:
  • One challenge right:
    • A Mad Test-Free Challenge Grant vs the Overlord (More information on the grant below),
    • Test-Free Challenge vs the Baron of your choice.
  • AND:
    • 10 WoL added to your record and a Baron Challenge Grant to be given to an active duelist of your choice.
  • AND one achievement award:
Second Place:
One of the following:
  • Test-Free Challenge vs the Overlord (if unclaimed by the winner), Or...
  • Test-Free Challenge vs the Baron of your choice.
  • AND:
    • 5 WoL added to your record.
Eliminated in the Final Four:
  • Four WoL added to their records.
  • The last names of the top four duelists of this Madness tournament will be used as the division names next year! (or top 2 depending on participants)

The A Mad Test-Free Challenge Grant vs the Overlord:
  • This is a special grant and upgrade to challenge grants of the past Madness Tournaments. This grant will allow the challenger the choice of format in their duel versus the Overlord, but ONLY if they use the grant within the 14 day period upon claiming it as their prize. Should the 14 days pass they will be allowed to hold onto the grant throughout the remainder of the cycle - but be unable to choose the format of their challenge match. Reminder: The Overlord falls under a grace period where no challenges can be issued against them 14 days before the End of Cycle tournament. Be sure to keep this in mind as you decide when to use this Grant.
  • This is only usable by the WINNER of Madness. If the Overlord Challenge Grant is passed down to second place this grant will lose its special quality and be changed to a normal Test-Free Overlord Challenge Grant.
NOTES on Challenge prizes:
  • If a duelist claiming a test-free challenge to the Overlord is already the Overlord OR a duelist claiming a test-free challenge to a baron is already a baron or the Overlord, that prize may instead be converted, at their discretion, to a baron challenge grant giftable to an active duelist of their choice.
  • Gifted challenges, including those converted as above, do NOT carry the test-free clause and shall be fought per the usual rules.

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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Re: 2021 Madness Tournament Rules & Registration

Post by Tippletoe »

Registered Participants
Note: This is not your seed, just confirmation of your registration.

1. Karma Armstrong
2. Anya de la Rose
3. Jaycy
4. Amaris Silhaeven
5. Mallory Maeda
6. Ettyn Gedda
7. Salvador Delahada
8. Dris
9. Kheldar Drasinia
10. Suturi
11. Caleb Feren
12. Matthew Algiers Simon
13. Gatito
14. Bailey Raptis
15. Jay Capistrano
16. Skid
17. Mairead Harker
18. Eden Parker
19. Anubis Karos
20. Ariana
21. Haru Jeong
22. Runt
23. Doran Ilnaren
24. Ebon Ilnaren
25. Luna Sanguinem
26. Morgan LaFey
27. Skunk the Great
28. Tali Zhdanova
29. Myria Graziano
30. Hope Naharis
31. Rachael Blackthorne
32. Jedi
Last edited by Cajsa Storm on Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:51 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: 2021 Madness Tournament Rules & Registration

Post by Tippletoe »

Hello everyone!

We have 30 participants right now and we are super excited with the turnout so far! We'd love to have at least two more participants so that we can have two full rosters.

As a note, we are also open to running the tournament with 48 participants (18 more people). So don't be shy about registering or worry that you are taking up someone else's space.

~DoS Staff~

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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Sign Up for Madness!

Post by Tippletoe »

Hello everyone!

We have 31 participants now! We have one week left in registration, until Monday, March 1st at 11:59 PM ET. A full set of two divisions is 32 participants, so we would love to have at least one more person sign up.

Do not be concerned about taking the last spot. The DoS team has discussed what we will do if (when) more than 32 people register.

If more than 32 participants register, we will have a round of "play-in" duels for the bottom-seed spots. This will happen during the first week of the tournament. Seeding will occur before the "play-in" duels and those duelists will be notified when we announce the seeding on March 6th regarding their "play-in" status. The "play-in" duels will occur between March 7th and March 13th.

Example: 35 participants register for 2021 Madness. Those who are seeded from 1-29 will automatically be entered into the tournament. Spots 30, 31, and 32 will be awarded to the winners of the "play-in" duels.

Spot 32: Awarded to the winner of 33 vs. 32
Spot 31: Awarded to the winner of 34 vs. 31
Spot 30: Awarded to the winner of 35 vs. 30

Example: 34 participants register for 2021 Madness. Two brackets are made with 17 people each. Seeds 1-15 in each bracket are automatically filled. The '16th seed' spot in each bracket is awarded to the winners of the "play-in" duels.

Spot 16: Awarded to the winner of 16 vs. 17 for each bracket.

~The DoS Staff~

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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