Challenge for Seaside

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Ebon Ilnaren
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Challenge for Seaside

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »


You are always a good fight in the rings, and since you're offering, I will take you up on it!

I'm challenging you for Seaside.

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Conner Reid
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Conner Reid »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holder's acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Delahada »


Finally! A worthy opponent.

I accept your challenge eagerly.

- Sal
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

Salvador and I will be meeting in the Arena on Monday 1/11 at 10pm (ET).

Caller is pending.

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

The lovely and talented Tippletoe Timbers will be calling this challenge.
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Sal Stays Señor of Seaside

Post by Tippletoe »

Ebon Illnaren vs Salvador Delahada for Barony of Seaside
WELCOME! Behold, tonight we see Ebnor Black-Eye challenge Surly-Scary-Sal for the Barony of Seaside. Why the challenge? Because the gorgeous HellBreaker “Lilith” MadnessMaker demands new Blood in the Baronies for 2021! And Triple-S-Man has offered a cash-prize to the first who can unseat him! Does Ebnor need the money? Or is this for that beautiful Seaside front?

Ebnor Black-Eye! He fights under a silver-on-black banner of an eight-pointed star. His ladies of honour are his wife, Phen, and his daughters, Azure and Olivia. His son, Doran, stands as second.

This is Scary-Sal's second time holding the Barony! He's not going to let it go so easily. He fights with no colours or banner. His Second will be Gatito Lindo. And true to form, he has no people of honour!

Best of Three
Ring Tango: Ebon Ilnaren vs Delahada in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Tango 1: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (HC / FCP | 1 - 0, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Tango 2: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (TH / HC | 2 - 0, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Tango 3: Delahada scores! (FSS / LC | 2 - 1, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Tango 4: Everybody scores! (TH / TH | 3 - 2, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Tango 5: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (FDU / HC | 4 - 2, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Tango 6: Delahada scores! (FCP / FSS | 4 - 3, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Tango 7: No action this round. (LC / LC | 4 - 3, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Tango 8: Delahada scores! (TH / FSS | 4 - 4, Ebon Ilnaren and Delahada.)
Ring Tango 9: Delahada scores! (SH / LC | 4 - 5, Delahada leads.)
FINAL: Delahada def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5 - 4 in 9 rounds. - dos

Ring Roses: Ebon Ilnaren vs Delahada in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Roses 1: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (TH / LC | 1 - 0, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 2: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (FSS / TH | 2 - 0, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 3: No action this round. (FDU / SH | 2 - 0, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 4: Delahada scores! (LC / TH | 2 - 1, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 5: Delahada scores! (LP / FSS | 2 - 2, Ebon Ilnaren and Delahada.)
Ring Roses 6: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (TH / LC | 3 - 2, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 7: No action this round. (HC / HC | 3 - 2, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 8: No action this round. (LC / LC | 3 - 2, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 9: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (FSS / TH | 4 - 2, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 10: Delahada scores! (HC / FLP | 4 - 3, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
Ring Roses 11: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (TH / LC | 5 - 3, Ebon Ilnaren leads.)
FINAL: Ebon Ilnaren def. Delahada, 5 - 3 in 11 rounds. - dos

Ring Tango: Ebon Ilnaren vs Delahada in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Tango 1: Delahada scores! (SS / LC | 0 - 1, Delahada leads.)
Ring Tango 2: Delahada scores! (TH / FSS | 0 - 2, Delahada leads.)
Ring Tango 3: Delahada scores! (FLP / LC | 0 - 3, Delahada leads.)
Ring Tango 4: Everybody scores! (TH / TH | 1 - 4, Delahada leads.)
Ring Tango 5: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (FDU / HC | 2 - 4, Delahada leads.)
Ring Tango 6: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (FCP / TH | 3 - 4, Delahada leads.)
Ring Tango 7: Ebon Ilnaren scores! (HC / FCP | 4 - 4, Delahada and Ebon Ilnaren.)
Ring Tango 8: Delahada scores! (FCP / FSS | 4 - 5, Delahada leads.)
FINAL: Delahada def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5 - 4 in 8 rounds. - dos

"AND WE HAVE A VICTOR!! Señor Sal of Seaside Strikes!"

End Transcript

In the words of Mairead Harker, it was a Barn Burner and a Half! Well defended Spikey-Strikey-Sal and well-fought Ebnor Black-Eye!! The patrons of the arena were satisfied* with the blood-letting and your excellent display of skill and sportsmanship!

Salvador Delahada Stays Señor of Seaside!

*Except a certain Ettyn, who desired death.

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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